This aura is deadly

Chapter 679 Confrontation with the Future

"Turn on the stealth coating and transfer the communication signal to the third frequency band." The one-eyed captain commanded from the air.

The 21 iron cans slowly became transparent and disappeared into the night sky. Only 21 inconspicuous blue energy pulse spots on the soles of the feet could be seen. They were some kind of flying power device with unknown principles.

The UI interface in the helmet constantly reflects information about the surrounding environment, such as air humidity, the outline of nearby alienated individuals, and heat source detectors used to measure vital signs.

Even if they are in the air, they can't miss any living creature.

"There are more and more shadows," a team member said.

The communication band lit up for a few seconds, and the one-eyed captain responded. He naturally knew what was happening in Kyoto. Two time and space were overlapping, but he didn't know the cause.

The world is full of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy can bring power to human beings and break the limitations of the mortal body on the soul. However, it also means that it is more difficult to maintain the old order. However, having power does not mean that you can open up a new one. era.

Psychic energy has the potential to corrupt humans. Just like those psionic monsters, humans are actually nothing special.

Psychic energy was brought by gods, and the purpose of gods is to transform humans. However, without using psionic energy, it is impossible to deal with those things that are also corrupted - psionic monsters, which humans encounter in the new era. New question.

The Foundation cannot currently solve this problem, but it can at least exercise limited control to delay as much time as possible so that future humans can prepare.

That's why he joined the Mobile Team.

If this era is irreversible, then apply for the foundation to release memetic erasure substances against it. They have done it several times, and this time is no exception.

"There are those shadows in the sky too. How many people will die if it hits a plane?" One team member marked the phantom of a turtle-like monster 3,000 meters above the sky.

"Concentrate. Civilian casualties in this era are not considered in the mission." The one-eyed captain said.

The total population in every era will always rise and fall. They are just a series of numbers. They have become history. What he cares about more is the 20 brothers around him.

"There are still 2 kilometers above Kamurocho. Most of the heat sources on the street are people from the administration and Self-Defense Forces. There are only six isolated heat sources." The team member said.

21 people adjusted the direction of the energy nozzles and suddenly hovered in mid-air.

The scout initiated the over-the-horizon investigation protocol and immediately identified the six lone targets, matching their height, appearance, race and skin color one by one...

"No targets found, not six." The scout said.

"The phone signal is in Kamurocho. The other party has no vehicles and it is impossible to transfer so quickly. Check the data again." The captain said.

The scout responded and started scanning again. After more than ten seconds.

"No...there's still nothing that matches." The scout said.

"Has your suit been inspected before action?" the captain asked.

"There is absolutely no fault... the reconnaissance module has just been replaced with a new one, using four standard cycles." said the scout.

"Formation order change." The captain said. On the helmet interface, the dots representing the 21 team members were divided into two colors.

"H2 leads Team B, activate cruise mode, and use close-range three-dimensional mapping to scan the streets." The captain ordered.





The 21 people were divided into two teams, one team of 11 people and the other team of 10 people, flying through Kamurocho at a faster speed than before.

At this time, Chen Ke was walking through the alley, looking through the streets with his spiritual vision, carefully avoiding the vehicles of the Administration and Self-Defense Forces.

Seeing that there was no one on the street, he walked out from the back door of a small shop. The wet street looked extremely peaceful, but in the sight of his left eye, there were various monsters floating around.

He looked up at the night sky and saw ten blue light spots streaking across. Chen Ke had never seen such meteors before.

"Meteors... I haven't seen them for a long time." Chen Ke muttered to himself, turned around, and ran towards another street. He wanted to run out of Kamurocho first, hit the streets, and then find a house to hide.

"Captain... there's someone down there." The scout's communication channel lit up, and the one-eyed captain immediately switched to a suspended state.

"There is no heat source, but the information matches," the scout said.

"Team B will snipe from ten directions. The rest of the team will slowly approach with me and turn on stealth mode," the captain said.

With that said, the captain's team fell downwards, the blue pulse under their feet extinguished, and the armor turned matte gray.

The remaining ten people fired three times in the air, the armor color turned red, and the front section of the rifle in their hands unfolded, changing from a 30-shot burst mode to a single-shot mode that used up all the energy at once.

"The target is moving, not fast." The team members sent a message.

"Four people aimed at the limbs, and five people aimed at the body. One shot completely incapacitated him." Commanded by H2 in the air, they glided in the night sky and set up the guns.

The one-eyed captain's men had landed on the lawn, and the sound of the armor's mechanical rotation disappeared. Then, the invisibility coating was turned on, reflecting the surrounding light, and turned into a transparent man.

They ran at high speed in the direction of Chen Ke and gradually spread out, approaching from six directions.

"The ground control team is already in place, let's change history." The captain said.

Ten guns were aimed at Chen Ke, and the gun heads began to accumulate energy.

"1265 meters, the movement error is 7 meters, the bullet speed is 21, and the advance amount of 3.8 can offset the distance delay." The aerial sniper unit is in place, H2 adjusts the final aiming coefficient, and all ten guns are online.

"Let's start, kill him!" the captain said.

The players' index fingers were on the triggers.

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

"+20 hours"

Chen Key frowned and felt a steady stream of murderous aura coming toward him. Without even half a second's hesitation, he dodged and broke the glass door of the convenience store on the left and fell in.

In the next second, ten orange rays of light pierced through the place where he once stood, leaving a pit as big as a palm and half an arm deep.

"Impossible! Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" the scout roared in the frequency band.

"The other party escaped without warning. We should not have been exposed. The stealth program is running and the distance is far enough!" Other team members also said angrily.

"We were exposed, maybe because of HCP0001-1. Team B stayed in the air for sniper support, and the others turned on lightning mode." The captain said ferociously.

The armor of the ground team turned into cyan blue, and four white arcs of light ran back and forth on the surface of the helmets.

Chen Ke got up from the ground and found that there were 11 red humanoid silhouettes approaching him at high speed, but he knew that the sniper shot just now was not fired from the ground.

"There are also people in the sky...but the distance must be very far, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see the red figure." Chen Ke said to himself.

He only thought about it for a moment, then pulled out the rocket launcher and fired a shot at the wall where the three figures were running toward.



Fire and white mist suddenly rose in the convenience store, cement and lime were flying. The three mobile team members broke through the wall and hit the divine blood rocket head-on. The one who rushed forward was hit hard and was blown into pieces. Two pieces, the upper half of the body flew out with the spine, smashed on the shelf nearby, and died on the spot.

The other two were also affected by the explosion, flew out, and fell unconscious on the wall.

Soon enough, several other mobile teams also broke through the wall and punched Chen Ke. In the next moment, Chen Ke was wrapped in the Ascension Armor, received a hard punch on the chest, and flew out of the convenient main entrance. He got out and rolled four times on the street.

He cut out a large-caliber rifle, knelt down on one knee and raised the gun to aim. The one-eyed captain rushed in front of him and grabbed the barrel of the gun.

"Tonight is your end." The captain said coldly.

"This book has 2 million words." Chen Ke said coldly.

He snapped his fingers at the captain, and with a bang, white mist filled the air. The captain was blown several hundred meters away by the powerful thrust, and smashed into the third-floor glass window of the building in the distance.

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