This aura is deadly

Chapter 561 Between Prophecies (End of this volume)

Slavin walked to the table, picked up the green holy diamond and looked at it carefully, then looked at Chen Ke.

"Yes, this is it. I didn't expect that this stone would go around in the hands of Asra, the Si Consortium and the postman, and finally ended up here..." Slavin sighed.

"This thing is different from other holy diamonds in a set. You'd better explain it." Chen Ke took the green diamond from Slavin.

"I didn't say it was a set, I just said it had more than one." Slavin said.

"Listen to your tone... you are completely different from before, not like you know nothing about it... It's really interesting." Chen Ke narrowed his eyes.

"Chen Ke... Mr. Chen..." Slavin pursed his lips, looking at his expression, as if he was mustering up the courage to brew something.

"If you have anything to say, let it out." Lucina urged.

Slavin took a breath, knelt in front of Chen Ke with a plop, and hugged Chen Ke's thighs with both hands.

"Mr. Chen! I... concealed some things before, I was afraid that you would kill me, so I kept some things from you!" Slavin said seriously.

Chen Ke frowned.

"Fuck you... Let go! Let go!" Lucina jumped up from the stool, strangled Slavin with her strong arms, and pulled him away from Chen Ke.

"The organization behind White is called the Divine Will Conclave. It is said that they have connections with the gods. They have been collecting these things because that is what the gods asked them to do!" Slavin said.

"Divine Will Conclave? I haven't heard of it. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to know the whereabouts of the other stones now." Chen Ke said.

"It's not a difficult thing... uh uh uh..." Slavin was halfway through his words and was strangled by Lucina.

"Let him finish..." Chen Ke waved his hand, and Lucina loosened up a little.

"It's not difficult to know the whereabouts of other stones... because as long as you can activate it, it will guide you to the next stone... The consortium has been opening the Great Void in the City of Opportunity before, just because... this." Slavin said.

"Oh..." Chen Ke's memory floated back to when he just crossed over, so... it makes sense.

"How to activate it?" Diana wiped her mouth and said.

"Hehe... I knew you would get stuck at this step." Slevin said.

"Do you know how to do it?" Chen Ke squatted in front of Slevin.

"I know, but it's dangerous. You need a witch to activate it..." Slevin laughed.

Chen Ke turned his head and looked at Diana.

"But the witch is not an ordinary thing. She won't help you for free." Slevin laughed.

"Oh? Then are you going to tell me where the witch is?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes, in the City of Opportunity... The leader of Asra is a witch. She is difficult to communicate with, but I may be able to use the identity of the consortium to trick him into helping you, but there is a condition..." Slevin said.

"What do you want?" Chen Ke was a little interested.

"I want to join! Let me join you!" Slevin said.

"Huh? You want to join? You don't even know what we do." Chen Ke laughed.

"Although I don't know, I can see that... the power behind you is definitely no less than the Divine Will Conclave. Everyone wants this stone. Although it is not a holy object and has no practical use,... that witch knows how much potential this thing has. After knowing these things, Corrigan did not want to hand it over, and the witch of Asra also wanted it. Now it is in your hands, think about it, what can you accomplish?" Slevin said seriously.

"What can you do for me, Slevin? I don't need you to help me run the company, and it seems that you have no fighting ability, and you are timid and useless." Chen Ke said.

"I can let the witch of Asra help you! I mean what I say!" Slevin said.

Chen Ke stood up and threw the green diamond to Diana.

"See what you can do." Chen Ke said.

Diana looked at the green holy diamond in her palm and tried to summon it out.

"Wait a minute... she...?" Slevin's expression was stunned.

Diana's eyes turned red, red energy lines climbed up her forearms, and energy escaped from her body.

"She is... a witch?" Slevin was stunned.

"It seems that I don't need your help, Mr. Slevin, you should go back to sleep." Chen Ke said, he looked at Lucina and winked.

Lucina snorted, and with a force on her right arm, Slevin's neck was immediately tightened. He struggled for a while, slapped Lucina's arm with his hand, fluttered a few times, kicked his legs and fainted, and the saliva in his mouth flowed onto Lucina's arm.

"Fuck! So disgusting!" Lucina cursed and threw him to the floor.

"Parker, help me send him to my room." Chen Ke patted Parker.

Parker nodded, carried Slevin and left.

"Chen Ke... I can't do anything. I poured psychic energy into this holy diamond, but it didn't react." Diana said to Chen Ke at this time.

"The power of a witch should be different from psychic energy." Chen Ke said. Diana held the green diamond, closed her eyes and tried again. Her energy lines began to glow, sparks spread from her body, and the ends of her hair turned orange-red like flames.

"How is it?" Chen Ke asked.

Diana didn't say anything. She seemed to be thinking about something, as if she was being pulled by some force to a dark and silent area. At the same time, the whole space began to tremble.

"Do you think this is okay? Would it be better for us to try it outside?" Lucina held on to the wall, a little worried about the vibration.

Chen Ke held onto the table and looked at Diana nervously. At this time, she seemed to be in a fugue.

"Diana?! Diana?" Chen Ke tried to wake her up.

Diana opened her eyes at this time, but her eyes were dull, as if she was blind.

"Chen Ke! I saw...another a woman's hand..." Diana's voice was trembling, and her body was covered with a layer of sweat.

"What kind of woman?" Chen Ke asked quickly.

"White hair... three-cornered hat... feathers... uh... uh..." Diana said, gasping.

"White hair...three-cornered hat?" Chen Ke quickly wrote down these features.

At this time, the vortex mark on his chest began to rotate rapidly, as if something was resonating.

"I...there is something that wants to possess me...Chen Ke...there is something that wants to erode me..." Diana held the table and tried to throw away the green diamond in her hand, but it stuck to Diana's palm.

Immediately, the vibration outside the window calmed down, and the surrounding became very quiet. Diana's eyes were dark, her expression was calm, and she showed a strange smile to Chen Ke.

"Diana?" Chen Ke looked at Diana and asked cautiously.

Diana smiled at Chen Ke, slowly stretched her hands, and let the green holy diamond float into the air.

Chen Ke looked around, and time here actually stopped... Lucina stood still and kept making strange movements. Parker just opened the door and was about to run into the house.

He looked at Diana again, and there was a strange aura on her body.

"You have found your heart, and I have been waiting for you. Let's prophesy. I have a lot to say, just to tell you." Diana said.

The green sacred diamond slowly flew out of the window. Chen Ke watched it float to the top of the circular open space outside. The green diamond disappeared from Chen Ke's sight, but a certain stone pillar around the circular open space suddenly collapsed, and a green light pillar Rising from the clouds and mist below the floating island.

In the middle of the circular open space, a black door appeared.

The surrounding time pause effect disappeared, and Diana suddenly vomited it out. White indescribable liquid spurted out from Diana's mouth. She rolled her eyes, leaned over and vomited all over the floor, and passed out with a convulsion.

Lucina and Parker, who had just walked in, had no idea what was going on.

"This is...?" Lucina asked in surprise.

Chen Ke picked up Diana and placed her on the bed. He opened her eyelids and looked at her. The pupils turned to normal color.

"What happened to Diana?" Parker asked.

"It should be fine..." Chen Ke said.

"The earthquake just now was really severe. Didn't you have the final say in this place?" Lucina asked.

"I still have the final say in this place, but...some things have changed..." Chen Kedao.

He stroked Diana's head. She had finished her work. The voice just now made it extremely clear that there was someone waiting for him in the black door.

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