This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 254: A game with great effect!

Xu Jiujiu really gave Xu Changsheng too many surprises.

Can you find the divine messenger by following the clues on the Internet?

This is easy to handle!

Perhaps many ordinary people don’t know much about divine messengers.

However, to the higher-ups of the human race, these are hidden disasters in the world.

Nowadays, the divine war may be approaching day by day.

The frequent activities of the divine envoys will definitely attract the attention of many people, and the higher-ups of the human race will also intensify these punishments.

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng suddenly felt that as a lieutenant colonel of the Titan Federation, the new king of Titan Academy, and a hunter of the Divine Envoy, he had the responsibility and obligation to eradicate the Divine Envoy and restore peace to the world!

After making up his mind, Xu Changsheng felt that he should have some tentative contact with the other party.

Then judge the strength and find an opportunity to kill the opponent.

Not only can you take the opportunity to seize the other party's company, but you can also exchange for a large reward.

"Jiujiu, please check the other party recently, and then try to make some cooperation invitations with the other party."

"We can meet."

Xu Jiujiu nodded: "Okay, brother."

Later, Xu Changsheng took out the "Fantasy World" communication device he found from Zhuang Mu.

"Jiujiu, try to see if you can go in."

"It's an organization's communications device."

"They are a secret organization that is opposed to the Titan Federation. They feel that it is impossible for humans to fight against the gods. I suspect that this is actually made by the gods."

Xu Jiujiu curiously took over the communication device, and instantly... the device turned on.

This surprised Xu Changsheng.

Is it that simple?

The communication equipment lit up, and various messages appeared in it instantly.

After a while, Xu Jiujiu was a little surprised.

"Brother, this fantasy world organization is quite big."

"This communication device has an independent satellite signal. As long as it is turned on, the position can be found."

Xu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, there was actually a satellite!

"Can you add an account for me?"

Xu Jiujiu nodded: "Yes, yes!"

"But... brother, aren't you afraid of misunderstanding?"

"If the federal government determines that you are a delusional person, will it be worth the loss?"

Xu Changsheng was stunned, why hadn't he thought of this question?


Soon, Xu Changsheng said: "Don't be afraid, just help me create a false identity, just like before."

After saying that, Xu Changsheng transformed into an ordinary person.

"In terms of!"

"Yes, it's the doctor!"

Xu Jiujiu nodded, and not long after, a new identity appeared in the fantasy world organization.

Next, Xu Changsheng was not idle either.

The matter of "Glory of the Human Race" must be carried out as soon as possible.

The first character "Pangu" Xu Changsheng also began to tell Xu Jiujiu how in the chaos, in order to give humanity a chance to survive, a powerful human being killed three thousand gods and then held up the world!

Finally, in order to make that space suitable for human habitation, we step on the earth with our feet, hold the sky with our hands, our eyes are the sun and the moon, and our flesh and blood are the mountains and rivers...

This story actually shocked Xu Jiujiu’s heart!

Even the internet-addicted teenager Alice was shocked by this story.

The kitten and the little rabbit were even trembling!

I have to say that such a story is really shocking.

After Xu Jiujiu listened, he looked at Xu Changsheng: "Brother, does the Grandpa Pangu you mentioned really exist?"

Xu Changsheng was startled when he heard the sound.

He didn't know if it was true.


If the earth was also in this space, he felt... it was not impossible!

Maybe...those gods really exist...

However, it doesn't matter.

Even if it doesn't exist.

I also want to use the power of faith to create a Pangu that can create a new world and protect mankind.

at the same time.

Inside the Jin City Federal Government Affairs Building.

A meeting is also being held urgently.

All the prominent officials in Jin City gathered here.

A man in military uniform is making a report:

"Yesterday, several caves appeared near Jin City."

"Our special forces have conducted a preliminary survey below, and the danger level has been upgraded to: three stars!"

After hearing these words, everyone present looked solemn.

Although three stars is not high, it is not low either!

This shows that there is a certain danger.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sun, what is Commander Ying's judgment?" a middle-aged man at the head asked with a solemn expression.

Sun Lei: "Mayor Hu, Commander Ying means to be prepared for all precautions!"

"Although the degree of danger is not too high, a big reason is because our survey was not thorough enough."

"The commander asked us to pay more attention."

"We also hope that Mayor Hu will intensify his efforts to crack down on the God Envoy and the Fantasy Organization in the near future."

"He feels that the battle between gods is not far away."

"Under this cave, there may be the gods who were once expelled!"

As soon as this was said, the scene immediately became hotly debated.

God war!

Everyone is familiar with this term.

Even since humans came to this world, human pioneers have already begun to prepare for the next war between gods.

The battle between gods is actually an opportunity to reshuffle the cards.

Whether the human race can stand firm for thousands of years depends on the war between gods.

Hu Chuanbang took a deep breath and frowned: "Is the battle of gods... coming?"

You know, the war between gods is a war for all people!

Although the competition is for high-level combat power.


When those gods began to appear, it was the common people who were the first to suffer.

And those evil gods, in order to enhance their own strength, will cause chaos in the world.

People are impetuous!

In this world, turmoil is about to begin again!

When the former God of Greed comes to the world, the people in the world will begin to collapse from the inside out.

The greedy side of human nature will be infinitely magnified.

And similarly, these human greeds will increase the strength of the God of Greed.

Therefore, although it is said to be a battle between gods!


The participation of the human race is very high.

Because the situation of human beings is that they are domestic animals kept in captivity by the gods, waiting to be slaughtered when there is a shortage of rice and food during the New Year!

Sun Lei looked at Hu Chuanbang: "Mayor Hu, Commander Ying means."

"Let you stabilize the people's hearts and minds, and at the same time, secretly kill and eliminate the divine envoys. We will make preparations against the fantasy world organization."

"After all, your responsibilities and burdens are heavy!"

After hearing this, Hu Chuanbang nodded: "Well, Lieutenant Colonel Sun, thank Commander Ying for me."

"If your military region has any needs, please inform us in time."

"The Jin City Federation and the Military Region are here to help each other, and we will definitely become your logistical force."

Sun Lei nodded: "Thank you, Mayor Hu, for your understanding of justice!"

"I won't disturb everyone's meeting!"


After saying that, Sun Lei was about to get up and leave.

At this time, Hu Chuanbang suddenly thought of something: "Have you found out what kind of god is in the cave below?"

Sun Lei shook his head: "Not yet!"

"However, Commander Ying speculates that it should be the violent god who fell after the old calendar was overthrown."

"However, this is just speculation."

Hu Chuanbang nodded: "Okay, thank you, I understand."

Afterwards, Sun Lei stood up and left.

And the meeting time fell silent again.

Hu Chuanbang took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath.

Then, he looked at everyone:

"Everyone, the God War is coming!"

“All departments and organizations, get ready!”

"The God of Violence..."

"No matter what god it is, what we have to do recently is to maintain order in the city and appease the emotions of the citizens."

"Police Department!"

A man in police uniform stood up: "Mayor Hu!"

Hu Chuanbang nodded: "Starting from today, we will strengthen the crackdown on illegal crimes."


"Secret Service!"

"Mayor Hu."

Hu Chuanbang: "Starting from today, the screening of divine messengers will be intensified, and a reward and punishment mechanism will be added to reward those who discover divine messengers!"


"The Department of Culture and Education has recently strengthened cultural education for people to reduce violent tendencies..."

After various measures are arranged.

Hu Chuanbang closed his eyes, sang out a breath, and pinched the root of his nose:

"By the way, what's wrong with everyone?"

At this time, a man came out: "Mayor Hu, Titan Academy has discovered the Trial Mountain. This should be good news!"

"Vice President Li Cangyue asked me to tell you."

When Hu Chuanbang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Well, this is indeed good news!"

At this time, an older man from the Academy of Social Sciences stood up.

"I have a statistic here, which may be good news."

Hu Chuanbang looked at the old man and said quickly: "Professor Yang, please sit down and talk."

"What good news?"

Yang Pengwei smiled: "This is an interesting data. It seemed like a trivial matter at first."


"Looking at it now, I think it's a big deal."

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him suddenly became curious.

The Academy of Social Sciences has always been a special organization.

And, it’s very important!

His main purpose is to study how to build a stable federation. The leader who once discovered the safety index and danger index was from the Academy of Social Sciences!

The Academy of Social Sciences is also a place where federal leaders are trained.

Yang Pengwei said: "That's it."

"Some time ago, a game company was suddenly established in Jin City."

"The other party launched a game called "Mysterious Nuan Nuan". This game actually did not arouse our idea at the time."

"But later on, this game used money to increase the number of players, and at the same time, mysterious potions were traded in it."

"In a short period of time, it has quickly become the object of competition among all major forces."

"In a short period of time, it quickly attracted a large number of players, including some elderly people. The purpose of entering is also very simple, to make money."

When everyone heard Professor Yang's words, they nodded quietly.

Because of this game, they have heard more or less about it recently.

But what does this game have to do with today’s meeting?

A game, no matter how attractive it is, is just a small thing after all.

What's worth paying attention to?

Forget about a game.

Even ten top-level games are not on the table.

It’s just an entertainment product to kill time.

Professor Yang is highly respected in Jin City, and everyone is also curious, what does the other party want to express?

Yang Pengwei smiled and said calmly:

"Actually, little thing, you have great wisdom!"

"I tell you, don't underestimate this game!"

"Even if the God of Fury attacks, I think this will become a very useful weapon!"

"Okay, let me talk about the data next."

"According to the latest data compiled by the Academy of Social Sciences last month."

“Jin City’s crime rate has dropped by 10 percentage points!”

"At the same time, in addition to the crime rate, even thefts, robberies, etc. have also dropped seriously."

"In the latest statistics, we found that people's life satisfaction has improved a lot."

"And the stress index!"

"Last year, we added a new stress index and happiness index for city residents."

"These two indices are very interesting!"

"We found that compared with previous months, this month, a very interesting phenomenon has occurred."

"People who have played "Mysterious Nuannuan" for a long time have a lower stress index than ordinary people."

"Similarly, the safety index results show that people who play a game have a higher safety index, which is why the crime rate decreases!"

"The stress index is seen by us as the key to reducing the safety index. Generally speaking, people who are too stressed can easily lead to crime."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became excited.

They never expected it.

A game actually led to social stability and improved people's happiness and safety index!

For a time, everyone below was talking a lot.

Everyone is discussing this matter.

Hu Chuanbang also widened his eyes and looked at Yang Pengwei curiously: "Professor Yang... this is incredible!"

Yang Pengwei nodded: "That's true!"

"I didn't expect this result."

"After all, a game can actually reduce the crime index and increase the happiness index in disguised form!"

"So, the developer of this game is indeed quite good!"

"However, this is only short-term data and we need to observe further."

"If long-term research finds that this is indeed the case, we can contact game companies and even spread such a game and release it in other cities."

The Academy of Social Sciences has such a right.


If the Academy of Social Sciences helps publicize and promote a game, it will definitely attract the attention of the entire federation.

Hu Chuanbang took a deep breath, nodded and said, "If you put it this way..."

Thinking of this, Hu Chuanbang suddenly understood what Professor Yang meant when he suddenly said this!

"Professor Yang, you mean..."

"Can this game increase people's ability to resist violent emotions when the God of Fury attacks?"

Yang Pengwei laughed: "That's right!"

"It's indeed possible!"

"But it's still not enough!"

"So, let's observe it first, and then we can try to contact some developers from the other company."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became excited.

No one expected that a game could have such an effect!

ps: If you have a monthly pass, you can participate in the event. It’s the last one at the end of the month. Please give me a monthly pass~

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