This aura is deadly

Chapter 56 Attributes

Chen Kekong did not move to change the magazine, so he could only stuff the gun back into the holster, and use his right hand to slash at the approaching wolves with the igniting broadsword.

While waving his broadsword, he stepped back, wanting to return to the platform above and think of a solution, but the wolves didn't give him any chance.

Some wolves even slipped and fell to the bottom of the cliff, but more wolves emerged from their dens on the cliff.

Chen Ke guessed that behind the corner of the cliff, there must be a large cave connected to it, and this cave must be connected in all directions, otherwise it would be impossible for this group of wolves to build a nest here.


The leader, the strange wolf, finally became angry when he saw that many of his cubs were killed by Chen Ke, and rushed towards Chen Ke himself.

Before Chen Ke could curse, the huge strange wolf had already pounced on him, but at the same time, the fire-igniting broad sword also pierced its body. Even if it did not ignite the sword god, the sword blade was stabbing. The temperature automatically rising behind the target is enough to ignite these monsters. Chen Ke lost his center of gravity, rolled down the cliff while holding one person and one wolf together.

For a moment, Chen Ke felt that he had just explained it. But it wasn't until he hit the ground hard that he realized his good fortune.

He pushed away the strange wolf carcass that smelled like paste, and found that he had landed on the mountain wall platform on the lower level. This place was only two or three meters wide, and the three or four meters above it was the mountain wall trail. When he was just above, This protruding part was blocked by the path, so Chen Ke didn't notice it.

He glanced at the corpse of the strange wolf. The fur was fluttering slightly in the wind, and a small blue ball of light flashed on it.

"Hey! Blue?"

Chen Key was so happy that he knelt on one knee beside the corpse of the strange wolf, put his hand into the blue ball of light, and touched a wooden handle while groping.

He grabbed the handle and pulled the thing out. A blue halo flashed, and the light ball transformed into a dagger-like object about 20 centimeters long in Chen Ke's hand.

"It takes 20 minutes to identify the sacred object!"

【Gloomy Black Ring Candlestick】

[Durability: intact]

[Enhancement of mysterious attributes: Arcane power increased by 20%, illusion range increased by 20%, magic duration increased by 20%]

[Mental resistance: The holder increases the resistance to mental attacks by 70%] (Unable to trigger: lack of intelligence)

[Illusion Dispelling: Dispel low-level illusions within the candlelight range after ignition] (Cannot be triggered: lack of intelligence)

After identification, the vague object in Chen Ke's hand emitted a dazzling blue light and materialized into a silver carved candlestick with three white candles!

Chen Ke looked at the candlestick in his hand and looked at it carefully. The three-pronged handle of the candlestick felt a little cold in his hand. There were too many carvings on the handle, which made it look a bit flashy.

On the silver shelf, three white candles were cut into spiral patterns. Chen Ke tried to separate the candles from the candlesticks, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not pull them out, and it was impossible to break the candles.

He brought the flaming sword closer to the candlestick and wanted to use burning candles to see it. Before the sword started burning, the three candles lit up automatically.

The blue flame was like a ghost fire. Even in the sun, Chen Ke could see the faint blue candlelight projected onto the ground.

He shook the candlestick and blew on the candle. The candle was not affected in any way and was still burning silently.

At the same time, the candle began to melt, and the candle tears slowly flowed down along the spiral lines.

How to turn it off? When Chen Ke thought this, the candle went out by itself.

It seems that these sacred objects with state switching have the same principle as the sacred object diamond summon. The holder only needs to think about it to make them switch states, and they will not be artificially destroyed.

This candlestick is of blue quality, which is slightly different from the white holy object he held before. He obtained at least four key information from the description of the candlestick.

First, Pihom once mentioned that there are six types and eighteen types of psychic attributes. Chen Ke is not sure how many types of attributes there are in each type, but from [Mysterious attribute enhancement: Arcane power increased by 20%, illusion range increased by 20%] Magic duration increased by 20%] It seems from this entry that if each type of attribute has three sub-attributes, then 3618, wouldn’t it just match up?

There are three attributes under the mystic attribute: Arcane, Illusion, and Magic. He has seen through monsters the power of illusions, which are not just simple blinding methods, but can be physically embodied.

Second, the special effects of the candlestick can enhance the three major attributes of the mysterious type, but the enhancement methods are different. Arcane spells enhance the power, illusion spells enhance the range, and magic spells enhance the duration. Does this indirectly mean that the focus of the three attributes is fixed?

For example, arcane spells are all used to attack, illusion spells are all hallucinations and field control, and magic is only responsible for adding BUFF? Thinking further, could the so-called extraordinary skills be divided into six categories and eighteen types? With various holy objects, wouldn't it be possible to bring about ever-changing fighting methods?

Third, the class of sacred objects. This is the first time that Chen Ke has a sacred object that emits blue light. In the black box space, when the agents of the Administration use the sacred object, they also alternate white and blue.

Judging from the combination of special effects, blue is indeed more powerful than white, but it seems to be mainly auxiliary. The candlestick itself does not have special effects that can be used in direct combat, and its shape is not a weapon type.

Is the blue one necessarily better than the white one? Or is blue just the auxiliary category, and white is the attack category? Will there be other colors?

Fourth, holy objects have certain attribute requirements for the holder!

This black ring candlestick has two extremely powerful special effects and is 70% immune to mental attacks. This is simply incredible! For monsters that Chen Ke can deal with, he is almost immune to the opponent's mental damage. For monsters that are far superior to himself, at least he will not waste too much life to resist mental attacks.

Another special effect is even more outrageous. As long as the candle is lit, all low-level illusions within the candlelight range are directly invalid... Not only that, it can also indirectly detect the level of objects that can cast illusions. I wonder if the Administration has a similar function. equipment.

However, no matter how unbelievable and easy to use, these two special effects have requirements for the holder's intelligence attributes! And Chen Ke's intelligence is obviously not enough...

There is a big difference between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence is a person's innate upper limit, while wisdom is an acquired experience... A person can become an expert in a certain field through continuous learning and trying, but he cannot pass This approach goes beyond Einstein.

No matter it is an administration or any organization, if it has the ability to increase a person's intelligence, that would be incredible...

In addition to intelligence, there will definitely be other attributes... Chen Ke guessed that there will probably be other attributes such as strength, agility, etc...

But reality is not a game after all. You cannot expect to turn a thin man into a macho man or a mentally retarded man into a genius just by adding a little bit.

It's definitely not that simple...

This candlestick is completely useless now, and there is no way to turn it into a diamond. Chen Ke can only stuff it into his bag. Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about the candle breaking in the bag.

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