This aura is deadly

Chapter 750 Ripper Chen Ke

"I'm just an agent, how could I possibly know what the O5 Council wants to do?" Xu Jing said.

"So that's why you blindly follow them?" Diana asked.

"During your time, didn't you also blindly follow the orders of the Administration?" Xu Jing retorted.

"I joined the Authority to protect the citizens. When I found out that they were not what I thought, I made my choice." Diana said.

"Me too, I can sacrifice everything for the future of mankind." Xu Jing also said.

Lucina looked at Diana for a while, then at Xu Jing, and sighed: "You are all so damn great, I'm a little embarrassed."

"Stop talking about this now. Let's go find Slude quickly before she dies." Chen Ke interrupted the argument between the two women. Xu Jing's look made him anxious. This woman might be dead at some point. Unable to bear it, he committed suicide on the spot.

Xu Jing came to the console and fumbled for a while before lowering the entire platform of the panopticon. The circular space in the middle began to descend. Part of the ring wall was uneven because it was beaten by Lucina, so the descent process was a bit bumpy.

When the entire panopticon was lowered, the center of the underground space seemed to become a circular abyss. Who knows how deep the foundation dug down.

When they came to the edge, they saw many dark red LED lights extending downward on the wall of the black circular abyss. At the edge, there was an elevator for people to ride.

"Just down here? How deep does it have to be?" Diana looked down.

"The entire panopticon itself is built on top of a containment structure. The bottom is not very deep. After falling to a certain depth, we will enter a mirror space." Xu Jing said, covering her forehead with a difficult expression.

"If you committed suicide down there, do you need us to help you bring the body up?" Lucina asked at this time.

"Thank you then." Xu Jing looked at Lucina with an unhappy look on her face.

They went down the elevator. This was the third time that Chen Ke rode something down into the abyss. He doesn't like this feeling, just like he doesn't want to fly on an airplane, because in mid-air, people are in a passive situation.

The elevator was not falling slowly. Maybe the person who built it was impatient. When the lights of the panopticon above them moved away from them, darkness slowly surrounded them. The red LED lights around them were like blood vessels. Chen Ke felt Entered the intestines of some creature.

Xu Jing knelt down on the elevator. She was breathing heavily and looked like she was working very hard.

Chen Ke picked up her arm and asked, "Can you still hold on?"

Xu Jing didn't speak. Her whole body was limp and her body began to lose control. She took out the gun and slowly pointed it at her temple.

Diana grabbed her gun, threw it under the elevator, and said, "Should we tie her up? Then use something to block her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide?"

"If she has no value, it's okay to die." Lucina also said.

"We're almost there, focus, we don't know what's down there yet." Chen Ke changed the subject.

Xu Jing trembled and stood up reluctantly, holding on to the handrail of the elevator. She took out a small coin and rubbed it in her hand. There were already some small cracks on it.

They finally reached the bottom. This was an unreasonable space, because there was no light here, and the structure did not match the passage at all. The lowered ring wall of the panopticon could not be found, as if it was another dimension.

After taking a few steps, Chen Ke noticed something strange under his feet. He squatted down and touched it. It turned out to be densely packed pipelines. The ground of the entire space was covered with these cable-like things.

In the center of the space, there is a cylindrical culture tank, which is more like a round iron frame for restraints. Slud was stripped naked, his hands and neck were tied, and he was inserted into it...

Her eyes were covered with white cloth, her long hair was shaved, and various black tubes were inserted into her waist, abdomen, back and lower body. These tubes seemed to be drawing some energy from her body.

Xu Jing knelt on the ground and could no longer walk. She pointed at Slude and said to Chen Ke: "Is she the one you are looking for? Do what you want to do..."

Chen Ke left Diana and Lucina to look after her and stepped forward.

Slude's face was bloodless, and lines of the witch's power were flowing on her white skin. A trace of electricity flowed along the lines. Her face was a little ugly, and her body was twisting due to discomfort.

"Srud." Chen Ke said.

Slud was surprised for a few seconds when he heard Chen Ke's voice, but he couldn't say anything for help.

"Why are you here?" Slude said angrily.

"I'm here to find you." Chen Ke said again.

"Why?!" Slud was a little annoyed, but as soon as she wanted to activate the power of the witch, the energy was transported out along the hose.

The tube dangled in the sky, extending upward. Chen Ke raised his head and looked. He didn't know where they were connected. They clearly came down from above.

"I want the fragment of the divine heart in the hands of the Divine Will Conclave," Chen Kedao said.

"You are really... persistent." Slude laughed.

Chen Ke grabbed Sluder's neck, used a little force, and pinched her until she was tender and tender. Chen Ke asked: "Tell me, where is it?"

"Do you think... I am still afraid of death in my current state?" Slud was dissatisfied.

Chen Ke snorted coldly. He naturally knew Slude's current mood. However, the more this happened, the easier it was for Slude to be deceived. Just give her a little hope.

"Your father brought me here. He couldn't find the building of the foundation, so I came in first." Chen Ke said.

Slude's expression changed a little, but soon recovered. She said, "You can't deceive me. If my father can find you, he will kill you directly."

"I don't need to lie to you. Your father chose to cooperate with me to find you. Without the thunder and rainbow bridge of the Nine Realms, I can't come to 2137." Chen Ke said. He didn't need to lie about this.

Slude was silent for a while. She believed Chen Ke, but she was still a little dissatisfied. After all, if this was true, she would have fallen into Chen Ke's hands, although her father was close at hand.

"Your father wants you, and I want the fragment of the heart of God. Tell me where it is. After I get it, I will come back to save you." Chen Ke said.

Chen Ke was not that stupid. If he just let the other party tell him the whereabouts of the God's Heart fragment and then let him go, wouldn't that give Slude room to lie?

Besides, Chen Ke didn't intend to let her go.

"..." Slude also heard that Chen Ke had blocked all her lies. Now, if she wanted to get out of this situation, she could only hand over the God's Heart fragment to Chen Ke first.

"Make a decision quickly. My time and patience are limited. I can go out and tell your father that you have been killed by the Foundation." Chen Ke said.

"I tell you... but you have to know that this is a dead end. You will never get all the God's Heart fragments." Slude said.

"Why?" Chen Ke asked.

"There are a total of six God's Heart fragments. The Foundation holds one, I have one, and the other two are in Asgard and my father's hands. If you want all of them, you must face my father. Are you ready to compete with Thor?" Slude smiled.

"I don't mind doing this, Miss Slude. Where is your one?" Chen Ke asked.

"Inside my..., unless you kill me, you will never get it, do you dare?" Slude said.

Chen Ke summoned the blasphemous dagger with his right hand, and stabbed it into Slude's abdomen without hesitation, along the midline of her abdominal muscles, and directly opened it, and blood immediately flowed out.

Slude was like a deflated ball. She opened her mouth slightly, but could not make any sound. The witch's self-healing ability was just activated, and it was sucked away by the hose inserted in her body.

"If I have to do this, Ms. Slude, I will do it. The choice is in my hands." Chen Ke said coldly.

He reached into Slude's abdominal cavity and groped for a small holy diamond in the flesh and blood.

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