This aura is deadly

Chapter 67 All equipment depends on explosion

The knight sized up the situation and defended with his shield, as if like Chen Ke, he was also waiting for his opponent to reveal a flaw. Heavy breathing and inhuman whispers came from the gaps in the full-face helmet, revealing that the knight was just a living corpse, without humanity and soul, just a humanoid beast.

All its movements are only derived from its past training memories, without any experience, and it will not be flexible according to the actual situation. Although Chen Ke does not know swordsmanship, he is proficient in a variety of killing techniques. Be careful not to get hit. but.

Chen Ke lit the fire broadsword. Although it could not substantially harm the knight, the fire should attract some of the knight's attention. He tentatively performed a feint attack. The technique he used was actually based on Kali. Practical techniques for short sticks and daggers.

"duang duang!"

The flaming broadsword hit the knight's shield, making a crisp metal collision sound. The knight followed his instinct and made a tilted shield and thrust the sword straight. The movement was slow but full of power. When the sword was here, it actually made a sound. There was a strong sound of breaking wind.

Chen Ke slid back, easily dodged the blow, and distanced himself. He moved his shoulders, and the first test was successful, which allowed him to find a little confidence and get into rhythm.

"It's okay, it's can kill it without being greedy with a knife..." Chen Kemo said.

The knight thrust out his sword but missed the target. He slowly retracted his sword, then returned to a standing posture, walking towards Chen Ke step by step with mechanical and heavy steps.

Chen Kemo counted the time between the movements of the knight just now. The movements of this knight gave people a strong sense of separation. Each set of movements was fine in itself, but the connection between different movements was very stiff.

After turning into ashes and living corpses, these once-human beings only relied on muscle memory and instinct for all their actions. Even though this knight was once a master of sword control, he has now forgotten all swordsmanship combos and only knows mechanical skills. One action after another repeated.

Chen Ke tapped its shield tentatively, then suddenly stepped forward and slapped Chen Ke with the shield. This was a shield strike action. Chen Ke jumped back and dodged it again. After the knight completed the shield attack, he returned to a standing position, and then walked to make up for the distance created by Chen Ke's back jump.

In fact, if this knight were alive, Chen Ke would have been killed long ago. When Chen Ke tentatively knocked on the shield, he would have been taken away by him with a straight step and a straight thrust.

But this time, before waiting for the knight to return to a standing posture, Chen Kebian boldly flashed past the side where he was holding the shield. The knight stopped and turned around. At the same time, he waved his shield again and slammed into Chen Ke's left arm.


Chen Ke didn't expect that the knight's movement reaction would become so much faster. He was hit hard, and his left shoulder was hit hard by the iron shield. It hurt for a while, as if the shoulder was dislocated.

He staggered and fell against the wall, and the fire-drawing sword he held in his left hand fell to the ground.

"Fuck!" Chen Ke cursed secretly. He turned around and saw the knight's straight sword approaching.

Thinking brilliantly, he rolled to the side to avoid the knight's thrust, then rolled directly back and stood up numbly.

The broad sword that started the fire was thrown on the ground and was not picked up. The dog's life was at stake.

Chen Ke held the Van Hede straight sword in both hands. He had already mastered some tricks just now. As long as he was fast enough, he could get behind it during the gap between the knight's attacks, and he would always be able to find a loophole.

Chen Ke bent over slightly and put the sword in his chest. The tip of the sword was slightly tilted towards the knight, and he slowly moved towards the knight's sword-holding side.

As if he had read Chen Ke's thoughts, the knight slowly adjusted his position according to Chen Ke's pace, and the two of them walked in circles.

"You'd better explode something for me." Chen Ke said to the knight, although the other party definitely didn't understand.

Chen Ke saw the broadsword on the ground out of the corner of his eye, and estimated the distance. When the tip of the sword was pointed towards the knight, he suddenly stretched out his foot and lifted the hilt of the sword, letting the broadsword slide on the ground and hit it with a sudden impact. On the knight's greaves.

The knight suddenly accelerated and changed his movements this time. He rushed towards Chen Ke, raised the straight sword in his hand, and slashed horizontally from left to right.

Chen Ke's eyes widened, and he rolled forward just in time to land behind the knight. He immediately stood up and thrust his sword into the gap between the knight's armpit guards.

Chen Ke could feel the sharp edge of Van Hede's straight sword cutting the knight's muscle fibers. Almost all of the sword blade penetrated the knight's body, and the sword tip pierced out from the knight's chest and hit the inside of the breastplate.

Chen Ke turned the hilt of the sword, crushing the knight's still-unknown heart, and held the knight's right arm with his right hand, preventing him from swinging the sword again.

But he underestimated the power of the knight.

The knight swung his right arm violently and threw Chen Ke away. He fell to the ground with his bare hands.

Van Hede's straight sword was still in the knight's body, and the knight's movements became more uncoordinated. He took two steps towards Chen Ke. When he took the third step, he suddenly knelt down on his knees and the straight sword slipped from his hand. He fell face to face.

Chen Ke sat on the ground and looked at it for a long time. There was no white light flashing from the knight's body.

Nothing exploded.

Looking at the knight lying on the ground, Chen Ke's first thought was to take off its armor. With this set of armor, a lot of trouble can be solved. At least, you don't have to be afraid of the teeth and claws of various beasts.

Since you don’t explode, don’t blame me for stripping you...

Chen Ke stood up, patted the dust on his body, and came to the knight's body to look at it carefully. First of all, what he wanted most was the shield. The straight sword seemed good too. When Chen Ke tried to pick up these two items , but something unexpected happened.

The knight's straight sword slowly emitted a white halo in Chen Ke's hand, and then turned into ashes... Turning to look at the shield, it was the same ending.


Chen Ke scratched his head. There was nothing wrong with the Van Hede straight sword he picked up. Why did this knight's weapon turn into ashes?

He sighed and turned to take off the knight's helmet.

The touch of cold steel made people feel very at ease, and Chen Ke couldn't wait to get it off and put it on his head.

Hmm...why is it so tight...tighter than a TM virgin...

Chen Ke sat on the knight's head, pushing his shoulders with his feet, and clasping the lower edge of the full-face bucket helmet with both hands. He exerted all his strength, biting his gums without even removing the helmet from the knight's head. Take it off.

"It's unscientific, this is so unscientific..."

Chen Ke took off the knight's gloves and shoes again, with the same result.

In the end, Chen Ke sat against the wall and could only come to one conclusion: even if he killed the humanoid monsters in the Great Void, he could not obtain the equipment on them. It seemed that the equipment could only be obtained through explosion!

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