This Dream is Funny

Chapter 119: Vulcan, Half Field

The entire training room fell into deadly silence, no, there was also Zhao Lingyin's low-pitched mourning as she shrank on the ring.

It hurts so much!

Du Fang's punch was so fast that she couldn't react at all.

At the moment of Zhongquan, Zhao Lingyin almost thought that she was facing the ceiling of the physical dreamer in the Dreamer Association!

Because, that physical ceiling training student...

That's how it beat to death!

Zhao Lingyin was beaten before, so she had a psychological shadow.

She was knocked down immediately.

And this is still the case of Du Fang's mercy.

Under the ring.

Everyone froze,

After all, the end of the battle... seems a little abrupt.

The two in front were still evenly matched, and in a flash, it was over.

Zhao Lingyin... was instantly stunned.

Not only Zhao Lingyin was stunned, but Li Ang and his wife were also stunned.

As national-level dream masters, they have such a high vision,

From the very beginning, they predicted that Du Fang and Zhao Lingyin should be similar in fighting skills.

The results of it?

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Lingyin was crushed!

"what happened?"

The gentle and quiet Shizuka asked suspiciously.

Li Ang narrowed his eyes, and there was a hazy fog in his eyes, staring at Du Fang, who was smiling all over the ring: "This young man, interesting..."

"Fighting skills are amazing!"

"Perhaps, only the apprentice of the physical ceiling, Nangong Kai can compare with him, after all, Lingyin's martial arts is not a major."

Leon said.

"That Lingyin... is this a defeat?"

Shizuka pursed her lips.

Li Ang also smiled: "That must be considered a defeat. If Du Fang had killed him just now, Lingyin's stomach would be pierced, and his internal organs would be blown up."

"This girl is too underestimated."

"Du Fang is a strong man who can kill a city, not a weak man."

"It's fine to let her suffer, but she won't swallow this failure so easily."

"This girl has a stubborn temper."

Zhang Changlin laughed.

He knew that Du Fang, this kid, was absolutely suffocating.

Evenly matched?

How can it be evenly matched?

A hot **** like his Lao Zhang has been hammered, and a tender **** like a little girl has not been crushed!

President Tang Nai watched with a smile, and his heart almost blossomed with joy.


Gangneung City is going to be the champion!

on the ring.

Zhao Lingyin's recovery speed is still very fast. After a while, the pain is not so much.

She got up from the ring with tears in her eyes.

Staring at Du Fang.

In this battle, she suffered a big loss!

She is competitive and intends to defeat Du Fang in martial arts, but she misunderstood Du Fang's strength. Du Fang was misleading her from the beginning, pulling the level of fighting skills to the same level as hers, making her paralyzed and out of touch. Under defense, she was punched.


Zhao Lingyin gritted her teeth.

But nothing could be said.

"One hundred thousand yuan, right? Book first! Come later!"

Zhao Lingyin refused to admit defeat.

"This time, I will come seriously and won't fall for your tricks again!"

Zhao Lingyin said without admitting defeat.

Du Fang still had a gentle smile on his face: "No problem, do you want to rest?"

"No! Come directly!"

Zhao Lingyin said seriously.

This time, she is really serious!

Du Fang turned his head to look at the assistant under the ring: "Xiao Yu, keep an account."

The little assistant was reluctant, but still smiled: "Okay!"

After waiting for Du Fang's face, he turned to face Zhao Lingyin.

The assistant's smile instantly collapsed: "I knew it! Sister Chen Xi, look! I'm right!"

"If it goes on like this, Brother Du will be bought by this woman in one day, every 20 minutes...even less than two million."

The little assistant sighed.

Chen Xi opened his mouth and had nothing to say.

on the ring.

Zhao Lingyin became serious, she felt Du Fang's strength and difficulty.

The first time she lost, she could take it lightly.

Because that's what she cares about.

But this time, she had to go all out.


There was a sudden burning sensation in the air,

In Zhao Lingyin's hand, a silver red tassel spear appeared, and the fiery red scorching power burned the air, causing the temperature of the training room to suddenly rise in an instant!

under the ring,

Everyone was slightly surprised when they saw the spear in Zhao Lingyin's hand.

Su Jiu Ming's body twisted charmingly for a while: "This burning sensation, this dream spirit fluctuation... This is the Vulcan gun of Sequence Taboo 076?!"

Both Si Nan and Zhao Lu widened their eyes. Is this girl so rich?

As soon as he pulled it out, he actually pulled out such a shocking long gun!

Sequence Sequence Taboo 076 Ah!

Team Zhang's taboo device is only 098, which is almost twenty orders!

"Lingyin is serious."

"I even took out the Vulcan gun. Is this Vulcan gun still a coming-of-age gift from the president?"

The Li Ang couple looked at each other, both seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Being able to make Zhao Lingyin so serious, obviously, Zhao Lingyin felt Du Fang's strength.

There seemed to be anxiety in the air.

Above the ring, the competition started again.

With the Vulcan Spear in hand, Zhao Lingyin's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It became a bit warm, like a burning flame!

Du Fang glanced at Zhao Lingyin, then turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall, and restarted the clock!

"Get ready, this time, I will not keep my hands, I will use my special ability!"

Zhao Lingyin said.

The words fell, and her spear suddenly provoked.

A spear dragon formed by a flame suddenly swept across the ring and pierced towards Du Fangdong!

The air made a burning sound of shattering!

Du Fang raised his eyebrows, feeling the power of Zhao Lingyin's move.

However, he raised his hand and waved it violently!

The air freezes in front of me!

Air Wall!


The flames scattered, and the spear burst!

The fiery flames swept around the arena, accompanied by turbulent dream spirits.

The dream spirits of Li Ang and his wife spread, forming a shield, covering the arena, preventing the fluctuation of the fight between the two from spreading.

If it is not stopped, the entire Dumeng Building will be destroyed.

A shot was blocked,

Zhao Lingyin's eyes filled with brilliance, and she suddenly ran on the ring, dragging her spear.

The long spear suddenly swung, and the fiery flame gushed out!


The air wall was burned again, almost bursting open!

However, Du Fang stood on the spot, and the dream spirit spread, constantly manipulating the surrounding to form an air wall, resisting Zhao Lingyin's attack!

For a while, Zhao Lingyin was unable to find a chance to penetrate!


Zhao Lingyin roared angrily,

The figure suddenly left an afterimage in place!

Disappeared in place like a teleportation,

It appeared again, and it was actually within the air wall, less than three feet away from Du Fang!

The Vulcan spear swung up and slashed towards Du Fang!

Du Fang was shocked.

This was his first surprise.

"special power?"

Du Fang looked at the Vulcan spear slashing down his head, and his eyes flashed with envy.


What a powerful special ability!

This Zhao Lingyin can become the champion of Beijing Province, and it is still a bit of a skill!

Infinite dream spirit, coupled with the ability to flash, I heard that there is an undeveloped half-field!

This person is God's father's darling!

Facing the captured flame spear.

Du Fang's palm shoved in front of him.

Air out!

A wave of catharsis slammed into Zhao Lingyin's body.

Her figure was bounced off, holding a long spear, rolled in the air, and landed on the ring, her face full of surprise!

"Is this your special ability? Being able to control the air?"

Zhao Lingyin took a deep breath.


Li Ang and his wife were also surprised.

"It's actually a special ability to control the air? If it is developed to the extreme, it is comparable to the field!"

"The fighting skills are extremely strong, and he can also control the air... This child is a genius and evil spirit, coupled with the infinite dream spirit... Lingyin has now met an opponent!"

At this moment, the two national-level Dream Translators completely recognized Du Fang.

Their temporary team is not weak.

Two national-level, two city-crossing-level combat power, plus Zhang Changlin, a half-hearted city-crossing level,

Even if it is placed in the capital, it is a top raiding team!

on the ring.

Zhao Lingyin was extremely excited.

Her figure actually began to flash continuously in the ring.

Every time the golden light flickers,

Her figure would disappear, and she kept trying to approach Du Fang.

She has infinite dream spirits, and her dream spirits can be squandered endlessly. Although flashing consumes a huge amount of dream spirits, to her, it is nothing.

Du Fang also began to try to control the air, training the proficiency of controlling the air.

Shake the air, pull the air dry, push the air...

Various manipulations made Zhao Lingyin feel very uncomfortable.

Every time he approaches Du Fang, he will be pushed away by Du Fang using the power of air displacement!

And if she resists this driving force, she stabs a shot.

Du Fang would compress the air around her, making her shot very slow.

"So strong!"

"But, I'm still not fast enough!"

Zhao Lingyin is full of excitement!

While dragging the spear in one hand, she raised her hand and touched her forehead.


Zhao Lingyin intends to unlock his own half-step domain and use the power of the domain to defeat Du Fang.

So far, Du Fang is the second peer who can force out her half-field!

Although, she has not yet condensed the real field.

However, the power of the half-field can be said to be almost invincible among peers!

Even if Du Fang can control the air, under her half-field,

It didn't work either!

And after Du Fang heartily trained to control the air,

Satisfied, I just felt that Zhao Lingyin was actually a better training opponent than Team Zhang.

Du Fang turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"It's nineteen minutes again..."

Du Fang murmured.

And this time murmur,

The Li Ang couple under the ring suddenly heard clearly.

The expressions of the two suddenly became strange, and they looked at each other with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"This Du Fang... fighting against Lingyin, won't he be controlling the time?"

"Is it possible that he still has spare power?"

And on the ring!

Between Zhao Lingyin's brows, a circle of light spreads and covers the entire arena.

In Zhao Lingyin's eyes, everything around seemed to be frozen, like a sculpture, hanging in space and time.

However, Zhao Lingyin was able to speed up the action.

There's nothing wrong with swinging a spear or speeding up your steps!

Even with her infinite dream spirit,

At this moment, Mengling also began to vent and consume rapidly, and was absorbed by the power of the domain!

However, within her domain, time and space seemed to stand still.

Holding the Vulcan gun in her hand, she began to walk in time and space,

Running fast, rushing towards Du Fang who was still...

Above the spear, there is a burst of fire!

Space seems to be distorting!

Under the blessing of the realm, the stabbing shot seems to have been increased by a thousand times!

This is Zhao Lingyin's most proud shot!

Combined with the domain, plus the destructive properties of the Vulcan Spear!

This shot, even a high-level city destroyer level powerhouse, needs to pay attention to three points, otherwise she will be defeated by one shot!


In the field, like Zhao Lingyin walking in time and space,

Staring at Du Fang.

Du Fang's figure was still, as if he was bound in place by time and space.

However, Zhao Lingyin was suddenly stunned.

Because, she felt the burning gaze!

That was Du Fang watching her!

In her domain in a time that seems to pause...

Du Fang was actually looking at her!

Du Fang was actually able to capture her speed? !


Zhao Lingyin's eyes shrank suddenly!

And the next moment,

In her ear, she heard a faint voice.

"daughter in law,"

"Red coat."

Bang! ! ! !

A roar.

Zhao Lingyin's space-time static domain, in an instant,

torn apart.

PS: On Monday, ask for a freshly released recommended ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

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