This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 137: The power of the smelter!

Chapter 140 The Power of a Smelter!

arrive home.

Xu Changsheng couldn't wait to open the system rewards.

To be honest, he still doesn't know what the purpose of [Smelter] is?

【Ding! The task is completed, through the glorious achievement of the Senior Mechanic of the Mechanics Association. 】

[Reward: Smelter (Elementary)]

[Smelter: Titan energy can be given to the material, increasing the purity of the item to Titan energy, thereby improving the quality of the material. Current primary: 1/1000. Grants 1 energy per minute. 】

Looking at the attributes of [Smelter], Xu Changsheng is looking forward to it!

Because he urgently needs such an ability to help him complete the research and development of the G-level martial arts robot arm.

Now, Xu Changsheng has figured out the key to the mechanical arm of the fighting technique.

Previously, Xu Changsheng was unable to thoroughly research the G-rank melee combat arm. The most important reason was that he couldn't find a manipulator suitable for building a G-rank beast reflex arc.

Ordinary G-level robotic arms can't support the information exchange between animals and human bodies, and they can't play a role at all.

However, when using the F-level mechanical arm, there are big problems:

First: Overqualified use, waste of resources.

Second: The strangeness index increases, making the research worthless.

In fact, who is the main target of the G-level martial arts robot arm?

Isn't it just an ordinary soldier in the military region?

The weird index they can tolerate is very limited, and it is difficult for most people to use F-level mechanical arms.

Therefore, this is the core value of the G-level martial arts robot arm.

Xu Changsheng hurriedly found a G-level mechanical arm, and processed it.

Put your hands on it!

Then, I clearly felt a hint coming.

[Purifier activated? 】

[The smelter activates? 】

With a thought in Xu Changsheng's mind, the smelter activated it. Xu Changsheng himself had Titan energy stored in his body. At this moment...a kind of faint energy was entering the parts of the mechanical arm from his body.


After Xu Changsheng felt that it was almost the same, he stopped immediately.

Then, with some excitement, he began to build the neural reflex arc of the G-rank Xueyue wolf.

this process,

Xu Changsheng has long been familiar with the road.

The reason why it has not been researched for so long is entirely due to the lack of corresponding G-level parts.

Half an hour later.

Xu Changsheng finished installing the robotic arm!

Suddenly, a system prompt sound appeared:

【Ding! Congratulations, the research is called a G-class melee combat robot arm, and the information collection is complete! 】

[Rewards obtained: 1. Reaction +10; 2. Attacking reflex arc model. 】

Seeing the reward, Xu Changsheng was stunned.

He looked at the second reward with some surprise.

【Attacking Reflex Arc Model】

You know, where is the core of the robotic arm?

It is the reflex arc built in the robotic arm.

So far, all the mecha arms that Xu Changsheng has seen are defensive reflex arcs.

This is the first time he has acquired an offensive reflex arc.

In comparison, defensive reflex arcs are easier.

Because biological defensive reflex itself is relatively easy, such as conjunctival reflex, etc., are all innate reflexes.

This reward is amazing!

Looking at the G-rank mecha arm in front of him, Xu Changsheng felt full of accomplishment.

The skill of this smelter is really easy to use!

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng suddenly raised his head and saw Xu Jiujiu who was seriously watching him from the sidelines.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him.

"Jiujiu, come here!"

Xu Jiujiu is a robot butler with a relatively high level of intelligence, and his body is a robot model made of metal.

Although the level of intelligence is relatively high, they are all simulated by programs after all. To put it bluntly, they are set.

Including the character of the character, the tone of the character... etc., there are related procedures.

Xu Jiujiu came over and looked at Xu Changsheng: "Brother~"

Looking at the lovely Xu Jiujiu, Xu Changsheng suddenly raised his hand: "Come on, give me your hand."

Xu Jiujiu nodded. In the concept of robots, obedience is the highest procedure.

Xu Changsheng held Xu Jiujiu's hand with a thought.

[Smelter] activates.

When the energy slowly flowed out of Xu Changsheng's body and entered Xu Jiujiu's mechanical body.


"Ah~ what a comfortable feeling..."

Xu Jiujiu suddenly groaned.

This burst of sound almost interrupted Xu Changsheng's spellcasting.

He didn't stop.

He is going to do an experiment.

He wanted to see how Xu Jiujiu would change under the blessing of Titan's energy.

Of course.

He is also to level up.

[Purifier: Elementary: 871/1000. 】

[Smelter: Elementary; 19/1000. 】

Elementary skills are a waste of time.

Especially Purifiers.

Can't help much at all right now.

Xu Changsheng waited for the opportunity to find a chance to get the wool, so he had to upgrade his skills well.

The G-level martial arts robot arm has been completed.

Xu Changsheng decided to go to the military area another day to have a good chat with the other party.

at the same time……

Xu Changsheng is also looking for an opportunity to get in touch with the D-class martial art mechanical arm.

When it came to the knockout round, Xu Changsheng was a little worried, whether he would meet someone who was particularly strong.

Better to prepare early.

Back in the bedroom, Xu Changsheng logged into the virtual reality glasses and successfully surfed the Internet.

After logging in to the official website of the City Heroes Contest.

Xu Changsheng saw his points and ranking.

Points: 4 points.

Rank: 181.

Xu Changsheng was a little surprised.

There are actually 181 people who have won four consecutive victories.

He began to look at some of the emerging characters in this competition to see if there were any superhumans.

However, it is a pity that Xu Changsheng did not find much.

Moreover, there are too many people now, and there is no time to watch the game carefully.

But when he continued to look through, he also saw some familiar people.

Rorschach is by far the most famous.

However, the most topical topic is "thugs in suits"!

This made Xu Changsheng's idol burden a bit heavier.

Most of them praised the "suit thug" for its strength.

Xu Changsheng felt that the style of the comment section had gone astray.

In his eyes!

Thugs in suits are not necessarily powerful.

But you must be handsome.

Thinking of this, he registered more than a dozen trumpets, and whitewashed the thugs in suits from 32 tricky angles.

At the same time, he also set up "Suit Thug Bar", "Fan Concentration Camp"... and other fan circles in his previous life.

Well, when culture invades another world, it needs to be thorough.



As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to be officials, and there are people in the company who are easy to fish.

With Director Song's care, Xu Changsheng is very comfortable at work now.

Although Xu Changsheng didn't compete today.

However, his nickname of "thug in a suit" is still circulating on the field.

Seeing that the "suit fans" had spontaneously formed a slogan group, Xu Changsheng was very satisfied.


This also made the idol burden of Nicholas pregnant more and more heavy.

If he doesn't wear a suit next time, he is worried that he will lose his fans.

In desperation, Xu Changsheng had to spend a huge sum of money to buy a few suits and hang them in the car.

This morning.

It was sunny and sunny.

The office in the VIP ward has a huge floor-to-ceiling window.

There is also an artificial grass field in the room, which is convenient for the previous leaders to play golf.

The sun shines in, so pleasant.

After eating the love breakfast brought by the little nurse, Xu Changsheng practiced Tai Chi in the soft sunshine.

Feeling that this is the happy life a doctor should have.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

"Xiao Xu, hurry up and pick up a special patient!"

That's right!

The current Xu Changsheng is treated as an expert.

There is no need for him to deal with ordinary minor illnesses, only some special and difficult problems need him to deal with.

Therefore, this means that once Xu Changsheng is found, he is definitely not an ordinary patient.

After arriving at the ward, Zeng Qiang said to Xu Changsheng: "Just now I received a call. There was a 5-year-old boy in the public hospital. Suddenly his eyes turned black!"

"And whoever stares at them will fall into madness."

"The police and the staff of the Secret Service have nothing to do."

"Director Song asked you to go there first."

After Xu Changsheng heard it, he immediately became interested.

This is obviously not a low-level weirdness!

The public hospital is not far from here, Xu Changsheng is still familiar with it, it is in Bai Suoting's hospital.

Xu Changsheng nodded immediately when he heard the sound, and walked down.

The car is ready.

After Xu Changsheng got into the car.

It was found that two people were already sitting in the car.

Zhou Jing greeted Xu Changsheng: "Doctor Xu, hello."

Xu Changsheng smiled and nodded to Zhou Jing.

In addition to Zhou Jing, there is also Wu Lei from the order team, who is also an old acquaintance.

Just when the car was about to start and leave.

A bald man wearing a lab coat in Area A trotted over: "Wait a minute."

"A district, Duan Zegang!"

"Director Liang asked me to go with everyone and bring the little girl to Area A by the way."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Changsheng asked curiously, "Why did you bring them to Area A?"

"Shouldn't the patient be sent to Area C for treatment first?"

The bald man turned around, glanced at Xu Changsheng, and suddenly showed a strange smile: "This is Director Liang's arrangement, you shouldn't ask, don't ask."

The car started and drove towards the public hospital.

It didn't take long to reach the destination.

I saw the car from the August Institute coming.

The staff and security guards of the public hospital quickly took them upstairs without saying a word.

"You guys are finally here!"

"It's on the third floor!"


Before Zhou Jing and the others could ask questions, the other party led a group of people and rushed upstairs.

When they reached the stairs on the third floor, the group of people refused to go in without saying anything, and even pointed inside with a little trepidation on their faces:

"It's in the lobby!"

"Go in."

The bald man walked in first.

Zhou Jing followed closely behind, and Wu Lei glanced at Xu Changsheng, and followed behind him in a protective gesture.

This moment!

In the lobby.

This is obstetrics.

A five-year-old boy stood in place, surrounded by a circle of pregnant women who were about to give birth, as well as several security guards, police officers, and Secret Service staff.

These people surrounded the little boy.

However, these people are obviously not very clear about their minds.

Some were crying: "I... I am so difficult, I work hard every day, and I have to be rejected by my mother-in-law when I go home, I am so difficult..."

Some were laughing: "Haha, I will be the director soon, as long as that old man retires, I will be the director..."

Some are angry: "Why, why choose him, I am so good..."

Some are giggling... some are sad...

At this moment, the hall was extremely noisy.

The scene in front of him was really shocking.

Xu Changsheng seemed to understand why they didn't want to come up.

He could vaguely guess: "Could it be because people who are watched by the little boy will show all the emotions in their hearts?"

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng's eyes became more expectant.

But at this time, when he heard someone coming up, the little boy suddenly turned around and stared at the group of people.

It was only then that Xu Changsheng noticed that the little boy's eyes were pitch black, and... had no eyelids, which meant he couldn't blink!

Just like that, the little boy stared at Xu Changsheng and the other four who came in.

Suddenly, the little boy spoke, and said to the bald head:

"you are not human."

This sentence made Xu Changsheng frown.

Why do you scold people when you come up?

The bald head's expression changed immediately, and he walked towards the little boy aggressively.

However, it has not passed yet, the black eyes stared at the bald man as if possessing special magic power!

In an instant, the man froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, his face was grim and painful, and he fell to the ground with his head in his arms. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly started laughing.

"I'm not human, so what?"

"Hahaha...I'm not a human being, what can I do!"

"Those who used to bully me were killed by me."

"In this world, only the living can reason."

"Is it that important to be a human being?"

Without saying a word, the boy turned to staring at Zhou Jing:

"You're in pain, aren't you?"

"I see your pain, cry..."

Zhou Jing was stunned for a moment.

He smirked and leaned against the wall with a bitter smile on his lips.

Now, Xu Changsheng was completely stunned.

Is it really that fierce?

When Xu Changsheng was hesitating, Wu Lei was also caught. He lay on the ground and shouted loudly:

"Xue'er, why did you leave..."

"I miss you so much."

"You know, I like you so much..."

Xu Changsheng stared at the rough Wu Lei, but he didn't expect this guy to like Jing Chuxue.

Now he completely understands.

I see!

This pair of eyes can make people tell the truth and see through other people's minds?

No wonder others are reluctant to come in.

Let's be honest, who doesn't have any secrets? !

At this moment, the little boy suddenly stared at Xu Changsheng. Xu Changsheng felt that there seemed to be an infinite black hole in those dark eyes, and it seemed to be connected to another dimension.

In this alien space, there seem to be countless "things" whose shapes cannot be seen clearly.

This is a very weird feeling.

Xu Changsheng felt like he was staring into the abyss!

Little did he know...

The abyss was also staring at him.

a long time!

Suddenly a sharp voice sounded.

The eyes suddenly wanted to close, but without the help of the eyelids, there was no way to close them.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a wailing sound that no one could hear from his eyes.

This voice is inaudible!

But Xu Changsheng could see it!

The other party is in pain!

That's right, this time they looked at each other, it seemed that the abyss had lost.

Immediately after...

Suddenly, normal eyes appeared in the little boy's eyes.


The little boy stared at Xu Changsheng, and suddenly burst into tears.

"help me……"



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