This aura is deadly

Chapter 544 Blood Money

"Will they come?"

At the corner of 27th Avenue in Holy Oaks, Opportunity City, Hall, Priskin and Lucina stood at the entrance of the alley and stared at the street.

Today is a rest day, and there are more people on the street than usual. In addition, this is a wealthy area, with cars and people coming and going, which makes it a bit too lively.

Hall was a little unsure about the situation, but Priskin didn't care. He leaned against the wall and waited quietly. Lucina didn't look as confident as yesterday. Although 10,000 joint coins is not a small amount of money, after all, the other party is just an ordinary cleaner. The key is Maybe it’s time to be timid.

"They will come, it is a lot of money for them." Lucina said.

"I hope so. If they don't come, there will be nothing we can do." Hall said helplessly.

At this time, a gray-blue van appeared at the corner of the street, turned a corner, and drove straight towards the entrance of the alley where Lucina and the others were.

"Look, I said they would come." Lucina bumped Hall with her elbow and smiled.

"Wait a minute..." Hall took Lucina's arm and had something to say.

"What?" Lucina raised an eyebrow.

"You're not really going to give them the money, are you?" Hall asked.

"What do you mean?" Lucina didn't understand.

"What he means is that after getting the car..." Priskin scratched his neck with his finger.

"I have no such plan." Lucina shook her head.

"Who knows if they will tell this matter, dead people will keep it secret." Hall said.

"Hmm..." Lucina also hesitated.

As he spoke, the car had already driven over, and the cleaner waved to Lucina from the car window. She nodded to them and gestured for them to park in the alley.

The car turned around and fell backwards into the alley. Two cleaners jumped out and threw the keys to Lucina.

"Look, ma'am, we're on time, right?" the cleaner laughed.

Priskin was still leaning at the entrance of the alley to help look after the wind, while Hall walked to the back of the car, opened the side door of the van and looked inside.

"Are the cleaners' clothes, work number plates and tools inside?" Lucina asked.

The cleaner nodded and took Lucina to the carriage to check.

Three work license plates, a bunch of plot tools, such as large mops, cleaners, toilet pipe dissolvers, deodorizing powders, etc., white, green, and green bottles and boxes are piled in the carriage, and three sets of some are somewhat dirty. The janitor's jumpsuits were also stacked on top of the box.

The two cleaners were wearing casual clothes. It was obvious that they found a place to change their clothes after leaving the company. There were photos on the three employee ID cards, and Lucina needed to copy the good ones.

Although the robbery was in the afternoon, with the help of Chen Ke's apartment, they had unlimited time to prepare the disguise for the infiltration.

"Just the two of you? I saw three sets of clothes." Hall asked.

"It's just the two of us. There's no one else. The owner of the other set of clothes and number plate has retired." The cleaner said.

"Okay... very good..." Hall nodded and looked at Priskin at the entrance of the alley, who also nodded.

Lucina took out a bundle of money from her pocket, which happened to be ten thousand joint coins.

At this time, the cleaner used his body to block Lucina from her companions, and then ordered: "Hey, you'd better teach them how to wear these clothes."

Hall also echoed: "Yes, I have never worn a jumpsuit like this. You'd better teach me how to zip it up."

Another cleaner picked up a suit of clothing and walked Hall to the back of the van.

Lucina looked at Hall and understood what he was going to do.

She held the money and handed it to the cleaner. When the cleaner wanted to take it, she retracted her hand.

"Look, this is 10,000 joint coins. I know you deceived your companion, so you shouldn't give him 5,000, right?" Lucina asked.

"People are worth money, madam. I have three children to raise. My eldest son has always wanted to play professional basketball. I want to find a good coach for him." The cleaner was not ashamed at all.

"Oh...what's his name?" Lucina asked.

"His name is Mike, he is 14 years old. Okay, do you want to give me the money or not?" the cleaner asked.

"I wish you good luck..." Lucina said.

The cleaner took the money, quickly put it into his pocket, and said with a smile: "Very good, happy to work with you, ma'am. Well, just don't scratch the car."

Lucina looked at the cleaner without saying a word and turned sideways to let him pass.

"Hey! It's time for us to go!" the cleaner shouted to the back of the car, but his companion did not respond to him.

The cleaner looked behind the car and saw his companion's shoes slipping out from the rear of the car, as if lying on the ground. He suddenly realized something and looked back at Priskin at the entrance of the alley.

Priskin didn't know when he had the gun in his hand, and of course, it also had a silencer installed.

"Ma'am...this is different from what was promised." The cleaner panicked and looked at Lucina with fear and confusion in his eyes.

"I'm sorry...only dead people keep secrets." Lucina was in a bad mood, and she shook her head.

"I still have three children to raise...please...please ma'am, I don't want any more'am, please...please...uh!! Ugh!!! Ahem..." ...Ah uh..." The cleaner begged to go around, but Hall had already walked behind him, pulling the fiber optic cable with both hands and strangling the cleaner's neck. The slender threads were strangled into the flesh of his neck, pulling him A bloody groove formed on his neck.

The cleaner struggled with his feet off the ground. Hall remained silent and just strangled hard. The cleaner took out the money and handed it to Lucina with a struggle. Even at this time, he did not think about fighting back, but tried to Give the money back in exchange for your own life.

Lucina took a step back and the money in the cleaner's hand fell to the floor.

"Uh uh... um... cough..."


The cleaner became completely quiet, placed his hands on both sides of his body, and leaned motionless against Hall's body.

Hall retracted the fiber optic cable, wiped it with a white cloth, dragged the cleaner's body into the carriage, and then began to deal with the other body.

Priskin gave Hall a thumbs up, looked outside, and after making sure no one was paying attention, he walked to the passenger seat of the car.

"Hey, Lu, key." Hall wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Lucina.

Lucina bent down and picked up the money roll on the ground, as if she wanted to say something, but held it back. She threw the key to Hall and got into the car.

"Tell Chen Ke that the car is already in place, but we have two bodies to clean up and we still need time to forge work license plates," Puriskin said.

"Already called him." Lucina said, picking up the phone and putting it to her ear.

The car drove out of the alley and onto the main road, heading towards Lucina's home. Hall noticed Lucina's strangeness and reached out to pat Lucina sitting behind.

"What?" Lucina didn't know why, but she was a little angry.

"What's wrong with you? Are you too nervous?" Hall said.

"No...I don't know, this is the first time I feel like this. Don't bother me, just leave me alone." Lucina said.

Hall sighed and ignored Lucina. Chen Ke's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How is it?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's done." Lucina said.

"I thought about it yesterday, you shouldn't give them the money." Chen Ke said.

"What?" Lucina asked.

"You said you paid the cleaner, right?" Chen Kedao.

"Yes, but they are no longer a problem." Lucina said.

"Come here to dispose of the body." Chen Ke said.

"...Okay." Lucina said.

She hung up the phone, a bad feeling lingering in her mind.

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