This aura is deadly

Chapter 554: Body of Steel

Chen Ke could see a group of people on the upper floors moving quickly, but they did not go downstairs, but quickly went to a hidden floor, which might be some kind of safe house.

He looked at Parker, then at the two girls, hugged his chest and said: "I plan to ask that Lady Madeline to see if she knows where the green holy diamond is."

"What if she doesn't know?" Diana asked.

"Do you believe she doesn't know?" Chen Ke asked back.

Diana didn't speak, and she didn't know what the management bureau was doing now.

"I will act by myself next, you guys evacuate first." Chen Ke said, opening a burnt black door behind him, inside was Diana's room in the Dream Center.

"They are both seriously injured, but I can still help." Parker said.

"No, you go in with them, and I'll come to you when the time comes, it will be quick." Chen Ke promised.

"Then you'd better hurry up and leave before they make more advanced countermeasures." Diana said.

"That depends on how well Ms. Madeline cooperates." Chen Ke said.

Parker nodded, not knowing whether he should hug Diana, but Lucina picked her up.

"Chen Ke, don't make me wait too long." Lucina said to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke smiled, patted Lucina on the back, and urged her to go in quickly.

When they passed by Chen Ke, Diana grabbed Chen Ke's right arm, stretched her neck and told him: "Chen Ke, don't kill her if it's not necessary."

"I'm not a murderer." Chen Ke nodded.

The three walked into the door and looked back at him. Chen Ke closed the door and went up along the fire escape.

"Mrs. M, this is everyone."

In the safe house, agents in black suits were on guard at the door of the room. More than 20 management staff and Madeline stayed in the middle of the room, setting up a simple working environment.

An agent was reporting to Madeline. At present, there were only four psychic agents in the entire safe house who could serve as combat power, and the others were just ordinary staff.

"Very good, can I see the situation on each floor through the monitor?" Madeline asked.

"The monitor is still working, but the 12th floor was burned by an unknown fire." The agent replied.

"Can anyone show me the real-time monitoring?" Madeline looked at the others.

The agent holding the notebook walked up to Madeline, and Madeline immediately pulled the stool next to her and put the notebook on it. She saw a man running up the fire escape in the night vision monitoring screen on the screen.

"This is the monitor in the fire escape... He is going up from the 12th floor. At this speed, he will soon reach our floor." The agent said.

"Where are the other three people?" Madeline asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see them." The agent replied.

Others also gathered around to watch, and someone whispered: "It looks like... just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people can't kill a whole team of R6, let alone come to rob the Administration." Madeline said.

"What does he want?" asked an employee.

At this time, the door of the safe house was knocked hard.

"How did he find this place?" someone exclaimed.

"Maybe he has psychic vision." Madeline said as she stepped back. Several agents took out the psychic version of the MP7 and quickly gathered at the door.

This safe house is located between two floors, a hidden floor, and the outside door is a wall, but it is not difficult for Chen Ke to find them.

The door was hit by some blunt object, and dust fell from the ceiling.

"I thought this place could delay more time..." Madeline looked at the gun-wielding agent and said, obviously she was very dissatisfied with the solidity of this safe house.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. M... The Administration's construction budget is limited, and Congress has not approved us to build a presidential-level shelter." The agent said helplessly.

Outside the wall, Chen Ke held a sledgehammer and kept knocking at a white wall. He first controlled the wall with time pause, and then knocked tirelessly. After knocking more than 20 times, he lifted the time pause. At this time, the force of more than 20 times will gather into a force and hit the wall at once.

After several times of repeating the same method, the wall soon couldn't withstand the impact and cracked, and the cracks would break into holes, eventually revealing the outline of the door below.

Chen Ke held the psychic crystal gun in his right hand, walked away, and then threw it at the door. The blue energy exploded and blew the door into the room.

The people in the room covered their ears and lay on the ground. The four armed agents shot at the door without saying anything.

The bullets hit Chen Ke's black armor with a ping-pong sound. He took back the hammer and threw a time bomb at them, which immediately stopped them.

Chen Ke walked past them and looked around. Everyone in the room was afraid and squeezed towards the back half of the room. After making sure that there was no more threat in the room, Chen Ke called back the black armor.

"Who is Madeline?" Chen Ke asked.

A middle-aged white woman slowly walked out of the crowd and looked at Chen Ke vigilantly.

"Are you Madeline? The director of the Opportunity City Administration?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's me. What do you want?" Madeline said.

"I want the holy diamond." Chen Ke said.

"Haven't you been to the archives?" Madeline said.

"The holy diamond I want is green." Chen Ke said.

"There is no holy diamond of that color," said Madeline.

"We don't need to beat around the bush, Madeleine, that sacred diamond does not belong to the Authority." Chen Kedao.

"Are you Chen Ke?" Madeline asked.

"Yes." Chen Ke nodded.

"You ruined Diana," Madeleine said.

"I saved her." Chen Ke said.

"You turned her into a monster, Chen Ke, she deserves a better choice..." Madeline said.

"I gave her power, and she doesn't need to drain the water every seven days. Just like the foundation said, your method of using psychic energy is too primitive." Chen Kedao.

When other people present heard that there was no need to drain water, they all looked at Chen Ke curiously.

"No matter what you have done for them, if you rob the Administration, the agreement will become invalid and you will not be able to run away." Madeline said.

"I made a choice, and I will bear the consequences. Madeline, don't think that I don't know the situation in the Authority. Who is not in the Authority? Asra, the Foundation, what else is there? You know it in your heart Quite." Chen Ke smiled.

Madeleine was speechless for a moment and gritted her teeth.

"I'll give you two choices. Give me the green diamond, and then I'll leave. You can become the hero who saves today." Chen Kedao.

"What's the alternative?" Madeline huffed.

"If you insist on not giving me the green diamond, I will kill everyone except you. Then you will be ruined in your life. When you are old, I will find your house again and burn your whole family to death." ." Chen Ke said.

Madeleine swallowed, her legs shaking with anger, she clutched her chest and gasped, her face turning purple.

"This choice is not difficult, make up your mind quickly." Chen Ke said as he took out the grenade launcher from the dimensional space, opened the barrel, and poured out the blood inside.

The room was extremely quiet. No one spoke. Everyone looked at Madeline. They definitely didn't know about the green diamond, but they definitely knew that their lives were in Madeline's hands.

"Well...I don't usually like to wait for people." Chen Ke checked the grenade launcher, snapped the cartridge back with a click, and pointed it at the crowd at his waist.

"Wait a minute...wait a do you know for sure that I have a green diamond? What if I don't?" Madeline said.

"White handed the things to the Administration. It's unlikely that you will change hands so quickly. Of course...if you really change hands, you will all die here today..." Chen Ke moved his shoulders and neck.

" killed White...?" Madeline was stunned.

"Yes, he has some ability, but his ability is not big enough." Chen Kedao.

Madeline's breathing became a little rapid. She closed her eyes as if making a difficult decision. After a few seconds, she took out the green diamond from her pocket and handed it to Chen Ke.

"Here you go, here you go, this is what you want, right?" Madeline said.

Chen Ke looked at the green diamond in Madeline's hand. No information popped up in his view. It was the same when he first grabbed this thing from the bank before.

"You won't lie to me with a fake one, will you?" Chen Ke asked.

"I thought you knew the stuff. This thing doesn't have any entries. It means nothing to you. Why do you want it?" Madeleine asked.

"Then why do you want it? Don't ask boring questions. Throw it over." Chen Kedao.

Madeleine carefully threw the green diamond to Chen Ke. The green diamond drew an arc in the air. Chen Ke caught it with his left hand and put it into his dimensional pocket.

"I hope you won't break your promise," Madeline said.

"I promised Diana." Chen Ke put away the grenade launcher, turned and left.

"Wait a minute! Chen Ke... where is Diana?" Madeline asked.

"She's fine." Chen Ke replied.

He left the safe house, opened an office door, and prepared to go back to the Dream Center. Lucina and Diana were sitting at the table and resting when they saw Chen Kai open the door and waving hello.

At this time, Chen Ke heard something passing outside the building, making a sound like a roaring wind. Just two seconds later, the ceiling suddenly cracked, and a human-shaped thing fell to a place twenty steps away from Chen Ke. .

The smoke dissipated, and a man appeared in front of Chen Ke. His eyes flashed with red light, and two thermal sights swept towards Chen Ke along the floor, leaving deep ravines wherever they passed.

Before Chen Ke could enter the door, he slammed the door shut and stepped aside. The two heat visions burned the door to pieces.

The next second, just as Chen Ke turned around, the man teleported forward and punched Chen Ke in the face. The huge impact knocked him away, smashed through the wall and flew out of the building. .

Chen Ke recovered from his facial injuries in mid-air and put on the black armor. He groaned and saw the vast sky and dazzling sunlight. The man flew out and punched Chen Ke again. , hitting him further.

Chen Ke felt like a badminton ball, being knocked away by the racket again and again. He was punched again and finally fell to the street due to inertia. He rolled more than ten times before getting up.

Chen Ke looked up and saw a muscular man floating in mid-air wearing a black plastic tights with a silver S letter printed on his chest.

There is no doubt that this guy is superman...

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