This civilization is very strong, but the technology tree is a bit crooked

Chapter 176 The first communication with an alien civilization, recorded in history

After Luo Xun and Zhang Xiaobin went out.

Chen Yi took out Lin Qian's personal information again and looked through it carefully.

At the age of 20, it is the time of youth and prime of life.

Although some thoughts and ideas are still a little immature and naive.

But the talent and ability are very good, and the thinking is relatively sharp.

It shouldn't be a big problem to become Yifei's core personnel in the space age after some hard work.

"You said to establish a connection with the target through the public code of the universe, and then analyze the life form of the other party through the information replied by the target, and talk about your specific thinking."

Chen Yi closed the file with both hands.

Looking at Lin Qian who was sitting not far away, she asked the key to this question.

The public password of the universe, this thing, Chen Yi knows what it is.

Simple point of description.

That is, all civilizations and all life are under the same universe.

In this way, there is a set of natural public codes among all civilizations.

For example, in mathematics, the mathematical symbols may be different between different civilizations, but the formulas and theorems described between these symbols will be consistent across all civilizations.

1+1=2, this is the general formula of the universe.

As long as it is a circle, the area of ​​a circle is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, multiplied by the square of the radius.

The laws and theorems of binary, ternary, quaternary, decimal and other mathematical bases are also common among every civilization in the universe.

It will not happen that the binary of human beings and the binary of alien civilization have different laws.

All kinds of physical laws, Newton's first law, Newton's second law, Newton's third law, or the nuclear parameters of various elements, the theory of relativity, the mass-energy formula, etc., are also consistent with each other.

For example, the definition of time, the current international definition of 1 second, is not a clock tick.

It refers to the time spent by 9192631770 cycles of electromagnetic wave radiation when the cesium 133 atom transitions between the two energy levels of the ground state.

Of course, other civilizations may not know which cesium-133 atom is depicted by human civilization.

But because they are in the same universe, all cesium-133 atoms and atomic structures are the same.

In this way, you only need to note how many neutrons and protons there are in the nucleus of the cesium 133 atom.

Then, the alien civilization will understand.

Oh, it turns out that 1 second of human beings is the time spent by 9192631770 times of the transition radiation period of cesium 133 atom.

Knowing 1 second, you can then know 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 millisecond, 1 nanosecond, etc. The definition of time has reached a consensus.

Time to reach consensus.

Next, the length is the same.

Alien civilization may not know how long a human being is 1 meter.

But the alien civilization going to space must know how long is the diameter of the hydrogen nucleus, that is, the diameter of the proton.

Use the diameter of a proton to describe 1 meter, for example, 1 meter equals how many hydrogen atoms are arranged together, so that the alien civilization understands the concept of the length of a meter.

With the two basic concepts of time and length.

Other definitions of speed, acceleration, force, gravity, etc. can be further extended and determined to reach a consensus.

Get the speed, time, length, etc.

The remaining colors and sounds can also use the same method to reach a consensus.

With color and sound, there is a basis for simultaneous translation of pictures and images.

All the basic concepts have reached a consensus, and the images and pictures have also reached a consensus.

Subsequent subjective concepts such as far, near, long, short, light, and heavy can be translated step by step through comparison of pictures, image metaphors, etc., in conjunction with data comparison, and consensus is established.

Subjective concepts are determined, and further actions, behaviors, culture, and even art can also establish the basis for translation based on these subjective concepts.

For example, the day in Chinese.

When you understand human physical rules, mathematical theorems, and definitions of elements.

Alien civilizations will understand that the sun is the meaning of a star where a large amount of hydrogen elements gather together to undergo element fusion due to gravity, that is, a star.

Going a step further, understanding human beings' definitions of color, sound, and image, alien civilizations will understand that day means daytime.

Going one step further, by understanding the definition of human action on speed, images, etc., and then through the metaphor of images, the chemical formula changes during biological replication, and understanding the process of human reproduction, alien civilizations can understand the third meaning of the sun.

In the end, the language dictionaries of the two parties were interoperable.

A set of common language codes has been formed between the two civilizations.

Through this set of codes, combined with powerful computing power and artificial intelligence, all interstellar civilizations can communicate smoothly without any communication barriers.

"Mr. Chen, different civilizations and intelligent life will have different differences because of different living environments, differences in social culture and values, preferences for aesthetics, and cultural preferences."

"Unless these aesthetic and cultural differences are deliberately concealed, they will definitely be revealed in normal communication and communication."

"Determining the other party's aesthetic preferences, cultural preferences, etc., we can use these to infer and analyze the other party's living environment and mainstream social values."

"Determine the other party's living environment and the mainstream value of society, and then further analyze, we can analyze the other party's life form, innate personality, etc."

Lin Qian briefly described her thoughts.

"What if the other party conceals his own aesthetics and culture during the communication process?"

"Or, the other party simply ignored our communication, what should we do?"

Chen Yi nodded and pointed out the flaws in this plan.

Lin Qian's plan sounds very simple.

But it involves complex life evolution, wisdom psychology, art aesthetics, social engineering and other comprehensive knowledge.

In all fairness, if it were Chen Yi, he would not be able to do such an analysis plan.

For Xuannv to conduct such an analysis, a lot of learning and modeling analysis is also indispensable.

After all, there are specializations in the art industry.

What he is good at now is scientific research, which is black technology, and what he is good at is machine and research. He also has a lot of knowledge and basic principles, and he has cultivated a view of the universe pattern.

Of course, as the founder of Yifei, the leader of the space age.

In addition to researching and engaging in black technology, his current core responsibility is to grasp the development direction of human civilization, rather than doing things personally.

It doesn't matter if he can't do such a plan, as long as someone under him can do it.

If he had to do everything himself, he would not be able to support human civilization into space even if he was exhausted alone.

"If the other party's response is covered up, or there is no response to our information."

"Don't hesitate, Yifei's fleet can set off first."

"At 21 hours, it takes 69 days according to the other party's speed, and a round-trip communication takes 42 hours. We can reserve 20 days to communicate with the other party more than a dozen times."

"The information and data of more than a dozen communications are enough to analyze everything about the other party."

"If the situation cannot be analyzed, or the probability of analyzing the opponent's malicious civilization is relatively high."

"Yi Fei arranged for the fleet to go there in the name of greeting, and at the same time asked the other party not to approach the inner solar system or Blue Star."

"In this way, even if the other party is malicious, the war will not affect Blue Star or our base camp."

Lin Qian clearly stated the response plans for different situations.

Regarding Lin Qian's performance, Chen Yi was not in a hurry to express his opinion. He tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly, "You go out first and let Luo Xun call."

Lin Qian didn't say anything, she bowed slightly to Chen Yi, got up and went outside.

After a while, Luo Xun came in.

Chen Yi didn't deny it because the other party's emotional control ability was relatively poor at the beginning, and the other party's Tinder plan.

After all, the existence of meme technology is still top secret, and no more than ten people in the world know about it.

I don't know the existence of memes, but in the face of an alien civilization that can fly across the interstellar space, it is normal logic to be on the safe side and prepare a spark warship.

As long as he didn't say anything, he would leave with the fireship.

"For this unknown blue shift signal, as a member of the External Relations Department, besides the Fire Project and the Global Defense Array, what other ideas do you need to add?"

Chen Yi signaled Luo Xun to sit down, and asked if the other party had any other ideas and plans.

"Mr. Chen, I think we can arrange for Yifei's warship to meet him there."

Luo Xun thought for a while and made a suggestion.

"What about after the welcome?"

"Determine the reality of the opponent's fleet and prepare for the next move."

"What action?"

"If the opponent's fleet is stronger, our warships can also delay for a period of time, increasing the success rate of our fire plan."

"If the strength of the opponent's fleet is comparable to ours or even weaker than ours, we can try to establish diplomatic relations with the opponent and increase our understanding of the universe and the interstellar world."

Luo Xun talked eloquently, Chen Yi listened for a while, pondered for a moment, and made a cross in his heart.

The program complements well.

But did not understand the fundamental responsibilities of the External Relations Department.

In other words, this plan is suitable for guiding the direction, rather than actual implementation. However, if it guides the direction, it is superficial and lacks a holistic view and a strategic view.

"Very good, you go back first and call Zhang Xiaobin in." After Luo Xun finished speaking, Chen Yi nodded, indicating that the other party could go out, and at the same time called Zhang Xiaobin in.


Luo Xun responded with some disappointment, turned around and went outside.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiaobin came in.

Chen Yi still had the same question, asking if he had any ideas to add.

Compared with Luo Xun's eloquent talk before, Zhang Xiaobin was more straightforward, without any other supplements.

Instead, according to the current position of the eight planets in the solar system, a defense and attack plan based on planetary resources is given, and the plan other than taking the initiative to attack and defend against the enemy is filled in and perfected.

How perfect is it?

It is so perfect that front-line combatants can almost execute and use it when they get it.


Chen Yi was silent for a while, looking at Zhang Xiaobin who looked a little fanatical: "You should go to the development department, not the external relations department."

"The development department has certain requirements for engineering. My grades in engineering are not enough, and the mastery of wisdom psychology and social engineering has met the requirements."

Zhang Xiaobin told the truth, he didn't intend to put gold on his face.

"I understand that since your grades in engineering are not enough, you should stay in the outreach department."

Chen Yi nodded, and did not comment on Zhang Xiaobin's behavior of choosing that subject if he failed in this subject.

The development department, or the future construction and operation department of Yifei, has strict requirements for engineering.

After all, in the future war system, it is not only about command, but also about restarting the fire of war and building and developing a single army.

Even the latter will be one of the centers of gravity in the future.

Because of the space environment, it is empty and boundless.

The technology of the two sides is equal, and the two sides are almost clear cards. Coupled with the assistance of artificial intelligence to check for leaks and make up for vacancies, it is difficult to have a situation where one person can defeat a thousand troops by relying on tactics.

In this case, the test of victory in the war is more about who has the strongest productivity, who has the fastest resource replenishment, and whose technological strength is stronger.

"You go back first, today's matter, keep it secret."

After confirming Zhang Xiaobin's situation, Chen Yi signaled him to go back first.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

Zhang Xiaobin looked a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything. He bowed slightly and turned to leave the office area.

"Called Lin Qian in."

Watching Zhang Xiaobin leave, Chen Yi thought for a moment, and gave Qin Xiaoyu instructions.

"Okay, Brother Yi."

Qin Xiaoyu responded, got up and went outside.

After a while, Lin Qian who was waiting in the next hall was brought over.

"The public dictionary of the universe is ready."

"What do you think should be sent in our first greeting, and what preparations do we need to make at the same time?"

Seeing Lin Qian coming in, Chen Yi was not polite, and asked the other party's thoughts and ideas directly.

first sentence.

Lin Qian thought about it for a while, and then replied with a cautious expression: "Friends from afar, this is the carbon-based intelligent life of human civilization, may I ask if you need our help?"

"As for the preparations, first, increase the tracking of the situation and determine the reaction of the other party to the signal."

"The second is to determine the response time of the other party."

"Although the public dictionary of the universe does not involve complex calculations, because of the huge amount of data and a certain degree of abstraction, if you want to understand it quickly, you cannot do without the assistance of strong artificial intelligence."

"The speed at which the other party replies to the message, to a large extent, represents the strength of the other party in the field of artificial intelligence."

"Of course, there is a certain possibility of camouflage in the response speed."

"We can add some relatively complex and obscure sentences that can test the performance of artificial intelligence in the follow-up communication, and judge whether the other party's first reply was disguised."

"If the result of the test is inconsistent with the result of the first reply, and it is determined that the other party has disguised, then the possibility that the other party is malicious will be greatly increased."

Lin Qian answered and analyzed clearly.

Human civilization has just entered space, and it is unknown to any situation in the universe.

Now, if you want to get in touch with a strange alien civilization, which is more likely to be stronger than yourself, you would rather have 10,000 more thoughts and 1,000 more temptations, which is better than being a stunned young man.

"very good."

Chen Yi applauded, looked at Lin Qian and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Lin Qian, you will represent human civilization and send a formal inquiry to aliens for the first time."

"History will remember today, and it will also remember your name."


Lin Qian shouted in disbelief, her expression suddenly filled with indescribable excitement.

"Xuannv, prepare the universal dictionary of human civilization, activate the interstellar communication array, and send inquiries to the unknown blue shift signal according to Lin Qian's intention."

"Send 10 times with an interval of 1 minute."

"At the same time record the sending time, strictly determine the distance of the other party, and determine the reply interval of the other party."

"Turn on the tachyon scanning module, turn on the electromagnetic wave detection module, increase the scanning frequency of the Hubble telescope, and determine the various performances of the other party after receiving the signal."

Chen Yi gave Xuannv orders one by one.

Received Chen Yi's order, far away in space.

The interstellar radio communication array deployed by Yifei in planetary synchronous orbit began to slowly adjust the angle.

After multiple angle corrections, the emission direction of the communication array is precisely locked to the direction of the unknown blue shift signal beyond 21 light hours, and then emits a series of electromagnetic wave signals

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