This aura is deadly

Chapter 573 Meeting

12 hours later...

Chen Ke and Li Moyang sat in a black car and rushed to the meeting point set by the company.

It was still early, but Li Moyang wanted to go to the nearby area in advance to see if it was really a trap, so he would not run around like a headless fly.

They wore custom-made black suits with bulletproof and waterproof coatings inside. The 9mm caliber bullet would not penetrate unless it hit the same part twice directly at close range. Although it would be painful, it would at least save lives.

Li Moyang provided Chen Ke with a new shotgun and a customized competition pistol.

This shotgun is a double-barreled short-barreled style with two triggers below, which can fire two 12-gauge buckshot at the same time. The pistol was customized based on the M1911A1, with a more sensitive trigger, a lighter slide, and a large-capacity feeding system with up to 12 rounds, and a new sight was installed to facilitate Chen Ke's quick shots.

Chen Ke put the two guns into his dimensional pocket and said that he didn't need Li Moyang to provide ammunition. He was not surprised. Anyway, Chen Ke always had new tricks that made him confused, so Li Moyang didn't say anything.

The car stopped two streets in front of the bridge drainage ditch. They were going to walk over. Before getting off the car, Li Moyang grabbed Chen Ke and seemed to have something to say.

"Do you believe Sleven?" Li Moyang asked.

"He can only tell the truth, there is no other choice." Chen Ke said.

"Wrong information is fatal." Li Moyang said cautiously.

"I know, but I have explained to the company, indirectly... I met someone who was tortured by them at a port. Before his death, that person revealed that the company wanted to create a god, which coincided with what Sleven said." Chen Ke said.

Li Moyang nodded, pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Previously in the manor, Sleven revealed some information about the company, including what role the Sleven Consortium had played in the company before, and the company's ultimate goal.

The mysterious association of the company can be understood as a collection of wealthy people at the secular level. They use money to collude with the black and white worlds and manipulate the gray rules to work for a greater goal, which is to create gods.

As for what the gods are for, of course, it is to rule the world, but to put it more nicely, it is to bring a new order to the world, erase the disputes between countries, the prejudices between races, achieve a world of great harmony, and lead mankind to a new childhood.

But Chen Ke felt that gods could not be created anyway... How do you define whether something is a god?

It's like ants can't create humans. Humans are not just a stack of proteins, they also have thoughts. What about gods? How do gods think? People can't understand gods, and ants can't understand people, so Chen Ke thinks that the company is doomed to fail.

Li Moyang's calculations are very simple. He will meet with the people of the company first and listen to what they say. If everything goes well, it's okay. If not, he will try to reveal the matter of creating gods first to gain the trust of the other party... at least a certain degree of hesitation.

"Their plan to create a god is a top secret within the organization. It is impossible for a member consortium like the S's consortium to hear it. And you can only be involved in these things if you become the president or chairman of the consortium, so your plan is likely to work." Chen Ke said.

"If we can join in... not only can we clear all obstacles in the United States Federation, but we can also get a glimpse of their way of creating gods. This is of great benefit in any case." Li Moyang seemed to have a sure win.

"It's you who want to join, not me." Chen Ke corrected.

"Humph, I didn't expect you to care about this. In fact, there is no difference. Pan Jiya should know more about the company, but I haven't told him about it yet." Li Moyang said.

"Pan Jiya doesn't know about your relationship with the company?" Chen Ke was a little surprised.

"That's right, because I noticed that he was resistant to the company, and as the former chairman of the S's consortium, his appearance might lead to distrust of the company." Li Moyang said.

Chen Ke nodded. Pan Jiya's biggest problem is that he is still alive.

Corrigan has already cleared him out. The company should know this news. In their opinion, Pankia is already dead.

Even if Li Moyang asked him to manage the company, Pankia never left the manor. He operated by remotely controlling the agent by phone and email.

If Pankia is pulled out now, it is impossible for Li Moyang to establish contact with the company.

The two walked for a while and came to the dry drainage ditch, which is located in the gap between the east and west districts of the city. An overpass spans it, and the Lafite Road area opposite can be seen in the distance.

The drainage ditch is very long. If you go all the way to the right, you can go to the drainage outlet of the inner sea. Li Moyang and Chen Ke looked at the bridge pier again, but they couldn't find a place to climb up.

"If it were you, where would you hide?" Li Moyang asked.

"The view on the bridge is great, and the distance is not far, less than a few dozen meters, an automatic rifle can call out names one by one. Of course, if you are careful, a tall building opposite is also good, bring a sniper rifle, it will be safe." Chen Ke commented.

"It's only 6 pm now. Find a place to kill time. I have to take their car later... I hate riding in other people's cars." Li Moyang sighed.

"And you have to be blindfolded the whole time." Chen Ke reminded.

"It's becoming more and more like a spy movie, um...Chen Ke, after blindfolding your eyes, can you still see their movements?" Li Moyang asked.

"I have psychic vision. I can see the outline of human figures even when I am blindfolded. It is a skill of psykers, which is not unusual. However, the psionic detector cannot detect my psionic power, so I can give them a surprise. "Chen Ke said.

"I'm relieved now..." Li Moyang said.

The two strolled along the drainage ditch for a while, but feeling bored, they returned to the street and found a cafe to sit there until 8:30 pm before heading back to the drainage ditch again.

Chen Ke could tell that Li Moyang was worried. Although Li Moyang seemed very calm on the surface, tonight's incident was too dangerous for him. After all, he was not Chen Ke. He had no psychic power and no weapons. Damn, that armor can't be used. It's like meat in other people's mouths. It's impossible not to be nervous.

The two sat on a bench and watched the stars. After waiting for almost half an hour, a black extended-format RV slowly drove up and parked on the street above the drainage ditch. Two men in suits looked down and saw When Chen Ke was with Li Moyang, he took out his flashlight and took a photo.

"Who is Li Moyang?" the man in the suit asked.

"That's me." Li Moyang said.

"Is there a bodyguard next to you?" the man in the suit asked again.

"Yes." Chen Ke responded.

"Come up here and search me," the man in the suit said.

Li Moyang looked at Chen Ke, and Chen Ke nodded to come forward. In his eyes, the outlines of these two men in suits were golden... Like White, they were actually professionals.

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