This aura is deadly

Chapter 548 Raid


Lucina cursed while trying all the keys on the keychain one by one. Finally, a silver square key was successfully inserted into the keyhole.

There was the sound of running in the corridor. Lucina looked back at the office, trying to find something heavier to block the door. She couldn't find anything heavy in the office area, so she went to the man's office to look for it.

Lucina found a large mahogany cabinet behind the large table, but the height of the cabinet exceeded the height of the door frame. It was not easy to move it out to block the door.

So she went back, dragged all the desks to the door, lined them up to block the door, and then stacked a table on top, temporarily sealing the entrance.

As an alarm sounded on the floor, the lights in the office suddenly went out and turned into red security lights. Lucina took out her mobile phone and called Chen Ke.

Steve Rogers walked out of the office, confused by the sudden sound of the alarm bell.

"What's going on? Why didn't anyone report to me?" Steve looked at the people in the office.

"We don't know either. We are looking for the reason." A staff member replied.

At this time, a guard rushed in from the corridor outside. He walked towards Steve and shouted seriously: "Sir, a staff member was attacked on the 12th floor, and gunshots were also heard. We are sealing off the entire CPA building. "

"Have you found the intruder?" Steve frowned.

"Not yet." The guard shook his head.

"Hurry then." Steve ordered.

"Sir, we intercepted an unfamiliar signal band emitting from inside the building. It's a telephone signal." A colleague in the office stood up.

"Cut over the source of the sound. I want to know who is calling whom from where." Steve walked quickly to the colleague.

He grabbed the headphones and put them on his head, signaling the other party to start recording. He only heard a strange woman complaining to the person on the other end of the phone.

"...I didn't mean it either! If you want to blame it, just blame the lock on the console."

"You hide yourself well, and I will ask Diana to find you when the door is opened."

"Then hurry up. They haven't found me yet, but I don't know how long I can hide."

"If they're just going to arrest you, you surrender and I'll fish you out."

"You don't need to tell me this..."

The call lasted less than a minute before hanging up, but because the signal source was inside the building, it was immediately overheard.

"Diana...what's going on?" Steve took off his headphones, thoughts rushing through his mind, and walked out of the door quickly.

Chen Ke started the car and looked at Diana and Parker. They were both ready.

After today's vote, they will no longer be federal citizens, but they don't care. One is a witch and the other is a gray man. Their power is directly and indirectly related to Chen Ke. From now on, they can only follow Chen Ke. gram.

"Then... let's go."

The black car started and rushed towards the gate of the administration office. The guard waved at the car, seemingly shouting to stop, but Chen Ke had no intention of braking or giving way. Instead, he shifted into gear and accelerated.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of slowing down, the guard immediately jumped into the mud and watched as the car crashed through the roadblock and rushed into the management office.

"High concentration of spiritual energy detected... Something broke in."

The door to Madeline's office was pushed open by her colleague. She stood up, looked out the window and said, "Do you think I didn't see it? What level of alienated individual is it?"

"I don't know, it exceeds the known models in the database. The agents have begun to prepare weapons, and the latest P.W.A.T has also been activated." The colleague replied.

"Call R6." Madeline said.

Chen Ke drove his car into the central garden of the Administration Bureau, followed the ring road on the right, avoided the rushing pedestrians, ran over the steps, rushed directly into the CPA building, and smashed the glass door.

Parker turned into a ball of black dust and flew out of the car window. Chen Ke and Diana got out of the car. An orange light flashed on his body and he put on the black knight armor. Diana's eyes burst into red. With the light, the sleeves of both arms burned, and the two arms were like torches.

"Where is the archives?" Chen Ke asked.

"Down here, you can go down by taking the elevator, but I think they must have stopped the elevator and the electronic door." Diana said.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Ke said.

At this time, a group of guards wearing gray clothing and holding MP5s rushed out from the stairs.

"Psychic firearms, they are agents." Diana reminded.

Chen Ke casually threw out a time bomb and fixed them all on the stairs. A grenade launcher appeared in his hand and fired one at them.

The divine blood grenade flew past and hovered within the range of the time bomb. Chen Ke released the time pause effect, and the grenade exploded with a sound, blowing up the team of guards into pieces. The broken limbs were scattered on the stairs. Roll down.

Parker hovered on the ceiling, wrapped around a lone agent, wrapped him around him and slammed him against the wall, causing the agent to fall to the ground.

"I thought you would just control them." Diana said, looking at the dead agents.

"They don't just want to control us." Chen Kedao.

He walked to the elevator, clasped the crack of the elevator door with both hands, and used both arms to force open the landing door. The elevator shaft was dark. Looking down from here, the red warning lights were flashing, and he could see the final scene. The elevator car stays below.

"How many levels are there in total?" Chen Ke asked.

"You're about to jump off the third floor? Are you afraid of falling to death?" Diana asked.

"If you don't fall to death, you'll probably break your leg." Chen Ke said.

At this time, P.W.A.T rushed in from the gate, with more than a dozen HK416s aimed at them, and the captain shouted: "Hands up!"

Four flames shot out from under Diana's feet. In two seconds, they went under the black car and burned the fuel tank.

"It's going to explode! It's going to explode!" The P.W.A.T members immediately exited the building, and the black car exploded in the hall with a bang.

"Parker!" Chen Ke shouted, randomly grabbing the elevator cable and jumping into the well.

Parker also fell with Chen Ke in a whoosh. Diana sighed, looked at the emergency stairway beside her, and grabbed the elevator cable and slid down.

"Tell me the current situation." Madeline was in the monitoring room, looking at the situation in the hall.

"There are two alienated individuals and a psyker, a woman who can turn into fire, and a cloud of conscious ash. The man's creature glows orange. It is estimated that he is at least a level 9 agent. It's Asra Someone?" The surveillance agent reported the situation.

"No, I heard that their territory was destroyed by a fire. Wait a minute... zoom in and play back this section." Madeline pointed at the woman.

The video started to play back, and the woman looked towards the emergency door, then jumped into the elevator shaft.

"Zoom in, I want to see her face." Madeline said.

Surveillance agents conduct operations.

The entire screen showed the woman's profile. Although the image was not clear, Madeleine could still tell that it was Diana.

"Diana...what the hell are you doing?" Madeleine put her hands on her hips and muttered to herself.

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