This aura is deadly

Chapter 528 Close to the Moon

"Diana..." Chen Ke reached out and gently stroked Diana's cheek. She pondered and recognized Chen Ke's voice.

"You didn't have to come... This is a trap..." Diana shook her head.

"Don't give up. Superheroes won't give up just like that." Chen Ke said.

"I can't... I..." Diana said.

"I killed them." Chen Ke said.

"Not... Not them..." Diana shook her head again.

"What do you mean?" Chen Ke suddenly felt something was wrong.

He looked at his feet, and the smooth floor reflected his blurry shadow, and also reflected another woman.

"Danger..." Diana said.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Ke's back was suddenly hit, as if a transparent blade pierced his body, and a hole opened in his chest, spurting out dark red blood.

"Puff! Grass!"

Chen Ke covered his chest and looked down. His reflection was being strangled by the woman from behind, holding a sharp blade and piercing.

He hit back, but he couldn't hit anything. The force that the woman exerted on him did not come from this space.

Chen Ke tried to dodge to other places, but found that he couldn't move. In the reflection of the floor, the woman was hugging him tightly, and the sharp knife in her hand stabbed into his back again and again. Chen Ke was sweating in pain, but he knew that he had to concentrate to escape now, just like a time-limited puzzle. If he couldn't find a solution in a short time, he might die here. And the most dangerous thing was that although he could be resurrected after his death, he didn't know when Diana would die, not to mention that his body was lying here, and he didn't know how Asra's people would play with it. "Think quickly..." Chen Ke swallowed the blood in his throat, and his brain worked quickly. "I got it... Let's try it!" Chen Ke was quick-witted. He condensed a psychic crystal gun in his right hand and threw it at the floor under his feet. The floor exploded under his feet, and Chen Ke's reflection disappeared immediately. The wound was healing quickly, and at this time, a woman's voice came to his ears. "You are smarter than her."

Chen Ke turned around and saw a black-haired woman in a white veil, with her back to the moon, looking at him.

"You..." He just opened his mouth, and the floor suddenly cracked, and everything around him was like cracks on a mirror, and then, with a bang, it all shattered and fell with him.

Chen Ke trembled and sat on the ground, and suddenly his ears started ringing. Looking around, he found that everything was upside down, the moon was under his feet, and above his head were the lights of the Opportunity City.

"This is..." Chen Ke was surprised.

"This is the place closest to the moon." Behind Chen Ke, the woman in white veil appeared again.

He turned his head suddenly, picked up the double-barreled shotgun in his hand, and pulled the trigger at the woman without hesitation, but what shot out was not a divine blood bullet, but soap bubbles.

"This..." Chen Ke looked at the gun in his hand in surprise, and then looked at the woman, and a name appeared in his eyes.

"Phantom Witch Fujiwara Makoto"

Chen Ke couldn't help but widen his eyes, and there was actually a witch in front of him! ?

"You thief, I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come to my door today." Fujiwara Makoto said.

"I don't remember stealing anything from you, but you abused my friend like that." Chen Ke said.

"You stole two things from me, Chen Ke, right under my nose." Fujiwara Makoto laughed.

"Two?" Chen Ke asked.

"You not only took away Van Hede's witch inheritance, but also robbed my God Heart Fragment. I have never seen a thief as greedy as you." Fujiwara Makoto said.

"Is Van Hede your home? What do you have to do with the things I made with my own ability? And... that green holy diamond is called God Heart Fragment?" Chen Ke said.

"You've said too much. All problems can be solved after you die." Fujiwara Makoto said coldly.

"It's you who will die tonight." Chen Ke said.

Chen Ke threw a psychic crystal gun at Fujiwara Makoto, and the blue light spear flew into the air and turned into a gorgeous firework. He took out the AK47 again, aimed at Fujiwara Makoto and pulled the trigger. What flew out of the barrel was not bullets, but chocolate beans.

"Fuck..." Chen Ke cursed inwardly. This Fujiwara Makoto was a witch like Angele, but she was good at illusion. This illusion was extremely real. It was not an ordinary trick at all, but more like a modification of reality.

"The most powerful illusion, Chen Ke, is not to confuse the real with the fake, but to create reality. You have no chance of winning against me." Fujiwara Makoto laughed.

Chen Ke put on the black knight armor, waved the moonlight sword again, and rushed towards Fujiwara Makoto. Fujiwara Makoto disappeared from the spot and teleported to more than ten steps away.

"Do you know, Chen Ke? I have traveled through hundreds of worlds and met countless people who are stronger than you. None of them can defeat me." Fujiwara Makoto kept teleporting.

"Since you are so powerful, why do you still need the holy diamond?" Chen Ke asked.

"Is there any conflict?" Fujiwara Makoto asked with a smile.

"Someone told me that after collecting all the holy diamonds, you will have the opportunity to change everything. If you have this power, why do you still pursue the holy diamonds?" Chen Ke asked again.

"I can create and change anything, but this world is not under my control. You are so annoying. Why do you talk so much!" Fujiwara Makoto said angrily.

She waved her hands, and suddenly a twelve-foot-long rain of steel spikes fell from the sky, but for Chen Ke, this rain did not fall from the sky, but from below him...

Chen Ke threw a time bomb under his feet, stopping the time around him. The steel spikes fell into the range of time and stopped in mid-air.

"Where did you steal this power? You have so many secrets." Fujiwara Makoto said.

"You have traveled through hundreds of worlds, haven't you seen this?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's the first time I've seen it today, but seeing it once is enough!" Fujiwara Makoto suddenly teleported over, holding a sharp dagger in her hand, and stabbed Chen Ke's heart fiercely.

Although Chen Ke was wearing black armor and holding a big sword, the other party was a phantom witch, and she might turn her equipment into something else, but now he had no choice but to swing the big sword and smash Fujiwara Makoto's head.

As expected, the big sword turned into a long loaf of bread, and the black armor he was wearing turned into a black tulle dress!

"Fuck!" Chen Ke exclaimed, and his voice became a woman's.

Fujiwara Makoto pinched Chen Ke's neck and stabbed into his heart with a knife. The blade was completely pushed in, leaving only the handle outside.

"Well... well..." Chen Ke gasped in pain, his long black hair scattered on his shoulders, and blood spit out of his mouth.

Fujiwara Makoto turned into a naked Asian man at this time, with a burly body and strong power. He hugged Chen Ke, and his handsome face was wearing a contemptuous smile.

"In my field, the only thing that does not change is change, as long as I want." Fujiwara Makoto laughed.

"Hiss..." Chen Ke narrowed his eyes, his body trembled, and blood continued to flow out of the cut on his chest.

"Now, it's time to hand over the power of the sisters, Miss Chen... Then, I will go to the Administration to take away the fragment of the God's Heart." Fujiwara Makoto said.

"That holy diamond... is in the hands of the Administration? Ah!... Ah..." Chen Ke said.

Fujiwara Makoto turned the knife handle, making the wound bigger. He looked at Chen Ke curiously, wondering why the other party was not dead yet.

"That's none of your business. Um... why are you not dead yet?" Fujiwara Makoto said. He tried to stab the dagger deeper, but found that the sword seemed to be stabbed into something hard.

"Because... because I have no heart, you bitch." Chen Ke had a black gun in his right hand and pointed it at Fujiwara Makoto's waist.

Fujiwara Makoto sneered and tried to turn the gun into a water gun or something else. The moment his consciousness touched the gun, he noticed something and broke into a cold sweat.


The red light column swept the night sky, and countless purple butterflies flew towards the moon. Everything returned to calm.

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