This civilization is very strong, but the technology tree is a bit crooked

Chapter 197 The universe is unified, and the human body is transformed with memes!

"Mr. Chen, after a preliminary analysis, this collision test detected traces of the coupling and unity of gravity and the other three fundamental forces."

"However, the amount of data is relatively small, and it is impossible to find the precise coupling parameters of space-time and matter. Further collision tests are needed to collect more data."

Waited for over an hour.

Yifei Research Center and a group of high-energy physics experts at the headquarters also gave a preliminary analysis report.

With brain wave equipment and neural virtual equipment, coupled with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

Human beings have made a huge leap in the efficiency of research and data analysis.

The scientists of the Hadron Collider Center in Western Europe had analyzed the data of the Higgs boson through the collider before and finally determined the conclusion of the data.

Now, with higher energy level collisions and a larger amount of test data, the overall analysis conclusion is completed in just over an hour.

"In this case, check the condition of the collider and continue with the new collision test."

"In addition, continue to expand the length of the collider and replace superconducting coils with better critical performance. The performance of the space collider needs to be further improved."

Listening to Shao Kaiwang's report, Chen Yi did not hesitate, and simply gave the order to continue the test, improve the performance of the space collider, and increase the energy level of the collision test.

Matter, gravity, and space-time are inseparable.

A few words in the modern popular science circle describe it very aptly. Matter has gravitational properties, and gravity is the curvature of space-time, and gravitational waves are the ripples of space-time. Therefore, matter tells how space-time bends, and space-time tells matter how to move.

Now, the Space Hadron Collider has detected the limit of the coupling of gravity and the other three fundamental forces, which is equivalent to discovering the connection between space-time and matter.

By further digging through this connection, the deeper mysteries of matter, time and space, and the unity of matter and time and space will be officially revealed to people.

time flies.

In the next few days, the Space Hadron Collider conducted more than a hundred collision tests.

A large amount of collision data has been collected, among which the time-space delay generated at the moment of impact, the coupling of matter and space-time, and the unification data of gravity and the other three basic forces are becoming more and more perfect.

The conjecture of the great unification has been thoroughly confirmed.

"Sure enough, the advancement of theory requires careful research, and more importantly, great efforts to create miracles."

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools."

"For scientific research, the equipment and instruments of this scientific research must develop in a bigger, faster, more surprising, and more powerful direction."

"As long as the collider is strong enough, and the temperature and energy level of the collision are strong enough, there will be no dividing line in the space-time and matter of the universe, and even the dimensions."

"After all, everyone has developed from the Big Bang, so don't look down on anyone."

Looking at the conclusion of the data analysis in his hand, and watching Xuannv find the connection between the weak force gauge field and the gravitational space-time, Chen Yi understood that there is no problem for Yifei and the theoretical guidance of human civilization leading to the unification.

According to the Big Bang theory of the universe.

The universe exploded from a singularity.

At the Planck time at the beginning of the big bang, the four fundamental forces did not exist in the universe, and space-time and matter were completely and occasionally unified without the slightest difference from each other.

Afterwards, as the temperature of the explosion dropped, the gravitational force was the first to produce decoherence due to the spontaneous breaking of the universe, and began to spontaneously decouple. Since then, space-time was born, and the first fundamental force appeared.

After the birth of time and space, the universe entered the stage of inflation. In less than 10 minus 34 seconds, that is, in a time of one billion billion billion billion billionths of a second, the universe’s time and space skyrocketed billions of billions of times, and the temperature instantly dropped to less than The temperature in trillions of trillions of kelvins.

At this time, the strong interaction force decoheres and decouples from the universe.

The emergence of the strong interaction represents the birth of gluons and the emergence of quarks.

But at this time, the weak interaction and the electromagnetic interaction are still unified, and the universe is also called the electroweak unified period in this period.

After quarks are born, they combine with each other, prompting the formation of protons and neutrons, which further combine to form positively charged baryons.

The appearance of baryons further lowered the temperature of the universe, and the electroweak interaction began to decompose into electromagnetic interaction and weak interaction.

The emergence of the weak interaction force makes neutrinos stop interacting with baryons and gain freedom, forming the neutrino background radiation in the universe. Traveling, this group of photons travel freely in space, forming today's microwave background radiation.

In the end, the disturbance of the universe in the gravitational force, the conversion effect of the strong interaction force, weak force and electromagnetic field gradually formed today's pattern.

Refer to the model of the big bang, as well as the thermodynamic changes after the big bang, and the decoupling conversion process of the fundamental force.

As long as sufficient temperature is provided and a sufficiently powerful energy level is created, the four fundamental forces can be recoupled in it, and the mystery of grand unification will also bloom in it.

However, for civilization.

Unless the universe can re-collapse and return to the initial stage of the Big Bang.

Otherwise, the temperature at which the fundamental forces couple to each other cannot be maintained stably at all.

Not to mention the temperature of billions of billions of Kelvins where the four fundamental forces are unified.

The temperature of trillions of Kelvins where the electroweak force is unified cannot be achieved stably.

Such a terrifying temperature only exists at the moment when protons collide with each other in the hadron collider.

If intelligent life wants to realize the unification of science and technology, it can only study the characteristics of the four basic forces, find out the deep-level mechanism, and then use the unified connection of the four basic forces to control them with the help of the mutual mechanism between them.

For example, Yifei's current electro-weak unification technology.

This is to find the mutual mechanism between the electromagnetic force and the weak force, and realize the manipulation of the weak force gauge field through a special high-energy magnetic field.

"Further improve the experimental collision to see if we can further confirm the data of the Higgs mechanism, or find evidence for the direct existence of gravitons."

Having found the connection between the weak force gauge field and the gravitational space-time, Chen Yi gave Shao Kaiwang an order, turned around and began to study the superluminal space-time detector.

Although according to the analysis, what we have at present is only the most superficial correlation data of gravitational space-time and weak force norms, rather than the data of mutual conversion between weak force and gravity.

But for studying a detector, that's enough.

"The distortion and fluctuation of time and space will cause some special reactions of tachyons. With this reaction data, tachyon detectors can be easily upgraded into space-time detectors."

"In this way, the particle radiation gravitational detector and the Einstein condensed matter gravitational detector seem to be unnecessary. I almost forgot that without a high-precision gravitational detector, the collision test of the collider will not find the space-time lag at all. , matter and spatiotemporal coupling data."

"According to the energy level analysis, in fact, the collision energy level of the Western European Collision Center can already touch the boundary of time and space."

"But unfortunately, there are no gravitational detectors with sufficient precision."

"Even if the collision has a space-time impact, it is blind, invisible, and undetectable."

When he came to the production area, Chen Yi felt a little regretful.

In a mature hadron collider, the acceleration coils and acceleration orbits are not actually the core.

The real core is the various high-precision detectors of the collider.

Without these detectors, even if the evidence of the grand unification is directly in front of you, it cannot be seen or touched.

Human beings have been unable to determine the existence of gravitons, except that gravitons are indeed hard to find.

The most fundamental reason is that there is no miniaturized, high-precision gravitational detector.

Using other instruments to find gravitons is like detecting neutrinos with a radar and being completely blind.

Chen Yi sighed while manufacturing a tachyon detector.

Then, rewrite the control algorithm and input new detection data.

With a swipe, the interface in front of him changed.

[Item: Tachyon Space-Time Detector]

[Attributes: energy x29.9, detection accuracy x198, detection distance x224, strength x26.9, beauty x26.8]

[The detection of items exceeds the limit of the conventional field, and the consumption of the adjusted consciousness wave is increased by a thousand times]

[Note: This is a superluminal space-time detector that detects space-time fluctuations by detecting special tachyon reactions. The maximum performance can detect gravitational signals with a radius of two light years and a diameter larger than that of ordinary planets]

"The detection distance is only two light-years, and the lowest signal is greater than the gravitational strength of the planet."

"This performance is really bad."

Looking at the interface in front of him, Chen Yi did not hesitate.

With a thought.

Colorful rays of light bloom.

Detection accuracy and detection distance, the two core data, changed immediately.

After several adjustments, manufacturing, and adjustments, it took Chen Yi half a day, and a brand new detector appeared in front of him.

[Item: Super Tachyon Time-Space Detector]

[Attributes: energy x29.9, detection accuracy x998, detection distance x997, strength x26.9, beauty x26.8]

[The detection of items exceeds the limit of the conventional field, and the consumption of the adjusted consciousness wave is increased by a thousand times]

[Note: This is a superluminal space-time detector that detects space-time fluctuations by detecting special tachyon reactions. The maximum performance can detect gravitational signals of meteorites with a radius of 68.5 light years and a diameter greater than 100 kilometers.】

"68.5 light years, the gravitational signal of a meteorite greater than 100 kilometers. This performance is enough."

According to the formula of universal gravitation, Chen Yi simply calculated the gravitational strength of the 100-kilometer meteorite, and then estimated the distortion of time and space caused by the curvature navigation, and nodded with satisfaction.

With this detector, as long as there are traces of curvature navigation within 68.5 light-years around the blue star, it must be hidden from the eyes of the detector.

"Xuannu, produce a few more detectors and arrange them in space orbit to form a multi-angle detection array."

"If there are no accidents, the blow of the cosmic dimension-enhancing forces is already on the way."

Chen Yi called out to Xuannv.

Human beings' current research on tachyons, although the assistance of virtual acceleration and wing flight provide basic data, is still at the basic stage, and the overall theoretical system has not been completed.

Such a superluminal space-time detector should not be made public for the time being.

"It is still necessary to increase the limit of human intelligence as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be difficult for the research speed of human civilization to keep up with the drastic changes in the interstellar environment and the speed of technological development of Yifei."

"If we can't keep up with the development for a long time and continue to form a huge technological gap, the potential of human civilization will be useless."

"At that time, human civilization will no longer be a boost to provide diversity of thinking, but will become a drag on Yifei."

Chen Yi understood.

People are lazy.

After a period of development, human scientific researchers have completed the digestion and mastery of key technologies of civilization below level 1.5, such as controllable nuclear fusion, laser weapons, room temperature superconducting materials, and basic force field technology. , neutrino technology and other fields.

However, because these technological breakthroughs come too easily, it can be completed just by pointing at Yifei.

The overall scientific quality and scientific research potential of human beings have actually declined to a considerable extent.

However, thanks to the help of neural virtualization and brainwave virtualization technology in the field of scientific research, thanks to the auxiliary application of artificial intelligence in scientific research, this downward trend has not been shown for the time being.

but if.

Yifei has come up with new black technology again and again, so that human civilization can harvest various scientific and technological achievements while lying down, and the potential of human civilization will further decline.

In the end, from a fierce tiger that is trying to catch up with its prey and can hunt independently, it becomes a donkey that only stares at the carrot in front of it and is numb all day long. It loses its development and potential.

"Animals that have been kept in captivity cannot adapt to survival in the wild, and civilizations that have been supported cannot develop independently."

"I hope that human civilization can complete a real transformation before the forces of cosmic dimension ascending come, otherwise, this is really a burden."

Chen Yi got up and went to the biological laboratory to continue the improvement of the previous cell enhancement technology.

Since Xuannv's breakthrough in cell enhancement technology, Yifei already has the foundation.

But such techniques can only be applied to initial germline modification.

If it is applied to adult individuals, or even to embryos, the possibility of off-target is as high as 99.9%.

The price of off-target is that some cells are modified and some cells are not modified, which will cause uncontrollable cellular immune problems.

In mild cases, various immune diseases appear, and in severe cases, a storm of cellular immune factors directly breaks out and produces GG.

"The most difficult thing about biological transformation is not the transformation technology, but the transformation tools to realize the technology."

"There is no perfect tool, and cell enhancement technology is the same as the previous gene editing. It is destined to be seen but not eaten."

Chen Yi remembered the major defects hidden in the gene-edited babies before, thought for a while, and wrote down two nouns.

The cell's own mechanism of propagation is modified.

The memetic virus fully infects the transformation.

"Unless the existing humans are abandoned, only the next generation of humans will be transformed."

"Otherwise, the transformation of single and multiple cells, as well as gene editing technology, is doomed to be unrealistic, and the off-target rate is too high."

"If you want to transform existing humans, you can only use the cell's own mechanism to carry out transmission transformation, or use memes to carry out infection transformation."

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