This Big Brother is Improper

Chapter 387 Tian Xing Li Lei smashes the devil! (seeking subscription)

Thunder, the cardinal of heaven and earth.

Among the many Taoisms, the thunder method is the most powerful and the most difficult to cultivate.

Because Thunder is so violent, it is one of the most difficult powers for a cultivator to control.

However, if the level is higher.

So it's actually not difficult to control the Thunder.

For a real person such as the old man of Shibi, the sky thunder is a power that can be used to control, and it is a natural phenomenon generated by the turmoil of the wind and clouds.

It's not worth fearing.

Just like Yi Daoist Geng Kun, as long as he blows his wings above the sky, he can instantly disperse the clouds in a radius of three thousand miles-without clouds, where does the thunder come from?

Therefore, the thunder that almost cooked the wing Daoist is not an ordinary natural thunder.

But in the legend, Li Lei, a heavenly punishment specially used to test the cultivator of the God Realm!

Because Tian Xing Li Lei is too dangerous.

It is equivalent to a catastrophe of life and death.

Therefore, carrying this thunder is like going through a catastrophe, and you can achieve 【Transcends Tribulation Venerable】, enlighten the pure Yang Yuanshen, sublimate the level of life, and touch the higher rules of heaven and earth.

That is Heavenly Dao's big test for practitioners.

It symbolizes that the cultivator is gradually leaving this world, just as children grow up and want to leave their parents. What parents need is their children to repay and support them, but Heavenly Dao doesn't need it.

What Heavenly Dao needs is to repay Karma.

Cultivators are born in heaven and earth, grow up, breathe, and eat. Cultivation is all supported by heaven and earth.

This is the big Karma!

Therefore, Tian Xing Li Lei is the test that affects Karma.

The more evil causes and consequences that Xiu Daoist contaminates in the human world, the more severe and harsh the test he faces.

This is also the reason why practitioners dare not commit sins casually.

Even people in Devil Dao didn't dare to slaughter mortals wantonly, because they were afraid of punishment on this day.

Lu Ziyun is not afraid.

Two thousand years ago, she was not afraid of anything.

The Sword of Heaven's Will, imitating Heaven's Heart and Heaven's Will and acting on behalf of Heaven's Path, can be said to be a little restrained.

But Zhan Xian Dao is different.

Zhan Xian Dao is completely arbitrary, killing all over the world, causing endless evil.

Now that the sword will unblock it, it will naturally lead to the punishment of heaven and thunder.

However, the Thunder will not fall at all.

Because Lu Ziyun is Lu Ziyun and Lu Yun is Lu Yun.

The little girl who is sleeping in Qi Tian's arms has not committed any bad karma in her life, so why should Heavenly Dao punish her?

So Xing Li Lei just came out and took a look that day. After finding that the target was wrong, he would naturally not fall down. He yawned and prepared to roll back to sleep.

Well, it should have been like this.

As a result, Qi Tian's crow mouth broke through.

Break through is not fatal, what is fatal is that the crow's mouth opened at that moment.

"Speaking as if you haven't seen Tian Xing Li Lei?"

[In a word] is a god-tier similar to [Speak out the law], but the directivity is completely bad, and the crow's mouth is all bad things, and nothing good.

Xing Li Lei suffered bad things that day.

It had to go to work for no reason, and add a shift inexplicably.

There is no need to help the situation.

A thunder sounded from high above!

There was a loud bang!

This is the real thunder!

Compared with this road coming from above the sky, any thunder in nature appears so weak compared to it.

"Xiantian Taiyi God Thunder" by Qi Tongwei, a master of Shushan, is like a firecracker for children to play in front of this thunder.

There is no comparison at all.

There is a victim under Qi Tian's crow's mouth.

The first victim was Heavenly Dao, who was Tian Xing Li Lei, and took a job inexplicably.

No wages yet.

The second victim is Geng Kun.

The old Bian Mao flies high, and he will bear the brunt of flying high.

He screamed sternly, then fell from the height slantingly, his complexion burnt black, his body was full of strong white smoke, and he was almost roasted.

The birdman looked terrified, fell to the ground and twitched, not daring to get up.

Obviously he was hacked.

The next victim is villain on the ground.

The Demon God was still sitting on the ground, his eyes were dull, and he was staring at his own brother with his trousers. Abaaba's didn't know what he was muttering, and he was blasted into ashes by the thunder without any resistance.

A real person out of the Aperture Realm just died.

And it is a direct form and annihilation.

Then there was the old man Shibi, who was extremely shocked.

There is no time to think, why can a guy with four years of cultivation be able to Transcends Tribulation?

He backed away like lightning.

It is indeed an old demon who has lived for a thousand years, and the most correct response was made between the electric light and the flint.

His face was frosty, and suddenly there was a cold lamp in his hand.

Master Tu Long took a deep breath: "Han Rhinoceros photos are all in your hands? You not only stole Zunsheng's golden body, you even stole the stuff from the bottom of the Zen Buddhism box ""?"

The cold rhinoceros is shaped like an ancient Buddha lamp.

It was made by Zen masters with the horns of the wild and wild animals and rhinoceros, with a handle on it.

As long as it is swayed in the same way, there will be a radiant glow of cold flames.

Where there is light, there is no hiding, and any invisible supernatural powers or Magic Treasures can be illuminated.

But that is just a superficial use of this thing.

The real purpose of this thing is to freeze time!

Shibi tossed this treasure away, his hair and beard were all fluffy, and he was still in the mood to retort: ​​"Stealing? It's so ugly to say! How can the things of a cultivator be called stealing, this is called this thing with me!'

In addition to the look of shock, his face was deeply painful.

That kind of pain is called fleshy pain.

Although Han Xi Zhao has the great power of stagnant time, it is usually used to photograph invisibility.

It can only freeze time three times.

It was used once in the hands of Zen monks, and Shipi was also used once when it was stolen from Zen Master Zunsheng.

This is the third time now.

After using it, this baby is ruined.

The old demon's heart aches and pains, and the look in Qi Tian's eyes is full of resentment and suspicion.

He still doesn't believe that the sword body is really a Transcends Tribulation state.

Regardless of other things, the cultivator wants to illuminate its own pure sun. It relies on a little bit of hard work and practice. It is absolutely impossible to do it overnight.

How genius is Qingyun Xiao Shenren?

But it took a hundred years for that guy to touch the Transcends Tribulation environment.

How many years has Qi Tian practiced?

Four years?

Not to mention that he was practicing Qi in the Foundation Building three years ago, and he only entered the realm of God a year ago!

No matter how enchanting, there should be an upper limit, right?

Heavenly Dao's illegitimate child should also have a basic law, right?

Shipi are not young people who don't know anything.

He is an old Rivers and Lakes, old cultivation, and he has a b number in his heart, even at this time he does not believe that Qi Tian is really in the Transcends Tribulation state.

That's impossible!

He was going to move the void, after avoiding this thunder, he went to test the bottom of the Xiantian sword.

However The next moment.

Shipi saw a very strange picture.

Affected by his [寒 Rhinozhao] stagnant time, the wind and sand stagnated in the air.

Move along with the corpse.

The stagnant wind and sand instantly formed an invisible door.

This is the space channel that naturally emerges when the transforming god realm powerhouse moves the void.

But the moment he just wanted to walk in.

The door to the space made by wind and sand was scattered like crumpled grains of sand.

The space channel disappeared.

Shipi blankly flashed to the station.

He encountered this situation for the first time!

The void movement, which should have ignored the spatial distance, actually lost its function under this thunder!

Shibi suddenly looked up.

"It's over, I'm an idiot!"

He suddenly remembered a terrible thing.

Tian Xing Li Lei is a test for the cultivator of the God Realm, and of course it will block the space.


The light froze in an instant.

The cold rhinoceros shattered in response to the sound, and scattered into dust with a crisp sound.

This baby won two moments of time.

The old man Shibi screamed and fled away.

A dark hole suddenly appeared on the ground. The yellow sand and rocks were ablated by the high temperature of thunder and turned into quicksand, and countless dust and sparks ejected from the hole.

The terrifying vibration seemed to overturn the ground!

I don't know how long it took, when Heaven Xing Li Lei blasted a bottomless hole on the ground.

Black groundwater and oil gush out from the cave.

Sparks brought lightning along the way, and it stretched for thousands of miles before it gradually subsided, and the weak breath of Shipi disappeared to the horizon.

Still alive.

But not fully alive.

Even a thousand-year-old old monster of transforming gods could not withstand the frontal bombardment of Li Lei.

Immortality is also a disability.

Shen Xiu and Qi Xia'er looked at Qi Tian blankly, they didn't know what to say.

Qi Tian actually didn't know what to say.

He himself was frightened and sweated by the power of Li Lei that day, but his expression was well managed.

In the eyes of the master of the blood knife.

The horrible Xiantian sword body was smiling all the time, and that smile made him a little creepy.


Damn, how could the sword body be a Venerable in Transcends Tribulation?

The blood knife sect master's face was pale, he didn't think about running away.

When Qi Tian looked over coldly after solving the corpse, the master of the blood knife knew that he could not go.

If it is two transforming gods realm.

He still has the confidence to fight.

However, the opponent is in the Transcends Tribulation environment, and can still attract the Transcends Tribulation Venerable.

Heaven and earth respect me.

Order the universe.

He can't beat it and can't escape.

The blood knife sect master's face suddenly paled, and his cheeks were instantly thin, as if he was performing some secret technique.

"." Qi Zhenren, since you have the means to kill me and wait, why didn't you show it earlier?"

The blood knife sect master asked with a cold voice: "You hide your traces all the way, and after you expose the traces in Yangguan City, you bring Qi Xia'er and four mortals. Is it just to bring me and Shibi out?,


Why do you think so?

What kind of thinking loop is this?

It's like Daddy wanted to harm you from the beginning, make it clear, you are villain!

"I see."

"You have a few tired praises that seem to have flaws, but they are actually a conspiracy to attract me to wait for the bait."

"Otherwise, why don't you make an early move to frighten me to wait? I have to wait until now to make the move?"

Shen Xiu couldn't listen anymore.

She coldly scolded: "Idiot, I will be restricted by Heavenly Dao after the cultivator passes the Heavenly Tribulation. I must not easily provoke Karma, otherwise I will not be able to fly to the dragon gate. Will play this tricky hand.

Shen Xiu's words unconsciously brought a trace of respect to punishment.

This nun is the sister of Jinlan who befriended Princess Devil Dao.

Temper and temperament will inevitably be contaminated with the color of Devil Dao [The strong is respected], so the attitude towards Qi Tian has changed.

No longer the same generation or even Junior as before.

It's the respect and respect of peak powerhouse.

"Karma is ridden, soaring to the dragon gate?"

The blood knife sect master's face was gloomy, and he stared at Qi Tian gloomily: "Really?"

It seems that he does not accept this statement.

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