This aura is deadly

Chapter 644 Diana’s fitness advice

For several days, Chen Ke had nothing to do.

It was as if the world had stopped, and he fell into a state of idleness.

If it were in the original world, what would he do with this time? Maybe take a good nap at home, get up at noon every day, and eat snacks while watching TV until the afternoon?

It was impossible to go shopping. Whether it was before or after time travel, he didn't like shopping, and his current state did not allow him to go shopping.

It is impossible to play games. He has played all the games in 2009... He has long been tired of them... Sometimes Chen Ke can't help but think, why is it 2009? How much better would it be if it were 2029? Not only can you play Cyberpunk 2077 and The Last of Us 2 in advance, but you may also be able to play Game of Thrones 6 and GTA 6.

However, it has not been released, and video games are still stuck in the seventh generation. Even Overwatch has not been released on PC. Everyone is still playing WOW and LOL, which is completely uninspiring.

"I'm so bored!" Chen Ke sighed. He was shirtless and wearing baggy beach shorts, lying on a lounge chair next to the swimming pool. He was watching Y2B on his mobile phone. The time-killing iPad will not be released until next year. This People around the world will have to wait a few more years before they can experience the wonderful technological life of the 21st century.

Under Chen Ke's strong suggestion, he finally filled the swimming pool with water. After all, it looked more normal. The midday sun was fierce. Parker stood in front of the window on the third floor and greeted Chen Ke below. .

"What are you doing?"

"Kill time."

"Want to come and play Oka?"

"Not playing."

Parker went back to playing Oka. He originally thought that Diana was also playing with him, but Chen Ke saw her walking into the backyard wearing blue denim shorts and a black sports bar, with long dark brown hair hanging on her shoulders. The figure is clearly visible.

Diana has a really nice figure...

"Do you want to go for a swim?" Chen Ke asked while lying down.

"I'm not sure, I'm afraid I'll melt as soon as I get in." Diana knelt down by the pool to test it, and splashed her hand in the water.

"Have you ever been able to swim before?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Of course I will, but I am a flame witch now. I don't know what will happen if I go into the water." Diana said.

"Hey, didn't you dare to be cremated before?" Chen Ke remembered this incident.

"Yeah, but I recovered slowly later. I think I digested the blood." Diana said, sitting on the edge of the pool and soaking her feet in the pool.

"Look, you haven't melted and the swimming pool hasn't boiled," Chen Ke said.

"I don't know why, but now I instinctively resist liquids, and I'm not very afraid of heat. Maybe it's the influence of the witch's power." Diana said.

"Maybe, but I think these are relatively positive influences, and you have to practice more. You have not yet used the fire magic to the level that a normal witch should have." Chen Kedao.

If Angeli can explode with such huge power in her mummy form, she can only be even more powerful at her peak.

Chen Ke has seen what happened to Van Heder and the abilities of other witches, so this ability should be something that can be continuously improved with practice.

"Of course, of course... I will work hard. Let me start from the step of entering the water... um..." Diana put her hands on the ground and slowly slid into the pool. The water slowly reached her knees.

Chen Ke got up from the recliner, walked behind Diana, put his hands on her shoulders, pushed her in hard.



Diana fell into the water and screamed in fright. She fluttered in the water and finally found her center of gravity. She stepped on the bottom of the pool with her feet and swung her arms to keep her head out of the water.

Diana shook her hair, spit out some water, and looked at Chen Ke angrily.

"Look, it can still float." Chen Ke said.

"The water is not even 1.5 meters deep. It's too cold...come here and give me a hand." Diana walked to the edge of the swimming pool and stretched out her hand to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke bent down, grabbed Diana's hand, and pulled her up forcefully.

"Bai Liu."

Diana smiled evilly, grabbed Chen Ke with both hands, and pulled him into the swimming pool.


Chen Ke fell onto his back and fell into the water. A series of bubbles surged in front of his eyes. He felt a hand holding his abdomen, and someone pulled him by the shoulder and pulled him toward the water.

Chen Ke also shook his hair and sprayed water from his mouth.

"Okay, we're even, hey hey hey..." Diana stood next to him and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be so fussy." Chen Ke pushed his hair back.

"Hmm..." Diana put her left hand on Chen Ke's shoulder and her right hand on his abdominal muscles, as if she wanted to say something.

"What?" Chen Ke asked.

"I touched your abdominal muscles just now... They are quite beautiful, but the strength of your core muscles is still not enough." Diana commented.

"What are core muscles?" Chen Ke asked. He didn't know anything about fitness. Lin Mo trained his tendon muscles.

"The muscles of the waist and abdomen are used to protect the stability of the spine. They are very important muscle groups in the human body. For example... these areas, the transversus abdominis, pelvic floor muscles, and lower back muscles..." Diana's hand was on Chen Ke gestured at his waist and abdomen, feeling down his spine.

"You must have paid more attention to your physical exercise in the past than you do now. The shape of your chest and abdomen is good, but it is not thick enough. If you don't want to be punched and unable to stand straight, you'd better do more anaerobic exercise. I But I have a deep understanding..." Diana's index finger drew circles on Chen Ke's abdomen.

She touched the bullet hole on Chen Ke's abdomen and whispered: "Ah...fuck, this must be very painful."

This wound was left by Lin Mo before, but Chen Ke didn't feel anything at all. After Diana became the Fire Witch, her body was reshaped and she was able to slowly recover. The various scars on her body were gone.

"You're right, my strength is indeed not enough." Chen Ke patted his stomach and nodded.

He still remembered the way Diana held Moonlight and Banshee in her left and right hands. That power was incredible.

"It's rare to have free time, Chen Ke. There are fitness equipment in the villa. Why not seize this time to make yourself better? Your arms also need to be trained. If you need protection during the deadlift, you can call me." Diana smiled.

"Okay, I'll go take a look in the afternoon. Do you still want to paddle here?" Chen Ke asked.

"I need to get used to the feeling of soaking in the water again. Do you want to take a dip with me, or do you have other things to do?" Diana asked with a smile.

"I'm going to see what Lucina is doing." Chen Ke shrugged.

"The doctor is here. She is with Lucina. You should really go and see her." Diana said.

Chen Ke climbed up from the swimming pool and walked to the villa dripping wet. There were two bodyguards watching TV in the lobby on the first floor. Their role was not to protect, but to warn. When they saw Chen Ke coming in, they nodded towards him.

Chen Ke also nodded, then turned and went up the stairs, leaving a trail of water behind his butt.

Chen Ke and Lucina's room was on the second floor, and Parker and Diana lived on the third floor. There was also a room where guns and ammunition were stored, which was prepared for bodyguards. When he saw that the door was not closed tightly, he crept over and headed towards Look through the crack in the door.

Lucina was wearing a large purple T-shirt on her upper body and black tight shorts on her lower body with a ponytail. She was sitting on a stool and pulled up her T-shirt to reveal the wound on her waist. Li Moyang's female doctor was examining her at the side.

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