This aura is deadly

Chapter 559 New Equipment

"Show me that thing. What's so special about it?" Lucina stretched out her hand.

Chen Ke slid the green holy diamond into her palm, and the latter twisted it with his index finger and thumb to look at it carefully.

The shape of this holy diamond is no different from other holy diamonds, the only difference is the color.

It cannot be summoned and has no entry. It is just like an ordinary diamond. If it is thrown into a pile of diamonds, it is really difficult to distinguish. You can only turn off the light and use the weak green light emitted by itself to distinguish it.

After all, Lucina had also been a smuggler of holy objects at sea for several years. As an ordinary person, she had probably seen more holy objects than both Diana and Parker. She looked at them for a long time and found no difference.

"Do you know what the problem is?" Lucina looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke shook his head.

"Set sacred objects are not uncommon in the smuggling business. I have seen orange and purple ones. Although they are relatively rare, the market demand is greater than ordinary ones and the price is higher." Lucina said.

"It's unlikely that Chen Ke will sell this thing." Parker said.

"Where are you thinking? What I mean is... a set of holy objects. Through the light, you can see that there are interconnected textures inside. If you arrange them in the same combination, they can be connected to form a complete pattern." Lucina said .

"Oh? You still say that?" Chen Ke was stunned. He never knew that there were patterns in this small diamond.

"But this one...has no lines."

Lucina handed the holy diamond to Chen Ke. He held it in front of him and looked at the light outside the window. Just as Lucina said, the holy diamond was crystal clear and there was no impurity in the diamond. If he was a girl, he should Would you like this kind of thing very much?

Chen Ke put down the holy diamond and looked at Diana, wanting to ask for her opinion.

"I don't know, Chen Ke, I have never been exposed to the set of sacred objects in my career, and my authority is not enough..." Diana shook her head.

Chen Ke snorted and thought for a moment, didn't he have three ready-made sets of holy objects? You can take it out and have a look.

He flipped his hand, and a dozen holy diamonds fell onto the table, ten orange ones and five purple ones. Facing the table, their originally weak luster became a little dazzling.

Seeing Chen Ke producing so many high-level sacred objects with just a shake of his hand, Diana and Parker couldn't help but stand up and put their heads on the pile of diamonds to look at them carefully.

"Wow...where did you get so many high-level sacred objects?" Diana asked.

"How advanced are orange and purple?" Parker couldn't help but ask.

"Let's use the selling price as an analogy. The white Holy Diamond is a cheap car from the Rising Sun Country, the blue one is a muscle car produced by the United Federation of Nations, the orange one is a high-end car with excellent performance... The purple one is a supercar. "Lucina said.

"I paid for these things with my life..." Chen Kedao said. With a glance, he grabbed the set of five holy diamonds from Angel's Elegy and looked at the light outside the window.

Sure enough, the orange sacred diamond was penetrated by light, and some lines could be seen from inside.

Chen Ke has seen all the other sacred diamonds. The patterns inside are different, but when combined in a certain order, they can really form a complete pattern.

The pattern composed of Angel's Elegy's Holy Diamond was a little blurry, but Chen Ke unexpectedly felt that it looked familiar. He thought about it carefully and suddenly remembered, isn't this pattern the national emblem of Van Heder? The zombie soldiers also have this pattern on their shields.

It seems that the pattern formed by each set of sacred diamonds hints at its origin!

Chen Ke compared the sacred diamonds in Florence's suit one by one. The pattern inside was a badge that resembled an animal's claw. Is this badge the emblem of the Keeper of Secrets organization in 1859?

Well... Chen Ke's eyes fell on a set of armor sacred diamonds that he took from Superman's hand. There were five pieces in total. This was the first time Chen Ke saw a purple-level armor sacred object.

It takes 20 minutes to identify the sacred object...

[Kratos Ascension Armor] (complete set)

[Durability: Average]

[The Majesty of the God of War: Give shock wave effects to charging skills] (Requires a complete set)

[Athena's Blessing: The duration of any debuff is reduced by 80%] (requires a complete set)

[Wrath of Sparta: Loss of durability and enters a furious state, increasing melee attack power by 220% for 20 seconds] (requires a complete set)

[Fei’s gift: The damage of ax weapons is increased by 150%] (A complete set is required)

[Call of Atreus: The damage of bow and arrow weapons is increased by 50%, with an armor-breaking paralysis effect] (requires a complete set)

[Arrogance of Achilles: Grants the wearer the ability to charge] (leg armor)

[Hercules’ Revenge: Grants the wearer the Fist of Fury skill] (gloves)

[Persistence of Icarus: Grants the wearer the double jump skill] (Boots)

[Ares’ Copper Skin and Iron Bone: The wearer is less likely to lose balance] (Breastplate)

[Apollo’s sharp gaze: see through all illusions] (helmet)

[Ascension: Slowly restore durability]

[The soul of Sparta, the Chain of Olympus, the son of Zeus, the armor of the god of war Kratos, the Spartan general Kratos who sacrificed his soul for victory, after being deceived by the gods, finally embarked on the journey The road to patricide. 】

"Fuck..." Chen Ke looked at the long affix in front of him and was so surprised that he couldn't speak. This may be the equipment with the most affixes he has ever seen, and luckily Superman didn't use all the accompanying skills when wearing it.

Chen Ke couldn't help but secretly sigh that he was so lucky. He used the time pause to control Superman first. With Superman's psychic level and this whole set of armor, if he really wanted to hit a combo, he might die before he could finish one set. .

There are also patterns inside these five holy diamonds. Chen Ke arranged them together. The pattern is an Ω symbol, which represents the beginning and the end.

This Kratos must be a ruthless character who can wear his armor with such properties, and he is a god? Chen Ke didn't want to meet him if it wasn't necessary.

But here he had another question, aren't gods all weird things? Can humans also become gods?

"Impractical." The black stone in his heart conveyed his thoughts at this time.

Humph... It seems that the god in his chest has different opinions, but the sacred objects mentioned Zeus, Ares and other Greek gods, and these gods must have really existed.

"How is it? Chen Ke? Did you see it?" Lucina asked.

"Yes, they all have patterns, and the patterns in different sets are different, so there is no confusion." Chen Kedao.

"Here...which one is that black armor?" Diana asked.

"These five." Chen Ke said as he pulled Angeli out of the pile of diamonds.

"That suit of armor is quite handsome..." Diana said, picking up a holy diamond and putting it in her palm. Orange light flashed, and Angeli's helmet fell to the table with a thud.

"Hey! Why are you touching my Chen Ke's things?!" Lucina was a little angry.

"I'm just taking a look." Diana frowned.

"This thing is his equipment, just like a gun. Other than him, others should not touch it." Lucina scolded.

"Chen Ke didn't say anything!" Diana also had a temper.

"Just because he doesn't say it doesn't mean he's not angry. What would you say if someone messed with the gun in your holster?" Lucina said, holding her chest.

"It was on the table! I didn't just take it from his pocket!" Diana argued.

Parker looked confused and looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke ignored the quarrel between the two women. He focused on the other two purple holy diamonds, a big sword and a shield!

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