This aura is deadly

Chapter 640 Thunder

"Why should I cooperate with that Feihuang bitch? I can handle Li Moyang and his little bodyguard by myself."

Oliveira was pacing in the room. She was wearing a purple satin dress, with a pair of muscular legs exposed under the bifurcated skirt. Her thick arms were tight, her long blond hair was tied around her head, and she wore a string of green luminous pearls around her neck. necklace.

"Miss Oliveira, this is the secret meeting of God's will." The housekeeper said from the side.

"They are questioning my abilities. They shouldn't be like this! I am a witch!" Oliveira put her hands on her hips and glanced at the piano she had smashed.

Since the attack against Li Moyang failed, Oliveira has been criticized by the senior leaders of the Divine Will Secret Society. As the only witch of the Divine Will Secret Society, she has not been substantively punished, but the Divine Will Secret Society is no longer willing to let her go alone. Instead of dealing with Li Moyang, he forced her to cooperate with a drug dealer named Ling Yuhen.

Oliveira can't stand failure and disrespect.

A week has passed since the incident, and Oliveira's anger still shows no sign of abating. Every day she breaks something to vent her anger. The bodyguards inside and outside the villa also have a headache, but they dare not express their anger.

No one in this world wants to be punched by the Raging Witch.

"Farque! Farque! Farque! Farque!" Oliveira shouted, completely losing the image of a noble, elegant and stylish lady that she had worked so hard to create.

"Ms. Oliveira, the meeting with Miss Ling is almost here. The car is ready and we can leave at any time." The housekeeper reminded that in fact, they were already late.

"Why don't you let her come to see me, but ask me to see her?" Oliveira was dissatisfied.

"This is the secret of God's will..." the steward said.

Before the housekeeper finished speaking, Oliveira interrupted him and said angrily: "Fuck the Divine Will Conclave, fuck it, I'm not working for those old men! Tell that bitch to come here. See me, or go back and play with your own a**!”

"This cooperation is an opportunity for you. I don't think the inspiration for this cooperation comes from the secret circle of the Divine Will Conclave. It may be someone higher than them." The steward said.

The core ruling class of the Divine Will Conclave is the Secret Circle, which is similar to the Roman Senate. It is a think tank composed of several high-ranking and unpredictable people. However, even they are not the supreme leaders of the mysterious council. They all obey a more transcendent one. exist.

Oliveira's status in the Secret Society of God's Will is not low. After all, she is the only witch and the only medium who can sense the green holy diamond.

"Hmph..." Oliveira was mentally shaken when she heard the housekeeper say this.

"Let's go, Ms. Oliveira, you have to make a good impression on your future partners," the housekeeper said.

"I'm going to change clothes, arrange the most expensive suit for me!" Oliveira ordered, turned and left the hall.

The other end...

A black-haired lady in a red antique suit was sitting in the backyard of a Feihuang-style villa drinking red wine. There was no sunshine in the sky of Opportunity City. I wonder if it was because of the poverty of the city.

The way the woman drank red wine was very unsightly. It was more like eating than tasting wine. The small round table next to it was filled with goblets. She raised her head and drank one cup after another, making a gulping sound. .

The servants around were all Feihuang people, and their faces were a little pale. After the woman finished drinking, they filled up the empty glasses. There were three empty wooden boxes on the ground next to them, all of which were filled with empty green glass bottles. .

"Type O blood tastes better than type B blood. Can we increase the supply of type O in the future?" the woman asked the steward next to her in Feihuang.

"Miss Ling, I will make arrangements. But this is not Feihuang, and the mobilization of blood sources is not as flexible as at home." The steward said respectfully.

"I understand, this is not our territory, but we need the blood." Ling Yuhen nodded, then looked at the lawn in front of him, his eyes filled with calm.

"Miss Ling! Ms. Oliveira is here! In the living room." A bodyguard opened the door to the backyard and announced.

Ling Yuhen wiped the blood on his lips and corners of his mouth with a white napkin, and then walked into the room accompanied by the steward.

"The opponent is Chaofan. We have already deployed four professional levels outside the house, as well as blood..." the steward whispered.

"Shh... I know what's appropriate." Ling Yuhen said.

Knowing Ling Yuhen's cautious character, the housekeeper bowed slightly and said no more.

Ling Yuhen saw a bunch of United Federation of Bodyguards standing outside the house, then signaled the Feihuang bodyguards behind him to stay, and walked into the reception room alone.

Oliveira was dressed in purple and was standing in front of an oil painting in the living room. The oil painting showed a black castle on the top of a mountain under a full moon.

"This painting makes people feel very cold." Oliveira commented in time when she noticed Ling Yuhen entering the house.

"That's a place where snow falls all year round." Ling Yuhen said with a smile.

"I don't like places where it snows. My family used to live in the north, and it was freezing cold every winter. But my father never wanted to spend more money to buy firewood because he wanted to use the money to try his luck at the gambling table. ." Oliveira said.

"At least you don't have to endure the cold now." Ling Yuhen nodded.

"You are pampered and have grown up shouting about silver spoons. Don't make it seem like you know me very well." Oliveira smiled.

"I also have my own difficulties, Ms. Oliveira, but the same goal brings us with completely different backgrounds to stand here." Ling Yuhen was not angry either.

"Well, what is your hometown like?" Oliveira asked.

"It's in a big mountain. It's very cold in winter. There are bears in the forest." Ling Yuhen said.

"You must hate that place, right?" Oliveira asked with a smile.

"No, I don't hate it, because there is a field deep in the mountain, and there are many cows. Although it's very cold in winter, in spring, the yellow rape flowers are like the ocean. The wind blows on them and there will be white waves. There are many small fish in the small streams in the mountains. You can catch them without a scoop. We will grill fish at night." Ling Yuhen said.

"You see, this is the difference between you and me. What I see in my eyes is suffering, and suffering will give me motivation. You only see peace and contentment, but what can that bring you?" Oliveira shook his head.

"Suffering will waste people's will and make people paranoid. We Feihuang people adapt to our own situation, find joy in suffering, and seize every opportunity to change our fate." Ling Yuhen said.

"The secret meeting of God's will is unnecessary." Oliveira sighed.

At this time, thunder rumbled in the sky, as if a chariot was driving above the clouds.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew and heavy rain fell. The bodyguards outside the house all went into the house, and some got into the car directly.

Ling Yuhen and Oliveira looked out the window, and the sky became very gloomy.

A thunderclap sounded, and there was a loud bang, and something fell in front of the villa.

Electric current shuttled across the ground, and the engines of the surrounding cars all turned off. A big tree beside the path was also struck by thunder and burned, and a large branch fell off. The wires on the electric poles also broke, flashing sparks and hanging to the ground. The rain stopped instantly, and the wind was still whistling. This instant rain was completely caused by a giant lightning bolt passing through the cumulonimbus cloud.

In front of the villa, a ball of lightning retreated, the electric charge in the air was crackling, and two figures appeared in the open space.

It was a tall blond man, and a man with a round shield and a mechanical arm on his right arm.

The two men walked into the house with a swagger, and none of the bodyguards dared to stop them.

When the two tall men pushed open the door of the reception room, Oliveira's guess finally came true. It was Him who came...

The Thunder of Asgard, the ruler of the Nine Realms, the legendary Thor, the founder of the Divine Will!

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