“Ha ha ha ha!”
“You too, you too!”
“Why did you forget about our youngest little fairy, mine, mine, punish yourself!”
Looking at Luo Xin’s cute look.
All the seniors also roared with laughter.
Luo Xin has just debuted, but because of her youthful and energetic temperament, she has gained countless fans in a short period of time.
The key is.
She is only nineteen years old…
Just one year older than Luo Yiming.
The whole woman looks like an extremely fast lolita, and she is absolutely lethal to any man.
“Tell me, am I pretty?”
Luo Xin smiled and looked at Luo Yiming, with her mouth raised.
“Of course it looks good!”
Luo Yiming laughed.
“Hee hee, it’s pretty much the same.” She was flattered, but seeing Yu Shuang and Rita sitting next to Luo Yiming, she felt very uncomfortable.
“These two bastards, especially Sister Yu Shuang, she is so good at drinking, who would believe that she passed out right now!”
The woman kept complaining in her heart.
On the contrary, the factory manager noticed Luo Yiming’s movement of choking on alcohol, and seemed to have discovered something.
“Yiming, from your point of view, is it possible for our EDG to become the world champion?”
hear this.
Almost everyone looked over.
After all, when it comes to game understanding, no one can compare with the young man in front of him 0 “Well…”
Facing this problem, Luo Yiming felt a little bit troubled.
In the S7 season of the previous life, EDG was in a group with T1 on the stage of the global finals.
The other two teams in the same group haveThe so-called C9 and the AHQ team from Wanwan, before the game, everyone believed that EDG and T1 were stable in qualifying, but the final result was unexpected.
C9 and AHQ each had an EDG match.
As for T1, it directly did two sets of EDG!
Directly stopped in the group stage and won the top sixteen…
Although in this world, the development of the script is somewhat different from the development of the previous life, after all, the pattern of today’s teams and players has undergone earth-shaking changes, but the only constant is the version.
Lucian of scoutl lost today.
In this version, this hero is a pure trap!
Spring is doing a little better.
On the stage of the World Championship, the election must be lost!
Now scouti is starting to love this hero, and Abu as a coach also feels effective.
Luo Yiming felt that this terrible thought must be curbed.
After all, he is also a commentator of the LPL, and he doesn’t want to see his own World Championship seed fall in the group stage. “”Don’t play Lucian in the middle, and don’t play with the three heroes of Verus, Frost, and Policewoman in the bottom. It’s possible!”
Luo Yiming said so.
“Don’t play Lucian?”
“Verus, Frost, the policewoman is the answer for the current version. The advantage of the range is destined to have the right to line. This powerful hero can’t be played??”
Although drunk.
But a drunk person is conscious.
It’s not a fragment after all.
Therefore, when they heard Luo Yiming’s words, everyone was blown away.
If the person who said this wasn’t Luo Yiming, they would have refuted it eight hundred times.
But the god of commentary had read the version too thoroughly, and understood the game like a god, so they couldn’t help but believe it.
Most importantly.
The factory manager noticed the details in Luo Yiming’s words.
It’s just possible!
possible? ?
That is to say, they had no chance of hitting the world championship at all.
Go crazy!
Their EDG status is obviously very good. In the first game of today’s opener, they were the first to come up with a bot lane combination and a seed industry system like Prince Galio’s version of the answer.
There is no chance of hitting the world championship now?
“What’s the reason?” Abu, the coach, asked very solemnly.
He concluded that Luo Yiming definitely (good enough) would not target him for no reason.
Luo Yiming thought for a while, and in order not to undermine the player’s self-confidence, he said, “The hero Lucian is a version trap. No one in the world has a winning rate of more than 50%!”
That’s all he could say.
But actually.
There is no such thing as a version trap, it’s just that the player’s strength is not strong enough to give full play to the advantages of a hero.
If it is yourself.
Don’t say it’s the mid laner Lucian, even if it’s the mid lane nanny, he can kill his opponent solo!
But it opened up by itself.
There are none of these players, their strength is limited, and when people are in good or bad condition, there are too many uncertain factors.
not like myself.
It can be increased without an upper limit.
“What about the three powerful heroes in the bottom lane?”
This time the question is UZI. “Before answering your question, let me ask you a common sense.”
“How to win the game?”
If you ask about the choice of other positions, you may not be able to answer this question.
But if this person was UZI, he almost blurted out: “Take over the teamfight and win the teamfight!”
“Since you already know, don’t you understand that while the three heroes of Policewoman, Frost, and Verus are not high in fault tolerance, their ability to harvest team battles is also very general? Compared to Xiaopao, Big Mouth, and Mouse , Xia and these heroes, who is more likely to hit a deadly explosive output in team battles? Who is easier to harvest the game?”
Along with Luo Yiming’s words.
Everyone suddenly realized.
However, as AD players, iboy and uzi couldn’t help but want to speak.
But it was interrupted by Luo Yiming directly.
“Pursuing online suppression, radiating to the jungle can allow your jungler to invade the enemy’s jungle. These strong heroes on the line can suppress the weaker heroes when they are fighting against weak heroes. It may cost 300 yuan in ten minutes. The economy is ahead.”
“But as long as you can’t cause line kills, this tiny online suppression force is just a matter of a small-scale team battle.”
“In this version, in fact, most of the time, it is not the pursuit of the line, but the pursuit of the team battle!”.
Chapter 69: Bringing the three daughters home, the whole network is boiling! ! (4/4)
“So the picks on the LCK side tend to bet heavily on teamfight configurations, not laning.”
hear this.
The two were silent for a moment.
Line kill?
Under the circumstance of crushing strength, the strong team will kill the weak team.
In a real strong team matchup, as long as the jungler does not intervene, there will never be a single kill.
They really went the wrong way.
The more the two thought about it, the brighter their eyes became, and even the coaches on both sides were thoughtful and full of comprehension.
Everyone’s faces gradually became open-minded, and even the drunkenness dissipated a lot.
For a group of professional players who pursue victory, their dedication to this game is stronger than anyone else!
A group of people looked at Luo Yiming with fiery eyes.
“Listening to your words is better than reading ten thousand volumes of books!”
Abu followed Feng Ge almost in unison and said excitedly.
This God of Interpretation is truly a life mentor! !
Looking at the two coaches, together with a group of top players of the LPL cast an excited look at him, Luo Yiming, who was already a little drunk, couldn’t help but feel relieved, standing on the highest pyramid of the LPL to train these top players in the industry , this sense of achievement is simpleJust don’t get too addicted.
However, it is precisely because of his own game understanding that he is five years ahead of the current S7. Luo Yiming sees the game very thoroughly. For a top team, in addition to having an extremely strong game level, the most The most important and most critical point is to find the version answer as soon as possible, and then adapt to the game version.
Online games: 10,000 times plunder at the beginning
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