This aura is deadly

Chapter 488 Foreseeing the future

The thickness of this textbook is similar to the Chinese language books in my memory, but it is smaller than in memory. After all, Chen Ke has grown up and his hands are bigger than when he was a child, so the book seems small.

He opened the textbook and found that every page inside was blank.

"Teacher Zhou, there is nothing here." Chen Ke raised his head and looked at Teacher Zhou.

"Look, this is the consequence of not reviewing. Have you forgotten everything you learned before?" Teacher Zhou said with a smile.

"Teacher... could you give me some tips?" Chen Ke asked.

"Think about the people you are familiar with, and then think about what is about to happen. This course is not difficult." Teacher Zhou said.

Chen Ke turned over the pages of the book, followed the teacher's instructions, and thought about the people he knew.

Then let’s take a look at Lucina first…

The pages of the book in my hand began to turn, but no matter how I turned, the number of pages on both sides did not change. Pictures slowly appeared on the pages, and the reaction became faster and faster. The pictures on each page alternated to form a continuous slide show, which was very magical.

He saw the City of Opportunity from a bird's-eye view. The perspective swooped down and then spiraled upward. The sun's dazzling light seemed to blind his eyes through the pages of the book. Chen Ke felt that this perspective came from a bird.

Then, he saw a city located next to the harbor, and he recognized it as the Deep Anchor Zone of Opportunity City. His vision passed along the sparkling sea, and a black SUV was speeding down the street.

The city in the picture suddenly switches from day to night, and the bird is falling rapidly, rushing into a large number of houses in an inconspicuous corner of the Deep Anchor District.

It was a place Chen Ke had never been to. The messy illegal buildings were piled up like garbage, and the paths between the houses were filled with trash cans and discarded furniture.

The bird rushed into the narrow passage, and its field of vision became cramped and dangerous. Chen Ke was sweating. Can the bird continue to fly forward?

Suddenly, he saw several figures flashing across the corridor, and some crouching on the roof.

Those are Asura’s weirdos! Is this Asura's lair? Just in the deep anchor area?

As soon as he lost his consciousness, the picture on the page turned gray and almost disappeared completely. Chen Ke held his breath and focused his energy again. After a while of jolting, the picture became clear.

At this moment, the bird hit the window, and it was covered in blood, but the page made no sound. From the perspective of the field of view, it could only be guessed that the bird had fallen to the ground indoors, and was dying because of the impact just now.

The room was crowded with Asra's freaks, and there was a river of blood on the floor. The group of neither human nor ghost things crowded the room, leaving only an open space in the middle.

A claw picked up the bird's body and walked towards the crowd, allowing Chen Ke to continue observing. At this time, he saw something hanging in the center of the room.

After the bird was led closer by the strange man, Chen Ke discovered that the thing hanging in the center of the room was a man with his arms and legs cut off.

Judging from the bumps and convexities of the body, she was a woman with chocolate skin, her arms were cut off from her shoulders, her legs were cut off from the top of her thighs, and her wounds were wrapped in dirty gauze.

A rope was tied around the woman's neck, as if she was hanging. Her head was drooped, her hair covering her face, and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

This woman had a strong figure, but her whole body was covered in scars. Her six-pack abs were mutilated by something unknown, her chest was burnt, and her back was slowly bruised.

He seemed to see that the woman was still breathing and twisting her neck because of discomfort. It seems that Asra's freaks are just torturing some unfortunate guy. Are they from the administration?

No... For a moment, Chen Ke felt that this body was very familiar to him... He recalled it for a while, his face suddenly turned red, and a wave of resentment rushed into his head.

This is Lucina, she is the only woman Chen Ke has ever slept with in his life.

He meditated again on another name, Diana.

The field of view is fixed in the corner of the wall, turning left and right at a constant speed. Chen Ke guesses that this is the field of view of the monitor. The surrounding walls are very white. Of course, it may also be due to the chromatic aberration caused by the night vision lens of the monitor.

This is an L-shaped aisle. The monitor rotates on both sides and can just take in 60% of the area of ​​the two aisles.

The camera turned to the right, empty, nothing.

The camera turned to the left, empty, nothing.

After going back and forth five times, finally, there was movement in the passage on the left.

He saw a woman covering her waist and abdomen and running in the direction of the camera. She looked back as she ran, as if someone was chasing her. If you look closely, you will find that there are blood stains along the way where the woman ran.

That was Diana. When the other person ran near the camera, Chen Ke recognized her at a glance. She was wearing a jacket and jeans, and she staggered a little because of the pain in her waist and abdomen when she ran.

When she ran into the blind spot of the camera, Chen Ke saw another person, a black man in a suit. Chen Ke suddenly recalled that it was Badr who had been killed by him.

"Badr is still alive?!" Chen Ke was shocked. He had clearly penetrated him thoroughly in a clothing store in Leicester.

The camera turned to the right again, and Diana was leaning against the wall and struggling to escape. From behind, several tentacles flew towards her and entangled her arms and thighs.

Diana summoned a sword with her right hand and turned around to cut off the tentacles. However, if you cut it off, more will come out, which is simply endless.

Baldr's arms were wrapped with tentacles, and he tied up Diana in one fell swoop and dragged her into the air. Several of the thickest tentacles wrapped around Diana's right arm and tore it off alive.

Immediately afterwards, more thin tentacles penetrated Diana's lower abdomen. Diana twisted painfully, and she only lasted a few seconds before being torn into two pieces. Her lower body was thrown to the ground, and her upper body was connected to some intestines. Being bled in mid-air by Baderti...

The picture began to tremble and slowly turned black. Chen Ke tried to focus again and wanted to see more, but this time, the pages were no longer affected by him and were forced to close.

Chen Keru woke up from his dream, with cold sweat on his forehead. He wanted to reopen the book, but he couldn't, as if the pages were tightly stuck together with 502 adhesive.

"Don't be anxious, Chen Ke, don't be anxious. You have just started reviewing and need time to rest." Looking at Chen Ke who wanted to open the book again, Teacher Zhou patted him on the shoulder and asked him to calm down.

"Is this... is this what will happen in the future?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is a big question that must be taken in the high school entrance examination. You haven't reviewed it before, so you can't do it. Are you panicking now?" Teacher Zhou said.

"Old...teacher, what should I do? How should I solve this question?" Chen Ke asked.

"Knowledge points are not isolated. Even if you master this question, there are other knowledge points that will stump you. This is the result of not listening to the lectures and reviewing carefully." Teacher Zhou shook his head.

"Teacher, what should I do?" Chen Ke asked.

"Learn from the beginning, fight a tough battle before the exam, and carry forward the fighting spirit of hard study." Teacher Zhou said.

Chen Ke remained silent. Teacher Zhou was right. There was a reason why things got to that point. It would be better to start over from the beginning than to make up for it...

However, having said that, although Chen Ke can travel through time and space, this ability is passive. He can only open a door in different time periods to return to the Opportunity City in 2009. This time period has almost become his coordinates point.

"I know what you mean, Teacher Zhou, but I can't travel through time and space by myself... I can't help it." Chen Ke sighed.

"Don't you have a key? I've told you a long time ago to ask your parents to get you a key so that you can open the door by yourself." Teacher Zhou said.

"Ah?" Chen Ke was stunned, and suddenly felt something extra in his hand, which was a bunch of old keys.

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