This aura is deadly

Chapter 677 Unpleasant Meeting

The woman's body was still fresh. It seemed that she had died not long ago. Chen Ke stepped forward to take a closer look. After taking two steps, he realized that he had stepped on something.

He looked down and saw that the red candle was half extinguished.

This candle was not a slender one, but a thick and short one. He couldn't name the type of candle. He drew an arc with white chalk on the ground next to the candle, but Because of the rain, the handwriting is a little faded.

Looking along the chalk arc, Chen Kecai noticed that the female corpse was lying in the middle of a circular formation made of several candles, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit mysterious.

The circular array drawn with chalk looked familiar. Chen Ke took out his mobile phone and flipped through the photo album. He compared it with the array he saw in Langton Sewer and found that there was still a big difference. He put away the mobile phone and felt that this The woman was not simply killed, there were various signs that she was sacrificed.

Chen Ke walked up to the female corpse, bent down and took a closer look at the woman's abdomen. She was wearing a gray business suit, with a delicate face and a peaceful expression. She looked like a very common and common image of a Japanese woman in Japanese dramas.

Although she was disemboweled, Chen Ke did not see the various intestines piled up on the ground. Some bad thoughts came to his mind. Did these people who sacrificed the woman take away her internal organs...?

Is this woman Qianharuye?

At this time, the woman in kimono appeared at the end of the alley. She was only more than ten meters away from Chen Ke. From this distance, Chen Ke could clearly see the face of the woman in kimono.

This woman looked exactly like the woman lying on the ground. Her face was pale, and her long black hair fell to the ground like a waterfall. She had her eyes closed, with a sad expression on her face. Her white kimono, and her abdomen were stained red with blood.

"Qian Chunye?" Chen Ke called.

I don’t know if she understands the federal language, but the woman didn’t react at all.

"It's not meaningless for you to bring me to see this..." Chen Ke asked again.

With a snap, the kimonoed woman's head suddenly tilted down, as if her neck was broken, and the sky suddenly turned into night.

Chen Ke's eyes were fixed on her, ready to pull out a big gun at any time. As long as the other party acted out of line, he would shoot her in the face. In Chen Ke's field of vision, this woman was not a family member.

"Do you want revenge?" Chen Ke asked again.

The woman took a long breath, making the surroundings become colder. Her body slowly faded, and then disappeared into the night. The surroundings began to become noisy, and everything returned to normal. Chen Ke looked at his feet, and the body was gone. He quickly chased out of the alley, and the outside had changed to what it looked like in 2009.

"Fuck...this is..." Chen Ke was completely speechless. There was still a curfew on the street at this time, and in my left eye, I could still see those strange things wandering on the street. At the same time, an Administration's assault vehicle was driving past the street in the distance.

"Chen Ke."

At this time, Chen Ke heard someone calling him from behind, and the voice was very familiar.

When I turned around, I saw an Asian black-haired woman, wearing a red business suit and a black skirt. Her long hair was blowing in the night wind.

"Xu Jing...?" Chen Ke was stunned. Why is this woman here again?

"You said last time that we would never see each other again." Chen Ke said.

"The situation is not as simple as you think." Xu Jing smiled.

"What does the foundation want to do with me again? Have you met any new dependents again?" Chen Ke asked.

"I didn't come to you for this... I just wanted to... tell you something." Xu Jing said a little tactfully.

"I have a bad feeling." Chen Ke put his hands in his pockets.

"Why did you come to Risheng?" Xu Jing asked at this time.

"I'll handle personal matters." Chen Ke said perfunctorily.

"But it seems like wherever you run, something will happen." Xu Jing said.

"You mean, this situation is caused by me? Well, what did the foundation observe?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm here to see you in my own name... not the foundation. There are some situations that I can't tell you directly," Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke looked around, his eyes flashing with two colors. Except for the sporadic monsters, he saw no one else.

"I didn't bring anyone here." Xu Jing promised.

"What do you want to tell me?" Chen Ke said bluntly.

"The foundation has decided on two things, one for you and one for this era." Xu Jing said somewhat suggestively.

Chen Ke probably guessed what the foundation decided.

"You want to tear off a bead...? So what happened now, was it you who did it?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, it was precisely because of this incident that the foundation..." Xu Jing hinted with her eyes in the middle of her sentence.

"Then how are they going to deal with me?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Have you seen the underground alienation control center of the Bureau?" Xu Jing asked.

"So you guys want to take me in?" Chen Ke smiled.

"You can still laugh...Chen Ke, I should have brought the mobile team to control you." Xu Jing shook her head.

"Then why didn't you do this?" Chen Ke asked again.

"You saved me in 1859, and I want to give you a warning. The foundation promised me that I would give you half a year to live a stable life, but you are not restless at all." Xu Jing said.

"So this was your plan all along? To arrest me and throw me into your holding facility in 6 months?" Chen Ke raised his eyebrows.

"I could have helped you delay time. But you have been acting all this time, changing too many things, triggering milestone events of this era. This era is hopeless." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke knew that what happened in 1888 was not without cost, and there was no way to be careful.

"I have my purpose, no need to explain it to you." Chen Ke said.

"The operation of this world is not as simple as you think. The Foundation has been trying to protect mankind. Everything you have caused has hindered the Foundation's goals." Xu Jing said.

"But Xu Jing... mankind has perished." Chen Ke said calmly.

Xu Jing subconsciously froze for half a second, almost bluffed by Chen Ke, sorted out his emotions, and stared at Chen Ke's eyes.

"What did you say?" Xu Jing asked.

"You said you were from 2137. Is that right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes... what's the problem?" Xu Jing asked.

"Coincidentally, besides you, I also know another woman from 2137, she is also from the Foundation. But there is a word gap between your two foundations." Chen Ke laughed.

"Don't think you can fool me with this kind of words. What's the name of that woman?" Xu Jing shook her head.

"Do you know Lin Yayin?" Chen Ke asked.

"There is no such person in the foundation." Xu Jing laughed.

"Maybe it's just that you don't exist in her foundation." Chen Ke said.

"Then why don't you call her out to confront me?" Xu Jing asked.

"Because she has been killed by me." Chen Ke said coldly.

Xu Jing was stunned, subconsciously tensed all the muscles in his body, and asked carefully: "... Why did you kill her?"

"Because she tried to stop me and do what I want to do." Chen Ke replied.

"..." Xu Jing was speechless.

"Do you know what I went through later? The future I saw is completely different from what you said, and what I will face is beyond your imagination. I don't have many choices in front of me, but the results are not the same. Either I die, or I die, or I still die. I don't want this, so fuck the foundation and the management bureau, I want to find a way to solve this problem myself, whoever stands in the way, I will kill him." Chen Ke said calmly.

"You chose to lose control... Chen Ke, you could have lived a good life for a few years." Xu Jing said.

"I never make choices, I only make decisions. I decided to keep myself alive, so I will stay alive." Chen Ke said coldly.

"Next time we meet, we won't have so much to say." Xu Jing snorted coldly.

She slowly stepped back, took out a pistol, pointed it at her temple, and with a bang, her body flew out and disappeared on the street at night.

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