This civilization is very strong, but the technology tree is a bit crooked

Chapter 161 Terrible meme virus, cleaning up the old era

"Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Yi coming in, the headquarter leader who was already waiting inside greeted him warmly.

"Hello leaders."

Chen Yi nodded in response, then turned his head to look at Professor Zhang who followed him: "Where is the experimental area?"

"Inside, it was a former air defense area that was recently converted into a test area."

Professor Zhang pointed to the depths of the base that went deep into the mountain.

"Mr. Chen didn't bring the meme's equipment?" Seeing that Chen Yi was empty-handed, the leader asked curiously.

"That thing is too dangerous."

"There is no physical instrument, everything is in my head, and I will compile it on the spot if necessary."

Chen Yi pointed to his head, and walked towards the test area inside: "Prepare me a laptop computer with anti-shielding interference, not connected to the Internet, and a layer of polarizing film added."

"Now, let me check the precautions in the test area."

Out of consideration for his own life.

Chen Yi carefully checked the defense system of the test area, and checked the magnetic confinement strength around the test area.

In particular, the key polarized camera, non-full-spectrum monitoring display, and physically isolated network have been carefully checked several times to make sure everything is ok before entering the test area.

"Mice, pigs, cynomolgus monkeys, cows, sheep, and more."

Chen Yi carefully inspected the closed test area, where the experimental items were separated by bulletproof glass.

At the end, when he saw seven or eight prisoners wearing prison uniforms and colorful eyes inside, he was stunned for a moment.

"That's what I asked for."

Seeing Chen Yi suddenly stop, Lao Zhang explained: "These are criminals and rats who have committed serious crimes and will be shot soon.

I was thinking, since this experiment is so important, it must be more realistic. "

With that said, Lao Zhang took a stack of files and materials and handed them to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi flipped through the information and saw that there were 3 lives per person on average, and the methods were cruel. Then he looked at a group of local prisoners and imported prisoners separated by bulletproof glass, and praised.


"Since the experimental items are complete, this can also be tested."

"Everyone get out, and close the doors and windows at the same time, don't leave a gap for light to come through."

Following Chen Yi's instructions, a group of people left the test area, closed the triple doors and windows, and each door and window was blocked with complete blackout curtains to ensure that no light would leak out.

"Mr. Chen, the computer you want."

At this time, a leader took the computer from the staff and handed it to Chen Yi himself.


Chen Yi turned on the computer, checked the polarizing film on the screen, took out a USB flash drive, overwrote the Xuannv system inside, and wiped out the original system data to ensure that no virus remained. The wireless network card is physically disconnected.

Nothing goes wrong.

Chen Yi pulled the network cable of the lighting control system in the test area and connected the laptop.

Da da da da!

Lines of code and lighting control parameters were tapped out by Chen Yi's fingers.

Lao Zhang and several leaders went to monitor the monitor, looked at the somewhat distorted and discolored pictures of the test area taken by the polarized camera, and waited for the start of the test.

Soon, more than twenty minutes passed.

Chen Yi compiled a memetic virus that was modified by Xuannv to increase the lethality rate and almost reach 100% lethality to mammals.

The instant the meme virus was compiled.

The interface of the laptop in front of Chen Yi also changed suddenly.

[Item: Mammal - Meme Virus Compiler]

[Attributes: Energy x14.5, Transmission x13, Infection x976, Disease x0.1, Death x999]

[The detection of items exceeds the limit of the conventional field, and the consumption of the adjusted consciousness wave is increased by a thousand times]

[Note: This is a computer that stores a scary meme virus, and it will release the scariest meme virus when it is activated by a lamp with a special spectrum.

Where the light shines, the mammalian cell factory will be activated, producing a steady stream of almost absolutely deadly, highly contagious viruses, the cells will not be exhausted and withered, and the production of viruses will not stop

Boy, do you want to use it to hack the global Internet and put on a light show for the whole world?

This will be the best eraser for mammals. 】

"When I saw it for the first time, the stored information changed the name and attributes of the item."

"I'm really afraid of this thing once I see it."

Looking at the evaluation on the system interface, even though he was prepared, Chen Yi still felt a little hairy.

clatter! clatter!

Tap the keyboard with your fingers, connect to the lighting control system in the test area, set a 5-minute countdown, and then upload the meme program to start.

After uploading, Chen Yi did not hesitate and immediately unplugged the network cable.

Throw the notebook into the shredder on the side, turn the motherboard, chip, hard disk, etc. into a pile of debris powder, then pour it into a high-power crucible and turn on the switch, destroying the body and eliminating traces.

"Boy Chen, is that an exaggeration?"

Seeing Chen Yi's behavior, Professor Zhang and several headquarters leaders beside him suddenly felt a little nervous.

"Wait a while and you'll know if it's an exaggeration or not."

Complete the physical overrun of the Memetic Encoder.

Chen Yi came to the monitor and waited for the memetic virus to trigger together.


The voice of Chen Yi's reminder just fell.

On the monitoring monitor, the lights in the test area flickered twice, and then fell silent.

"Is this the end?"

"Just two flashes?"

Old Zhang couldn't help asking.

"It's over, let's wait for the virus to attack."

Chen Yi nodded solemnly.

time flies.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Just when Lao Zhang and the leaders of the headquarters were still curious and doubtful.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded.

The high-precision infrared thermometer configured in the test area suddenly experienced abnormal data.

The body temperature of all animals in the test area began to rise abnormally.

"38.7, 39.9, 40.5, 40.8"

Lao Zhang looked at the temperature measurement data of several local prisoners and imported prisoners, and shouted in disbelief.

"Looking at their movements and demeanor, they are all screaming and scratching at their own skin, as if it was very itchy."

"The condition of this skin is not right, it will rot if scratched."

At this time, several leaders also discovered other abnormalities, and pointed to the prisoner area on the surveillance screen.

Only a few prisoners were seen rolling on the ground in pain.

The whole body was trembling with unstoppable chills, and at the same time, his fingers couldn't bear to crazily grab the skin on his body.

Under such scratching, their skin was in a very bad state, almost a large piece was torn off with one scratch, and even rolling and rubbing on the ground could rub off a large piece of skin.

After a while, the skin of the whole person was festered and dripping with blood.

"The other animals were all caught too."

Chen Yi switched the camera.

I saw that in the experimental area, not only a few prisoners, but also various pigs, cattle, sheep, mice and other animals were in a similar state.

The body temperature soared, the skin festered, and he rolled uncontrollably.

"Mr. Chen, the principle of this virus is"

The leaders of the headquarters and Lao Zhang looked at Chen Yi.

"The two flashes of light just now contain a special spectrum."

"Under the irradiation of this spectrum, the cells are activated and begin to continuously produce viruses based on the virus information contained in the spectrum."

"Because the skin is the first object to be irradiated by the light, these skin cells are naturally the first to be recruited, and they are also the first to fester."

"Combined with real-life examples, the lithography machine can engrave information through light, and make logic chips with the help of photoresist's sensitivity to light."

"This meme, by sculpting cells with light, uses the cells' response to light to make viruses."

Chen Yi explained calmly, he had just finished his explanation.

In the monitoring screen, the animals that were rolling on the ground suddenly twitched a few times.

Then the mouth, nose, eyes, and even the buttocks began to spurt uncontrollably half-clot-like blood.

"Hemorrhagic fever!"

Seeing this, Lao Zhang couldn't help shouting.

Under such uncontrollable bleeding.

Soon, the first test subject was silent.

Next came the second, and the third.

Less than 20 minutes after the light came on, the entire test area fell into a permanent calm.

Although the blood is still flowing, the high-precision electric field and magnetic field life sensor equipped can no longer detect a trace of electric field activity caused by the heartbeat.

Surveillance area.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

The leaders of the headquarters and Lao Zhang looked at the time of less than 20 minutes on one side, and then at the dead test area.

Everyone couldn't help opening their eyes wide, their expressions full of disbelief.

"This, is this the lethality of future technology?"

A leader murmured.

He tried to prevent this meme virus by combining the virus prevention methods and experience in these years.

But try anyway.

He found that this virus has no solution.

As long as it is irradiated by light, virus infection is inevitable, and death is inevitable.

It is impossible for human beings to reject light.

Even if you really reject all the light.

The whole person hid in a completely enclosed dark space.

Only through brainwave equipment and neural virtual equipment, external instruments are controlled for production and life.

But according to the report submitted by Yi Fei, there is an advanced version of this meme virus.

An advanced meme.

All it takes is a sound, a vibration wave.

Anyway, as long as the information can be accepted and sensed by your cells, all of them can be used as a way for the meme virus to spread.

More powerful means can even transform stars, and directly use the light of stars to spread memes, covering an area of ​​half a light-year or even several light-years.

Human beings may one day take a look at the starry sky and the moon.

It will be unstoppably deformed, either die, or be turned into a monster by a meme virus.

"Turn on the robot and proceed to the next infection test."

Chen Yi said a word.

As he spoke, he pressed a button, and 10 robots in the test area were activated.

These robots pull the black box with an independent oxygen supply system, and open the box at a certain distance to reveal the mouse inside.


The little white mouse barked for a while.

Soon, the mice closest to the dead test subjects began to have an infection response.

Then the second, and the third.

All the way to the farthest mouse, all were not spared.

The virus released by the dead test subjects infected them through the air.

Even the farthest mouse is more than 80 meters away.

Seeing the astonishing secondary transmission distance and contagious power of this virus, the faces of the leaders of the headquarters and Lao Zhang changed again.

"Mr. Chen, is it impossible to prevent such a memetic virus?" Some leaders couldn't help asking.

"Yes, the cell repair robot of Yifei Lifespan Drug, in addition to repairing cells, can also monitor and find cells infected by memes, and induce apoptosis of cells before the virus is produced and released."

"But under the light of the meme, almost the skin of the whole body is infected. If the skin of the whole body is induced to wither, death is still inevitable."

"In this way, the cell repair robot can only prevent the secondary transmission of the virus, but cannot prevent the lethality of the meme."

"In addition, the defense and attack of memes belong to the fact that the height of Tao is one foot, and the height of magic is ten feet high. You have the means of restraint and defense, and the enemy also has stronger means that you cannot restrain and guard against it."

Chen Yi opened his hands and said calmly: "So, the most fundamental solution is to control the code of human life so that it will not be leaked."

"None of us know whether there are alien civilizations in the Milky Way."

"Before, we were inside the planet."

"Productive activity and energetic reactions are blocked by the atmosphere."

"Even if there are alien civilizations, it will be difficult to observe us."

"But as we enter space, carry out solar system transformation, carry out solar system colonization activities, and carry out various space mining and production, this movement is obvious."

"As long as there are alien civilizations, it will be difficult for us to hide at this time."

"The universe may not be dark."

"But we can't put our own lives, the fate of our entire civilization, on the multiple-choice question of whether alien civilizations exist and whether they are kind."

"Before fully entering space, we must control the code of human life."

"Establish the human civilization with us as the absolute core, establish the confidence and confidence of human civilization, and reduce the birth and existence of all Adventists who may leak the code of life."

"Those who do not recognize human culture and human civilization are absolutely not allowed to stay."

"Those potential traitors and Adventists must all be cleaned up, and none of them will be spared."

"This has nothing to do with right or wrong, nor with regional disputes, but with the survival and future of human civilization."

"We will never allow a person who has no sense of identity and belonging to human civilization to grasp the code of life that is related to the survival of the entire civilization and mankind."

"Times are different."

"In the new space age, there must be a different concept of civilization."

"That's the opinion of Yifei and I. It's up to the leaders of the headquarters to decide how to make decisions."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yi turned and left, and walked outside.

Looking at the back of Chen Yi leaving.

Looking at the dead and silent test area again.

The leaders of the headquarters looked at each other and seemed to have made a decision in their hearts.

"Clean up this place."

"Things from the old era, this is also the time to throw away and clean up."


Order issued.

The whole base shook a few times.

The glass, cement floor, robots, various experimental animals, etc. in the closed test area suddenly burned and melted like candles, bursting into bursts of light.

The light grew brighter and brighter until at last all matter and matter became a sparkling soup of plasma

PS: Chapter 2, readers, ask for a monthly pass.

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