This aura is deadly

Chapter 755 Time stranded

"You don't look like the world, my friend. What are you eating?" Chen Ke looked at the white half of his thigh.

"Tell me, stranger, are you a savior? Or a seancer?" The maggots squirmed, and foul-smelling bodily fluids oozed from their skin.

"I am neither." Chen Ke said.

The maggot was silent for a while, then opened its big mouth under its face and let out a long grunt. Chen Ke didn't know whether it was yawning or groaning in pain.

"They sent many people to find the answer, but in vain. Are you one of them?" Maggot asked.

"I'm not the same as you." Chen Ke shook his head. The maggot in front of him did not show any information in his field of vision. It was not a dependent, not a god, nor an alienated object. Perhaps, it was some kind of special existence.

His left eye flashed red, ready to see if the maggot was hiding anything.

"Ah...that eye...are you...?" Maggot saw Chen Ke's left eye, and his tone became a little frightened.

Chen Ke observed Maggot, who suddenly seemed to be in awe of him.

"You are its incarnation...right? Please...touch the darkness in my heart...I have been dreaming about this dream for too long," Maggot said.

"I really don't want to touch you if it's not necessary." Chen Kedao.

"Please touch me...yes, you are it...touch me...and you will see all the answers." Maggot begged.

Chen Ke hesitated for a moment. He had no choice now, so he stretched out his right hand and put his palm against the greasy skin of the maggot.

At the moment of contact, a huge amount of information poured into his brain like a tide. He seemed to fall into the ocean of information. To be precise, it was the ocean of memories. The memory and knowledge of maggots became physical. The waves enveloped him, drifting in no direction.

The history of mankind flashed before his eyes like a slideshow. The earth rotated at high speed in front of Chen Ke's eyes, and the dark continent became extremely devastated. Year after year, day after day, mankind established great achievements on the continent. civilization until the advent of psychic energy.

Humans have had disputes over the use of psychic powers, and the practitioners have suffered various suppressions. Those who used psychic powers in ancient times were regarded as witches and heretics, and were sentenced to death.

It was not until the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century that the world began to regard psychic energy as a new direction for human development, and established institutions such as the Administration. Psychic energy did not appear in 1910. They appeared earlier and were only officially recognized and made public. The time point of the information is only 1910.

History is written by rulers, and customizing the starting year for historical events is to cover up all the previous bad deeds.

The convenience of psychic energy comes with danger, but humans must choose the direction of development. The choice between technology and psychic energy is not particularly difficult. Progress sometimes comes with sacrifice.

The Administration was merged into the regular law enforcement agencies of various countries in 2042. As early as 1908, a man with a vision of psychic phenomena had already established the prototype of the Foundation. However, it was already in 2067 that the foundation truly stepped onto the stage of history and became the behemoth it is now.

The large-scale development of psychic energy and the control and research of psychic phenomena by private and official organizations have allowed mankind to develop rapidly. However, it was not until the Antarctic incident in 2137 that humans understood that the emergence of psychic energy heralded a greater disaster. The price of this progress is unbearable for mankind.

In the spring of 2137, 20% of the Antarctic continent was shrouded in darkness. The exploratory teams and drones sent entered the shadow and never came back.

The drone lost its connection as soon as it entered the shadow. No one knew what was inside. Moreover, the range of the shadow was slowly expanding. After two weeks, 80% of Antarctica had completely disappeared from the earth.

This is a disaster known as "the great absurdity", and it is also the beginning of mankind's "still years".

"Still years...what does this mean?" Chen Ke asked.

"Neither the Administration nor the Foundation can explain the existence of the shadow, and they cannot even observe the interior. According to the expansion speed of the shadow, the entire earth will be swallowed by the shadow in less than 5 months." Maggot explained .

The Foundation accidentally obtained the lower half of the body of an alien god. It has the ability to control time. Although it only has half of the body, it miraculously maintains a "false sleep" state, as if the two parts of the body exist in different places. Dimension.

Rom, the chairman of the foundation, volunteered to eat the flesh and blood of the gods and became a bug that traveled through time, helping the foundation master the technology of traveling through time and space.

They hoped to travel to the end of time to explore the secrets of the black shadow, but they desperately discovered that in mid-2137, before winter, the subsequent time and space would not exist.

This means that human history disappeared in that time and space.

Rom, who swallowed the remains of the god, stopped the time of 2137, shouldered the time debt of the universe, turned into a huge insect, and suffered from the pain of constant cell decay and rebirth in his body.

The Foundation began to explore the past, hoping to find out the secrets of the formation of the shadow through exploring history, but it was in vain, and the huge pressure caused many disagreements within the Foundation.

The Foundation is not monolithic, but is divided into many factions based on various doctrines.

The seance sect advocates descending gods and surviving in dreams.

A savior who advocates the study of psychic powers and relies on the power of science to solve the shadow crisis.

There are other scattered niche theories, and the internal struggle consumes the foundation's manpower and material resources. The motivation of both parties to travel through time and space to save the future of mankind gradually turns into an assassination operation to return to the past and erase the other party's existence.

From a certain perspective, the seance sect lost and the savior sect won the final victory. However, in the long struggle, the savior sect changed from materialism to idealism. The savior believed that the existence of the black shadow was the universe. As a punishment for mankind, they need to correct their past and correct mankind's mistakes in order to make the black shadow disappear completely.

As a result, the Salvationists began to reshape history according to their own wishes, hoping to use current technology to enlighten people with lofty ideals in the past time and space and help solve the shadow crisis.

However, the seance sect did not die out because of this. Rom himself recognized both the spirit of the savior sect and the practices of the seance sect. After devouring gods, he had the ability to dream, so he split in 2137 and formed In an inner loop of time and space, the two factions coexisted without knowing it.

Only Rom can exist in two time and space at the same time. In order for Rom to continue to control time, the Foundation needs powerful psykers to share Rom's pain. This is called "human sacrifice"

Even if Thor had the power to travel through time and space, he would not be able to find Rom in the gap between time and space. Only Chen Ke could find this place.

Chen Ke also roughly understood why. The half-eaten white thigh might be the lower body of the giant white thing. He had the same ability as Rom, and was theoretically more advanced than him, so Rom was right. He respects You Jia.

As for the black shadow that appeared in Antarctica... Chen Ke also knew what it was.

That is time stranding, which means that a small part of Antarctica in 2137 has entered the real timeline. If Rom hadn't stopped time and space, the 999th cycle would have been over.

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