This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 239: People slaughter Bai Qi and Beicheng pregnant? !

Back home, Alice, an internet-addicted teenager, couldn't wait to play games.

Xu Changsheng thought for a while, then took out a piece of Titan energy stone and handed it to Xu Jiujiu: "Jiujiu, feel it. Can you absorb this energy?"

Xu Jiujiu stared at the Titanite and felt an attraction.

"What pure energy!"

As she spoke, she held the Titanite in her hands, and the lingering blue light began to enter Xu Jiujiu's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a moment, Xu Jiujiu suddenly opened his eyes with a little surprise: "Brother, it's okay!"

"Moreover, this energy seems to be much purer than before."

"'s not as easy to absorb as the energy input from my brother."

Xu Changsheng thought for a moment and naturally understood the difference.

After all, my own smelter is a rare skill, so it is naturally different.

Xu Jiujiu blushed: "Besides, my brother's energy seems to...make me smarter."

"And... most importantly, my brother's energy is very comfortable."

Xu Changsheng suddenly couldn't help laughing: "You can take these pieces of energy and use them first. I'm going to go out. It may take a few days."

Xu Jiujiu nodded, but he thought about it a little bit: "Brother, it's so hard. I just came back and have to go out again, but... pay attention to safety."

"When Jiujiu becomes more powerful in the future, I won't have to work so hard to help my brother."

Xu Changsheng smiled when he heard the sound and asked curiously: "By the way, Jiujiu, can you make an ID card for Jin City?"

Xu Jiujiu suddenly laughed: "Of course it's okay!"


While talking, Xu Jiujiu took out an ID card from his body.

It clearly says "Xu Jiujiu, date of experience..."

This scene stunned Xu Changsheng: "Did you do this yourself?"

"Does it work?"

Xu Jiujiu nodded: "Yeah,

Okay, I've been trying to hack into the government system in the past few days and add my and Alice's identity information. "

"From now on, I will also have an ID card!"

Seeing Xu Jiujiu's happy look, Xu Changsheng felt a little emotional, this sister is a bit scary!


Xu Changsheng smiled and said, "Jiujiu, please make some fake identities for me."

As he spoke, Xu Changsheng changed several faces.

When going out, it is better to use a false identity.

Xu Jiujiu snapped his fingers: "Easy!"

It didn't take long for Xu Changsheng's identity information to be added, and the information could be logged in on the mobile phone.

This made Xu Changsheng once again lament the power of hackers!

The reason for creating the identity was that Xu Changsheng wanted to cover up his whereabouts.

Now that you have an ID card, everything is much more convenient.

There is actually transportation from Jinshi to Beicheng.

However, this kind of transportation is private and the cost is relatively high.

After all, there are still dangers involved.

After Xu Changsheng did some online research, he found that the earliest date would be 6:30 tomorrow morning.

At night, there are too many dangers in the wilderness. Even a fourth-level extraordinary person cannot guarantee that he will be unscrupulous in the wilderness.

There seem to be too many truths and dangers in this world that have been buried underground over time.

When people feel proud, give them a heads-up.

After paying a deposit of 30,000 yuan, Xu Changsheng successfully purchased the ticket.

Moreover, it was the Bai family's operating company that was purchased.

This made Xu Changsheng feel a little emotional. The Bai family's sphere of influence is really large. It is basically a top family in Jin City. Their shadow has penetrated into many fields such as finance, real estate, transportation, resources... The giant of Jin City.

Early the next morning, Xu Changsheng took a taxi directly to the Baijia Transportation Company.

This is a large transportation company located in the suburbs of Jin City.

Mainly business dealings with other big cities.

The aircraft heading to Bay City was relatively small, but there were many people on it.

This made Xu Changsheng a little curious, what were these people doing?

There was no ordinary person on board the entire aircraft, but that was indeed the case. Now that Bay City was in danger again, who was willing to go?

However, this made Xu Changsheng even more curious. These people seemed to be quite capable. Why were they going to Bay City at this time?

What happened in Bay City this time?

Along the way, everyone didn't talk about anything of value, but Xu Changsheng did hear some familiar words.


"That mountain."

Xu Changsheng was suddenly curious, and after reading some information between the lines, it seemed that the four-person team was from Titan Academy.

What are they doing in Bay City at this time?

Unfortunately, no clues could be obtained from them. Xu Changsheng then picked up the brochure of the Bai Family Transportation Company.

Only then did we discover that the Bai family was inextricably linked to the establishment of Jin City at that time.

The Bai family has hundreds of years of history, and the ancestors of the Bai family are quasi-gods!

He once served as the dean of Titan Academy and was the former guardian of Jin City.

After the new dean took office, the other party entered the alien space to look for opportunities for human beings.

In this life, the other party has been the standard template of a hero. He killed weirdos, killed the Son of God, and when he was protecting Jin City, he killed hundreds of thousands of wild beasts with one hand and guarded the safety of mankind.

But... when Xu Changsheng saw the other party's name, he couldn't help but feel a throb in his heart.

Bai Qi!

The other party actually called Bai Qi? !

This name obviously made Xu Changsheng's scalp numb more than any other information.

Is it a coincidence?

Or... just one person!

But the time doesn’t match up at all?

However, when thinking about time, Xu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, because the flow rate of time in many alien spaces seemed to be different from that outside.

This means that the possibility of Bai Qi being massacred by humans cannot be ruled out!

God of despair!

Maybe...he can really do this, right?

Xu Changsheng suddenly felt a little more uneasy in his heart.

If this is really the case, Xu Changsheng suddenly became worried about the earth.

I hope that world is safe!

Or, hope... where can I wait until I am strong enough to protect you!

It took the aircraft more than three hours to reach Bay City and land in the Special Administrative Region.

The cabin door hadn't been opened yet, and the staff said directly:

"If you want to go back, please gather here on time at 6:30 the day after tomorrow."

"No waiting until the expiration date."

"Also, Bay City is unstable during this time, so please pay attention to your safety."

After saying that, the aircraft's cabin door opened and everyone got out one by one.

Xu Changsheng stepped off the aircraft.

As a breath of familiar air entered his nose, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but laugh.

Bay City, I'm back.

The Special Administrative Region has returned to its former prosperity, and people are laughing and laughing, just like before.

Even though Li Wei said that Bay City was in crisis, he didn't see the slightest panic on the faces of the people in the special zone.

There were some adults and children gathered around the aircraft.

Everyone watching the aircraft getting off the aircraft cast curious glances.

Just like the children in the village meeting the children in the city.

After all, even in the special zone, not everyone is qualified to enter Jinshi.

Even if there are some extraordinary ones among them.

is also like this!

Originally, Xu Changsheng thought this was because of xenophobia.

However, Xu Changsheng now felt that there might be other reasons.

If all the capable people go to Jin City, where are the high-end combat capabilities in the surrounding satellite cities?

If it were so easy to enter Jinshi, would people really have the fighting spirit?

Even Jiangchuan, Sanyu, Luo Xia and others worked hard to enter Titan Academy.

In this world, the most taboo thing for human beings is not other things, but comfort!

Born in sorrow and died in happiness, perhaps in this world, it is more accurate.

After these people got off the aircraft, they took off and flew outside.

That protective wall is useless to them.

Watching the children pump their fists excitedly.

"Mom, when I grow up, I want to be a transcendent!"

Xu Changsheng did not leave quickly. He looked at the broad road and couldn't help but laugh.

He is looking forward to it. Will you be afraid when Huai Sheng shows up?

Afterwards, Xu Changsheng jumped up and looked at the familiar city in front of him, feeling a little more fireworks in his heart.

This city is so familiar.

Unfortunately, those familiar people are no longer here.

Even if he is an enemy, Xu Changsheng may feel a little familiar when he sees him now.

However, Xu Changsheng suddenly became thoughtful.

What would it feel like if I returned to Earth now?

Looking forward to it!

Xu Changsheng was walking around the city, and there wasn't much difference here from the past.

Perhaps these people have not yet felt the danger coming.

However, Xu Changsheng paid no attention to Area A and jumped up directly to the familiar Area E.

We found a small stall on the street and had a simple breakfast.

The atmosphere here is quite heavy, but Xu Changsheng saw a few children holding a familiar black gold long knife in their hands, and they gestured gracefully: "Wing Chun - Huai Sheng!"

"No! You can't treat me as a child."

"That's why you are always the one taking the blame."

"No! I want to be a pregnant woman!"

Looking at the children, Xu Changsheng suddenly smiled.

Somewhat cordial.

It was already past nine or ten o'clock, and the breakfast stalls were all closed, so Xu Changsheng was eating alone.

The boss sat aside smoking a cigarette and watching the children playing, while his wife started packing her things to get off work.

However, my wife seems to be in poor health. She walks hunched over and sometimes cannot straighten up at all.

The boss flicked the ashes from his cigarette, looked at his wife and said, "Honey, don't go out at the stall tomorrow."

"Get the food ready, let's move to Hope Church."

"In the past few days, I have heard from people at Hope Church that there may be danger coming."

"Damn it, this world is so chaotic!"

"Ansheng can't even do business for a few days."

"It would be great if Huaisheng is alive. He is the hope of our people."

The wife nodded: "Well, you can drive in a while and donate some food to Hope Church."

At this time, Xu Changsheng saw some people appearing on the street. They were wearing uniform clothes with the word hope written on their backs.

After walking here: "Old Yang, I will be released tomorrow, what if there is any danger!"

After speaking, he handed Xu Changsheng a leaflet: "Sir, there may be monsters attacking the city tomorrow. Be careful. No one is in charge of us in the EF area, so we have to unite and take care of ourselves."

“If I really don’t have anywhere to go, I’ll go to Hope Church.”

Xu Changsheng looked at the other party and couldn't help but smile: "Okay."

This made him a little curious.

Now Hope Church, where did the people come from?

Didn't Qi Zun, Luo Daluoer and the others leave with Liuliu?

After eating, Xu Changsheng was about to give money when he remembered something... He didn't bring any money.

To be precise, I didn’t bring any money with me from Bay City.

This is a bit embarrassing.

The boss seemed to notice Xu Changsheng's embarrassment and didn't mind. He smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just breakfast. If you don't want to eat, we'll close the stall. Little brother, that's it!"

Xu Changsheng was even more embarrassed. After thinking for a moment, Xu Changsheng suddenly said with a smile: "Thank you, brother."

The woman was very kind and smiled: "You're welcome. We in Area E have to help each other. I hope this is the purpose of the church."

"Everyone has their moments, right?"

When Xu Changsheng heard this, he became more and more curious about this Church of Hope.

He looked up at the woman in the distance and said with a smile: "Sister, please clear the dishes."

Seeing this, the woman walked slowly over. She was only thirty or forty years old, but her figure was obviously stooped.

"Young man, if you don't have anything to eat at noon, go to Hope Church."

"The food and accommodation are taken care of there."

Xu Changsheng asked curiously: "Isn't the Hope Church gone?"

The woman smiled: "Hey, we haven't finished yet!"

"There are still many people left."

"However, even if they leave, new members will join."

"We all went in later."

"Besides, the Church of Hope is a voluntary organization with no requirements. The purpose is for everyone to help and support each other and give life a little more hope."

Xu Changsheng nodded, and then when he stood up, he took the woman's arm with his hand.

Then, the healing power was slowly transferred in.

A scepter appeared in his hand, and with the green light flashing, the healing light penetrated into the woman's body.

This dense green light made the three children and the couple around them look dumbfounded.

However, the green light disappeared, and Xu Changsheng disappeared in place.

The man stood up quickly: "Honey, he didn't do anything to you, did he?"

The woman rolled her eyes: "That's nonsense."

"This a transcendent?"

The man swallowed: "It seems so, but... he doesn't seem to be a bad person."

The woman nodded, stood up and continued to clear the dishes.

However, at this time, a child said: "Mom... have you stood up?"

The woman was stunned: "What do you mean?"

She didn't even notice that she stood up.

Her back was pressed down by bricks and stones during the monster siege a few months ago. She later went to the hospital to see a doctor and even had surgery but it didn't get better.

However, at this moment, the woman didn't feel any pain at all, and she stood upright!

This scene left everyone around dumbfounded!

The man turned around excitedly and looked at his wife, a little stunned.

"Wife...are you...are you okay?" The man's voice was a little excited.

After some exercise, the woman discovered that her body was in better shape than ever before!


In an instant, the woman burst into tears: "It's really good!"

The family looked at the direction in which Xu Changsheng disappeared and were very excited.

Xu Changsheng went to Hope Church according to the address.

It was found that the address was still the same place where Sanyu held the sacrificial ceremony.

But later, a miracle occurred in Huaisheng and it became the Hope Church.

Xu Changsheng walked in and was surprised to see... there really was his own statue here!

That's right.

It was Huai Sheng himself.

He was wearing a suit and holding a long knife pointed at the sky.

Determination is written on his face!

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but be moved.

It turns out that my efforts were not wasted!

Moreover, he felt a rather special power gathering from the statue and condensing into his own consciousness.

Gather together with the remaining godhead.

Is this the power of faith?

But...why doesn’t the self-developed healing game "Mysterious Warmth" have healing power yet?

Could it be that...this game is not healing?

Xu Changsheng had some self-doubt.

Here, Xu Changsheng still saw some familiar people.

However, many of them were people who had been eliminated by him in the City Heroes Competition.

They seem to have become a protective force for the people here.

Xu Changsheng was a little relieved. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that... he seemed to be able to control Huai Sheng, and he could release divine power through this statue!

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng was a little surprised.


He is the god of hope!

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng suddenly had a thought in his mind.

For a moment, Huaisheng suddenly moved, and the long knife in his hand began to emit green mist.

In an instant, the entire church was enveloped in such green light.

In an instant!

Almost everyone felt that they were full of strength, and those suffering from diseases seemed to have some relief at this moment...

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

Everyone looked up and looked at the statue.

Everyone was actually in tears.

Isn't it true that Huai Sheng is dead?

In fact, everyone knows that Huai Sheng may have died, and this statue is to commemorate him.

But... I didn't expect that Huai Sheng would appear.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng stood up and left the venue.

At the same time, he was determined in his heart that he wanted to protect this Bay City.


In this society, it is never possible for everyone to like you.

What you have to do is not change because of those who don't like you.

Don't change because of those who hate you.

What you have to do is to make those who like you and love you feel happy.

At this moment, Xu Changsheng suddenly felt that his former self seemed a little one-sided.

He only saw those who wanted to abandon him.

But I didn't see these people who regarded themselves as gods.

At night.

The garrisons around Bay City were all ready.

Everyone couldn't sleep and didn't dare to sleep.

Because it is very likely that monsters will attack the city tonight.

On top of the city wall, Hu Xiangjun was holding a bottle of wine in his hand, with Mayor Yang beside him.

"Do you feel that tonight is particularly familiar?" Hu Xiangjun asked.

Mayor Yang fell silent immediately, looking at the pairs of scarlet eyes in the distance: "Well, boss, you want to have a baby."

Hu Xiangjun took a sip of wine. To him, wine was like water, a mood.

"He's the most trustworthy teammate."


Mayor Yang nodded: "It might be fun to have him tonight."

Hu Xiangjun sighed strangely: "It's a pity that I didn't keep him."

After saying that, he raised the bottle and drank half of it.

Mayor Yang was helpless: "This has nothing to do with you, boss."

At this time, a woman came slowly with a scepter in hand.

"It's not easy to fight tonight!"

Women talk very little.

"I seem to sense a lot of powerful extraordinary third-level creatures!"

"You and I each have one, and there are quite a few left."

Hu Xiangjun sighed: "People from the special zone should come."

At this moment, news suddenly came from the front: "The monster has begun to attack!"

Hu Xiangjun held a big sword and stood in the sky: "Get ready to fight!"

A roar directly inspired everyone's hearts!


There was a burst of sound.

Fire shot into the sky and started shooting in the distance.

However, they knew very well that these thermal weapons could only withstand the attacks of ordinary beasts at best.

For those terrifying creatures that are extraordinary or above, or even second or third level extraordinary, they are not worth mentioning!

Soon, under the city tower, Hu Xiangjun stood in front, with a sharp knife forming like a pyramid behind him!

The battle is about to break out!

The first one to attack was the two-headed vicious dog that was nearly a hundred meters tall. Its entire body was so dark that it seemed to blend in with the night.

The opponent is several hundred meters away in one step!

The distance of thirty miles is just a short distance to him.

When Hu Xiangjun saw this, he shouted loudly. He wiped the ground with the big knife in his hand, and a red light suddenly appeared on his body. He ran towards the opponent. The long knife dragged out flaming Venus, and the whole body shone with dazzling red light. What a god of war!


At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that another tiger leaped across the fire zone. The roar shook the heaven and the earth, so powerful!

The other party rushed towards me, and every step made everyone on the tower feel a little trembling!

The woman took a deep breath and rose into the sky surrounded by a ball of light.

This time, when she saw the tiger, she was also a little uneasy.


This seems to be just the beginning.

A shrill cry sounded from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a giant eagle with arms spread tens of meters wide. Its sharp claws flew towards it and directly broke through half of the tower!

At this time, when the people in Area E saw the giant eagle in the sky, they suddenly trembled!

However, the giant eagle flew directly over the city wall, and its wings directly broke the government building in Area A.


Everyone in Area A is in danger.

this moment!

They all missed Huaisheng a little.

When fear spreads, when cameras show horrific scenes outside the city on the TV.

Almost everyone in Bay City once again felt the danger coming.

this moment……

They suddenly missed the young man who fought bloody battles.

The man who once brought hope to Bay City.

And this time!

When the giant eagle hovered in the sky and crashed towards the Hope Church in Area E, everyone in the church began to panic and fear.

And just at this time!

Everyone in the church only saw a burst of purple-gold light rising into the sky!

Accompanied by several cries of blood and tears.

Immediately afterwards.

Not far from the church, a huge eagle head fell to the ground, and blood was sprinkled on the ruins of Area F. A moment later, the giant eagle crashed to the ground.

At this moment, everyone was confused.

what happened?

At this time, a child said: "Look...that person...seems to be pregnant!"

Everyone followed the sound.

In the sky, a man in a white suit stood in the sky holding a purple long knife.

ps: I didn’t write it out this morning. As of now, I can only combine two into one. Thank you~

I humbly ask for a monthly ticket.

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