This aura is deadly

Chapter 521 Things are different now

"I saw Asra's people." Chen Ke said softly, quietly approaching Badr's direction.

After hearing the news, Li Moyang immediately stood up from his seat, wearing headphones and staring closely at the monitor screen.

"I've never seen them before...where are they?" Li Moyang asked.

"A black man in a blue suit is holding Lucina and walking out the door." Chen Ke said.

Lucina wanted to come to the auction, so she met with everyone else earlier today.

"Black people...I saw them. I thought they would look weirder." Li Moyang looked at the screen and pinched his chin.

"Most of them are indeed monsters, but this man is very special. I killed him once." Chen Kedao.

"This is interesting. Maybe I should pay more attention to the Asra group. Thinking on the bright side, at least it proves that our money is not in vain, they are indeed here." Li Moyang said.

"Pay more attention to the manor and see if there are any other Asra freaks. Badr leaves it to me to deal with." Chen Ke said.

He went out with Badr. The other party seemed to intend to move to a more secluded part of the manor, which was exactly what he wanted. Chen Ke had many things to ask Bader.

From time to time, a three-person formation of armed security guards passed by outside the manor. Chen Ke pressed his earphones to signal the security personnel to block the door and raise the alert level.

The auction is likely to develop into a riot, but Chen Ke is not worried about the safety of the guests. After all, the visitors are either evil people or black businessmen making blood money. It doesn't matter if they die.

The three of them walked around to the backyard of the manor one after another. This place was not very open, at least it was smaller than the front yard. There were more than a dozen guest luxury cars parked, and there was a dense forest outside the fence.

"Badr..." Chen Ke stopped him.

Badr stopped and turned around, his eyes flashing with a red halo.

"If I remember correctly, you should be dead." Chen Ke said.

"Maybe you swore to Frigga." Balder smiled.

Lucina looked at Chen Ke and apologized to him with her eyes.

Without saying a word, Chen Ke threw a time bomb at Badr. The transparent sphere distorted the surrounding space and exploded silently at his feet.

A weak wave of air rippled the lawn, and Lucina's face froze, her body froze in place in a strange posture, and even her dress no longer swayed with the breeze.

Badr looked at Lucina with a smile, and then looked at Chen Ke, not affected.

Chen Ke was surprised for a moment, but it didn't show on his face. It seemed that Badr was also a person who transcended time.

"You have mastered the trick of time? Chen Ke, but you are not the only one dancing on the wave of time." Badr said.

"Asra treats you well. You must know a lot about them." Chen Ke said.

"They allowed me to see the ultimate end of the world. I walked in the gap between the future and the past. Now, it is no longer comparable to the psychics of this era." Balder said.

"Those who pursue power will eventually be swallowed up by it. Look at you, you are no longer a human being." Chen Kedao.

"Using people to define me, you are so narrow-minded. If you stop being a human being, you have to pay the price, and I have already realized it." Badr unbuttoned his suit and took off his shirt. Chen Ke saw that under his His body was covered with dark red stripes, and something seemed to be crawling under the bulging muscles.

"Chen Ke, you probably can't believe it. I'm running to save the world. What about you? What are you doing? Holding your other thigh and putting a price on the key to saving the world?" Bader said with a smile.

Chen Ke summoned Balvikan's Butcher, which was Diana's sword.

"You should know what I'm going to do." He said slowly.

Balder recognized the sword. It was unmistakable. It belonged to Diana.

"She is a good woman, but you always pester her and drag her into danger." Badr said.

"Where is she?" Chen Ke asked.

"I won't tell you. Her fate has already been determined. You should be responsible for her death." Badr said.

"Dead...?" Chen Ke frowned.

"It depends on how long she can hold on. However, no one can survive the torture of those cheongsam bitches." Badr said, his expression also very unhappy.

"You'd better tell me where Asra's lair is, or I'll teach you what real pain is." Chen Ke summoned Florence's suit and released the control of the time bomb.

Lucina stumbled to the ground. She quickly drew her pistol and pointed it at Badr.

Chen Ke had already launched an attack. He pulled out his shotgun and continuously pulled the trigger at Badr. The divine blood bullets made more than a dozen holes in Badr's flesh, causing Badr to keep retreating.

"Get out of here, Lucina!" Chen Ke shouted.

Lucina quickly got up from the ground and hid behind a car nearby. She knew that she couldn't help in this battle. All she could do was stay as far away as possible so as not to cause trouble to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke kept shooting, and the sound of bullets entering the flesh was low and terrifying. Badr's chest and abdominal muscles were bloody and bloody. He kept retreating, but with a smile on his face.

"Is this what you can do? Huh? It seems that transcending time has not made you more advanced than this era. Your use of psychic powers is still so low-level." Bader smiled.

Badr punched Chen Ke fiercely. Although he was more than six meters away from Chen Ke, Chen Ke still subconsciously made a roll.

It turned out that this dodge was necessary. Baldr's entire arm exploded, and the black twisting tentacles were entangled with the unknown substance that flashed red light. The mass was far greater than the thickness of an arm. They were like thousands of A black python twisted together flew past Chen Ke's clothes and hit the wall, making a hole.

Gunshots also rang out inside the mansion, the music was interrupted, and the panicked shouts of the guests were intertwined with the roar of submachine guns.

Chen Ke was distracted and looked in the direction of the manor.

"I'm not here alone. The green holy diamond belongs to Asra tonight, and you and everyone in this manor will go to hell. If you think you can kill me as easily as last time, you are wrong. , I am not what I used to be!" Badr laughed.

Badr's face split open, with a black substance and two red eyes inside. His body also turned completely black. The split right arm tentacles were retracted from the wall and twisted toward the sky. , the tip transformed into a flying blade, and at the same time, his figure gradually increased, from a height of about 1.8 meters to more than 2 meters.

Badr, who originally had no outline under the spiritual vision and did not bring any murderous intent to Chen Ke, was now covered in a circle of golden hooks, just like the FBI director.

"Professional..." Chen Ke suddenly thought of this word.

"+70 hours..."

"+70 hours..."

"+70 hours..."

"+70 hours..."

"Chen Ke? Asra's people launched an attack. The good news is that there are not many of them. The bad news is... they are really powerful..." Li Moyang's voice came from the earphones.

There is no doubt that Asra has sent their elite. It seems that the green holy diamond is really extraordinary, and a fierce battle is inevitable.

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