This civilization is very strong, but the technology tree is a bit crooked

Chapter 123 Plasma turbulence, proton limit launcher

After hanging up the phone, putting away the gauss gun and protective vest, Chen Yi went back to sleep.

It was more than ten o'clock in the morning.

Chen Yi placed an order online and bought some melon seeds and pistachios, waiting for the announcement.

But wait and wait, wait until lunch at noon, still nothing.

"Forget it, let's go nuclear fusion, my drone can't wait to change its heart."

After a brief lunch, Chen Yi looked at the time and calculated the decay period of neutrons.

Make sure that all the neutrons have dissipated, put on a dust mask, protective clothing and gloves, and walk to yesterday's laboratory with a Geiger counter.


Push open the sealed door.

A heat wave came oncoming.

Chen Yi glanced at the Geiger counter in his hand.

The pointer moved a bit, but there is still a long way to go.

Endure the heat wave and go inside.

Chen Yi used a Geiger counter to measure it in various areas.

It was found that radiation in addition to fusion reactors reaches 2.05 μSv.

It is ten times higher than the natural radiation of the environment.

Holding the reactor for a year without letting go is equivalent to taking eight or nine CT scans.

The radiation in other places is normal.

"It seems that a considerable part of the transmuted elements are non-radioactive elements, or the half-life cycle of elements is hundreds of millions of years or billions of years, which can be called safe and worry-free."

"Xuannu, turn on the air conditioning system."

The radiation threat was determined to be virtually non-existent.

Chen Yi confidently gave instructions to the subroutine that Xuannv assigned.

I didn’t dare to turn on the air conditioner yesterday, because I was afraid that the radioactive elements would be transmuted by the neutron irradiation, which would spread to every corner of the entire laboratory with the circulation of the air conditioner, making it more difficult to clean up the pollution.

Now that it is confirmed that there is almost no radiation, it is natural to turn on the air conditioner with confidence.


The laboratory's high-power central air conditioner was turned on, and the billowing cool wind dissipated the residual heat.

Chen Yi found the testing equipment in the laboratory and began to conduct a detailed inspection of the nuclear fusion reactor.

"Being injected with a lot of neutrons, the elemental DNA has changed."

Checked the casing, the microwave generator, the first inner wall of the donut, etc.

Chen Yi found that, except for the superconducting coil protected by a layer of beryllium, all other modules had some new elements caused by forced injection and transmutation of high-energy neutrons.

These elements are like impurities in the material, causing the overall performance to drop by more than ten to forty percent.

Among them, the first inner wall of the donut, which is directly subjected to high-temperature plasma heat radiation, plasma radiation and infrared radiation, and is also the first target of high-energy neutron attack, is the most serious.

The material in some areas is eroded and can be crushed with a single hammer.

It is estimated that if it runs for a few hours, the entire inner wall will collapse.

"Deuterium-tritium fusion is really dancing on the tip of a knife."

Looking at the internal material that could be broken by himself, Chen Yi seemed to be able to imagine it.

If this thing falls off during operation.

As a result, the superconducting coils at the back were subjected to plasma radiation and infrared radiation, resulting in overtemperature deconduction, magnetic confinement failure, and the entire reactor exploded.

Although in the first moments of the fryer.

The plasma diffuses and cools instantly, and the fusion reaction stops.

But when the fusion reaction is carried out, the energy bound by the magnetic confinement field is at least tens of thousands of equivalents.

"It's no wonder that a qualified magnetic confinement reactor must have a spare second set of coils, and multiple pools should be built in the laboratory and around it."

"If there is an accident in the first set of coils, the second set of coils is required to be energized within nanoseconds to generate a magnetic field to intercept the uncontrolled spread of ultra-high temperature plasma."

"If something happens to both sets of coils, well, pray."

"Pray that when the safety mechanism is activated, the pool gate is opened, and the plasma is released to cool down in an emergency, I will not be boiled into a prawn."

Chen Yi made a rough estimate in his heart.

Because it is not the explosion that releases energy, but the heat diffusion that releases energy, and the reaction stops immediately when it goes out of control.

Such a standard nuclear fusion reactor, even if it gets out of control, can be suppressed by a few swimming pools.

"It seems that the standard solution in the future is to put the fusion fusion underground and build an artificial lake on top of it."

"As long as there is enough water in the lake, ten nuclear fusion reactor fryers will only burn one lake of warm water."

Chen Yi inspected the entire fusion reactor carefully.

Especially for the erosion of the first inner wall, a scale model was drawn.

Mark the erosion conditions of each place on the model one by one.

These marked areas correspond to areas where ultra-high temperature plasma energy converges and fusion reactions are more powerful.

It is of great significance for Chen Yi to explore the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence model, solve the turbulent impact, and greatly improve the efficiency of the fusion reactor.

"Plasma turbulence, one of the core problems of controlled nuclear fusion."

"If this is not resolved, the reaction efficiency of the fusion reactor, the efficiency of energy output, and the stability and efficiency of the confining magnetic field will all be difficult to greatly improve."

"Of course, this problem is also the most difficult to solve.

Investigate the fluid movement inside the plasma at hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

Investigate the turbulence distribution coefficient inside the plasma.

This temperature condition alone blocked almost all detection methods.

Without probing there is no data.

Without data, it is naturally impossible to talk about exploring and understanding the internal situation. "

Chen Yi frowned slightly.

Ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence and eddy current belong to a kind of fluid motion.

Image point metaphor.

This is a tornado in the magnetic confinement field, and there are a lot of turbulence and eddy currents inside.

These turbulent currents and eddies are constantly generated and dissipated all the time.

Every generation of turbulence hits the surrounding confinement magnetic field, which can bring a huge impact, causing the confinement magnetic field to consume more energy.

Every time a vortex is generated and energy is gathered, the intensity of the fusion reaction in the corresponding region will soar, releasing more energy, causing the temperature of the region to rise, the plasma to expand, and then generate more turbulence, hitting the surrounding confinement field.

Now, Chen Yi needs to study and understand the movement of all turbulence and eddy currents, and find a mathematical model and fluid model to summarize this movement.

Then, guided by the theoretical model, disturbances impede the generation of turbulence and eddies.

Let the fusion reaction proceed more smoothly and the constraints be more stable.

The turbulence and eddy current that cannot be hindered, the confining magnetic field will be adjusted automatically

For example, when the turbulent flow hits, the current and frequency of the coil are controlled, and the magnetic constraints in the corresponding area are backed up by one point.

After exiting this space, the turbulent flow will dissipate after passing through this distance.

For example, the eddy current will be generated, the regional fusion reaction will intensify, the plasma will expand regionally, and the confinement strength and distance of the confinement magnetic field will also be adjusted to ensure that the impact of plasma expansion is smaller.

In this way, at least half or even two-thirds of the input energy to maintain the stability of nuclear fusion can be saved, and the overall energy output will be greatly improved.

After all, maintaining the magnetic field consumes very little.

The main consumption is that the magnetic field overcomes the consumption of other energy.

According to this.

A few years ago, Western Europe also developed a magnetically confined stellarator device.

It is to twist the confinement coil into a twist to create a twist-like magnetic field.

Change the shape of the magnetic field directly at the hardware level to adapt to the turbulence and eddy current of high-temperature plasma.

At that time, the tokamak didn't even understand the donut-shaped confinement magnetic field and a lot of problems, and the furnace didn't know how to build it yet.

The stellarator began to conduct plasma confinement experiments to adapt to the turbulent and eddy currents of the plasma.

For a time, the stellarator was hailed as the most promising eldest son of magnetically confined controllable nuclear fusion.

A large amount of funds have been poured down, and the progress of research and experiments is also making rapid progress.

But alas.

As the temperature continues to rise, the plasma turbulence and eddies also become exponentially more complex.

The twisted twist of the stellarator can also be twisted three times, twisted five times, twisted eight times, twisted one hundred times

In the end, tens of billions of euros were spent, but the fusion temperature has not yet been reached.

The turbulence and eddy currents of the plasma are beyond the limits of the twisted twist.

The stellarator route was stuck, and was gradually caught up by domestic tokamak devices.

"The problem of ultra-high temperature plasma detection is indeed a bit difficult."

Looking at the nuclear fusion reactor in front of him, Chen Yi thought for a while.

With a thought.

Colorful rays of light bloom.

【Energy: 174→114】

[Efficiency: 126.4→186.4]

[Detecting that a certain attribute exceeds the initial value, do you want to read the information? whether! 】


The nuclear fusion device surpassed the conventional, reached the level of the force field, and the consumption of the consciousness wave increased by a thousand times.

It took 12 million consciousness waves to increase the efficiency attribute to 186.4. Without hesitation, Chen Yi decisively chose to read it.


A lot of information and data come to mind.

with system assistance.

Chen Yi quickly digested the information and data in it, frowning slightly.

"It's all about magnetic confinement fields, how to deal with turbulence and eddy current impact data."

"Data on plasma turbulence and eddies, there isn't one."

Chen Yi shook his head.

He knew it wasn't that easy to do.

Because plasma turbulence is a factor that fusion reactors need to face, it is not a factor inside the nuclear fusion device.

This relationship is like the relationship between the temperature outside and the air conditioner.

Adjust the properties of an air conditioner, reading the information will only tell you.

When the outside temperature rises and the heat dissipation of the external unit is difficult, it is necessary to increase the speed of the cooling fan to maintain stable operation.

But the properties of an air conditioner won't tell you why the outside temperature is rising.

Because the change of outside temperature is not a problem of the air conditioner itself.

"Unless a super-powerful fusion reactor is built."

"For example, for a fusion reactor of 100 million kilowatts, read the properties of this reactor, and then through backward compatibility, you can grasp the turbulence data of all fusion reactors within 100 million kilowatts of power."

"100 million kilowatts. I'd better engage in plasma turbulence."

Chen Yi roughly estimated the time and cost required to build a 100-million-kilowatt fusion reactor, and directly gave up the idea.

"To study the turbulent flow and eddy current inside the high-temperature plasma, the key is to obtain the data inside the plasma."

"So, I need an accurate detector."

According to the principle of detection, Chen Yi thought for a while.

Write a noun on a piece of paper.

Proton launcher.

Since the ultra-high temperature plasma, the temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius prevents all external detection.

A series of modern high-precision detectors can only sense the overall energy change, but cannot detect the internal situation.

Then just create an object that can penetrate into the ultra-high temperature plasma without being damaged.

Inject the object into it, and then detect parameters such as the trajectory, direction, angle, speed, and kinetic energy change of the rebound, and slowly calculate the internal situation of the plasma by reverse calculation.

"The hydrogen nuclei, or protons, want to be destroyed."

"A high temperature of at least one billion degrees Celsius is required, or tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of atmospheric pressures in the core of a star."

"A nuclear fusion device with a temperature of 100 to 200 million degrees Celsius is not even a bath for it."

"What's more, protons are charged and can be emitted and detected by magnetic fields, which is perfect."

Chen Yi determined his plan. Simply put, this is a game of blind guessing billiards.

The high-temperature plasma in the confinement field is a covered billiard ball, and the emitted hydrogen nuclei, namely protons, are the kicked balls. Through the rebound and force changes of the ball, guess the position of the billiard ball at the beginning.

Of course, the basic principle is like this, and the difficulty of actual implementation will definitely increase by 100 million points.

"High temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius.

The thermal movement inside the plasma can be said to be more violent than most stars.

Plus the energy consumed by entering and exiting the binding force field.

Protons want to hit in and bounce out.

Instead of being blocked by the confinement field, or flooded by plasma, the emission intensity must be very strong.

But too strong will not work.

It is too strong, the kinetic energy of the proton exceeds the limit of the proton, and it will not rebound at all when it hits, it will only be annihilated."

Chen Yi walked to the radiation-free safe house nearby.

He took off his dust mask, took out a pen and paper and calculated for a while, and even requested some supercomputing resources.

It took more than two hours.

A temperature parameter was calculated by him.


No more than 101.9 million degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is kept below this temperature, protons can penetrate the confinement field, and after many rebounds, there is still room for ejection.

No matter how high the temperature is, the protons want to be ejected, and the initial kinetic energy of the launch exceeds the limit of the protons.

That is not a detection, but a collider experiment, and the proton itself is annihilated at the moment of impact.

"Of course, the condition for being able to eject is to hit within 6 times."

"If there are too many impacts, too much energy will be lost, and it will not be able to come out."

Chen Yi added a condition.

According to the temperature and density of the plasma, it will come out after 6 rebounds.

One in a million protons, he reckons, is not bad.

But no matter what, having protons coming out means that there is data.

With the data, and with the intelligent life of Xuannv, he can draw out the mathematical model of plasma turbulence.

"101.9 million degrees Celsius, which cannot be used as deuterium-helium fusion."

"It seems that data needs to be obtained step by step."

"From millions, to tens of millions, to tens of millions, gradually collect data, through different temperature ranges, and the changing law of turbulence."

"From 101.9 million degrees Celsius, a plasma turbulence model of hundreds of millions or even billions of degrees Celsius is derived."

"Go ahead and do it."

"A hydrogen nuclear launcher, also known as a proton launcher, a proton launcher."

"An improved version of the ion cannon, this thing, old acquaintance."

The plan is determined.

Chen Yi quickly designed it based on the previous space-based ion cannon.

All are replaced with superconducting materials, the strength of the splitting electric field is enhanced, and the circular acceleration orbit is increased.

It took thirteen hours before and after, from daytime to early morning.

An external power supply, an 18-meter-long acceleration track, and an 8-meter-diameter proton launcher with a doughnut-shaped synchrotron field at the initial section successfully appeared in front of Chen Yi.

[Item: Proton Ultimate Launch Cannon]

[Attributes: Power x159, Efficiency x129, Control x167, Beauty x12]

[Note: This is a transmitter whose kinetic energy is close to the limit of protons. If you increase the power a little bit, you will witness the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Note that the kinetic energy emitted by the proton is too large, please pay attention to safety when using it. 】

Chapter One

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