This aura is deadly

Chapter 784 Revenge

The sword in Chen Ke's hand immediately turned into a white holy diamond.

"White... such a big thing only comes in white??" Chen Ke was a little unhappy.

The monster just broke the time-pause effect. Is it reasonable for such a powerful monster to only explode white holy objects?

As soon as he thought about it, the white holy diamond in his hand turned into a simple three-foot sword, with several strips of cloth wrapped around the handle to prevent it from slipping.

The scabbard is a brown wooden scabbard. There is no sword mark on the head. The exposed wood bottom is a little discolored and yellowed. There are actually some cracks in the sheath opening. There is a thick rope wrapped around the ring on one side of the scabbard, making it easy to tie around the waist. .

This sword has no nameplate and its name is unknown. Judging from the level of maintenance and overall appearance, Chen Ke guessed that this weapon is just a mass-produced product like the Van Hede straight sword. The Van Hede straight sword comes from the medieval style Van Hede. Kingdom of Hed, then this sword must have come from an ancient Asian country in the same period.

Chen Ke took out the sword. The blade was in good condition and looked like new. Both sides were sharpened, but it didn't feel like anything had been chopped. This made Chen Ke suspect that the original owner was I have used the scabbard more often than I have used this sword... There are still cracks in the sheath!

He focused on the sword, and a string of information emerged:

[Six-Style Sword Training]

[Durability: intact]

[Parry: Remove 50% of the impact of physical attacks and resist 100% of physical damage. 】

[The basic sword used by the entry-level disciples of Wanjian Sect is also the first sword used by the 72nd head of Wanjian Sect after entering the profession. The forging process has been upgraded six times to achieve a balance between weight, feel and cost. 】

[The wolf that cut off even time and space became the chosen sheath and embarked on a journey of pursuit at the end of the dynasty. 】

After reading the information, Chen Ke's guess was not wrong. It was indeed a mass-produced product for entry-level disciples, and it had been iterated six times. But this only additional effect is too weird. It can withstand 100% of physical damage. Isn't it invincible? Can a novice disciple use this kind of artifact?

But after thinking about it, Chen Ke looked at the second message. The "wolf" mentioned in it seemed to be the 72nd leader. It seems that the special effect of this sword is given by "Wolf" during use.

He must be a ruthless person. He used an entry-level sword to have the effect of an alienated object. He must be a master of parrying.

Diana helped Xu Jing come over, Li Moyang stood aside, scanning the monster's body, and Shreli walked out of the dust alone, not seeing Lucina.

It seemed like everything was over.

"We still don't know who is behind these people." Xu Jing said. After speaking, she spat blood on the ground. She was held in the monster's hand just now and her internal organs were crushed. Now she has recovered a little.

Chen Ke shook his head. This seduction operation was a failure. They didn't even catch anyone alive for questioning.

"Where's Lucina?" Chen Ke asked.

"I saw her being knocked out in that direction." Diana pointed behind a few buildings.

"I'll let you teleport her away." Chen Ke looked at Shrili.

"You know her temperament." Shreli spread her hands.

Chen Ke had no intention of blaming them. The Lescott Spiritual Property Building was destroyed, with only a few floors still standing on the ground. The remaining parts were smashed into nearby blocks, filling the air with smoke and dust, making it look like the Wasteland of Opportunity City.

He snapped his fingers, and time began to rewind. The bricks and glass shards of the building slowly returned along the trajectory, and even the corpses on the ground floated back to various rooms.

Time is Chen Ke’s power.

Everyone present looked up, and Xu Jing couldn't help but reach out and touch the flying dust, watching them slide away from her fingertips, and the gravel re-condensed into a part of the building.

The surrounding dust and mist began to dissipate, and the destroyed parts of the building were reassembled in mid-air and returned to where they should be. In just a few minutes, the Lescott Spiritual Property Building reappeared in front of everyone, along with the entire building. The people who died in the accident were also resurrected in reverse time, returning to the moment before the end of their lives.

Those who were resurrected lost their subsequent memories because their time was rewinded. A female reporter, who was just a body that was thrown to death, is now sitting at the press conference again, holding a recording pen in her hand. Looking at the empty podium, he couldn't help but complain.

The mayor of Opportunity City and the chief of the county police station looked at each other, feeling that something had just happened, but they couldn't explain it, so they could only wait quietly for Li Moyang to appear.

The surrounding streets were different. The scope of Chen Ke's time retrieval was not too large. There were some places that were not taken care of, so there were still large-scale casualties.

Li Moyang stood on the ground wearing armor, and suddenly felt that this was very inappropriate. The witches were also a little embarrassed, and their bodies and faces were dirty. Chen Ke opened the portal and asked them to hide in the Dream Center, and ran to find Lucina. .

The streets were in chaos. The Lescott Building was restored intact, and the surrounding streets were restored to their original state. But further out, it was still terrible. The five-story building that had collapsed was hit by something, and a hole was made from the third floor. It started to collapse, and Chen Ke thought Lucina must have been hit inside... so he hurried over to look for it.

As soon as I ran outside the building, I heard a man's screams and curses coming from the dark corridor.

"You bitch, I swear, I will use your throat as a chamber pot!" The man cursed, and then he began to wail in pain, accompanied by a heart-stopping cracking sound.

Chen Ke broke in and saw Lucina standing in front of a wall, with a dead green energy arm grabbing a superman and pulling him into a large font. There are two more that are hanging thin on various parts of his body.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” The white man, half of his face was bloody, his teeth were black, and his eyes were glowing orange. He was definitely not human at first glance.

"You can continue to spit on me, but you know, your body can keep growing, but I can keep tearing it off until you are willing to tell me who your boss is." Lucina Holding my chest, I wrote lightly.

"Fuck you! Go and eat shit, you bitch! You only deserve to kneel on the ground and lick me...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Superman didn't say anything, Lucina's big energy hand flicked towards him, and even Chen Ke couldn't help but tighten the muscles in his legs after seeing it.

"Hey..." Chen Ke walked behind Lucina and patted her shoulder.

"How long have you been looking there?" Lucina turned around and asked.

"It hasn't been too long, but I have already felt his pain." Chen Ke replied.

"He doesn't want to say anything." Lucina looked at Superman again.

A provocative smile appeared on Superman's half-human, half-monster face, and he said: "You can't kill me, I am immortal. I am different from you, humans."

Chen Ke pulled out his automatic rifle, but Superman was not afraid.

"Come on, point it at my head and let me see what tricks you have up to you." Superman smiled.

Chen Ke didn't say much, raised his hand and shot a few times, breaking Superman's right thigh.

Superman was in excruciating pain. It seemed that he did not suffer this kind of pain very often. He must have been strengthened to his current level some time ago.

Chen Ke has a deep understanding of this. Humans are highly adaptable creatures. Chen Ke was originally just a social animal, but after coming to this world, the pressure of a short life in the early stage was overturned after a period of time. Due to his immortality and rapid regeneration, With his physique, his tolerance for pain has also become far beyond that of ordinary people.

Superman's thigh was broken and failed to grow back. The divine blood bullets were even eroding his body. Superman waited for a while, seemed to realize something, and his expression changed.

"Do you want me to ask again?" Lucina asked.

"No." Chen Ke said bluntly. He looked at Superman and said, "Is it Ling Yuhen?"

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