This aura is deadly

Chapter 702 Journey of Soul-taking

A thick black building rises from the ground, with the white letters of Rank: S printed on the artificial shell.

There were several black SUVs parked at the entrance of the building, and several white men were fully armed, registering at the entrance checkpoint with psychic versions of automatic rifles.

This is an S-class black box building in the Guntie District of Opportunity City, not too far from the Xijin Building. It is one of the dozen or so black boxes with the highest specifications in the city.

Only those who have been certified by the Administration and obtained an S-class investigator license are qualified to operate in this level of black box.

Opposite the building, there was an orange muscle car parked in the alley between the buildings.

Lucina had a ponytail and a peaked cap. She held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and looked at Chen Ke who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Is this here?" Lucina asked.

Chen Ke nodded and looked back at Diana and Shrili.

Diana didn't react at all. As a former level 9 agent of the Administration, even if she didn't use the witch's power, she could handle a black box of this level.

Shreli took off the sunglasses conjured by magic. The unpleasant memories of the Xijin Building had long been forgotten by her. She smiled contemptuously, as if the king had returned.

After a series of encounters, Chen Ke suddenly discovered that his soul was not enough...

He needs more souls in case of emergencies. In order to get enough souls, it is the wisest choice to follow the light beam in his eyes and find the ready-made black box space in the city.

Not only to capture the soul, he also had two other purposes for this trip.

One is to test and become familiar with his new ability: rewinding, and at the same time, he also wants to see what kind of power the two witches can exert when they work together.

Needless to say, Diana just needs to become more proficient in her abilities, but Shreli is not ready to face a real battle yet.

"Don't keep me waiting too long," Lucina said.

"Don't worry, little tiger. We'll be out soon. When you become a witch too, we can play together." Diana smiled.

Chen Ke looked at Diana and then at Lucina. It seemed that the relationship between the two women had changed somewhat in the few days since he had been to Risheng.

"You called her...little tiger? Why?" Chen Ke asked curiously.

"You don't want to know." Lucina looked out the car window, as if she didn't want to mention it.

"I seem to have missed something." Chen Ke smiled.

Diana squeezed Diana's shoulder and smiled without saying a word.

"If I had known, I would have asked Parker to drive." Lucina said.

"Didn't he not want to come? Besides, there needs to be someone watching over the young master." Shrili took over the conversation at this time.

"What My Little Pony said makes sense, just...go in quickly, hurry up, and leave me alone," Lucina said.

Chen Ke didn't say anything, opened the door and got out of the car.

A man and three women walked out of the alley. Chen Ke was wearing a black suit, Diana was wearing a sleeveless jacket, white vest and shorts. Shreli did not use magic to change clothes this time, but put on a purple suspender skirt.

Judging from their attire, these three people are not going to fight at all. Chen Ke looks like a business executive, Diana looks like a female trainer at a fitness center, and Shreli looks like she goes to a nightclub...

"How to get in? Don't tell me it's from the gate of the checkpoint." Diana said.

"Of course not." Chen Ke shook his head. He still had some souls on hand. The last time he returned to Xijin Building, he relied on the trick of souls to open the door.

Chen Ke took the two women to the side of the building. There was a camera high up on the wall.

Slyli stretched out her hand and made a grabbing motion. With a squeeze, a ball of pink energy light enveloped the camera, and then she pulled it off the wall.

Chen Ke stood aside, the mark on his chest ready to move. After consuming a soul, a black singularity appeared in front of his eyes. After spinning for a while, it expanded into a door.

"It's so convenient." Diana said, she was the first to walk in.

Slaili had also seen Chen Ke open the door, so she was not surprised. She walked in second, followed by Chen Ke last, and the door closed behind Chen Ke.

Diana knew the origin of this building. As a native of Opportunity City, she had watched the city build black boxes one after another.

This building was originally a large shopping mall, with Wal-Mart on the lower four floors, a cinema on the fifth floor, and a comprehensive office building from the sixth to the 40th floor. You need to take another elevator to go up.

A vicious incident occurred here in 1992. In the name of exorcism, a domestic occult group attacked the mall at noon on April 24, 1992, using homemade fire bottles and four pistols.

This incident caused 28 deaths and 146 injuries. Most of the dead and injured were burned by the fire caused by the fire bottle. Members of the occult sect were also killed in this incident. Their bodies were charred by the flames. They seemed to have suffered some kind of poison before their death. level of mental attack.

After this incident, another year later, psychic infections began to break out in the mall. Then the situation became uncontrollable. P.W.A.T. and the Administration were dispatched, so they began to seal the building and renovate it, and it became what it is now.

Therefore, in front of Chen Ke, the structure inside this building showed an extremely divided appearance.

The left half is a brightly lit shopping mall with people coming and going, and customers are selecting products on the shelves and fresh food counters, while the right half is a charred floor, dark walls, charred internal organs and broken limbs all over the floor. .

When some customers walk from the normal part of the mall into the burnt part of the mall, their whole person will also change. The originally seemingly normal human appearance will suddenly transform into the state of a severely burned corpse, stumbling around until Go to the next normal mall section...

This was the first time Chen Ke had seen such a scene. He thought it was because of the fragmentation of what he saw due to the vision of his left eye, but Shreli and Diana also saw it clearly.

"Don't panic, this is not an illusion, it's just the environment." Diana looked like a veteran.

"It's very strange. I thought the black boxes were like the Xijin Building, a normal building structure, and then some monsters popped out of it, and that's it." Chen Kedao.

"You are right, but this is an S-class black box, and the environment is much more complicated. If the Xijin Building had not been blown up, it would have gradually become like this in the future." Diana said.

Shrili didn't care much about these problems. Sixteen purple and transparent HK416s appeared beside her. She made a firing gesture with both hands. In an instant, the sound of gunshots could not be heard.

The magic bullet was like a lawnmower cutting through everyone in the mall in front of them. They were blown away by the bullet and shot through the chest and abdomen. Whether they were normal humanoids or burnt humanoids, they were all shot to death without distinction. The customers fled back in panic, and screams occurred one after another, as if the attack was repeated that day.

The magic bullet shells fell to the ground with a clang, and then turned into magic dust and disappeared. Shreli had unlimited ammunition. She never stopped firing until everyone on this floor was shot down, and she also broke the big fish tank. water tank, shot off the sale sign hanging from the ceiling, and damaged many shelves.

No one stood up, they were all lying on the ground, blood flowing into a river, all the way to Chen Ke's feet.

"You see, there's nothing scary about them," Shreli showed off.

Diana grabbed Shreli's arm, her eyes a little angry.

"What's wrong?" Shrili asked.

"What if there are other investigators on this floor?" Diana asked angrily.

"That means they are unlucky." Slyli said.

"Bad luck? It seems that Chen Ke made a mistake by giving you the power of the witch. You are too dangerous." Diana said dissatisfied.

"We are witches, and Chen Ke is a god with the ability to control time. Don't you understand, Diana? We surpass most people on this planet, our enemies and our goals, forcing us to use more extreme methods. You became a witch earlier than me, but you don't even have this awareness. Look, Chen Ke didn't say anything." Shreli shook off Diana and walked to Chen Ke.

Diana looked at Chen Ke, as if seeking support.

Chen Ke squatted down, dipped his finger into the blood on the ground, and looked at it. After a moment, he looked up at Diana.

"There are no investigators here. That door... takes us into the other side of this place." Chen Ke said.

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