This aura is deadly

Chapter 557 [The Great Robbery: Psychic Energy Management Bureau] Completed

Chen Ke returned to the Dream Center. Diana was wrapped in a quilt and nestled on the bed, while Lucina was sitting on the head of the bed, leaning against the wall and taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Parker was sitting at the table and stood up immediately after seeing Chen Ke enter the door. When Chen Ke opened the door for the first time, Parker and the others saw the moment Superman fell.

"Hey! Chen Ke, we are in a hurry! It seems like you are in big trouble." Parker said hurriedly. He looked at Chen Ke's suit. There was a big hole in his abdomen and the sleeve on his right arm was gone.

"It's not a big problem." Chen Ke didn't pay much attention. He looked at Lucina. She was a little seriously injured, and this mission was too heavy a burden for an ordinary person like her.

Diana was also seriously injured, but as a witch, she had a certain degree of self-healing ability like Chen Ke. At least for now, Diana was just a little tired.

"Diana? How is she?" Chen Ke asked.

"I think it's best for her to find a chance to go to the hospital." Diana shrugged, wrapped in a quilt.

Chen Ke approached Lucina and slowly lifted the hem of her clothes. He saw that Lucina's flanks were bruised, red and swollen. It seemed that she had serious internal injuries.

"We can't go to the hospital." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Of course I know this, but unless we have someone here who has medical skills, she will only drag herself down." Diana said.

"I know who I can ask for help." Chen Ke said.

At this time, Lucina woke up. She rubbed her eyes and immediately became energetic when she saw Chen Ke standing next to her.

"What is that thing?" This was the first thing Lucina asked.

"What?" Chen Ke asked.

"You asked knowingly, what was that person who smashed through the ceiling and fell?" Lucina punched Chen Ke.

"If I guessed correctly, it's Superman." Diana said.

Parker looked at Diana with a surprised expression.

"Yes, it's Superman, but he's already dead." Chen Ke said.

"You can even beat... Superman? I thought you found an opportunity to sneak back..." Even Diana couldn't believe it.

"If you are lucky enough to face Superman, believe me, unless you kill him, you won't have a chance to escape..." Chen Ke shook his head.

A battle with Superman is already Chen Ke's current limit. If it is not necessary, he will definitely not want to fight such an opponent to death again. They are simply human beasts.

"You killed Superman and robbed the Administration. There is no room for you in the United Federation of States, and of course, there is no place for us." Diana shook her head.

"Chen Ke will find a way, you don't have to be so frustrated." Lucina frowned.

"You'd better take care of yourself first, I don't want to attend your funeral yet." Chen Kedao.

"I'm fine, don't treat me like a vase." Lucina said stubbornly.

"Oh? Really? Really?" Chen Ke said while touching Lucina's flank with his hand.

Lucina shuddered and curled up against the wall.

"So...did we succeed in the end? Did you find what you were looking for?" Parker asked.

"I found it." Chen Ke nodded.

Diana's face changed slightly at this time. She seemed to want to ask something, but she still held back. Chen Ke saw what Diana was thinking, and he pulled a chair from the side and sat down.

"I didn't kill Madeleine, she will be the hero who saves today." Chen Ke said.

"Thank you." Diana said.

Chen Ke stood up again. He opened the door and found Lucina's home opposite. Priskin and Hall were waiting anxiously in the living room. After seeing Chen Ke, they all ran over.

"We're so worried! Damn it! A Superman died! Don't you say it was you?!" Hall laughed.

"This is not something worth showing off." Chen Kedao.

"I don't understand you anymore, Chen Ke. What else can't you kill?" Priskin was also a little excited.

Chen Ke didn't say anything else. He found some clothes in Lucina's room for Diana to change into, and then called Li Moyang and asked him to help provide treatment for Lucina. The latter readily agreed.

In return, Chen Ke gave Hall and Priskin a cabinet of sacred diamonds that he obtained from the archives of the Administration. Although these sacred diamonds were only at the blue level, they were better in quantity than some spiritual products. The total amount privately hoarded is even higher. By secretly smuggling it abroad, you can make a lot of money, at least tens of millions of dollars.

Hall and Priskin could not take away so much at once, so they packed seventy or eighty packages of the sacred diamonds in body bags and transported them away in six batches on a pickup truck. Of course, Chen Ke told them that these sacred diamonds It would still take some time before taking action, and we should also be careful about the spies deployed by the Administration in the holy relic smuggling market.

Chen Ke also has a cabinet of holy diamonds, but there are too many, and he is too lazy to look at them one by one. These holy diamonds are not of much help to him. In terms of the current brutality of the battle, the last one will have to be orange. It was enough for him to use, so he just let the cabinet of holy diamonds stay in Dimensional's pocket until he could use it for other purposes in the future.

The complete set of equipment ripped from Superman's body is very impressive, and they are all purple! Chen Ke wanted to wait until everything was over and take a closer look when he was alone.

Li Moyang was very efficient. He sent a black van, and an Asian female doctor and six assistants entered Lucina's home to treat her.

Lucina refused to go to the manor provided by Li Moyang for recuperation and insisted on staying at her own home. The doctor had no choice but to give up. After bandaging and treating her, he left a list of necessary medicines and left.

The robbery operation has ended here. Chen Ke and the others have now been included in the special wanted list. Not only in Opportunity City, they are unable to move freely in any state in the entire United States. From then on, they have become extremely dangerous wanted criminals.

But Chen Ke didn't care. His attitude made the other three people not very understanding. At least, Diana never understood what Chen Ke wanted to do.

But Chen Ke felt that now that the matter was over, he should tell them everything.

This robbery has tied Diana, Lucina and Parker to themselves. They have nowhere to go and have no intention of betrayal. In addition, they have killed Superman, and they have no ability to fight against themselves.

The four of them gathered around the table in the Fantasy Center, with the green holy diamond placed in the center of the table.

"Look, this is it." Chen Ke said.

"What's so special?" Lucina was wrapped in a bandage and narrowed her eyes to look at Diamond.

"I don't know, but some people call him God's Heart Fragments. It is said that there are six, or seven, or eight in total... Anyway, there are a lot of them." Chen Kedao.

"Well... I don't have an identification machine, otherwise I can help you find out what it is." Diana said.

"You can't see it, and there's no way to summon this thing. It's not an ordinary holy object." Chen Ke shook his head.

"You couldn't have been...cheated, right?" Parker was a little worried.

"No, in my impression, this thing is like this." Chen Ke objected.

"So, Chen Ke, what do you want this for?" Diana asked.

After asking this question, everyone else also looked at Chen Ke.

"I know that you have been helping me unconditionally before. I have not explained anything to you, not even this dimension. I think it is time to tell you these things, know , this thing is crazy, it’s up to you whether you believe it or not, but I promise I won’t lie to you.” Chen Kedao.

"Now that things have come to this, even if you make up a story, we can only believe it." Lucina said.

"Okay, I'll try to be as simple as possible. Let me organize the language first..." Chen Kedao.

He lowered his head and began to think about it. Where should he start? What should I say? What can be said to make it easier for them to accept? Of course, the fact that he is a time traveler must not be revealed.

He raised his head, looked at the three of them, and then said:

"If I told you that humans are extinct, would you believe it?"

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