This aura is deadly

Chapter 533 Infiltration Plan

"Wait a minute Chen Ke... maybe Lucina can help us buy some time." Diana seemed to have thought of something and looked at the two people arguing.

"What method do you use to gain time?" Chen Ke asked.

Diana slid a piece of A4 paper over and pointed to a certain room.

"The archives are underground under the Administration. If we can really get there, it means that the special defense unit of the Administration has been activated, and our time is limited. Even if you can open the door and take us out, the archives are The door is not that easy to open," Diana said.

"What kind of kumen? Can't you burn it with fire?" Lucina asked.

"I don't know. As I said, the Administration's defense against psychic energy is very comprehensive. What if I can't open the door there?" Diana explained.

"What you said makes sense, but what does this have to do with Lucina?" Chen Ke asked.

"We all have special abilities and will be detected as soon as we enter the courtyard of the Authority, but Lucina is different. She is an ordinary person and still has a chance to infiltrate..." Diana said.

"Oh...continue." Lucina made a gesture.

"It's too dangerous. What if they catch her?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's risky, but it's much better than finding that we can't open the door after we rush in together." Diana spread her hands.

"How can we open the door after Lucina sneaks in?" Chen Ke asked again.

"The Archives is divided into three parts. The first one we go into must be the Psychic Firearms Management Department. All investigators' guns held by Psychics are registered there, including Parker's previous one. Then we have to take the staff elevator to go there. Only then can we go to the real archives, which is a huge place..." Diana pulled out another A4 paper.

There was a floor plan drawn on the piece of paper, which looked like a library, indicating that the bookshelf pattern was covered with paper. Chen Ke didn't know what would be placed on that kind of bookshelf.

"The archives are as big as a football field. They are full of piles of handwritten relic files. I have only gone in twice, both to investigate the missing psychic pistol. I know a few colleagues there." Diana said .

"The football field... doesn't the administration use computer tables to store these things?" Chen Ke asked.

"It is impossible to record these things with electronic equipment. Computers are only used to store some simple information. The handwritten documents in this archive are absolutely confidential. They record in detail the action content, participants, time, and foresight behind each sacred object. The psychic monster that arrived... The Administration has always believed that the drop of holy objects is bound to the monster a long time ago..." Diana said.

"It sounds like playing a game. Every monster drops certain things...but is that actually the case?" Chen Ke hugged his chest.

"This has nothing to do with us. What I want to say now is the most important part. There are two elevators in the archives, one leads directly to the office of the chairman on the top floor of CPA, and the other leads directly to the underground archives. The archives store The paper documents and the archives are all filled with sparkling diamonds. However, I have never been there,” Diana said.

"After talking for so long, you haven't even been there yourself?" Lucina interrupted at this time.

"Each area of ​​the Administration has strict initial entry permissions. I have never had permission to enter before." Diana explained.

"Didn't you become a level 9 agent in the future?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm sorry, I never thought about it, and there was no need to go down there. How could I have known that one day I would rob the administration?" Diana said.

"Okay, then how do we open the door to the archives? If you let Lucina sneak in, wouldn't you let her open the door with her bare hands?" Chen Ke shook his head.

"Of course not. I don't think the door to the archives can be opened even if Superman comes... But it has an electronic control system. It is on the 12th floor of the CPA building. For this door, CPA has specially set up an archives office... Lucina If you can sneak into it, you have a chance to open the door." Diana said.

"Hmm... I understand. Sneak into the office and open the door. Chen Ke, I think this method is feasible." Lucina looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke kept shaking his head.

"This is the safest way." Diana said.

"You are asking her to face the entire building's agents alone. She is just an ordinary person. She has no room to fight back against psykers..." Chen Kedao.

"Just because she is an ordinary person, she will not trigger the passive alarm when she enters the building. Of is undeniable that if a stranger breaks into the bureau, it will be a matter of time before he is recognized..." Diana said.

Chen Ke pinched his chin and thought carefully. He definitely didn't want Lucina to take such a big risk.

"I think I have the ability to handle this matter." Lucina bumped Chen Ke with her elbow.

"Let me figure it out. Lucina sneaks in and opens the door for us. What if the door... is closed again?" Parker asked the question at this time.

"The door is remotely controlled, and there is no manual closing and opening device. This is completely different from a bank. And the opening process will not be too short... After all, the door is a bit big, and it may take several minutes to fully open it..." Dai Anna said.

"That is to say, after I open the door, even if they want to close it immediately..." Lucina said.

"...Then we have a few minutes." Parker added.

"A few minutes to find a holy diamond in the entire archives..." Chen Ke shook his head.

The four of them fell into silence. They were just looking for a way to open the door, but they forgot about this.

The Administration keeps a large number of sacred diamonds. Although Opportunity City is only a branch, its reserve of sacred objects is not a small amount. If no one can hold the door switch, it means that Chen Ke and the others only have a few minutes inside.

"That's just the worst case scenario. If we can keep the door open, wouldn't it be okay?" Lucina said.

"It's so easy to say... No, we don't need to just ask Lucina to open the door." Chen Ke suddenly thought of something.

"Well, let Lucina sneak in first. After she reaches the location, we will break into the management office and create chaos. At that time, she will have many opportunities..." Diana also nodded.

"We need a complete plan, who will go where with whom, when will the door open, how to narrow the search area for diamonds after the door opens, and then, we need to gather together." Chen Kedao.

"I can go find her. When she opens the door, you and Parker go to the archives to look for things. I will go find Lucina alone. If she is not suspected yet, I will create a chance for her to escape. If she happens to be being suspected, If you love me..." Diana looked at Lucina.

"I won't be loved so easily!" Lucina said angrily.

"I think this idea works, Chen Ke. Maybe this is the best solution." Parker nodded.

Chen Ke had nothing to say. He could only decide on the intrusion into the management bureau.

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