This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 102: Both of you are confidantes!


The voice came from the room.

Immediately afterwards.

Yang Huancheng came out of the room, not knowing what was strange, he shook his head and looked at Xu Changsheng behind him.

"It's your turn, Xiao Xu."

Xu Changsheng nodded and straightened his facial expressions to make himself look more silent.

According to the logic of hypnosis, such a person will be more likely to be hypnotized.

It can also make the other party relax their vigilance!

Then he gently opened something in his pocket, and a fresh smell began to come out.

This is a specially processed low-dose nebulized diazepam.

If used for hypnosis, the effect is very good.

So, before Xu Changsheng entered the room, the match had already started.

This is a PK between doctors and doctors.

There are no traces, no gunpowder smoke, but battlefields are everywhere.

Xu Changsheng felt that it was reasonable for him to prepare some medicine for an away game.


He skillfully pushed the door open and entered, looked at the layout of the room, and secretly said: "Sly old thief!"

Under the main tone of sky blue, there are some beige dots.

The blackout curtains block out too much sunlight, but let in a little breeze to move the curtains.

The room is dry and clean. There is a round coffee table with a tissue box and small potted plants on it.

The lighting in the room is soft and subtle, playing an unknown but comfortable tune.

On the wall is a pendulum clock ticking.

In the distance is an incense.


This is a master.

Everywhere is a detail.

After ordinary people come in, they feel the relaxation of the whole body and mind. In this case, the consciousness can be easily mobilized.

This is a classic ambient hypnosis scene.

"Hello, Dr. Xu Changsheng, please sit down."

Women are well-dressed and a little bit pretty, neither stunning nor annoying.


Xu Changsheng sat on the reclining chair, his body couldn't help but relax, and his hands were also placed on his sides.

It was a suggestive gesture, signaling that I had relaxed.

Sure enough, the corner of the woman's mouth turned up when she saw this.

"Mr. Xu, I saw your examination, and your health has always been very good."


"If you are physically and mentally healthy, you must have good plans for the future."


"Next, I will tell you about your dreams, and if you get one right, you can answer 'Yes'. I understand, right?"


Such a suggestive tone is a classic hypnotic technique.

Xu Changsheng had no influence at all.

In fact, the purpose of a hypnotist is always to make you let go of your guard, relax your consciousness, and communicate on a spiritual level.

However, once your consciousness is released, the other party will perform various purposes such as commands and questions and answers.

Therefore, the war of hypnotists is that whoever relaxes his vigilance first will lose!

Not long!

The woman gradually gains strength.


Xu Changsheng clearly felt that his thoughts were already deviating...

How can this be?

When the other party asked: "Mr. Xu, I can feel your distress and pain. You have too many secrets. You need someone you can trust, right?"

Xu Changsheng's face changed, because he didn't know why, but he felt that he was out of control.

Human consciousness is often divided into subjective consciousness and objective consciousness.

Usually, the purpose of hypnosis is to bypass subjective consciousness and release objective consciousness.

However, at this moment, after seeing Xu Changsheng's panicked face.

Women know that they have succeeded!

And at this moment, Xu Changsheng suddenly asked: "There is no surveillance in the room, right?"

The woman suddenly frowned: "That's right, how could there be surveillance at this time?"

Women are very natural, even calm, without any strangeness!

It seems that this question should be answered as it should be.

Such a sudden change, the woman did not notice it at all!

No one knew when Xu Changsheng took the dominant position, when he became the hypnotist, and the woman became the hypnotized!

In fact, Xu Changsheng had already made all preparations for everything.

He tapped the handle of the chair lightly with his hand, and several medicines in his pocket were released at the same time, accompanied by his own weakness, making the other party relax their vigilance...

Soon the woman lost the ability to fight against herself.

Xu Changsheng lay down and continued to ask: "So, who are you?"

Woman: "Zhao Qiuling."

Xu Changsheng: "What are you here for? Who asked you to come?"

Zhao Qiuling: "I was invited by director Luo. He asked me to ask who has a headache recently, that kind of severe headache."

"As for the reason, I don't know either."

After Xu Changsheng heard it, he was relieved. Is this really the case?

"What is your ability?"

Zhao Qiuling: "I can make you tell the truth."

Speaking of this, a trace of panic flashed in Zhao Qiuling's eyes, and suddenly, her expression changed!

She bit the tip of her tongue to wake herself up!

Zhao Qiuling never expected that she would be hypnotized by the other party before she knew it!

This kind of thing made her look a little ugly.

"So, Mr. Xu Changsheng, have you had enough fun?"

After finishing speaking, she stared at Xu Changsheng and sneered:


"I found myself underestimating you!"

"Very powerful hypnotic technique, I didn't pay attention, and I was hypnotized by you!"

"I admit that you are far ahead of me in the field of hypnosis!"


"Do you really think I'm just a hypnotist?"

The woman stood up suddenly, walked up to Xu Changsheng, and said with a smile, "Very good hypnotist!"

"I didn't expect to meet such an excellent hypnotist here."

"I admire you a little bit!"

"But... I need to ask a question next!"

"So, you're the one with the headache, right?"

No one expected that the transformation would happen again!

When the woman thought she had succeeded in the field of hypnosis, she was ruthlessly crushed by Xu Changsheng!

Superb hypnosis skills let the hypnotist Zhao Qiuling be hypnotized unconsciously!


At such a critical time.

Zhao Qiuling woke up suddenly.

And, again, victory!

Zhao Qiuling looked at Xu Changsheng with a sneer.

If you really think that you are just a hypnotist, you are really wrong!

When you thought you were invincible on the second floor.

Unexpectedly, she, Zhao Qiuling, was never on the second floor, but on the third floor above the hypnotist: ability—mantra!

The hypnotist is just her way of disguising her mantra ability, or it is not a disguise, but a routine.

Mantra is the opponent's real means of attack.

Let you be psychologically defenseless!

Just when Zhao Qiuling was ready to reap the fruits of victory.

The corner of Xu Changsheng's mouth raised, and he said contemptuously:

"So, sit down."


The voice did not fall...

Zhao Qiuling returned to her seat in a daze.

This time, Zhao Qiuling couldn't imagine what happened!


Why do you listen to him so much?

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng shook his head!

Yang Tao once told himself clearly that the other party has the ability to make people tell the truth!

Of course Xu Changsheng knew this very well.

Everything up front!

It's all a prelude!

Hypnosis is to test the willpower of the other party.

And next...

He was waiting for the opponent's ability "Mantra" to activate.

However, just now, the system prompt sounded.

[Your humanity value is as high as 300, mantras cannot work, and you will be immune! 】

Xu Changsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He's been waiting for this moment.

Since the mantra doesn't have much effect on him, it's simple.

Xu Changsheng also discovered it at this time.

The strength of the soul should be the strength of these skills!

And the human nature value is something similar to defense.

Humanity can prevent weird invasions, erosion diseases, and even prevent falling into illusions, temptations and other bad states!

At this time, Xu Changsheng finally realized how important the value of humanity is!

No wonder Director Luo desperately searched for it.

However, since the opponent can even be trapped in his own hypnosis, let alone the subsequent soul pollution.

Think here!

Xu Changsheng directly launched soul pollution.

The other party really hit the trick.

Soul Pollution works great!

And Xu Changsheng completely suppressed the opponent in terms of strength.

Now that you know it works, there's no need to waste your time.

Xu Changsheng looked at Zhao Qiuling and asked directly:

"Where do you come from and what is your purpose? Do you have any help?"

Zhao Qiuling's eyes were blank:

"I'm from Luocheng City, a second-tier city. I'm actually a classmate with Luo Lan. I came here this time to do her a favor."

"Besides, there is another person named Qian Li."

"However, he should be coming a few days later."

"Our division of labor is different."

"Qian Li is good at tracking. He is transforming in strange extracts. He has the sense of smell and vision like eagle dogs. He can smell things that others can't smell. He is very good at tracking and has a lot of research on trace science. .”

"And I can get people to tell the truth and answer my questions."

The more Xu Changsheng listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

One is to tell the truth...

One is to be able to track...

Xu Changsheng: "Track what?"

Zhao Qiuling shook her head: "It seems to be related to the death of Dr. Jiang and Zhang Hong..."

"I don't know the details."

Xu Changsheng frowned, he thought of a very serious problem!

Could it be that Director Luo knew about Zhang Hong's death?

Why do you know?

Maybe... Zhang Mu and Director Luo should be in contact!

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng had a plan in mind.

He looked at Zhao Qiuling:

"I, Xu Changsheng, am extremely loyal to the research institute!"

"I was successfully brainwashed by you, and even implanted the concept of being loyal to Director Luo."

"I am loyal to Director Luo, I am trustworthy!"

"At the same time, you will tell me about Qian Li."


"I'm fine, do you understand?"

Zhao Qiuling nodded in a trance: "Understood."

Xu Changsheng looked at the time, three minutes, almost.

He simply got up and lifted the soul pollution.


Zhao Qiuling looked at Xu Changsheng calmly: "Okay, get up."


Xu Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, got up and left the room.

And Zhao Qiuling looked at the physical examination report about Xu Changsheng on the table.

"Everything is fine," she wrote.



After Xu Changsheng left the room, he was relieved.

Today, this test was avoided!


Xu Changsheng began to think about the next thing in his mind.

The person with tracking ability called Qian Li.

Xu Changsheng obviously couldn't fool around with this person.

If the other party knows that he killed Zhang Hong and Dr. Jiang...

This trouble is really big.


Got to kill!

If he dies, it will be sunny!

If he does not die, I will have no tomorrow!

Xu Changsheng left the scene calmly.

And one after another, other people started the inspection work.



The physical examination lasted a whole day.

The entire Institute, all members below the second-level authority must participate.

Those who ask for leave can't miss it.

that night.

Zhao Qiuling came to Luo Lan's room.

"Sister Luo, a total of 32 suspects have been found."

Luo Lan nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Qiu Ling."

Zhao Qiuling smiled: "Sister Luo, what are you talking about, we are all old classmates!"

Luo Lan suddenly thought of something: "Qiu Ling, how about the other thing I told you?"

Zhao Qiuling smiled and handed over the other five forms:

"It's all here!"

"These five people have been brainwashed by me for a short time, and they will now have the concept of being loyal to Director Luo."

"For a short time, they were completely believable!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Lan smiled happily: "Thank you Qiu Ling!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly picked up five sheets.

Then read it again.

When he saw Xu Changsheng, he suddenly felt familiar.

She turned around: "Professor Yang, is this Xu Changsheng the only one who survived the last research site outside the city?"

Yang Tao nodded: "That's right, Director."

Luo Lan shook his head: "I used to have some doubts about him, but I didn't expect... to be so loyal to me."

At this time, Yang Tao's heart was also turbulent.

He didn't expect that Xu Changsheng was not discovered.

Instead... it broke into the enemy's interior!

Become a trustworthy person in Luo Lan's heart?

How did he do that?

He had seen Zhao Qiuling's abilities before.

But... how did the master do it?

Luo Lan handed the list to Yang Tao: "The following people, start a thorough investigation!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Lan seemed a little worried again: "Forget it, I'll come in person!"

time is limited.

There are only 20 days left until the City Heroes Contest.

Luo Lan couldn't delay any longer.

At this time, Yang Tao suddenly said: "Director, have you thought about such a possibility?"

Luo Lan looked at Yang Tao: "What's possible?"

Yang Tao said seriously: "Is it possible that this seed is not in the 32 suspect forms!"

Zhao Qiuling's expression changed: "Are you questioning me?"

Yang Tao smiled noncommittally.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be at loggerheads.

Luo Lan also waved his hand: "Okay, you two are my most trusted people!"

"Never have any bad intentions."

"However, Professor Yang, finish your sentence."

Yang Tao nodded: "Director, I mean, is there a possibility that the place where the seeds end up is not an ordinary person, but... a certain big shot in the research institute!"

"Think about it, it's been so long, and it hasn't happened yet..."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Lan's pupils shrank!

Why didn't she think of this question?

This possibility cannot be ruled out!

"Professor Yang is more thoughtful!"

Luo Lan squinted his eyes, looked at the thirty-two point form in his hand, and decided to check it as soon as possible!

But Yang Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and finally gave the master some time to shirk.



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