This Dream is Funny

Chapter 140: Unpretentious God Core Picking

Inside the dream prison,

Suddenly it became quiet, and it became audible for needles to fall,

As if no sound could come out.

However, after being silent for about three seconds, an astonishing cheer broke out in the Dream Demon Prison.

It was like a dull spring thunder that suddenly exploded in the March sky.

on both sides of the prison,

In the dream demon cage, many imprisoned dream demons gave out all kinds of cheers.

Or whistling, or screaming, or laughing.

One after another, like a tidal wave.

And deep inside the prison.

The excitement on Da Lei's face began to gradually cool down, and the appearance of the small divine nucleus made him almost lose his emotions.

Able to grasp the small divine nucleus and conduct research on the small divine nucleus,

This is such a desirable thing.

If they can be the first to decipher the secret of the small Divine Core, then their position in the research office may get a flyover.

Unbelievable soaring!

The reason why the Divine Nucleus Organization is strong and the reason why the Dream Transcendent Associations of all countries are afraid of it is because they have the research technology of small Divine Nucleus?

It can extract the power of fallen angels for its own use, and fuse it into a small divine core,

Easily create one strong after another!


Da Zhou was slapped by Du Fang,

This shocking picture made Da Lei's feverish head gradually cool down.

He looked towards the entrance of the passage, Da Zhou's body was completely immersed in the portal, and he was a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

Da Lei took a deep breath, looked at Du Fang, who was blocking them, and asked.

"It's not for you to study guinea pigs when you take out the small divine cores."

Du Fang said lightly.

"Dr. Lin is not a member of the Divine Nucleus organization now. She should have a free body. The reason why she was imprisoned in the Dream Demon Prison is because of the small Divine Nucleus in her body."

"You can't treat her the same way you treat a prisoner, understand?"

Da Lei stared at Du Fang stubbornly, a ferocious look flashed in his eyes.

President Tang Nai leaned on crutches and coughed lightly: "Indeed, it is precisely because of Dr. Lin that we were able to find out the identity of the members of the Shennuo organization. She has abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, and is no longer a member of the Shennuo organization."

"So, in the process of extracting the small core, we must pay attention to Dr. Lin's life."

"Your behavior is indeed inappropriate."

President Tang Nai must be on Du Fang's side.

Da Lei and Da Zhou's arrogance as members of the Research Office had already stimulated President Tang Nai.

Du Fang laughed, looked at President Tang Nai, and nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he looked at Da Lei again: "Furthermore, it turns out that your method is not suitable for extracting the small divine nucleus in Dr. Lin's body."

"So, next, I will take over."

Da Lei suddenly froze.

Does Du Fang mean that he should not be allowed to conduct research on the small Divine Core?

How is this possible?

It was hard for him to find such an opportunity.

When the Research Office found him and Dalei, they just said that they were suspected members of the Divine Core Organization and had a small Divine Core, and asked them to come.

However, he never thought that the opponent actually had a small divine nucleus on his body.

Since it is certain that there is a divine nucleus, the temptation to him is like a huge cake.

He couldn't bear it if he wasn't allowed to eat it!


Dalei opened his mouth to refuse.

He took out the documents in his pocket.

"I am a researcher of the Research Office. If you dare to do anything to me, you will violate the rules and laws of the Dream Transcendence Association. I will report it to the President of the Night Sect. At that time, you will suffer from the Great Xia Guodu Dream Master Association and the Great Xia Country Four. Joint sanctions by the big chaebol group!"

Dalei said sharply.

Cheng Yan of the Research Office has a higher status and status than the ordinary Dream Translator.

Because, the members of the Research Office are the future of the Dream Transcendent Association. Some special tools and some precious Dream Spirit weapons need to be researched and created by the Research Office.

So, this is the power of knowledge.

Maybe the members of the research office are not strong, but behind them are many chaebols, and even these chaebols will hire powerful dreamers to protect the researchers.

Therefore, the threat of big thunder is definitely powerful.

Tang Nai's complexion changed slightly.

Du Fang glanced at Da Lei.

Raised his hand and grabbed five fingers towards Da Lei.

Around Da Lei, the air suddenly flowed, forming a powerful suction.

He directly sucked Da Lei towards Du Fang.

Du Fang raised his hand, as if he had pressed Da Zhou before, ready to press it on Da Lei's face.

Da Lei's complexion changed greatly!

"you dare!"

Drink loudly!

He really didn't expect that Du Fang would be so rampant!

He has already revealed his identity as a researcher, and he has shown his credentials.

But Du Fang still wanted to beat him!


Du Fang is really rude.

When he pressed a palm on Dalei's face, Dalei only felt that the world was spinning, and the surrounding pictures flickered like a streamer.


His body also flew upside down by more than 200 meters.

smashed on the door with the entrance closed.

There was a muffled sound.

"Sanctions... Then sanctions."

Du Fang tilted his head and said lightly.

Dr. Lin is his acquaintance anyway.

When Du Fang just got out of the dream disaster and was confused, it was Dr. Lin who gave Du Fang a lot of help.

Even though Dr. Lin's purpose at the time was not simple, the help he gave was real.

Du Fang is a person who repays his kindness and revenge, and his grievances are clear.

Du Fang couldn't sit back and watch Dr. Lin's research as a guinea pig.

Since it was confirmed that the two so-called researchers, Da Lei and Da Zhou, could not extract the small divine core in Lin Liuli's body, Du Fang would naturally not be polite.

President Tang Nai looked at Du Fang, opened his mouth, and hesitated.

However, in the end, nothing was said.

Du Fang's attitude has already shown everything.

"Du Fang, the research office has a very respectable status in the Dream Transition Master Association, and it has the support of the chaebols. It can be said that its status is booming..."

President Tang Nai reminded Du Fang.

Du Fang smiled and said, "It's okay... Master of Dreaming, ferrying people's dreams, ferrying yin and yang, that is a living Bodhisattva's work to save people, not a painful work..."

"What's more, it is extremely painful to watch my friend as a guinea pig. I can't do such a thing."

"The research office wants to settle accounts, so let them come to me, and I will follow."

Du Fang said.

After that, he didn't say anything.

He turned to look at Lin Liuli.

Lin Liuli was sweating profusely, and the phantom of Suzaku had dissipated, but the power of the small divine nucleus was somewhat activated, and heat waves continued to spread from her body.

"Doctor Lin, next... I'll help you remove the small divine nucleus from your body."

Du Fang said softly.

Lin Liuli raised her head and looked at Du Fang, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes.

However, he still nodded firmly.

Compared with Da Lei and Da Zhou, Lin Liuli is more willing to trust Du Fang.

The door of the Dream Demon Prison.

Da Zhou and Da Lei were embedded in the portal,

Little by little they want to pull out their bodies,

However, they saw that Du Fang walked in front of Lin Liuli, and saw that the posture was to pick up a small divine core.

"Who does he think he is?"

"I don't have any tools to help, and I'm not a researcher... Do you think the small **** core is the fruit of the tree? You can pick it with your hand?"

Da Lei pulled out a hand embedded in the door panel.

With sarcasm in his eyes, he said coldly.

Du Fang's attack was not heavy, but for Da Lei and Da Zhou, it was their face that hurt, and their pride as researchers.

What they can't do, how can Du Fang do it.

"This guy... is full of ignorance, he doesn't even know what a small divine core means?! Lacks the respect that a small divine nucleus should have, as well as the enthusiasm for divine nucleus research!"

Da Zhou growled in his mouth.

The two were embedded in the portal and looked at them coldly.

I plan to watch Du Fang's jokes carefully.

Du Fang didn't know what they were talking about.

Even if I know it, I don't care.

He walked slowly, stepped into the cage, and stood in front of Lin Liuli.

Lin Liuli raised her head in front of Du Fang.

On the white neck, beads of sweat were stained, shining like pink diamonds.

The long eyelashes fluttered,

Lin Liuli's big eyes stared at Du Fang.

"Close your eyes."

Du Fang said.

When Lin Liuli heard the words, her red lips pursed lightly, and then she raised her face, her white eyelids slowly closed.

Du Fang raised his hand and stretched out a finger.

Gently tapped Lin Liuli's eyebrows.


It was as if he lightly tapped a wind chime.

A golden luster flashed across Du Fang's eyes.


The small Divine Core in Lin Liuli's body, like a frightened bird, let out a shrill scream.

The terrifying dream spirit fluctuated out.

It was completely gathered and condensed above Lin Liuli's head.

It turned into a hexagonal spar!

Flames are wrapped around the spar, and inside the spar, a little bird is spreading its wings.

Small Divine Core!


And facing the small Divine Core that ran out,

Du Fang's palm stretched out like this and grabbed the small Divine Core.

Lin Liuli closed her eyes tightly, and at the moment when the small Divine Core was grasped,

The whole body began to convulse, and a unique electric stimulation instantly flowed through every corner of the body!


In the small Divine Core.

The will of a white figure suddenly emerged!

Just like when Qinglong's small Divine Core was forced out, a priest's will emerged!

In Lin Liuli's small core, there really is a priest's will!

Tang Nai's complexion changed drastically.


Du Fang didn't care too much about the white will that appeared, as if everything was expected.

In the depths of his eyes, the dark golden luster reappeared,

As deep as a bright golden starry sky!

Du Fang stretched out his hand,

He squeezed it suddenly.


The white phantom has yet to speak.

He was crushed directly by an indescribable force, without any suspense.

Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became quiet.

Afterwards, Du Fang's hand continued to stretch out so lightly.

Grabbed the hexagonal spar.

The moment the six diamonds touched Du Fang's palm...

The ice melts and the snow melts directly.

Completely disappeared.

Lin Liuli clamped her legs, stretched straight, her face raised to the highest point,

The whole person was sweating profusely,

He slumped on the chair, gasping for breath.

His whole body was as soft as mud.

And at the door.

Da Zhou and Da Lei, two researchers from the Research Office, were full of disbelief.

In this world...

Is it possible to extract a small divine core in such a simple and unpretentious manner? !

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