This aura is deadly

Chapter 774 The True Form of the Blood Clan

Xu Jing clung to the wooden corridor and moved slowly. Three soldiers walked by on the small dirt road nearby, speaking to each other in local South Asian languages, but she couldn't understand them.

Seeing an opening, she rushed out of the shadows, slid to the side of the green jeep, and leaned against the tires. She was now deep in the camp, looking around for any clues.

The time now is 22 o'clock, which is considered to be night. The biological clock of people in the Red Age has also changed, but most of them still follow their usual habits. The camp is now quiet, and the patrol soldiers wandering on the dirt road are not at high alert levels. It brought great convenience to Xu Jing.

Xu Jing walked out from the back of the jeep and quickly ran to the back of the two-story wooden building on the side. She looked up and saw a soldier suddenly pushed open the closed window and threw a ball of garbage downwards.

Xu Jing hurriedly pressed against the wall and saw the piece of garbage falling to her feet. She smelled a smell. Only then did she realize that there was a garbage dump behind the house.

She saw some tattered clothes in the camouflage uniforms, as well as some gun holsters and protective gear. Xu Jing raised her head and looked at the window again. After being alert for a while, she began to inspect the pile of garbage.

Most of this pile of garbage was from daily life, which was poured into the quagmire on the side along the breakthrough, but it was wrapped in a pile of blood-stained camouflage uniforms. Xu Jing frowned, I am afraid that these camouflage uniforms belong to Shen Yun's team...

At this time, Xu Jing heard the sound of someone pushing the door and walking in the small building. She pressed against the wall again and listened carefully to what was going on inside. Two soldiers were talking in a muffled voice, and at the same time, they were accompanied by a woman's dull murmur. Voice.

She stood on tiptoe and looked up, but she found that the windows of the wooden building were all made of wooden covers. There was no glass, so there was no way to peek from the outside. Xu Jing had no choice but to find a way around the edge of the wooden building, trying to sneak in from the front. .

Four jeeps were parked in front of the wooden building. There was no one on the winding dirt road. The people who were patrolling just now returned to other wooden buildings, probably going to bed... There were only two people holding guns at the sentry station.

Xu Jing bent down and scurried to the front of the wooden building. She tried the handle of the front door, but it was unlocked, so she ducked in.

As soon as she entered the door, she quickly opened her arms and pointed them at both sides of the corridor, condensing electricity in her hands. But she was lucky, everyone was in the room, and only the woman's muffled hum echoed in the corridor.

Xu Jing explored along the corridor, looking from room to room. She opened the first room and found only two beds and a box.

She opened another room, and a stench came out from the crack in the door. She frowned, pinched her nose, and then saw a red light, and saw a dozen corpses stripped naked and piled in the center of the room.

These should be those team members...

Xu Jing closed the door quietly, then walked to the stairs. There was a large pool of thick blood on the stairs. She guessed it was shed when carrying the body. Going upstairs, Xu Jing approached the room where the female voice came from and gently opened the door.

There was nothing in the room except a tape recorder, which was playing a woman's deep voice.

"Trap..." Xu Jing thought of this word.

She felt there was a huge thing behind her. When she turned around, her head was grabbed by a big hand. Her feet left the ground. She felt like she flew up, broke the glass, and fell from the second floor to the dirt road outside.

Xu Jing stood up, her eyes flashed white, and electricity was released from her body. In an instant, blue lightning power was like a river of energy, pouring into all the rooms in the camp, electrifying all the soldiers.

Xu Jing stood up and unleashed another electric current on the wooden building in front of her. The wooden building crackled, the generator exploded, the wood was ignited, and flames poured out of the windows.

"They should be dead." Xu Jing said to herself and looked at the two soldiers at the guard post. They were blown to pieces by the electric current, and their entire upper bodies exploded and fell into a pool of blood.

Shrili also slowly floated down from the air. She changed her clothes and she was always so spotless.

"It seems there is no one we are looking for here." Shreli smiled.

"This is a cover." Xu Jing said concisely. She was covered in mud and a little irritated by being attacked.

"Look at you, you're covered in mud. We'd better find a river to wash yourself off." Shreli said while looking around.

Xu Jing did not relax her vigilance. She found that the soldier lying near the guard post was slowly standing up.

"Wait a minute. You didn't do your job cleanly." Shrili also noticed something strange about them.

Not only the sentries, but also the soldiers who had been electrocuted in the room came out one after another. They were naked, their wounds were healing, and the exploded flesh and blood was automatically gathering on them from the ground.

"Not a normal person." Xu Jing said.

At this time, a huge, red giant also walked out of the wooden door in front of him.

It is more than 2 meters tall. Its whole body is composed of wet flesh and blood. Its internal organs are hanging outside its body. You can also see a pale yellow heart beating. Its head is not big, and its mouth is full of sharp pools. The eyes have a pair of cockroach-like wings behind them, wrapped around the back like a cloak.

Those soldiers have also changed. Their faces are split open with blood, their skin melts, exposing the muscle tissue under the skin, and their internal organs are hanging outside. Even so, they don't feel that they are very fragile. I am afraid that ordinary power cannot destroy those soldiers. Seemingly weak organs.

"That's disgusting. What kind of monster is this?" Shreli said with a look of disgust.

"I guess these are the filthy vampires." Electricity flowed on Xu Jing's arms.

"I thought they looked similar to us." Slyli said.

"Maybe this is their original appearance, cover themselves up!" Xu Jing roared.

Shrili knew that Xu Jing was about to discharge, so she used her magic power to condense an eggshell and wrap herself up. The next second, wild white lightning rushed out of Xu Jing's body, like countless electric whips, whipping those vampires to pieces.

However, when the pieces of meat fell to the ground, they slowly gathered together, as if these things had no concept of "death".

The red giant withstood the attack of the electric current. Its whole body was charred, but its rosy muscles regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye. There was almost no warning. It rushed towards Xu Jing, grabbed her head, and pressed it to the ground.

Slaili was slow for a second. When the red giant crushed Xu Jing into the ground, she opened an energy shield where Xu Jing was standing.

"I... didn't mean it." Shreli was stunned for a moment, then she snapped her fingers, and a purple energy sledgehammer appeared in the air and hit the red giant on the back of the head.

Xu Jing grabbed the giant's arm and poured all the electricity into the other person's body. After a few seconds, the giant's arm was fused by her. She rolled back and stood up, watching the other person grow another hand.

Slyli's hammer couldn't knock the giant. At the same time, she discovered something even more terrifying. The scattered soldiers suddenly hugged each other and merged with each other, turning into piles of strange creatures that resembled a hybrid between humans and insects.

"You said you are the strongest, Shreli, show me." Xu Jing put on a fighting stance. Shrili felt the pressure and had to become serious.

Both of them could see that this trap was specially prepared to hunt down the witch.

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