This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 247: Lieutenant Colonel Xu

Seeing that Sun Lei was about to go out and ask Xu Changsheng to come in.

Ying Hongxuan stopped him directly: "Wait a minute."

Sun Lei was stunned: "What's wrong? Captain."

Ying Hongxuan picked up the phone: "Send me all the information on Xu Changsheng from Titan College, including his records in Bay City."

Ying Hongxuan said: "The selection system for special operations forces is relatively strict, and you need to have an understanding of human nature, abilities, etc."

"Besides, with such an outstanding young talent, I obviously can't miss it."

A few minutes passed.

Xu Changsheng's information was quickly transmitted.

After Ying Hongxuan read it, he was a little surprised: "It was actually marked as an intermediate confidentiality level by Titan Academy."

This news also made everyone curious.

What did Xu Changsheng do?

Obviously, the intermediate authority is not worth mentioning to Ying Hongxuan and the others.

At this time, Ying Hongxuan said: "Sit down and watch together."

After speaking, the information was directly projected onto the big screen.

Soon, all kinds of information about Xu Changsheng were transmitted.

The more Ying Hongxuan looked, the more surprised he became.

Doctors from the August Institute then... developed a vaccine to treat influenza, saving countless people in the EF area...

He has cooperated with the Bay City Military District many times to help develop robotic arms, and donated the improved and innovative firearms robotic arm drawings...

While guarding Bay City, he helped Bay City establish a mechanical arm repair team with fighting skills, and at the same time shouldered the overall command of rescuing the wounded...

Enter Titan Academy, become the strongest newcomer king, and help Jinshi Titan Academy open up a different space and discover the Trial Mountain!

After reading this information, everyone at the scene was a little surprised.

This piece of information records all of Xu Changsheng's actions in detail.

As a young doctor, he researched vaccines to save the people of Baicheng and helped the Baicheng Military Region repair the robotic arm. He was a selfless mechanic of the General Church Military Region. He was honored as a teacher. He also improved the robotic arm and handed in the drawings. Now the Jinshi Military Region also The firearm robotic arm in use was actually made by him!

This young man seems to have a special spirit.

Zuo Yin thought of the young man who saved him, and his favor surged again.

And after the message is over, the last paragraph.

"Xu Changsheng is suspected of being pregnant!"

Who is Huai Sheng?

They don’t even know each other!

However, when they saw Huai Sheng's life record, they were shocked!

In fact, after reading it, Ying Hongxuan slapped his hand on the table.

Zuo Yin and Sun Lei around them also looked ugly and a little angry!

Even... some feelings are not worth it!

Win the first place in the city hero competition!

He has the invincible courage, dares to kill in the special zone, and looks extraordinary.

Moreover, with the enemy in sight, he did not back down and directly helped Beicheng to defend the city, killing the enemy thousands of miles away and taking the enemy general's head!

Such people... are the merits of Bay City!

However, when the enemy arrived, Su Feng was sent out as a hostage.

The still facing the pursuit and wanted search by the Bai family.

Now, they suddenly understood why Xu Changsheng did not dare to reveal Huaisheng's identity.

Because I dare not!

Because there is no backstage!

Because he is just a man who started from scratch, but cares about mankind, dares to fight against power, and dares to protect mankind.

At the same time, he is also a kind-hearted doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

After thinking about it clearly, everyone felt a little more heartbroken.

Zuo Yin took a deep breath and suddenly felt that this man might not be as cool as he looked on his face.

At this time, another message came back.

"The disaster in Bay City this time is a mission in the fantasy world. The executor is: Extraordinary Level 4, Droy, who is suspected of being killed by Huaisheng!"

turn out to be!

This time Xu Changsheng returned to Bay City to save the city that had even abandoned him.

Even though the people wanted to hand him over as a hostage, when faced with a choice, he still chose to protect him!

Even if...

To face the continued wanted search by the Bai family!

Ying Hongxuan squinted his eyes: "Okay!"

"What a man!"

"What a heroic man.


Ying Hongxuan's favorable impression of Xu Changsheng doubled at this time!

If such people are not recruited into their own team, it will be a waste of talent.

Sun Lei suddenly asked: "Captain, how strong is this...Xu Changsheng?"

"It is recorded above that Huai Sheng was already extraordinary in Bay City."

"But Xu Changsheng is extraordinary in the Medical Association."

"How is it possible to be extraordinary twice?"

Ying Hongxuan smiled and said: "It's getting more and more interesting!"

"Sun Lei!"

"The fact that you introduced Xu Changsheng today may be the greatest achievement of your life!"

Hearing these words, Sun Lei suddenly looked complicated.

This is obviously a compliment, but... why can I hear a sense of irony?


At this time, Ying Hongxuan continued:

"Xu Changsheng and Huaisheng are the same person, but they are not the same person!"

"But two personalities!"

"Under normal circumstances, a person only has one chance to become extraordinary, but...Xu Changsheng accepted all of Beicheng's will for Huaisheng, forming a powerful energy that allowed Xu Changsheng to become extraordinary!"

"Such things have happened before, but they are all legends."

"I didn't expect to see it today."

After finishing speaking, Ying Hongxuan directly took out Xu Changsheng's information: "The security level has been upgraded to top secret!"

"The same level as the Jinshi Military Region!"

"No one can view Xu Changsheng's information without my permission."

That’s right!

Although Ying Hongxuan is only a senior colonel, the special operations force he is in charge of has one of the highest authorities in Jin Province.

The top military leader in Jin City is a major general, with quasi-superior strength.

And Ying Hongxuan is one step away from the quasi-god!

In the room, Ying Hongxuan looked at Zuo Yin and Sun Lei: "You are my confidants. Don't say anything to anyone today!"

"Okay, let's invite Xu Changsheng here!"

Sun Lei nodded, stood up and walked outside.

Ying Hongxuan stood up and walked around the room excitedly. The last person with two extraordinary personalities was still in the records of the old calendar.

As for the identities of Xu Changsheng and Huaisheng, it doesn't matter if they are hidden.

Not long after!

Xu Changsheng walked in.

"Hello, Captain!"

Ying Hongxuan nodded and smiled: "Please sit down."

"You go and do your work, I'll have a few words with Xiao Xu."

"By the way, give me your military rank report and letter of recommendation. Sun Lei, go and help with it."

"Xiao Xu took great credit for this battle. Let's promote him directly to lieutenant colonel."

"Prepare all the equipment, rights, and benefits of our army and send them over."

Xu Changsheng was stunned: "This... captain, is it appropriate?"

Ying Hongxuan nodded and smiled: "Appropriate!"

Sun Lei complained silently and went anyway.

After the two left, Sun Lei suddenly asked: "How should I call you, Xu Changsheng? Or Huaisheng?"

Xu Changsheng's eyes widened immediately, but...after thinking about it, he felt relieved.

The opponent's big shot, with his hands and eyes astute as the sky, would not be surprised if he knew about it.

Ying Hongxuan continued: "Actually, the fact that I asked you to come has nothing to do with your name!"

"It doesn't matter what the Bai family is. If they mess with you, just kill them!"

"My lieutenant colonel in the military region still has such power!"

"Bay City itself is also within our jurisdiction."

"What's more, the Bai family is big, so naturally there are people for everyone."

"Remember, when you enter this door today, you will see the Jinshi Military Region behind you."

"Didn't you have no backing before? Now you have it!"

Xu Changsheng was somewhat moved by what the other party said.

after all……

This world is too dangerous. He has always lacked a sense of security and acted cautiously.

"Thank you Captain!"

Ying Hongxuan nodded: "My name is Ying Hongxuan, the head of the special operations force. From now on, you will be in this team."

"Also, it's best not to let anyone discover your dual personality."

"The gods are very afraid of you. It's really hard to say whether two extraordinary ninth-level personalities can defeat the gods!"

"So, you have a chance to become a human god!"

"I promise Ying Hongxuan that you don't have to worry about anything while I'm here in Jinshi."

When Xu Changsheng heard these words, to be honest, he felt as if he had met his life mentor at that time.

That feeling of being protected is really good!

very happy!

Xu Changsheng bowed to Ying Hongxuan without thanking him.

Because the word "thank you" is too thin to bear this kindness.

Ying Hongxuan said: "Human beings are meant to survive in the cracks."

"I want you to be strong."

"But that doesn't mean everyone wants to see you strong."

"Human beings cannot become gods without the ugly roots of human nature."

"The gods use these bad roots to make humans greedy, lazy, proud, jealous...etc.!"

"You have accomplished so much more than we have."

"I hope that a god can appear under my men!"

Ying Hongxuan is 66 years old this year, but he has a strong body and clear face, full of fortitude and determination.

Xu Changsheng asked curiously: "What is a quasi-god? What is a god?"

Ying Hongxuan said: "Actually, when your strength reaches the seventh level of extraordinary, it is equivalent to becoming a quasi-god!"

"Why is it called a quasi-god?"

"Because you are ready to become a god!"

"You have the opportunity to obtain the sequence, you also have the opportunity to participate in the God War, and you have the qualification to transmit spirits. If you have the qualifications to transmit spirits, you are a god!"

"The same goes for the so-called God Clan."

"They also want to obtain the qualification to transmit spirits and become gods."

"The battle of gods is a battle between all those who have quasi-god qualifications."

"The stronger the strength, the greater the opportunity!"

After Xu Changsheng heard these words, he understood instantly.

"Is there a big difference between gods and quasi-gods? Is it just that they are powerful?"

Ying Hongxuan shook his head and did not answer Xu Changsheng's question directly. Instead, he asked:

"What do you think your strength comes from?"

Xu Changsheng was stunned: "The God of Healing?"

Ying Hongxuan chuckled: "That's right!"

"But it's also wrong."

"Your power comes from the healing rules, and the so-called God of Healing is just the steward of the healing rules."

"Even if he hates you, as long as you follow the healing rules, you will naturally gain the power of healing."

"The so-called gods are just people who have acquired pure spiritual power and passed it on to people as stewards."

"However, they serve as carriers, and after filling their bodies with huge spiritual power, they will also become powerful."

"At the same time, as gods, they gain a power similar to feedback and faith."

"For example, the God of Greed, if the world is filled with greed, his power will become stronger."

"Gods can only passively absorb this energy, but they cannot directly interfere with the human world!"

"So, there are countless divine envoys."

Xu Changsheng finally figured it out.

It turns out that God is a location.

Same as the emperor.

If you can do it, others can do it too.

Ying Hongxuan continued: "Actually, this world has its own rules."

"With the power of rules, the world can run normally."

"Just remember one sentence."

"What you believe in is not a god."

"What you believe in are the rules and the norms in your heart."

"Decisive killing, fairness and justice, healing and development...etc., this is the true faith."

Xu Changsheng nodded.

ps: Hehe, I've been feeling a little bad these past few days. I'm a little depressed and anxious. I'm sorry.

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