This Dream is Funny

Chapter 174: Awakening and Evacuation

Du Fang did not know that Xiaolei Village had become the center of the storm.

However, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be able to complete the task set by Ye Zong.

It can even be said that the task is overdone.

It made Du Fang chuckle, but now there is no need for any psychological burden.

The only pity is that I don't know when I can help my daughter-in-law break this ban, get out of Xiaolei Village, and get out of this dream disaster.

"The seal of the daughter-in-law is not in a hurry for the time being. There is another important thing, and that is to find the head of the daughter-in-law."

"The body of the daughter-in-law is here, but the hand of the daughter-in-law was discovered in the dream disaster outside Gangneung City, which means... the head of the daughter-in-law is very likely also in the dream disaster outside Gangneung City?"

Du Fang looked at Xiaolei Village, which seemed to be in a storm, and fell into contemplation.

He was thinking about what to do next.

In the battle for the top spot, he won the first place by accident.

After all, he had already succeeded in taking the sword,

Originally, if he did not come out in the gray fog, and the others succeeded in holding their swords, and then walked out of the dream disaster, then the champion might have been taken away.


Du Fang also did not expect that when he exited the gray fog, he exited the dream disaster by accident.

As a result, Du Fang became the champion.

Ye Zong released his golden eyes of voyeurism, and golden clouds were constantly filling his eyes.

He fell from the sky,

His eyes fell on Li Lianhua, who was wearing a purple tights.

Afterwards, his gaze turned again and landed on top nationals such as Tianjiangongchao and Cao Kong.

"There has been an accident, you may not be very clear, but, within the dream disaster, the corpse of the Fallen Angel appeared..."

"The corpse of a fallen know what it means, right?"

Ye Zong's long story is short,

He did not explain to everyone the reason for the appearance of the fallen angel's corpse.

Because there is no need, or even, meaningless.

Time is very tight now.

He looked at Du Fang, and then at Mengxiao Xiaolei Village.

"I will wake up the other newcomers. Your task is to send them back to the capital safely, and then rush over to fight."

"We have a very heavy task tonight."

"It is very necessary to guard these fallen angel corpses."

Ye Zong said.

Fallen Angel corpse?

Even the cold Tianjian Palace had a look of shock on his face.

Are the things that have been circulated before true?

In this kingdom-destroying dream disaster, is there really a Fallen Angel corpse?

In fact, the corpse of the Fallen Angel was not just discovered. In other countries, some strong men had also obtained the corpse of the Fallen Angel before they were in the midst of the inexorable dream disaster.

However, most of them are the remains of fallen angel corpses,

For example, the Fallen Angel's arm, the Fallen Angel's finger, the Fallen Angel's heart, etc.

However, a complete fallen angel corpse has basically never been seen.

But now, in the dream disaster in Daxia, there is a fallen angel corpse, which means that this dream disaster may be promoted to no solution in the rating!

In Daxia, there is also an unsolved dream disaster!

"it is good!"

After everyone calmed down, they immediately agreed with Ye Zong's arrangement.

They were all too aware of the reaction of the powerful men of all forces hidden in the mountains and forests around Xiaolei Village when the body of the Fallen Angel appeared.

Greed is inevitable, a fallen angel corpse contains too many things.

There is even a mystery that can make ceiling-level powerhouses break the shackles!

The secret to becoming a true god!

So, crazy...coming soon!

Ye Zong nodded,

Then, facing the direction of Xiaolei Village's dream disaster,

Raising his hand, in his palm, there are strands of sword energy circling and whistling!

The moment he clenched his fists!

These sword qi suddenly exploded!

"wake up!"

Ye Zong whispered.

in a dream,

Zhao Lingyin was sweating profusely and trembling all over.

There was even boundless fear in her eyes.

Because, she felt that the whole world seemed to be stagnant, the terrifying breath was wispy, the void was distorting, and the entire dream disaster seemed to collapse.

She has experienced the pressure that this rank should not bear!

She forcibly supported her half-field and looked up with difficulty,

On this road into the village,

Horror is just too much.

There is a headless figure, which looks incomparably graceful, but it is full of blood, and every strand of evil spirit is a strand.

And in front of this headless figure,

But there is an extremely thick gray fog rolling in,

Zhao Lingyin saw it,

In the gray fog, there are nine coffins looming, as if pushed by the gray fog to appear.

But Du Fang, who had been swallowed by the gray fog, had already disappeared.

"This... what is this?"

Zhao Lingyin felt like someone was grabbing her neck.

Almost dying!

It became extremely difficult for her to even breathe.

The headless figure faced the gray fog and the nine coffins, calm and composed,

However, Zhao Lingyin was unable to calm down and was trembling.

she can feel,

Although she now seems to be able to barely fight against the national level,

However, any power leaked out from this coffin could kill her.

The threat of death was placed in front of her just like that.

Just when Zhao Lingyin was about to lose it,

The scabbard in her hand suddenly trembled.

Sword qi burst out, and in front of her, a ray of light was directly cut off!

The dazzling sword energy seemed to bring hope to her.

Zhao Lingyin only felt that a crack was torn from the sword qi,

An extremely powerful suction burst out from the crack, and then, a familiar sigh emerged from this suction.

"wake up."

Zhao Lingyin lost consciousness.

After Zhao Lingyin woke up leisurely,

Then he found that his will into the dream disaster returned to the flesh.

Her body was dripping with sweat at the moment, and her extremely long legs were trembling uncontrollably.


Zhao Lingyin was a little dazed, and still a little confused.

She looked around and found that the other newcomers to Dream Transcendence seemed to be just like her, or even more unbearable than her.

Some people lay directly on the ground, gasping for breath, without even the strength to move a finger.

Some people sat on the ground, shaking like a sieve.

Others simply fainted and lay motionless on the ground. If it weren't for the heaving chest, Zhao Lingyin would have thought they were dead.

"The safety of the bullshit... The teacher arranged the location of this championship battle here, saying that the safety will be guaranteed..."

"So, this is the so-called guarantee?"

"My teacher is really too pitiful!"

Zhao Lingyin gritted his teeth.

Is this called security?

Let's not talk about the headless figure, let's talk about the last nine coffins...

Just looking at it made her heart palpitate.

Are you telling me to be safe?

However, Zhao Lingyin didn't have time to vent his emotions.

Ye Zong appeared beside her, picked up her collar, and threw it abruptly.

Zhao Lingyin felt that the world was spinning, and her body floated directly into the minibus.

"Find a seat and sit down. If an accident occurs, we will arrange for you to leave here and return to the capital."

Ye Zong's golden eyes glanced at her and said lightly.

"Okay, teacher."

Zhao Lingyin replied obediently.

This time is not good, it will be remembered by the teacher.

Zhao Lingyin never dared to overestimate her teacher's heart.

The other newcomers, Du Mengshi, were also arranged to board the minibus, and everyone was full of confusion when they sat in their seats.

Waiting for all the newcomers to get into the car,

Ye Zong turned his head to look at Du Fang: "You also get in the car and arrange for you to return to the capital."

Du Fang was stunned: "Don't you need my help?"

Ye Zong shook his head: "No need, it will be very dangerous for you to stay."

"Once you are exposed, those forces will definitely take action against you..."

When Du Fang heard the words, he nodded. He didn't insist. He just glanced at Xiaolei Village Mengzai regretfully: "I will come back sooner or later."

Du Fang murmured.

Not being able to take his daughter-in-law away has become a knot in Du Fang's heart.

However, this dream disaster will probably always exist here, so Du Fang is not in a hurry.

He might be able to find the head of his daughter-in-law first.

So, Du Fang turned around and left and stepped into the minibus.

Inside the minibus, the languid Zhao Lingyin saw Du Fang, and her eyes suddenly lit up.


Zhao Lingyin shouted.

Seeing Du Fang, Zhao Lingyin couldn't help but think of the picture he saw on the way to the village in the dream disaster.

Du Fang seemed to follow the headless figure, walking slowly,

In the end, Du Fang plunged into the gray fog.

Zhao Lingyin was very curious about what happened to Du Fang, or what he experienced in the gray fog.

Are the nine coffins floating and sinking in the gray fog related to Du Fang?

She is very curious about these,

Of course, what she is most curious about is,

Whether Du Fang has completed the sword move.

Because Zhao Lingyin didn't finish her way into the village, she failed to draw the sword successfully...

And she has been comparing with Du Fang,

So, there is this question.

Du Fang sat on the chair, turned his head to look at Zhao Lingyin, and said in surprise: "Isn't this a very simple matter? You can successfully draw your sword when you walk to the center of the village. Haven't you entered the village yet?"

Zhao Lingyin: "…"


Although Zhao Lingyin already knew the answer, Du Fang should have succeeded in drawing the sword long ago.

However, when the reality is so red and fruity in front of her.

She still felt a huge sense of frustration.

she lost,

utterly defeated,

Known as a genius girl, she has infinite dream spirit, and she is the awakened half-realm.

Unexpectedly lost in the rookie Dream Master Invitational Tournament, UU Kanshu failed to become the champion!

Just when Zhao Lingyin was embarrassed alone,

On the bus, a figure stepped into it.

It was the Heavenly Sword Palace Dynasty who was carrying a coffin-like giant sword.

His appearance caused the exclamation of many newcomers in the minibus.


On the face of Tianjiangongchao, it was as cold as ever, and even a little more solemn.

He turned to look at the driver of the minibus.

Seriously and coldly.

"Drive, hurry!"

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