This aura is deadly

Chapter 527 Finally found you

The three women transformed into spider monsters and retreated into the darkness. Chen Ke used his spiritual vision to explore, but found nothing.

In an instant, a sticky web pounced from behind and knocked him to the ground. The strong stickiness made it impossible to break free, and the rustling sound of insect legs crawling rang in his ears.

Chen Ke looked up, and the three naked women stretched out their hands, grabbed his arms and abdomen, opened their mouths wide, and spit out disgusting white liquid.

The liquid exuded a fragrance, but it was as sticky as pulp. It quickly formed a layer of white film on the armor and wrapped Chen Ke like a glutinous rice dumpling.

Chen Ke's armor began to heat up, and a smell of rust filled the air. The white mucous membrane on the armor was soon burned yellow and brittle by the high temperature. The spider, which was originally using all six hands, immediately threw Chen Ke to the ground.


Chen Ke exploded.

This is the ability of Angele's Elegy. Chen Ke is like a bottle of Molotov cocktail that was crushed. It exploded on the spot, and the fire flew like lightning. At that moment, the dark room was all red.

After taking a self-explosion from Chen Ke at close range, the spider wailed and hid in the darkness again. Although it was only a moment, Chen Ke had just seen the situation in the room clearly.

This was originally just a very old empty house, but it was beautified by illusion and covered with a layer of middle-class villa.

Chen Ke took out the grenade launcher and pulled the trigger at the darkness around him. The blood-red grenade jumped on the floor, blasting the doors, windows and rotten walls. The moonlight shot into the house from the gap, dispelling the darkness brought by the illusion.

"He also has a profession... I must tell my wife!" The spider made a strange sound, both afraid and angry.

Following the moonlight, Chen Ke saw the spider clinging to the corner of the ceiling. The high temperature of the flame just now burned all the thorns on the spider's legs. The upper body of the three women, who were originally quite tempting, was also burned and festering.

The spider wanted to run out from the crack on the side of the wall. Chen Ke transformed a double-barreled shotgun into his left hand and shot at the spider's abdomen, splashing green water.

The spider's fat abdomen split into two pieces, and the yellow and green juice flowed all over the floor. The spider disintegrated directly, and the three women turned into human forms and fell heavily to the ground.

Without the cheongsam, Chen Ke couldn't tell who was who. The two women retreated into the darkness of the room, leaving only half of the female corpse under the moonlight.

The shot just now killed one of them directly, so they disintegrated.


It was the sound of insects crawling again. This time, the sound of the insect legs was sharper, and there was also a dangerous hissing sound.

Chen Ke held the double-barreled shotgun tightly and saw three sharp legs and stingers passing through the gap in the moonlight. The next second, the huge stinger stabbed at his face.

"Scorpion!" Chen Ke's body suddenly sank, dodging to the right, and the sting slid past the edge of his helmet.

In an instant, the Moonlight Greatsword appeared in his hand, and he raised his arm and swung the sword, cutting off the sting in one go.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" The scorpion screamed and retreated, and the broken tail splashed with green acid water.

Chen Ke grabbed the scorpion's tail, and a double-barreled shotgun appeared in his right hand. He pulled the trigger towards its upper body, and two No. 12 blood buck bullets hit her chest and head, exploding the flower of death, and the scorpion's body immediately disintegrated.

The scorpion's tail in Chen Ke's hand turned into a woman's calf. He dragged the woman out of the shadows, only to see her hair disheveled, her body clean, her hands protecting her chest and abdomen, and the burns on her body were still vivid.

A closer look revealed that this woman was actually an Asian. If the burns were not too severe, her appearance should be called stunning, and her figure would definitely be hot enough.

At this moment, the woman closed her eyes tightly, letting Chen Ke drag her leg on the ground, waiting for death to come.

"Hey, let me ask you." Chen Ke said.

The other party did not speak.

"Where is the woman you captured?" Chen Ke asked.

The woman still did not speak, her expression was extremely timid, and she did not look confident at all.

"Then... you are useless." Chen Ke said, raising the double-barreled shotgun and aiming at the woman's head.

"Wait... wait..." The woman suddenly opened her eyes and begged.

"Where is she? Tell me, I will spare your life." Chen Ke asked again.

"In the white room..." the woman said.

"Well... what if she is not there?" Chen Ke said.

"I'm not lying to you... you promised to spare my life..." the woman said.

"Sorry, I lied." Chen Ke pulled the trigger. The woman's head turned into a paste.

He walked out of the dilapidated house, and the Asra freaks outside slowly retreated. Some bald silent witches looked at Chen Ke with resentful eyes, but they also endured and did not rush forward.

Under the moonlight, this slum-like building complex returned to tranquility. He took out his mobile phone and called Lucina.

"What happened just now?" Lucina asked.

"I met their leader, but it's okay now. Help me find a white house." Chen Ke said.

"Wait for me a moment." Lucina picked up the sniper rifle and scanned the Asra base.

"Uh... I found it, it's a bit far from you, and the view is not good. If I'm there, I can't cover you." Lucina said.

"Don't worry, I can't be locked up in places with doors." Chen Ke said.

He followed Lucina's instructions, walked through the alley, and finally came to a white villa. The house has two floors and looks out of place with the surrounding messy houses. Chen Ke suspected that it was another illusion.

He opened the door. There was no electric light in the room, and he could faintly hear a woman's low voice coming from inside. Under the exploration of his spiritual vision, Chen Ke saw a woman with her arms spread out, her legs close together, and her head hanging to one side. It appears to be tied to a pillar.

"Diana?" Chen Ke called.

The woman didn't respond, and the painful voice never stopped.

Chen Ke gritted his teeth, feeling a little angry for some reason. Preparing for the worst, he took out his shotgun and walked into the house step by step.

Chen Ke approached the woman. In the darkness, he couldn't see clearly, but he could only feel that the woman was breathing. He lifted Angeli's elegy and reached out to touch the woman's body. There was no skin touch, but a sticky click. Soggy and disgusting.

At this time, the entire room slowly shattered, and the ceiling and walls were broken into block-like fragments. A red halo surrounded the fragments and flew into the sky. Under the moonlight, Chen Ke could clearly see the face of the woman in front of him.

She was indeed Diana, naked, with nails pierced through her wrists and nailed to a cross-shaped wooden frame. Her eyes were filled with blood and tears, her face was covered with silt, and her long brown hair was like a mop soaked in blood. …

The worst thing was that her chest, abdomen, back and thighs were not only skinned off alive, but also had several severe incisions on her abdominal muscles. Fat and blood were flowing along the red and white muscle tissue. The grooves flowed downward.

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