This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 648 Rabbit’s Dream

"Well, how do you explain the success of "Xuanling Continent"?"

He Ye is a big shot in the industry and is well-known in the group. He was noticed as soon as he spoke.

"Boss He is here."

"Capture the boss alive."

"Boss, I can't wait when the second season of "Xuanling Continent" will be released."

"Boss, I heard that Penguin is producing a new anime. Is it true?"

"Boss, do you think Nanmu Video's new anime will pose a threat to you?"

"Boss, boss, Penguin Animation still needs people. I just graduated and want to work for you guys."

The group of friends are very enthusiastic about industry giants like He Ye.

He Ye ignored them and chased Shen Guang fiercely.

" @Shen Guang, you said that the style and realism of animation are not important. Then how do you explain the success of "Xuanling Continent"."

A bunch of people followed behind.

"Yes, Old Shen, why do you think so."

"The exquisiteness of animation pictures and the realism of characters are the key to whether it is good or not."

"Yes, this is what is popular now, and this is what the audience likes to watch the most."

"If the picture doesn't work, who will watch it?"

"The plot of "Xuanling Continent" is just average, but thanks to the excellent modeling and lifelike and beautiful images of several female characters in it, it became an immediate hit. Such an obvious example is before, Shen Guang, how can you still do this? idea."

"That's not to say that the story is unimportant, but obviously the importance has to give way to the animation's graphics."

Friends in the group generally disagree with Shen Guang's views.

Because the current trend is that the more refined the animation pictures are, the more netizens will like to watch them.

The story only comes second.

There is a female character in the anime with a hot and exposed figure, which can directly increase the popularity of the anime a lot.

Just like it is popular to hire popular stars for movie shooting, nowadays animations generally have to add a female character with a hot figure and very exposed body, otherwise no one will watch it.

Most people and animation people also insist that this is the right path, and Shen Guang's idea is completely crooked.

Shen Guang appears again.

"I know you don't believe what I say, but it doesn't matter. You will understand after "Those Things About That Rabbit" is released."

After speaking, Shen Guang became invisible, and no matter what others did next, he remained motionless.

The group became agitated because of his words.

"What's going on with Shen Guang?"

"Isn't "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year" very interesting?"

"No matter how I look at it, I don't think it's good. Will anyone look at that childish painting style and childish characters?"

"Children might like it."

"What's the use of children liking it? Adult animation is king now."

"It feels like Shen Guang is very confident in this anime."

"Perhaps the quality of animation is indeed okay, after all, CCTV has bought it, but children's animation is only a small boutique at best, and the market is not as broad as adult animation."

"Yes, Shen Guang should understand this."

"Then what's going on with him?"

"Who knows."

The group of friends were all confused by Shen Guang's words.

In the office.

He Ye, who was in Shuiqun, received a teasing message from a friend.

"Old He, Shen Guang's new work will be online soon, don't you feel any pressure? I remember that Penguin Video and Nanmu Video behind you are competitors."

He Ye quickly replied: "It's hard to say about other aspects. In the animation field, ten Nanmu videos combined are not enough for me."

The friend continued to send a message: "My new animation will be launched soon, and it will be broadcast on CCTV."

He Ye smiled calmly: "Same."

In He Ye's view, Shen Guang Animation's childish style is destined to be impossible to pose a threat to him. At most, it will only be liked by some children.

Adult animation is king. Shen Guang gave up the huge adult animation market and instead went for the children's market. This was a complete waste of time.

time flies.

Soon, the day came when "Those Things About That Rabbit That Year" was broadcast.

this day.

He Ye returned home from get off work and played with his little daughter.

However, it seems that the younger daughter is not interested in him.

The youngest daughter He Yue stretched out her white and tender hands and shouted crisply.

"I want to play with my phone."

Her black and white eyes were fixed on He Ye's trouser pocket, because she knew that her favorite mobile phone was hidden there.

He Ye was a little helpless.

You are still a child, how can you play with your mobile phone?

As we all know, children do not have any self-control. Once a mobile phone is given to her, she will definitely devote herself to it and become completely obsessed with it. She will even forget to eat.

In order to let the children have good living habits, He Ye said softly: "Good boy Yueyue, we don't play on mobile phones, how about playing games."

"No, I want to play with my mobile phone. I want my mobile phone. Oh, I want my mobile phone."

The little girl He Yue started crying immediately.

He Ye had a huge headache.

This is something children are not good at. They will make trouble unreasonably if they are not satisfied, and it is not enough to satisfy her. Once the mobile phone is obtained, it will be difficult to get it back.

The key is that this is not good for the growth of children.

"Yueyue, how about we watch TV? There are good cartoons on TV."

He Ye quickly took out the remote control and turned on the TV.

"No, I want a cell phone, I want a cell phone, I want a cell phone."

The little girl is reluctant to let go. These days, mobile phones are much more attractive than TV sets. Even many adults like to hold their mobile phones in their hands, let alone children with extremely poor self-control.

He Ye was stubborn and did not satisfy He Yue's wish. He turned on the TV and tuned to the CCTV children's channel.

Compared with playing with mobile phones, it is better to watch TV, at least it will not make children too addicted.

It is not a good thing to blindly indulge your children. You should still take care of them when you should.

Just at this time.

The children's channel began to broadcast the cartoon "That Year of That Rabbit".

He Ye's eyes lit up.

This is good, this is good.

This kind of animation is suitable for children to watch.

Moreover, this is Shen Guang's work, and the quality should not be too low, enough to satisfy this little ancestor and stop her from making noises.

Although Shen Guang is He Ye's competitor, He Ye has no doubts about Shen Guang's business capabilities. He believes that the quality of the animation produced by Shen Guang is absolutely guaranteed.

"That year, there was a beautiful blue star on one side of the universe, and there was a place on it called the Flower Planter's House."

On the screen, a water-blue planet appeared. The planet gradually got closer, and a simple land appeared. Through two familiar rivers, anyone with a little knowledge of geography would know that this represented China.

An anthropomorphic tree appeared on the screen with the advertising logo of Nanmu Video on it, which looked very cute.

Lovely Nanmu explained on the screen.

"Mr. Yan and Mr. Huang first unified this area, so the residents of the flower garden called themselves Yan and Huang."

"After many, many years, the First Emperor unified the six kingdoms, and the rulers of the flower growers were all called emperors."

He Ye nodded slightly.

So that’s what this cartoon is all about.

Through the form of cartoons, cute animals are used to describe history, thereby achieving the purpose of popularizing science and allowing children to have a certain understanding of history.

This anime is very good.

It allows children to learn some simple historical knowledge while being entertained, and it is both educational and entertaining.

Very good, very suitable for children.

Better than playing on your phone.

at this time.

The picture on the screen changed.

A group of cute animals gathered around a table, pointing at a map.

"I want this."

"I want it here."

"This piece belongs to me."

"No, it should belong to me."

The animals fought over each other, and a bald man with braids tried to break up the fight, but was knocked to the ground.

Finally, a group of animals reached an agreement. Braid picked up the big seal and started stamping it like crazy.

He Ye's expression changed.

Being familiar with history, he instantly understood what this scene represented.

It is precisely because he understands what this scene represents that his expression is so solemn.

No Chinese will forget that period of humiliating history.

Therefore, seeing this period of history on the screen will make everyone's heart heavy.

He Ye will be no exception.

However, the overall style of the anime is witty and humorous, and the characters in it are also extremely cute.

This processing method weakens the heaviness of history, but makes the impact more lasting.

When Braid signed various unequal treaties, Rabbit and Bald Man wearing military hats stood up. They took over the flower grower and became the new leaders of the flower grower.

But not long after, the rabbit and the bald man started fighting again.

The two of them were fighting, and the chicken in the foot pot appeared. He defeated the rabbit and the bald man one after another, feeling proud and arrogant.

He Yue thought the chicken was very funny. She was still young and didn't realize what this scene represented.

But He Ye knew what this scene meant.

This was the darkest period in Chinese history, and we were almost completely unable to get up.

Every conscientious Chinese person will feel ashamed and aggrieved when they see this scene.

Fortunately, the mushroom egg rang and the foot pot chicken failed.

The rabbit and the bald man fought for the second time. This time the bald man failed, but the rabbit succeeded and became the new leader of the flower grower.

But Rabbit did not get carried away. Instead, he felt that his responsibilities were more important.

Especially that sentence.

"Use our own hands to create a flower-growing family that is well fed, clothed and warm, and is not looked down upon by others."

This sentence made He Ye's body tremble.

Because he knew that Rabbit had done it. Today, all the flower growers have enough to eat and warm clothes, and no one dares to look down on them.

Maybe today's flower growers still have many shortcomings, but compared to those dark years, they are ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times better.

Just at this moment, the passionate ending song sounded.

He Ye was excited.

this anime.

It's not a children's animation at all, but a good animation with profound connotations that is suitable for everyone to watch.

Soon, the second episode started playing.

The little girl He Yue's big eyes were fixed on the screen, and she no longer made any noise about playing on her mobile phone.

She may not understand the heavy history behind this anime, but she thinks this anime is very interesting.

No worse than playing on a mobile phone.

At this time, He Ye couldn't care less about his little daughter next to him. All his attention was attracted by the animation.

This episode mainly tells the story of Nan Bang and Bei Bang.

Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong started a cold war. Beibang wanted to defeat Nanbang and dominate Koryo Street.

Mao Xiong acquiesces to Beibang's idea of ​​​​fighting.

The two sides fought, and Nan Bang was beaten badly by Beibang at first. As a last resort, he summoned Yingjiang.

Yingjiang appears, Beibang is beaten badly, and asks Rabbit for help.

The rabbit went to find the bear, but the bear did not want to go out. Instead, he harbored evil intentions and wanted to enter the northeast.

In desperation, Rabbit can only go out alone to help Beibang find a place.

In the dark night, the two rabbits were lonely and helpless.

"Mao Xiong said, they can't provide support today, why should we go there?"

"Have you been urged?"

"It's true that we can't come, so why don't we go there?"

The cute rabbit stood up and clenched his fists. Although it was an extremely simple action, He Ye inexplicably felt a surge of heroic spirit.

"The ancestors said that it depends on everyone to rely on the mountains and mountains to stand up. Don't worry about the bears. We rely on ourselves."

"Let's go fight Eagle Sauce."

In the cold night, torches were like a long dragon, and a group of rabbits crossed the Yalu River in high spirits.

They have no fear, no flinching, some are just firm and determined to move forward.

He Ye suddenly felt choked.

That's Eagle Sauce.

The most powerful country in the world, Yingjiang is at its peak.

Even the furry bear didn't dare to confront him head-on, showing his timidity when the situation came to pass, but the rabbit resolutely sent troops.

Obviously at this time, they had just ended the civil war, and the country was still in ruins, with hundreds of wastes waiting to be renovated. They were still at the lowest point in history, and had just experienced a century of national humiliation.

But this group of rabbits, which everyone looked down upon, still sent troops.

This dispatch of troops shocked the whole world and let everyone know that the Chinese had stood up since then.

This is the founding battle.

Episode three.

Bei Bang was very happy when Rabbit came to Koryo Street, but when he heard that Rabbit didn't bring anything, he suddenly became sad.

But Rabbit still maintains confidence.

Soon, Rabbit and Eagle Sauce began to collide head-on.

Yingjiang's side has the advantage in weapons and equipment, and he also brings many younger brothers, including John Bull, Foot Pot Chicken, Nan Bang and so on.

No one looks down on rabbits, they all think they are easy to beat

But Rabbit, who was alone, picked eighteen times in a row, showing his authority, momentum, and dignity.

He Ye felt very inspired by this section.

The scene changed and winter soon came.

Yingjiang is still not satisfied with the good food and drink. Outside, the rabbit is wearing thin clothes and shivering in the cold wind.

But they are still ready to fight.

Four hours of waiting, in subzero temperatures, and no warm clothing.

Many rabbits, once they lie down, never get up again.

He Ye felt heavy in his heart.

It was under these extremely difficult conditions that our ancestors defeated the ever-powerful Eagle Sauce and won us decades of peace.

Especially hearing that sentence

"Tears, tears will freeze too."

He Ye's eyes suddenly became hot.

Sand got into eyes.

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