This aura is deadly

Chapter 483 Frank Meeting

Diana got dressed and sat at a round table with Heinard and Lucina.

Heinard pushed a cup of hot coffee in front of Diana, and the three of them looked at each other, not knowing who to start with.

"Isn't this coffee magical?" Diana asked, holding up the coffee.

"This is our home, Ms. Diana. All these things are genuine." Heinard said.

"This is our basement," Lucina added.

Diana picked up the cup and took a sip. The hot coffee flowed down her throat and into her stomach, slightly warming her internal organs. She was still frightened by the pain from the bullet piercing her abdomen just now.

"Can you tell me what the illusion you used is? I don't think you nor your father are psykers." Diana asked.

"It's none of your business, that thing is mine." Lucina leaned back in the chair and said in a non-negotiable tone.

"Hmm... it's really not a secret skill, it's the power of some kind of alienated object." Diana guessed right, they were indeed not psykers.

"You are from the Administration Bureau. How do you know Chen Ke? How long have you known him?" Lucina asked.

"It's a long story, but I did know him not long ago. We met in a sword gym." Diana answered.

"Sword Hall?" Heinard had never heard of such a place.

"Golden Arthur, a HEAM sword hall opened on Lafite Road, is a place where a group of medieval sword fighting enthusiasts gather." Diana explained.

"I didn't expect Chen Ke to like to play that?" Lucina looked at Heinard.

"I only saw him there once...I don't know if he has been there by himself later." Diana spread her hands.

"You just said that you and he are more than just acquaintances...what has he done to you?" Lucina was more concerned about this.

"Look, I'm from the Administration. Logically speaking, I shouldn't tell you a lot of things. I have to first determine what Chen Ke told you, his girlfriend, how well do you know him? ?" Diana said cautiously.

"I really want to know if Chen Ke is from the Administration." Heinard asked.

"Dad..." Lucina looked at Heinard.

Diana took a sip of coffee and shook her head.

"If he is from the Administration, you are unlikely to have seen him. What makes you...Mr. Heinard, think that Chen Ke is from the Administration? Has he ever used psychic powers in front of you?" Dai Anna said.

"Oh, look, I just said he is not from the Administration." Lucina looked at Heinard and said.

"So...Ms. Diana, do you know where Chen Ke comes from?" Heinard asked.

"I was just about to ask you this question... So you don't know much about his details?" Diana said helplessly.

"That's the problem... We don't want to reveal too much to you, and you don't want to reveal too much to us..." Heinard shook his head.

"Then we hope to get some information out of each other... Let me tell you, why don't we be more honest? Chen Ke must be hiding something from us," Diana said.

"Your proposal is very dangerous. I don't want to sell him to the Authority." Lucina looked at Diana with distrustful eyes.

"I don't want to sell him to an unknown and dangerous person with alienated objects." Diana looked at Lucina and said.

"She's right, Lucina. We're just wasting time at this rate." Heinard agreed with Diana.

"Tell me, how did you know him? When?" Diana looked at Lucina and asked.

"We met in a bar." Lucina blurted out.

"He doesn't look like a bartender," Diana said.

"Lucina, let me speak." Heinard put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, and then looked at Diana.

"Since you are from the Management Bureau, you should know that there is a freak organization called Asra, right?" Heinard said.

"Asra...yes, we know. They haven't done much recently." Diana said.

After being promoted to level 9 agent, Diana's CPA authority has reached the highest level among agents, although she is still just an agent...

But this authority is enough for her to enter more subdirectories of the internal LAN of the administration and query more magical information.

Of course, the Administration is aware of weird groups like Asra, and has not dealt with them just because they are really not worth mentioning compared to other strange things under the control of the Administration.

"The thing is like this, my daughter was kidnapped by Asra's people, and Chen Ke risked his life to save her." Heinard said.

He only talked about the most important things and ignored the information about the postman.

"It sounds very similar to his style...Lucina, he saved your life? By coincidence, he also saved mine." Diana said.

"Don't get close to me! Could it be that you were kidnapped by Asra? And you are an agent of the Administration, so you don't need him to rescue you, right?" Lucina snorted.

"I went to a very strange place with him. Without his help, I would not be able to come back." Diana said.

"What's strange?" Heinard asked.

"It may be hard for you to believe it, but do you believe in time travel?" Diana asked.

Heinard said nothing and sighed. From the look on his face, he thought Diana was talking nonsense. But Lucina suddenly became serious.

"Girl, we really want to be honest and exchange information. But you seem to want to play tricks on us." Heinard shook his head.

"Dad... let her finish." Lucina said.

Heinard looked at his daughter, wondering why she was so nervous.

"When Chen Ke and I were riding the subway, we went back to another version of 2006. Listen, whether you believe it or not, don't tell anyone what I told you." Diana said.

"I don't believe a word of it," Heinard said.

"Past? Did you have a nosebleed?" Lucina asked tentatively.

"No, why do I have a nosebleed?" Diana was puzzled.

"You should have a nosebleed, then feel like vomiting, then have a headache, and then see...well, see something." Lucina said.

"Lucina? What are you talking about? I think you are pregnant..." Heinard sighed.

"No, Dad, we are handling it well, it's safe...Don't say anything yet." Lucina said to Heinard.

"Lucina, you didn't understand what I meant. He and I went to 2006, not to see it." Diana said.

"Go there? Physically travel? How is that possible!" Lucina frowned.

"It's not just me, haven't you watched the news? There was a subway accident on Lafite Road two months ago. Everyone in the subway went to that place. Of course, the news only talked about the accident..." Diana road.

"I know about the accident," Heinard said.

"You went through it, and then he brought you back? He can travel through time and space?!" Lucina said in surprise, her voice raised a lot.

3 updates today, I keep my word.

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