This aura is deadly

Chapter 87 Golden Arthur

A green taxi parked on the busier shopping street in Guntie District. Chen Ke had made a big purchase at Wal-Mart here before, but this time he was not here for shopping.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on Google Maps Navigation. He found the HEMA Club located next to Walmart. It was located on the fourth floor of a comprehensive shopping mall. A somewhat shabby signboard read carelessly: Golden Arthur HEMA Club, Opportunity City Branch library.

There was a dilapidated small elevator on one side of the mall that could go straight to the fourth floor. Chen Ke pressed the up button and found that the elevator had no response.

He pressed it again, but still no response. It must be broken. Chen Ke scratched the back of his head and simply walked up the stairs of the mall.

The shopping mall seemed very noisy, but it was very clean. Countless small grid counters were scattered in an orderly manner to carve up the entire floor of the shopping mall.

The first floor turned out to be a place similar to a computer mall, but after Chen Ke observed it, it was basically second-hand vendors selling second-hand laptops and desktop machines in front of the counter.

In the United Federation, the vast majority of people who buy computers buy complete computers instead of buying accessories to assemble them themselves. On the one hand, individual computer accessories are very expensive in the United Federation, and are far less expensive than buying a complete computer. Another reason is that most people have limited computer knowledge, and many people can’t even tell the difference between a graphics card and a memory stick...

Each small grid counter is equivalent to an independent small facade, where shopkeepers sit and wait and do business. However, it is difficult to do business in the Guntie District of Opportunity City, so many shopkeepers come out of their little cubicles to chat with each other.

After passing through a maze of small cubicles, Chen Ke finally found the upward stairs in the corner.

Climbing all the way up, he finally arrived at the Golden Arthur HEMA Club on the fourth floor. However, it was almost 2 p.m., and when he looked in through the glass door, he felt that there was no one inside.

"Brother, are you here to learn HEMA?" A voice suddenly appeared from behind.

Chen Ke was startled. When he looked back, he saw a fat white man wearing a dark blue hat and dark blue cleaning clothes.

"Yes, but I see no one here? Are they having a day off today?" Chen Ke asked in confusion.

"You came at a bad time, bro, they closed a week ago." The fat boy said with a smile.

"Ah?" Chen Ke smiled awkwardly.

It seems that this trip was in vain.

"HEMA is an expensive sport, and people who play iron don't have so much spare money to play this. However, it doesn't look like you are someone who is short of money, otherwise I wouldn't find you." The fat guy said.

"Golden is this restaurant? Have you heard about it?" Chen Ke chatted.

" don't know about Golden Arthur? I thought you had done enough homework before coming here!" the fat boy said in surprise.

"Is this museum great? Tell me?" Chen Ke became interested.

"The Golden Arthur HEMA Club! There are dozens of branches throughout the United States. It can be said that it brings together all swordsmanship masters. They have tens of thousands of members and have watched most of the HEMA swordsmanship competition champions." That little boy Brother has an awesome expression on his face.

"So good? Then their coach must be good too. It sounds like he can really learn some skills." Chen Ke pinched his chin, very satisfied with the strength of this HEMA club.

"Golden Arthur's coaches and curators are legends in the circle. They are all veterans who are proficient in various swordsmanship, such as Shi Jielian who uses a small shield, Malev, a long sword expert, and Betty, the queen of two-handed swords... They all say it. It’s endless, and they also very much welcome students to come and challenge. It is said that every time you defeat the curator in charge of Golden Arthur, you can get a badge..." said the fat boy.

"So interesting? What will happen if you collect all the badges?" Chen Ke asked curiously.

"No one has done it, brother, but someone seems to have revealed that if you can collect all the branch badges, you can challenge the founder of Golden Arthur." The fat boy smiled mysteriously.

"I bet the founder must be very confident that no one can collect that badge." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Maybe, but don't underestimate him. Although the boss of Golden Arthur is a white-haired old man over 60 years old, no one questions his attainments in swordsmanship." The fat boy smiled.

"If possible, I would like to meet him." Chen Ke laughed. If the coach of this HEMA club is very good, given his own situation, it will not be difficult to master this sports technology.

"Yeah, I want it too. Maybe I can kill him after two weeks of practice, hahahaha!" The fat boy laughed. Obviously, he thought Chen Ke was joking.

"Hmm... do they have other hotels in Opportunity City?" Chen Ke asked.

"There is one on Lafite Road. There are more rich people there, but it is relative. After all, there are no opportunities in Opportunity City." The fat boy said.

There are no opportunities in Opportunity City. This is the second time Chen Ke heard this sentence. The person who said this before was a taxi driver.

"Thank you, I will go there and look for it...and...who is their founder?" Chen Ke asked.

"Geralt." The fat boy replied.

"I thought he would be called Arthur..." Chen Ke said, holding his chest.

"This is a leaflet from their store. I picked it up when I was sweeping the floor. The branch in Guntie District opened less than 2 years ago, and business was bleak, so they chose to close down. I was in a hurry a few days ago and lost a lot of leaflets. Now, you can take a look." The fat boy took out a wrinkled leaflet from the trash can and handed it to Chen Ke.

"I'll go back and take a look...Ah, there's a phone number on it...Thank you very much, this is very helpful." Chen Ke accepted the flyer.

Chen Ke walked out of the mall. Although he returned empty-handed this time, his run was not in vain. If the Golden Arthur Club is as powerful as the cleaner guy said, it must be excellent.

Although HEMA is just a sports event in modern times, those sword moves are still lethal. As long as you draw inferences in battle, it is still feasible to transform them into pure cold weapon combat techniques.

At least it is a hundred times more powerful than using a two-handed sword as a fire stick now.

Chen Ke carefully considered the distance from Guntie District to Lafite Road District. Uber had just been established in 2009, and the taxi-hailing app would not be officially launched until October 2010. Chen Ke had no way of knowing how to take a taxi from Guntie District to Lafite Road District. How long does it take to drive to Lafite Road?

He could only estimate the time through the driving navigation mode of Google Maps. If traffic jams and other conditions were excluded, it would only take one hour to drive back and forth from the rental place to the Golden Arthur Club.

"Should I buy a car..." Chen Ke started thinking.

The United Federation of States is a country on wheels. It is not expensive to buy a mobility scooter. Moreover, he now has a complete set of fake documents and can directly trade through offshore accounts, which is more convenient.

There was no rush, the car matter was not urgent. Chen Ke shook his head. He decided to ask the postman first to see if he could get the black car from the underground market, so that at least it would not be traced by the authorities.

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