This aura is deadly

Chapter 771 Genesis Prophecy

Time flies...

Chen Ke and Wang Ailin have stayed in Feihuang Republic for so long, and they have been active around the mental hospital. They learned the language with Mr. Wang for the first 12 hours, and spent the next 12 hours wandering around, eating and drinking, and then went back to the small hotel to sleep.

Wang Aileen looks delicate, but she is not delicate at all, and she is not picky about food. She likes to hang out on the street and everything she sees feels fresh.

Chen Ke asked about her nationality. Wang Ailin's parents were members of the Feihuang Republic, and she was born in the United Federation. So from a racial perspective, she was a genuine Feihuang person, but legally speaking, she was considered a Feihuang republican. United States Federalists.

But she remained tight-lipped about her parents' current situation. Judging from Wang Aileen's age, her parents are now in their early 50s at most.

Since Wang Ailin didn't want to talk in detail, Chen Ke didn't ask any more questions on this topic. After all, everyone has family matters that they don't want to mention.

Wang Ailin likes to eat, but has no interest in shopping. Apart from the weird knowledge, the only thing that can excite her is hot snacks. Li Moyang prepared enough money for them to spend in this city.

One month passed, and Wang Aileen learned all the grammar and completely converted the mysterious characters into the letters of the United Federation.

Since the federal language only has 26 letters, which is completely insufficient, Wang Aileen attached phonetic symbols and self-created symbols to some letters to replace other symbols, and forcibly completed the replacement of all mysterious characters.

After completing these things, they no longer need to stay in the Scarlet Phoenix Republic. All they have to do now is return to the Dream Center and try to translate the characters on the black stone tablet.

This month, after spending a lot of time with Professor Liu and Mr. Wang, Chen Ke didn't think Mr. Wang was a lunatic.

Chen Ke knew very well that Wang Chunlin must have encountered some adventure and learned some strange methods according to the guidance of the mysterious man. In order to be able to concentrate on exploring the mystery, Mr. Wang chose to voluntarily stay in a mental hospital, where his soul shed its shell, and he repeatedly Enter that mysterious casino.

That casino was definitely not what ordinary people thought of as a casino, and the person Wang Chunlin met was definitely not an ordinary person.

As for Professor Liu, he is the same type of person as Wang Aileen, hungry for knowledge and eager to explore the unknown, but his IQ is obviously not as good as Wang Aileen. He is in his 60s and not in his 20s, and has been ruthlessly crushed by the times...

When Wang Ailin compared all the characters with modern letters one by one, Professor Liu was still thinking about the distinction between character categories. If Wang Ailin hadn't pointed out the maze, he wouldn't even be able to recognize all the characters.

In Chen Ke's view, Wang Chunlin is also a typical tragedy in which "ordinary people accidentally obtain a method of communicating with the mysterious".

Chen Ke did not tell him that Wang Chunlin was too old and had no psychic powers. He did not have the blessing of some kind of "destiny" like himself. He could do this on his own, which was already very powerful.

But in that casino, Wang Chunlin, the already mysterious man, may never be able to truly and stably be in it. He can only get an instant "soul escape" through constant "acting", just like sleepwalking. .

Professor Liu was very reluctant to let Chen Ke and Wang Ailin leave, mainly because he didn't want Wang Ailin to leave. He still didn't understand many things, whether it was the mysterious characters, psychic powers, or the world. He wanted to ask many questions.

Wang Chunlin hoped that Chen Ke could help him enter the mysterious casino again, because he felt the same inhuman aura as that man in Chen Ke.

Chen Ke didn't know who Wang Chunlin saw, but he was helpless. Maybe that casino was the subjective world of a certain god, or simply another big void. Chen Ke also hoped to use Wang Chunlin to find out, but after a month In the past, nothing could be done.

But he still left an opening. Chen Ke and Wang Ailin entered the Dream Center through the door of Wang Chunlin's ward. From now on, he could enter and leave the Phoenix Republic at will to find the old man.

Dream Center, a huge underground frozen space, with large black stone tablets quietly embedded in the ice wall.

After not seeing each other for a month, the four witches, Parker, and Li Moyang seemed to have experienced something. Chen Ke asked insinuatingly, but they all said it was nothing serious, and Chen Ke stopped asking any more questions.

In order to facilitate Wang Ailin's translation, Li Moyang and Lucina built shelves and ladders on the black stone monument, and also brought in many searchlights for lighting. The Dream Center had no power supply, and Xu Jing acted as the power supply.

Everything was ready. Wang Aileen, wearing a thick down jacket and wrapped like an Eskimo, was translating in this ice cave.

This was a long and painful process. Diana stayed by Wang Aileen's side to light the fire and heat the room, while Shreli used magic power to transform the tools she needed. The witches worked together, but Chen Ke, Parker and Li Moyang were unable to help at this stage. If you are busy, you can only stay outside and wait.

The translation work lasted for several weeks. Chen Ke waited at the entrance of the ice cave. Li Moyang would come in from time to time, but most of the time he stayed below the factory to study his armor.

Finally, Aileen Wang finished her work and typed out the translation document on her notebook.

As if the moment for all the mysteries to be revealed has finally arrived, everyone gathered in the small dormitory of the Fantasy Center and looked at the documents on the laptop screen.

Diana cleared her throat and read out:

"In the distant past, reality and dreams blended into each other, until one day, a fire appeared."

"Since then, the world has been different."

“Light and darkness, cold and heat, flow and stillness, and of course, life and death.”

"Reality and dreams were separated from that time, flowing creatures came to reality, and static gods stayed in dreams."

"Creatures longing for eternal life are tempted by gods in dreams and become dependents, while gods longing to give birth to children long to transcend dreams and have the body of a living being."

"Things in dreams cannot bring great power to the real world. The world in dreams will be like a flood, stranded in reality at a destined time."

"This is a world that keeps falling into slumber and waking up again. This is to break the curse of God and the cycle of resentment against humans."

"Countless reincarnations give birth to countless great men."

"There was once a lonely knight who lit himself on fire to illuminate the long night without fire."

"There was once a group of bloodthirsty hunters who launched a divine hunt and led mankind into the next period of childhood."

"And after the final cycle, a hero will appear again."

"Restart time and space, win the world, cut off the era of divine heirs, and bring new life to the world."

"Everything is destined to happen. At the end of time, the creatures in the dream will face a terrible betrayal. It is a promised war, and it is a creation that is destined to happen."

"The spiritual bell will be tolled... The rhythm that travels through the real and unreal can bring the lingering sounds of dreams to the present world... At that time, courage will be tested."

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