This aura is deadly

Chapter 695 Return

Xu Jing and Li Weigang looked at the seven blood-red pupils in the darkness and felt terrified. Although they knew that this thing was a projection in the room, they felt so realistic, as if they had been penetrated into their past and present lives.

"What is that?" Li Weigang asked.

"We don't know yet, but what we saw at the end of time is this thing. Perhaps it is an unnumbered god." Douglas said.

"The end of time... As we all know, time is not a real phenomenon. It is an explanation given by our experience of the flow of things." Xu Jing said that her understanding of time was instilled by the foundation.

"Yes, time is the interpretation given by our experience of the flow of things. The key is us." Douglas said.

Xu Jing heard Douglas' pause, and a certain perception was being subverted.

"What's the difference between us?" Li Weigang asked.

"We live in an era trapped in cycles. At our end is the inevitable flood. We are both the beginning of a new era and the end of the past." Douglas said.

"This... this is impossible." Xu Jing stood up. She frowned and looked at Douglas, wondering why the other party said this.

"What does this have to do with the mission...?" Li Weigang was rather careless. He didn't understand why Xu Jing's mood fluctuated.

"This is to strengthen your determination. You will forget the truth of the world and time, but I will mention it again every time you see me, because this impact will continue to tug at your emotions, making you more focused and identified with the foundation's mission Target." Douglas laughed.

"For the sustainability of any cost..." Xu Jing said.

"Yes, our era is in danger. Familia, gods, opposition forces, social problems... everything is driving mankind to the road of extinction, but the Foundation will not let mankind come to an end. The time and space of our existence, the universe , is not the one we are familiar with, but so what? We exist, and we will continue to exist. For this reason, we will not hesitate to modify the past and delay the future,” Douglas said.

"I probably understand what you are saying, it means... time exists, but our... existing world does not have time... Is this correct?" Li Weigang said confusedly.

"We are no different from the 2009 timeline, 2006-2, 1859... there is no objectivity and subjectivity... we are on the same line..." Xu Jing said to herself.

"This anxiety and fear, as well as denial and doubt of self, will turn into determination after you leave." Douglas said.

"Why tell us...why not just use the meme modification tool..." Xu Jing asked.

"We are unwilling to lie, nor are we willing to reveal secrets to too many people. Moreover, fear is the oldest human emotion and the most positive emotion. It makes people cautious, determined, and sometimes inspires courage." Douglas said .

"What does this have to do with HCP0001?" Xu Jing asked.

"The moon we use to observe the timeline was destroyed by HCP0001." Douglas put his hands behind his back and walked towards the seven red eyes in the darkness.

"No...impossible..." Xu Jing was stunned. She thought quickly, thinking that Chen Ke should not be able to do such a thing.

"It's this thing, made with HCP0001." Douglas tilted his head towards Seven Eyes and nodded.

Li Weigang sat there and hesitated for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Is this what he changed?"

The Sunrise flight finally resumed after two days. In the past two days, Chen Ke and Shreli have been exploring the transformation magic. After training and long-term use, Shreli can now maintain it for a little more than 1 minute, and It can make Chen Ke farther away from him.

However, since the body will change greatly after the instant transformation, men's clothing will look very ill-fitting when worn on the body. Chen Ke has never been able to find a way to instantly change into women's clothing after becoming the female version.

In the past two days, he and Shreli took the time to visit the crash site. After the plane disintegrated, it was scattered everywhere. Most of them fell on the mountains next to the city, and some of them smashed into a residential area. Now it has There was no siege, the construction team was carrying out repair work, the places in the mountains were not interesting, and the bodies of many bodyguards had been properly placed by the Self-Defense Forces.

Risen held a press conference yesterday to explain the crash and the Kyoto incident. Officials seemed to attribute the cause of the crash to a collision between the plane and a sudden appearance of a monster at high altitude. However, after the report of the fatalities in the crash , there is no mention of women.

Looking around the crash site, it was better than nothing, but a strong feeling convinced him that the two witches were still alive.

With no reason to stay in Sunrise anymore, Chen Ke and Shreli checked out of the room and flew to the United States that night. The airport's psychic detector couldn't detect the things transformed by Shreli's magic power. It was really rubbish.

After a night's flight, Shreli fell asleep with her pillow on Chen Ke's shoulder. This was the last time she could be alone with him. Under the clouds outside the window was the cold light of Opportunity City. In the secluded alley, Shreli transformed into a girl. In a sports car, the two drove all the way back to Li Moyang's twin villa.

When they came back, everyone was sleeping soundly. Chen Ke didn't want to wake them up, but Diana remained highly vigilant and was the first to rush outside from upstairs. Her arms were burning red and she was ready to face the intruder. It was a big move, but after recognizing it was Chen Ke, she couldn't help but rush up and make a hug gesture. The next second she restrained herself and just patted Chen Ke on the shoulder.

Shrili and Diana were not very familiar with each other, but Diana still shook hands with her politely. The magic power of the two people met in their palms, and they looked at each other for a long time.

Parker and Lucina were still sleeping. Chen Ke did not disturb them for the time being, but went to harass Li Moyang first. He had something to give him, which would be helpful for his beautiful toys. At the same time, he could also ask about the recent developments in the company.

Li Moyang didn't sleep. At 1 o'clock in the night, he was still studying something in front of the computer. His bedroom was set up as a scientific research center. The heat dissipation of the large server and various lines made the room extremely hot, but Li Moyang didn't care at all.

Chen Ke simply threw the foundation's tin can and gun on the floor. Even as calm as Li Moyang, he couldn't hold back his excitement this time. However, out of politeness, he still talked about Chen Ke first. Shrili beside me.

"Ms. Shrili... I'm very sorry about what happened to your father and what you did before. However, since you chose to come back with Chen Ke, you must have made new plans." Li Moyang said.

He invited the two of them to sit down, and went to make coffee himself, turning back from time to time to look at the pile of armor on the ground.

"Slaili has experienced some setbacks. Now she is ours and we can trust her, just like before." Chen Ke said.

"You are so trusting of me." Shreli smiled.

"I roughly learned about the actions in Risheng from Miss Shen... My cousin... thanks to your care." Li Moyang scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's nothing, she did help a lot." Chen Ke waved his hand.

"Speaking of which...where did you get these armors?" Li Moyang still brought the topic to these next-generation equipment.

"They came to kill me, and then they were killed by me. I think these things are useful to you. Is the technology Lin Yayin gave you similar to this?" Chen Ke asked.

Li Moyang knelt down and took a closer look at the pile of armor lying on the ground. The words H.C.P on his shoulder were very eye-catching.

"I don't know. I haven't seen the prototype, only the drawings. She also gave me some data and equations, but I don't have the materials and processes of that era to realize the manufacturing of armor of this size. Can you help me this time? I'm very busy, I think I should dismantle some of them to analyze the component structure..." Li Moyang said.

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