This aura is deadly

Chapter 64 The Disheartened Man

The nave of the church is the core place of every cathedral. It is the place where believers are accommodated during worship activities. The two sides of the long vertical hall are filled with benches. There are paths on the left, middle and right of the bench array for the priests to move around.

There is a goddess statue in the semicircular independent nave. She is a lady wearing a loose robe, holding a lantern, and covering half of her face with a silk scarf.

Even after acquiring Giles' knowledge, Chen Ke failed to obtain additional information when looking at the statue. Chen Ke has no research on theology, not to mention that this is the Great Void, so he has no way of knowing which faith this goddess belongs to.

So, Chen Ke turned his attention to the rows of benches. He calculated that one bench could seat three people and four benches in a row, a total of eight rows. A total of 96 people could be seated here. Priests, not counting the number of people that can be accommodated in the surrounding trails.

Chen Ke not only imagined that in this lost era, before the people living here became ashes and living corpses, every Sunday, hundreds of priests, all dressed solemnly, came to this church neatly and silently, and under the Pope's presence Under the auspices, solemn prayers were made towards the unnamed goddess.

That scene must be both sacred and weird. People all have a herd mentality. When an individual integrates into a group, his or her individual consciousness will be overwhelmed by the collective consciousness. This is the so-called assimilation.

Chen Ke is an atheist, but after witnessing monsters and holy objects, his old ideas were shaken a little. Perhaps, in the mysterious darkness of the universe, there are really many indescribable things that have been spying on this blue star. colored balls.

No, maybe he just got lucky and traveled to a universe full of mystery and magic, witnessing miracles that only appeared in movies and novels in the past.

The small passage that Chen Ke came out of is located on the right side of the statue of the goddess. It is a dedicated passage leading to the library. It seems that the library is not open to everyone, otherwise the entrance would not be built at such a deep place.

Combining Giles' memory, Chen Ke guessed that the library should be a library that stores historical files and various legal codes of the Vanherd Kingdom, and it may also hide a lot of dangerous wisdom.

As the Grand Master of the Kingdom's library, Giles' knowledge should be unparalleled in this kingdom.

He walked down the steps and strolled along the path paved with red gold-edged carpets. There were very gorgeous paintings on the top of the church, describing a majestic king leading his own heroic knights to fight against enemies that could not be described in words, just like It's a thick black slurry.

As I imagined, the time period of this place should be similar to the medieval period, but the European Middle Ages spanned thousands of years, where exactly was the Kingdom of Vanherd?

From the 5th century AD to the 15th century AD, many famous historical events occurred during this millennium, such as the Black Death and the Crusades.

According to the descriptions of later generations of historians, this was a dark millennium in which Europe's technological and cultural development almost stagnated, aristocrats and religious wars were endless, and the average life span of ordinary civilians did not exceed 35 years.

It was not until the European Renaissance liberated human thought from religion in the mid-14th century, and then the Age of Discovery kicked off at the end of the 15th century, that the historical process of mankind continued to move forward.

Even in this world, the general direction of history and the division of eras have not changed. Where did the Kingdom of Vanherd in this great void come from? What is the black slurry that the knights fight against?

After seeing the murals on the dome, Chen Kecai suddenly realized that the candlestick chandelier on the top of the church was actually illuminated! The orange candlelight illuminated the windowless church brightly, with only some corners still hidden in dark shadows.

Following the orange candlelight, Chen Ke looked towards the church door. On the steps near the corner, there was a person sitting.

Even Chen Ke could tell at a glance that this person had traveled here from the outside world just like him, because his clothes were more modern than Chen Ke's.

He is a white man with orange hair, wearing a combat uniform similar to P.W.A.T., but he looks more advanced anyway. He is guessed to be a gelatinous one-piece combat uniform, with an armor-like baffle on his chest, and a Individual equipment.

Leaning on the wall next to him was a long rifle with a very sci-fi shape. Chen Ke guessed that the gun should come from those weapon boxes with the letters HCP written on them.

Because this man was sitting in the shadows and silent, Chen Ke did not notice him immediately.

"Hey!" Chen Ke greeted the man.

The man looked up at Chen Ke, then lowered his head, staring at the ground in a daze. He should be very excited to meet a living person in the void, but he seemed to be used to Chen Ke's arrival.

Chen Ke stepped forward and greeted him again: "Are you from the Administration? It seems that we are not very lucky."

When he got closer, he was able to look at the man carefully. The armor he wears is not like what the United States Federation of 2009 could produce.

It's like a tight-fitting battle suit with reinforced artificial muscles in a video game, and it also has a passive triggering camouflage function. Where the man is leaning against the wall or sitting, the color of the clothing is automatically partially adjusted from dark blue to a color close to the floor and wall.

He wore a wristband-like device on his right wrist. It was gray-black in color and had a small groove. Otherwise, it was bare. Chen Ce guessed that it had some special function.

The man put his hands on his knees and crossed his fingers in front of him. When he saw Chen Ke coming up to say hello, he raised his head and took a look.

"Are you from the administration?" Chen Ke asked.

The man didn't answer. He just looked at the candlestick and broadsword in Chen Ke's hand, looked up and down at his clothes, and said slowly: "Oh...another person who has gone astray. You are also here to complete this place." Did you come here from your world just like those who came before? After all, those people are all great heroes of the past, and you can challenge them with the help of what they left behind. How can we, the weird things, be their opponents? Hehehehehe..."

The man's tone sounded very much like he was mocking Chen Ke, or he was mocking himself, and the words he said made Chen Ke confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about, dude..." Chen Ke shrugged.

"Ah, it seems you really don't know anything... Let me tell you some basic common sense. This is the fragment of a period of time in the Kingdom of Van Hede. If you want to end the cycle here, you must first unlock this The secret of the church," the man said slowly.

"You mean, the time here is different from the time down there?" Chen Ke asked.

"No one can leave this church until the cycle of the church is solved. And I have to tell you bad news. You can't go back now. Those who want to solve the mystery must first have the courage to die trapped in the mystery. Do you have this awareness? Hahahahahaha..." After the man finished speaking, he laughed.

Chen Ke raised his head and looked around the church. He ran to the door without belief and tried to push it.

Sure enough, the door didn't move at all, and when Chen Ke's hands touched the door, there was no feeling of wood, but instead he felt like he touched a wall of air.

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