This Dream is Funny

Chapter 176: A Swordsman's Perseverance

"This dream is very interesting (

Boom boom boom!

The roar of the engine exploded on the mountain road.

Inside the bus, there was a dead silence.

Everyone's face was pale,

They were all at a loss and at a loss for what was happening at this moment.

They listened to the conversation above the sky,

Feeling the terrifying pressure that permeated the whole world, even the body trembled slightly for a while.

Great Summer Country...

Is there going to be a war?

The war between the dreamers?

Since the birth of the profession of dreamer, the whole world has been caught in a strange balance.

Some small countries were destroyed by the dream disaster, and some big countries rose up in the experience of the dream disaster.

However, it has long been claimed that

The profession of a dreamer has already broken the balance between people and countries, and countries with powerful dreamers will sooner or later fall into an inevitable war.

The world calls it,

The First World Dreamer War!

Could it be that the first World Dream Trainer War, which is enough to sweep the whole world, is about to break out now?

The atmosphere inside the minibus was extremely depressing.

Du Fang is thinking,

Zhao Lingyin, who was sitting next to him, was shaking uncontrollably.

Zhao Lingyin clutched the Vulcan Spear. Although she never looked back or looked out of the window, she seemed to be able to see Ye Zong who was besieged by powerhouses from all sides above the sky.

The embattled Yezong!

That's her teacher,

Although Zhao Lingyin refused to accept the teacher, it was because of Ye Zong's training method.

Now, her teacher may face a life-and-death crisis.

Zhao Lingyin could only run away helplessly.

The strong Zhao Lingyin never thought that she would encounter such a situation,

weak power,

Made her feel extremely powerless.


She clenched her fists suddenly, as if flames were burning in her eyes,

Suddenly stood up.

"We can't escape, we can't escape, I am also a dreamer, we are the dreamer of Daxia!"

"Escape from battle is not our style!"


Zhao Lingyin snorted.

inside the car,

Many newcomers Du Meng Shi looked at Zhao Lingyin blankly, and then, some enthusiastic Du Meng Shi also stood up.

"Yeah, what are you running away from?"

"We were mentally prepared when we became Dreamers. We are the best newcomers in the provinces. We can't be deserters!"

"Battle, fight!"

When someone starts,

Others will be infected, and their hearts will be filled with courage.

for a while,

Inside the swaying minibus, everyone was boiling with fighting intent.


A rush of breath,

Tianjiangongchao, who was carrying a coffin-like sword, glanced at them.

In the rigid and cold eyes, there was a touch of soft light and satisfaction.

But soon, the soft light was hidden by him, and he glanced at everyone: "Stay obediently, this battle is not what you can imagine."

"Your level is not enough. If you join it, you will only die in vain."

"We Dream Masters can die, but those who can't die are worthless."

Tianjian Palace said.

However, in the carriage, the blood of everyone still did not stop.

Gong Chao ignored them: "Don't worry, with me, I will **** you back to the capital."

"Once you return to the capital, with the defensive power of the capital, even a ceiling-level powerhouse will not dare to step into it easily, and you will die."

"But here, outside the capital, there is not enough power to limit the ceiling-level powerhouse."

"So, this level of battle is not something you can mix in."

"Master driver, keep driving, don't stop."

Tianjian Palace said.

"it is good!"

The driver who incarnates the Qiu Ming Mountain Bike God seems to be emotionally infected. He feels the great responsibility of his body. He replied with enthusiasm, and continued to step on the accelerator!

Tianjian Palace stretched out his hand and grabbed the coffin-like hilt of the great sword behind him.

"You are the future hope of the Great Xia Kingdom, and you are still very weak now."

"Now, all you have to do is to live."

Tianjian said.

words fall,

jerked out,

With a tearing sound, a gap was cut open on the roof of the car.

Tianjian stepped out in one step, went straight up into the sky, and landed on the top of the minibus.

Holding an epee obliquely, with a slender figure,

Stand up straight and look straight at the sky!

The new people holding swords and sticking to the carriage,

Just like he always sticks to Daxia,

Hold on to what you need to hold on to.

This is,

The persistence of a swordsman.



"Who dares!!!"

A roar,

Like a rolling wave, it swept in all directions. In the dense forest, the trees swayed and were bent over.

Ye Zong shouted loudly, and murderous intent rolled in his eyes.

The ceiling powerhouse of the Brahma Kingdom changed his target and went to the many young newcomers in the minibus that were about to leave this area.

This is simply touching Ye Zong's inverse scale!

"Tonight, I, Ye Zong, will definitely kill you!"

Ye Zong's voice was endlessly cold.

However, the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom smiled faintly.

Ye Zong is indeed powerful, and as the ceiling of the new Brahma Kingdom, he is one-on-one.

He definitely dared to die boldly for Ye Zong to see!

As the pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Yezong who supported the Great Xia Kingdom to cross the Dream Master Realm, this Brahma Kingdom ceiling powerhouse is naturally also afraid.

Compared with strength, the gap still exists.

Between the ceiling and the ceiling, although there is no distinction between the three stages of front, middle and back like the national level dreamer, there is still a gap between them. The existence of a little gap is even worse than that of the national level. The gap in the middle class is even bigger!

However, the Brahma Kingdom powerhouse is very clear that the situation tonight has exceeded Ye Zong's expectations.

No matter how many strong men shot at the same time,

Or the corpses of nine fallen angels appeared in the dream disaster...

This is no longer something Ye Zong can control.

As long as he catches the group of young dream-transversal masters from the Great Xia Kingdom, he is absolutely sure to exchange for a Fallen Angel corpse.

Nine fallen angel corpses, as long as you get one,

He retreated back to the Brahma Kingdom,

Even if the war between the two countries is really worth it, the big deal is to ask for help from the Federation, and the Federation will never sit back and watch Daxia become stronger.

How about unscrupulous? !

What about shameless?


Ye Zong can't just arrest him and fight him now.

New World, Shennu, Huangquan and other dream organizations,

There are also big powers such as the Federation, the Icefield and Snow Country...

Ye Zong was afraid that his eyebrows would be on fire.

Even if he speaks fiercely, this Brahma country ceiling is not afraid!


The Buddha's light shone around the strong man of the Brahma Kingdom, turning into a streamer and rushing towards the minibus where Du Fang and the others were!

Tianjian stands on the roof of the car,

Cao Kong and Yan Fei were suspended around him.

The three looked very serious.

They never thought that when Ye Zong called them, such a fierce battle would really break out.

Nine fallen angel corpses, the ceilings of various countries, the top combat power of the major dream demon organizations...

The three of them had heavy hearts,

Can Daxia Kingdom really be able to protect it?

As the saying goes, every man who is innocent is guilty of guilt,

Even if the strength of the dreamer of the Great Xia Kingdom is very strong in the world,

However, there are only four ceiling-level powerhouses in the Great Xia Kingdom, including Ye Zong.

And the countries and major organizations present joined forces,

The existence of the ceiling level is beyond the limit that the Great Xia Kingdom can bear!

"Three national level..."

"Can you stop me?"

The ceiling powerhouse of the Brahma Kingdom showed an indifferent smile.

"You **** the little guys away."

"This guy, I'll fight him."

Tianjian Palace said coldly.

Holding the big sword like a coffin board, step by step from the top of the Chinese bus to the sky!

"Are you alone?"

Cao Kong said with a serious expression.

"Fight to death, yes."

Tianjian replied lightly.

After that, Cao Kong and Yan Fei didn't say anything.

They continued to drive towards the outside of Xiaolei Village with the minibus.

"You're not a ceiling-level dreamer, you're just a national level... You are also worthy of stopping me?"

call out!

A roar, as if flames tore through the sky.

The ceiling powerhouse of the Brahma Kingdom appeared in front of Tianjian Palace and said coldly.

His bronzed skin seemed to reflect light.

He put his palms together, like a monk or a Buddha.

He stretched out a palm,

This palm exudes golden light, like pouring gold, filled with Buddha's will and Sanskrit, full of divine will, between the palms, seems to condense a square-inch Buddha country,

With the power of the domain,

Shoot towards the palace!

Tianjiangongchao's slender body is incomparably tough, and his hair is flying, full of fighting intent.

"What about the ceiling level?"

"Like you, the weakest ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom, why do I need to take action from the ceiling of Xia Xia."

"My palace... one person is enough!"

The words fall.

The big sword in Gong Chao's hand raised in an instant,

Around his body, a circle-shaped sword energy rose from the ground and rushed into the sky.

A sword qi that seemed to cut open the sky, blended with the dream spirit, slammed the palm of the strong man on the ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom!

The terrifying air machine is intertwined and torn.

Between the collision of dream spirits, it seems to destroy the sky and destroy the earth!

Buddha light and sword energy are intertwined,

It's like the Buddha and the sword fairy are fighting!


Bright light illuminates the night,

Countless trees were swept up by the storm of dream spirits that the two fought, and they all bowed their heads!

And above the night sky,

When the cathartic dream spirit energy dissipates,

The ceiling powerhouse of the Brahma Kingdom was suspended in the air with an ugly expression. He looked at his palm,

A sword mark appeared in the palm of the hand that seemed to be poured with gold!


Gong Chao held the big sword in his hand. After the collision, he sank and fell 300 meters, stepping on the ground with both feet.

make the earth sink,

But when the smoke clears,

in the deep pit,

Gong Chao's slender and thin body stood up straight, the giant sword in his hand was slowly raised, and the sword energy fence around his body rose into the sky!

Pointing to the strong ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom in the sky.

"The Brahma ceiling, that's all."


Even if the eyes of the powerhouses who besieged Yezong were different,

A national-level dreamer and a ceiling-level dreamer, that's the gap between the two classes!


This person can actually cut down the ceiling with a national level!

for a while,

Many strong people have thought of a saying circulating in the world.

The dreamer of the Great Xia Kingdom is good at swordsmanship.

Among them, the two people who are best at swordsmanship, one of them is Ye Zong,

The second is the captain of the Tianjian team.

Heavenly Sword Palace Dynasty!

PS; Monday, ask for recommended tickets!

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