This aura is deadly

Chapter 777 The wandering remains

Electric sparks erupted from Xu Jing's body, and white current spread out along her arms, all pouring into the red giant's body, tearing its flesh and blood into pieces.

When the red giant was blown into a ball of flesh, his huge body was knocked away and turned into a lightning conductor. Electricity flowed out of his body and hit the surrounding insect mutants, knocking them all down.

Xu Jing gasped and dropped her arms. She felt a surge of soma in her body, as if it had been hollowed out. The current was too strong and drained her of all her strength.

However, the monsters that were reduced to bloody flesh gathered together again and climbed up from the mud. It seemed that they could never be killed.

"These things should be contained." Xu Jing said.

At this time, Shreli stood in front of Xu Jing, her eyes glowing with purple light.

"Speaking of containment..." she said, her body floated up, looked at Xu Jing and continued: "You'd better stay away from here."

Xu Jing didn't know what Shrili was going to do, but she subconsciously followed Shrili's instructions and flew away from the camp like lightning and landed in the surrounding woods.

Slyli rose into the air, clenched her hands into fists, and the soil on the ground began to surge.

The wooden buildings in the camp were swaying, and the trees were leaning and toppling one after another. Purple magic energy fluctuations seeped out from the soil, and the entire camp was wrapped in a ball of purple transparent eggshells.

The magic eggshells slowly gathered together, and the camp, together with the soil and trees underneath it, was surrounded by red monsters. They huddled together, crushed each other, and stirred together. A big purple ball slowly rose from the ground.

As if being bitten by a monster, a large mud puddle appeared out of thin air in the open space below. Slyli shook her finger to make the purple magic ball surrounding the camp continue to shrink, and the mud and wooden buildings inside squeezed each other. Wood, stone, and monster flesh crushed each other into mud.

The eggshell continued to compress until the entire camp was squeezed into a large black ball of mud.

As soon as Shreli let go, the ball hit the big pit. Because it was pressed so tightly, it became round and strong and would not easily fall apart. The diameter of this mud ball is estimated to be 600 meters, which is simply breathtaking.

Shreli fell to the ground and was extremely tired. This was the most tired she had ever been since she used her magic power. But as soon as she raised her hand, she rolled up the entire camp, which made Xu Jing look at her with admiration.

This woman's boast of being the strongest is not just an excuse. The Witch of Illusion's ability to create entities out of thin air and distort reality is much more powerful than pure muscles, fire and lightning.

"I didn't expect you to do this." Xu Jing walked out of the woods nearby.

"You said you wanted to take it into custody." Shreli forced a smile, but her body was already wet with sweat. She transformed into a cool sportswear, exposing her body to the air as much as possible to eliminate sweat.

"But we still can't kill them completely." Xu Jing said.

"At least we can run away. They won't be able to come out for a while. We're not here to save the world." Shrili shook her head.

Speaking of rescue... one thing is certain, Shen Yun is not here.

"This is a trap. I saw the bodies of the team members in the wooden house, but I didn't find Shen Yun." Xu Jing said.

"Maybe she's dead too, I wouldn't be surprised. After all, these things are not very sympathetic," Shrili said.

"If this is a trap, then Diana and the others may also be in danger." Xu Jing said.

"Oh? I don't care much about them. One of them can breathe fire, and the other has muscles and can take care of himself." Shrili said.

"If you weren't so sarcastic about your companions and didn't complain so much, you might be a very trustworthy companion." Xu Jing smiled bitterly. She took out her mobile radio and tried to get in touch with Li Moyang.

"Whatever you say, Chen Ke will find in the end that he only needs me..." Shrili said from the side, but Xu Jing didn't listen at all.

Xu Jing and Li Moyang communicated and briefly explained the situation.

Even though Li Moyang was not at the scene, he still noticed something was wrong. Why was this camp designed as a trap for witches? How could these people know that a witch was coming?

"We also lost contact with the two witches at sea..."

Li Moyang originally wanted to warn Diana, but he found that suddenly, he could no longer contact the other group of people.

"That's what I'm worried about." Xu Jing turned off the mobile radio.

Without further ado, a helicopter hurriedly took off, carrying Xu Jing and Shreli out of the Southeast Asian jungle and to the temporary dock. There, Shreli took Xu Jing and flashed to the United Federation of States through the portal, and then, Under Li Moyang's arrangement, he took a helicopter and immediately headed to the giant ship at sea where Diana and Lucina lost contact.

The ship's beacon has not changed, as if it is not afraid of them at all.

After entering the sea area of ​​​​the big ship, there was a heavy rain in the sky, and the red sea and sky were covered with white curtains by the heavy rain.

The pilot responsible for driving the helicopter did not want to participate in this mission. As an ordinary person, carrying two beauties who were not human beings and searching for a ship on the vast ocean sounded like a mission with no return, but Li Moyang The offer was too much for him to refuse.

The heavy rain made the helicopter's flight dangerous. This was just a very small helicopter taking off from a whaling ship. After all, it could be seen farther in the sky than on the ship.

"The coordinates have arrived." the pilot said. He struggled to hold the handle, but the strong wind shook the bird.

"I didn't see any boats." Xu Jing grabbed the armrest of the helicopter and looked at the sea.

Both witches put on waterproof tights, with airbags hanging around their necks that fit the upper body. Srily pulled the zipper on her chest to her belly button. The tights were too tight and made her chest feel tight. Panic.

"This is it! If I can't find it, I have to return! This helicopter won't last long!" the pilot warned.

"Look over there." Shrili wrote lightly.

Xu Jing heard the sound and looked around, and saw a strange thing floating on the sea level...

"Fuck! What is that?!" The pilot also saw it and screamed in fright after just one glance.

Xu Jing took a closer look and saw an unknown huge sea creature corpse floating quietly on the sea. There were many cuts on the blood-red body, and there was a bloody mouth on the upward facing back. , next to the body, a small fishing boat was docked next to it.

"That's their ship!" Xu Jing said.

"They actually went up there...are these two thinking with their muscles?" Shrili sighed.

"Landing." Xu Jing patted the pilot's shoulder.

"Holy shit! You're crazy! What the hell is that! I don't want to land on it!" The pilot refused directly.

"If you want to get the money, be obedient, otherwise your trip will be in vain!" Xu Jing threatened.

Having said that, the pilot had no choice but to grit his teeth and move the helicopter closer.

When the helicopter slowly lowered its altitude and approached the blood-red corpse, it seemed to be performing a magic trick, and its appearance changed into a large black ship. From a certain height, its nature and appearance were completely different from the original.

This is not an illusion, no matter how realistic the illusion is, it is always a lie, but this ship and the corpse just now are the same thing, and they are both real.

Xu Jing has seen this kind of trick, double reality...

Under certain conditions, the form of physical existence can be switched at any time.

This kind of space is extremely dangerous.

"Look at the side..." Shreli pointed to the side of the ship.

Witch Hunter…

"They are in trouble." Xu Jing said calmly.

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