This aura is deadly

Chapter 637 Lucid Dream

Maria's body slowly melted in front of Chen Ke, turning into a pool of white liquid that blended with the red blood, like strawberry-flavored Dove milk chocolate.

Chen Ke looked around and saw a small green stone on the ground. Isn't that what he wanted? He walked over and picked it up.

The castle had undergone great changes at this time, as if it had aged instantly. The floors rolled up, the walls peeled off, moss and dust appeared out of thin air and adhered to the walls and roofs. The flames were extinguished, and the outside reappeared. It started to snow, and the flakes drifted into the house, bringing a chill to the air.

Is it some kind of backtracking? Has the castle returned to what it was at some point because of Maria's demise? Chen Ke didn't want to think too much. Looking at his tattered clothes, he was already a little bit naked. He simply summoned Angeli armor to replace the tattered clothes.

Everything here is over. Let them deal with the secret keeper. Everything in this era is over for Chen Ke. He took out a soul and prepared to open a door to the Dream Center.


Chen Ke crushed his soul and thought about the Dream Center, but the door did not appear.


Chen Ke couldn't help but become nervous.

He can come and go freely in various fields, no matter where he dares to go directly, all he relies on is the ability to open doors freely. If this ability fails...

Chen Ke was a little panicked. He walked back and forth in the hall, trying to see if there were any other ways out. He didn't have many souls in his hands, and he didn't dare to waste them anymore.

"Is there a door here..."

The black knight was searching in the circular hall, scratching his iron head anxiously. There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, and all kinds of bad assumptions came up. The more he thought about it, the more distressed he became.

At this time, the castle suddenly trembled slightly, and a giant white head looked inside from the broken cut in the wall of the castle hall. There were seven eyes on its face, four on the left and three on the right.

"This... this is..." Chen Ke looked at the face of the giant thing and remembered that he had seen it in the foundation's underground building in reality... Isn't it the source of his ability...

The giant creature looked at Chen Ke. Its four blue eyes were wide open and its eyes were frightening. For a moment, everything around him stopped. Chen Ke could not hear other sounds, and the dancing snowflakes were frozen in place. Mid-air, this is the effect of time being suspended!

Chen Ke also became unable to move, and his body remained in a posture of turning his head in place as if he was about to walk away. He looked at the giant thing, unable to tell what the other person was thinking.

But he still retains his own thinking.

The giant white thing stretched out its hand, pinched Chen Ke, and dragged him out of the hall. With Chen Ke's size, it could just fill the palm of its hand.

The giant white thing spread its palm, clasped the seam of Chen Ke's armor with the other hand, and gently pried it open, just like prying open the plastron of an insect, tearing apart Angel's Elegy's breastplate, revealing Chen Ke's armor. The flesh within. The six-pack abs and two chest muscles were just exposed in front of the giant thing.

The giant's big face came close to him and he took a closer look at Chen Ke's chest. The sun-like mark was actually rotating slowly, unaffected by the pause in time.

The giant stretched out his other hand, slid two fingers on his abdominal muscles, slowly slid them to his heart, and inserted them in one go.

Chen Ke's temples were so painful that veins popped out, and his eyes almost bulged out, but his body remained motionless, allowing the giant thing to manipulate him. A bloody hole was dug into his chest by two fingers of the giant object, and the blood bloomed in his chest like a frozen fountain.

The giant object's fingers were playing with his chest, and Chen Ke's consciousness began to drift away. At this time, the giant object seemed to have finally found what it wanted, pinched it with two fingers, and pulled it out.

black stone...

The stone has been fused with Chen Ke's body, with flesh and blood tissue sticking to it. When the giant thing pulled the black stone out, a long strip of flesh wrapped around the black stone, like a hanging thread. When the giant thing pulled, there was a snapping sound. The flesh belt broke and the black stone was completely taken out.

He brought the black stone in his hand to his eyes and looked at it, as if he felt something. His seven eyes narrowed into a slit, like a profiteer negotiating with another profiteer.

Chen Ke's head was buzzing with pain. After a few minutes, the giant creature looked at Chen Ke again. It narrowed its eyes and squeezed Chen Ke hard with its right hand, turning Chen Ke into ketchup.


Chen Ke stood up suddenly, jumped up from the bed, shouted selflessly, and hugged himself tightly with both hands.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had returned to the Dream Center and was lying on the bed in his room.

He breathed heavily, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and jumped out of bed, still wearing a tattered 19th century suit.

Chen Ke frowned and quickly unbuttoned his chest. He looked down at his chest and found no wounds. He stretched out his right hand and the black pistol was summoned. He still felt full in his hand.

"What just happened?!" Chen Ke stared at the pistol and said.

Blackstone ignored him.

"Fuck!" Chen Ke looked up at the ceiling and then at everything around him. He didn't feel anything unusual, but some things must have changed.

He remembered something, groped around on his body quickly, and pulled out the green sacred diamond from his pocket. It was in Chen Ke's hand, and the six-sided cut surface reflected white light, which was very beautiful.

Chen Ke stood up, walked quickly to the door, and quickly opened the door. Opposite was the room provided by the 1888 thieves group.

"Diana?" Chen Ke walked into the room. It became very quiet. There was a small oil lamp on the table, and the wick had been burned out.

"Diana??" Chen Ke called from inside the room, but no one answered him, so he went directly to the door of Diana's room and knocked on the door.

"Are you inside?" Chen Ke said.

The sun shines calmly from the window and sprinkles on the wooden floor. In the quiet afternoon, the whitecaps of the Thames River are rushing, and insects are chirping on the trees.

Chen Ke ran upstairs and opened the door to Lucina's room. The bed was empty.

"Where are the people..." Chen Ke had some bad guesses. Did something happen that caused this era to change?

Chen Ke ran downstairs decisively and ran towards the door of the cabin. As soon as he arrived at the door, Lucina and Diana pushed the door open and the two of them bumped into each other.

"Hey! Hey!" Lucina's face slammed into Chen Ke's chest.

"Hey Chen Ke!" Diana and Parker were behind and greeted Chen Ke happily after seeing him.

"How long have I been there?" Chen Ke asked.

"You are in a mess. Do you have a story to tell us?" Lucina hugged Chen Ke and pushed him into the house.

"A week." Parker said.

Chen Ke put on new clothes and the four of them sat in front of the house together. A week had passed since he left this time. It shouldn't have been like this. This was probably due to the influence of the giant white thing.

Chen Ke told his story, then took out the green holy diamond and placed it on the table.

"'s really here." Lucina looked at this small stone and said.

"Evie and Jacob are still waiting for you, you know, right?" Parker asked.

"I know, but it's a pity that little Jack won't be able to be found..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"What are you going to tell them?" Diana asked.

"To tell the truth, I did what I could. Not everything goes as planned, and not all stories have an ending... What happened in 1888 is over for me," Chen Kedao said.

"Are we leaving like this?" Lucina asked.

"I will give Evie and Jacob an explanation, and then...Diana, you know what you are going to do." Chen Ke stood up and prepared to go outside.

Diana cleared her throat and tried not to think about what was going to happen later. She looked at Lucina, who was leaning back in her chair and smiling.

Brothers, strive for perfect attendance this month! Awesome!

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