This aura is deadly

Chapter 69 Engine of Life

This hole was obviously dug secretly. There were mud walls on both sides of the passage and it was blocked by cabinets. Is it possible that the chef here wanted to escape for some reason? Chen Ke tentatively looked inside and found that the channel was slowly moving upward.

Chen Ke lit the fire sword, bent down and slowly walked into the hole. Where would it lead to? It's really curious.

When a fire-kindling broadsword is used as a torch, it does not burn infinitely. If there is no available firewood, it will go out after a period of time, but then it can be ignited again.

With the help of the firelight, Chen Ke walked in this passage for nearly 10 minutes. It was estimated that there was a distance of 1 kilometer. The entrance hole behind him was already far behind Chen Ke.

The passage slowly went up, and there was an obvious right turn, as if he knew exactly where he was going to dig. It seemed that the digger had gone through a long period of topographic survey and exploration.

When he turned a corner, Chen Ke suddenly heard the sound of running water, and there was even a trace of water vapor in the cool breeze. He looked up and saw that he had reached the entrance of the cave.

The entrance to the cave was pitch black, but listening to the echo, one could feel that there should be a relatively large space outside the cave. Chen Ke rushed to the entrance of the cave in three steps and two steps at a time, only to see an underground river flowing in a small cave more than ten meters square.

A circular light pillar shot down from the hole in the center of the cave. It was the only light source in the cave. Chen Ke walked out of the cave, looked around with his fire-drawing broadsword, and made sure there was no danger before he started exploring here with peace of mind.

This underground river should come from the perennial snow on the top of the mountain, which formed a small water source after seeping into the rock formations. He knelt on one knee on the bank of the river and stretched out his hand to try it. The river water was cool, but Chen Ke did not dare to drink it.

Within the scope of the fire, a living corpse's hand appeared in Chen Ke's field of vision. He stood up suddenly and assumed a fighting posture.

But soon he discovered that this living corpse was just like the corpses in the library. It was a completely dead corpse that could not move. Moreover, the amazing thing was that this corpse actually wore the same wide blue hooded robe as the corpse in the library.

He was the one who dug Cave Nine... As a compiler of the library, why did he come here? It seems that something very complicated has happened in this kingdom.

Chen Ke looked at the corpse carefully, and it seemed to be holding something in its shriveled palms.

"What is this?" Chen Ke looked at it curiously. Under the light of the fire, he saw that the living corpse was holding an irregular oval stone slab in its hand.

The length, width and thickness of this stone slab are about the same as my Nokia E63. It is grey-brown in color and densely engraved with text.

Chen Ke took the slate off the hands of the living corpse and looked at it carefully. The slate itself was very worn and old, but the strange words carved on it felt very new, and there was a faint light blue brilliance.

He brushed the handwriting with his thumb, and the regular touch told him that human hands could not carve such regular and delicate patterns.

At this moment, an inexplicable impulse emerged from the mark on his heart, and then in Chen Ke's field of vision, a bullet frame appeared next to the stone slab:

[Skill Book: Psychic Burst]

[Inheritance: Van Hede Black Circle Cult]

[Type: Magic]

[Requirements: Intelligence (satisfied)]

[Effect: Concentrate spiritual energy at the fingertips and release it instantly, producing a slight push. 】

[The defensive basic magic used by the black ring priests can only produce a slight push. Under the appearance of being harmless, there is a hidden effect of causing death. The danger of magic has nothing to do with itself, but is determined by the user. 】

This is... this is a skill! Chen Ke's eyes widened and he couldn't believe that he actually obtained his first skill here! He held the slate in his hand and studied it, trying to figure out how to learn.

The mark on his heart began to rotate, and the slate glowed slightly in his hand. Then something suddenly happened, the slate became hot! As soon as he let go, the stone slab fell to the dirt floor. The surface blistered and turned into silk like dragon's beard cake, and the words on the surface of the stone slab also shone with a dazzling light.

The light of the font suddenly seemed to come alive, flowing out and into Chen Ke's chest. Chen Ke felt that something was branded deep in his soul. At this time, a series of messages popped up from the corner of his eyes:

"Retrieve extraordinary skills..."

"Magic: 1 item"

"Create Magic Directory"


"Extraordinary Skill: 1"

"Magic: Psychic Burst"

"Legacy: The Black Circle of Van Hede"

"Inspection of related information (source of knowledge: Kingdom of Vanherd)"

"Minimum consumption: 30 minutes"

"Investment improves results based on life span"

The information font slowly disappeared. With a thought, Chen Ke called up the magic directory again. He saw a large orange panel on the left side of his field of vision, and a new sub-category page: magic.

The first line under the magic page is the new skill he now possesses, psychic burst.

If you can learn new skills in the future, you should automatically create classification pages based on categories, and associate information based on the knowledge you have gained... Damn it's awesome!

The secret book of skills on the ground has been reduced to ashes. Chen Ke stepped on it and ground it into slag. This belongs to me, and no one will be able to get it again.

Chen Ke didn't know whether the Secret Code of Skills would be destroyed if an agent of the Bureau learned a skill, but he thought it probably wouldn't be the case. After all, if it could be easily learned by his agents, it couldn't be a one-time thing.

Maybe I am a special case.

He couldn't wait to test his extraordinary skills. After all, this experience was the first time for Chen Ke, and he was a little excited just thinking about it.

According to the description in the Secret Book of Skills, this psychic burst was triggered from his fingers. He thought about it for a while, inserted the Van Heder Straight Sword on the ground, straightened his right arm, and cautiously snapped his fingers.


The crisp sound of snapping fingers was quickly drowned out by the sound of water flowing. No, it has no effect.

Chen Ke frowned. If he didn't have psychic powers, could he use his lifespan instead? try again!

"-30 minutes"


A small white curtain of light appeared in the air in front of Chen Ke and disappeared in a flash. This light explosion caused a flurry of sand and gravel to fly, and the straight sword of Van Heder stuck on the ground was blown away. The corpse was also pushed forward by this force and rolled three to four meters.

This force is enough to make a heavily armed person unbalanced for a period of time. This is the flaw I want. Chen Ke nodded with satisfaction. But at the same time, I am also curious, what will be the effect of investing more lifespan to use this skill?

"-1 hour"


The white light curtain became larger, and the Van Hede straight sword stuck in the ground was blown out of the mud and fell six or seven meters in front. The corpse was blown half a meter high in the air. After flying two meters, he fell into the river.

This strength is enough to push a person away. Combined with the murderous trigger, it can be used as a non-lethal combination method for Chen Ke. It’s just that the lifespan required for each increase is a bit too much. It seems that the specific timing of use must be grasped. there anything more powerful...?

Looking at the lifespan countdown in the corner of his eye, Chen Ke felt that his lifespan was quite generous at the moment. Including the time wasted on testing the skills just now, it was still more than 8 hours and 10 minutes. Why not increase the number and take a look?

"-3 hours"


Power like a violent wind erupted in front of Chen Ke, like an invisible big hand emerging from Chen Ke's fingertips and pushing forward violently.

There was flying sand and rocks all around, and the water flow of the underground river also stirred up white waves, setting off a small wave of 1 meter high. And not only the thrust has been increased, but the range has also been slightly increased. Chen Ke estimated that this thrust was enough to overturn a car.

Chen Ke couldn't help but wonder. If his lifespan reached a certain level and he could consume more, would it be possible for any skill, no matter how ordinary, to be as powerful as a nuclear bomb...?

Just call this ability the life engine!

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