This Dream is Funny

Chapter 169: Mommy is coming back

This question really confused Du Fang.

Because, Ye Zong let him enter the dream disaster, go to look for the gray fog, enter the gray fog, look for the body of the Fallen Angel.

But now Du Fang looked around at the warm and peaceful villages around him.

For a time, I couldn't help but be speechless.

He might...

To live up to Ye Zong's expectations.

The gray fog is really invisible.

Du Fang was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect this to happen.

A little misguided.

The painting style of the dream disaster that Du Fang saw was completely different from the painting style of the dream disaster that others saw. That is to say, Ye Zong could see the gray fog in the dream disaster.

However, Du Fang couldn't see it. Maybe, Du Fang was in the gray fog, but he couldn't feel the existence of the gray fog.

This is an embarrassing situation.

In the village, incomparably festive,

There are all kinds of cheerful singing floating out.

Du Fang walked slowly, following the road of the village, walking all the way to the depths of the village.

Soon, he walked to the end of the village road and came to the warm central square.

There are fountains spraying clean water,

Clear water looks very sweet.


The scabbard in Du Fang's hand began to tremble slightly, and then, in the pool, a sword happily rose into the sky, rolled into the water, and finally fell into the scabbard.

scabbard the sword,

This is the content of the assessment of this champion contest.

Du Fang never imagined that he could do it so easily.

However, Du Fang did not feel much joy. The task that Ye Zong gave him was the real big head.

The most important thing is that Du Fang felt that the body of the Fallen Angel that Ye Zong mentioned might be another body of his daughter-in-law.

Therefore, Du Fang really wanted to go into the gray fog for a walk.

Du Fang, who had no clue, began to wander around the village.

The village doesn't look big, it's a very warm village, there are women in the village who are cooking, doing laundry,

There are also old farmers carrying agricultural tools and walking with smiles on their faces,

There are children gathered in twos and threes rejoicing,

It is very peaceful, like an ordinary warm little village in the mountains.

When Du Fang arrived, every villager greeted Du Fang happily and joyfully.

The women and aunties, with wide-eyed smiles, waved at Du Fang and invited Du Fang to have a light meal in their house.

The old farmer said hello to Du Fang, and the children took the initiative to gather and play games around Du Fang.

Cozy mess.

Suddenly, more and more children gathered, and they surrounded Du Fang, as if forming a long line behind Du Fang.

They clapped their hands, sang songs, and danced, all very lively and cheerful.

Du Fang was surrounded by people and appeared in the center of the village.

There, there is a simple mansion, probably the big family of this village.

the door is open,

Du Fang was surrounded by children and entered.

Then the door closed again.

At the moment when the door closed, Du Fang suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

The cabin in his dream space suddenly trembled slightly.

Whether it’s playing with Qiqi’s Luoluo, or the hand of a daughter-in-law lying quietly, or a sister-in-law who is painting,

All seem to have a feeling,

call out!

The hand of the daughter-in-law shot out instantly, the door of the cabin opened, and the hand of the daughter-in-law galloped out.

Luoluo stood up excitedly, jumping on the spot,

The little pig Qiqi in her hand was beaten left and right by her, tearing constantly.

"Mommy is back!"

"Mommy is coming back!"

Luoluo shouted happily.

The sister-in-law slowly stopped writing, stood up, and walked to the window with a smile on her face.




The sky above Xiaolei Village.

Ye Zong is suspended in the dark night.

His eyes were flickering with golden light, and the peeping pupil was used by him. In an instant, the world changed before his eyes.

What he saw, as if he saw through the essence of heaven and earth.

Looking up at the mighty sea of ​​clouds, you can see that the whole world seems to be riddled with holes, and black vortices appear frequently all over the world.

Every black vortex is a dream disaster that merges with the world and will come to reality.

Of course, some have come to reality, and some have yet to come.

If you want to see these, only Ye Zong's peeping pupil can do it.

The reason why the Great Xia Kingdom was able to avoid the threat of the dream disaster many times was precisely because Ye Zong's peeping pupil gave early warning.

Born with heavy pupils, Ye Zong, who has the eyes of peeping, is the backbone of the Great Xia Kingdom.

And this time, since Ye Zong dared to let a group of little guys come to experience the dream disaster, he was naturally prepared.

First of all, in the scabbard he distributed to each newcomer to the dream master, there is his dream spirit sword intent.

Under the protection of his Dream Spirit Sword Intent, when he encounters danger, he can activate it immediately.

Give this group of newcomers enough time to withdraw from the dream disaster.

In addition, his eyes of voyeurism will also monitor every situation in the dream disaster in real time, which is his extreme confidence in his eyes of voyeurism.


Ye Zong was stunned.

He rubbed his eyes, and the golden light bloomed in his eyes, like two bright stars hanging in the sky in the dark night.

He stared at the situation in the dream disaster, and was speechless for a while.

in his sight,

He saw that as soon as Du Fang entered the dream disaster, he was not suppressed by the huge pressure like others.

Instead, he walked lightly as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, and walked directly to the central square of the village, in front of the pool with many swords hanging.

Then, took a sword.

This unpretentious operation simply made Ye Zong stunned.

Could it be that Du Fang will not feel the pressure?

The way into the village, even if it is a national-level dreamer, will feel the pressure.

It takes pressure to enter the village.

On this road, the fields and special abilities will be severely suppressed, and it can even be said that they cannot be used.

Therefore, like other rookie Dreamers, even a genius like Zhao Lingyin,

At this moment, they are only able to take a distance of dozens of meters.

They are all exhausted into the village.

But Du Fang,

It was like a spring breeze, there was no pressure at all, no barriers, and it went straight to the end.

The sword was successful.


Ye Zong took a deep breath, or could it be said that the fallen angel in Du Fang's body helped Du Fang relieve the pressure?

"Impossible... Even if Du Fang has a Fallen Angel in his body, even if he is a Fallen Angel, he will also be suppressed in this dream disaster."

"So, what's the reason?"

Ye Zong really couldn't think of the reason.

He knew that there were Fallen Angels in Du Fang's body, but on this road to the village, Fallen Angels, domains, and special abilities would all be suppressed.

Even if there is a Fallen Angel, Du Fang must at least show a little painful feeling of being oppressed.

However, none!

I walked to the center of the village so easily, and then...

Directly take the sword and complete the task.

That is,

At this moment, if Du Fang pulls out of the dream disaster with a sword,

Du Convenience is the champion of this newcomer Dreamcatcher Invitational Tournament!

"Hey...this kid."

For the first time, Ye Zong began to feel frightened.

He felt that the secret on Du Fang was bigger than he imagined.

This pressure was changed and mobilized by him and the mysterious existence in the dream disaster, and now in this situation, is it possible that that person has an affair with Du Fang?

So, intentional watering?

He told Du Fang that he had not seen him for a long time, and that was because with the help of the Eye of Peering, he saw the **** palm lying on Du Fang's shoulder.

In addition to the blood-colored palm, Du Fang also has a little girl's Fallen Angel, a pink pig doll, and a literary girl.

These, Ye Zong can see.

Among them, he is most familiar with the **** palms.

Because, the same breath, Ye Zong encountered in this dream disaster.

Now, it seems that his guess has been confirmed even more.

Forget it, these guesses are not important, what is important now is that Du Fang entered the gray fog in the dream disaster, and used the Fallen Angel in his body to locate the specific location of the Fallen Angel's corpse.

Ye Zong's eyes faintly glowed, and he continued to stare with some anticipation.

Then, in his expectant gaze, Du Fang entered the village...

Ye Zong: "???"

What's going on?

Isn't it good to enter the gray fog?

To seduce the corpse of a fallen angel!

The gray fog is right next to you. If you don't go into the gray fog, what are you doing in the village when you have nothing to do?

The situation in the dream disaster cannot be seen by other dream-transversal masters, but Ye Zong is able to clearly capture the situation because of his peeping eyes.

Tianjian, Cao Kong, and Yan Fei all watched Ye Zong peeping with interest in the sky with dazed expressions.

"The president has started again."

"There is no doubt that he is peeping again."

"Just a handful of melon seeds."

"This shameless thing, I'm really curious about the situation of the champion contest... But it's probably still struggling on the road to enter the village, right?"

The three of them whispered to each other while guarding the body of the newcomer Du Mengshi.

They are all dreamers who have entered the dream disaster of the subjugation stage, and they are very aware of how difficult the road to the village is, and Ye Zong has now increased the pressure of entering the village.

When they first entered the village, they were all under tremendous pressure.

That kind of innate ability, the feeling that the domain is restricted and cannot be used, is simply torture for the dreamer.

However, that road is a very good experience road.

If you can withstand the pressure, whether it is talent ability, domain, or dream spirit strength will be greatly improved.

This is also the special feature of this subjugation-order dream disaster.


The three people who were muttering suddenly raised their heads.

above the sky,

Ye Zong, who was watching the battle cross-legged with gusto, suddenly scolded.

"I go!"

The next moment, the neck stretched, and the golden light in the eyes almost blinded people.

"What kind of explosive situation did you see? Could it be that Lingyin was crushed?"

"What's so surprising about Lingyin being crushed..."

"So, what is the president surprised about?"

The three were itchy, but unfortunately they didn't have the ability to peep.

Even the high-cold Tianjiangong Dynasty felt a little curious at this moment.

In fact,

Ye Zong was really shocked.

Because, he discovered that after Du Fang entered the village, he actually mingled with the strange creatures in the village.

The appearance of those monsters is extremely terrifying. The aunts and aunts who walked out of the village houses have all been dead for endless years. They look hideous and terrifying. They have terrible strength.

There are also those old farmers, the farm implements on their shoulders are dripping with blood, their appearances are hideous, and their murderous intentions are rolling.

And the children who surround Du Fang,

Some are on all fours, some are climbing on the wall, and they are full of black evil spirits and resentment. They are extremely terrifying ghost babies.

The threat of a group of ghost babies is more terrifying than the subjugation-level monsters!

And Du Fang, surrounded by such a group of terrifying monsters of the subjugation stage, to please and flatter,

With a warm smile on his face, as if he saw something beautiful,

Bustling all the shoved into a mansion in the village.

Watching Du Fang enter the mansion,

Ye Zong's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The look became even more complicated.

That mansion...

It can be said to be the most bizarre place in this dream disaster.

Even Li Lianhua, who had a physical ceiling, was beaten when she entered the mansion, and she doubted her life.

Ye Zong did not know what would happen to Du Fang.

"However, Du Fang has the aura of the same source..."

"Is it possible that the two really have a leg?"

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