This Dream is Funny

Chapter 192: I, Du Fang, are not that kind of person.

For Ye Zong's request,

Yaya informed the owner of the family through a special sound transmission,

At this moment, the owner of the house is angry, although he never appeared, but when Du Fang's will was immersed in the dream of a beautiful painting style,

The will of the head of the family will wake up for a moment.

Originally, he planned to take advantage of this waking time to take good supplements.

Taste the small **** core of the elder level,

It actually exploded.

Even if he shot in time and wanted to stop the loss, he could only draw the power of the small divine core, which does not exist in ten.

This made the owner very unhappy,


The corpses of the nine fallen angels, the master planned to devour them all,

However, the corpses of these nine fallen angels were actually in a beautiful dream, seeking Du Fang and asking them to serve Yaya.

The thing that makes the owner speechless the most is...

Du Fang actually agreed.

This made the owner even more depressed.

Du Fang really doesn't know anything about his identity!

However, even though it was Du Fang's decision, Du Fang's decision is the decision of the head of the family.

Therefore, the owner did not choose to go back on his word.

Although the corpses of the nine fallen angels would taste very good,

However, the owner of the house is not the kind of existence who does not choose food.

Moreover, in this world, with the continuous coming of dream disasters, the number of Fallen Angel corpses will definitely not be small, and even... there will be living Fallen Angels appearing.

At that time, he can make up for it.

There is no need to ruin your reputation for the corpses of the nine fallen angels.

As for Yaya's question, the owner of the house is too lazy to care.

I directly chose to agree.

Fallen Angels are just corpses... Dead Fallen Angels are nothing but good things, even if you study them, you can't study them.

Therefore, the owner did not refuse.

Absorbed the power of the small Divine Core, plus the will of two ceiling-level dream demons,

Although the owner of the house was never born, he had a full meal and fell back into a deep sleep.

Yaya informed Ye Zong of the situation, and then waved her hands to let them leave.

Ye Zong was barely able to communicate with Yaya with the help of his peeping eyes.

So, Ye Zong was overjoyed when he learned what Yaya meant!

No refusal!

This means that this trip to the Great Xia Kingdom is still rewarding.

The dreamer of the Great Xia Kingdom has the opportunity to enter the dream disaster and conduct research related to the corpse of the Fallen Angel.

Although it is not possible to conduct studies such as autopsies as before,

It may be a good thing to be able to study and communicate.

Ye Zong didn't hesitate too much, and after getting the benefit, he hurried away.

With Tianjian Palace Chao and Li Lianhua, he hurriedly left Mengjiao.

The three set foot on the road leaving the village,

He looked back at the dead ceilings in the village.

Ye Zong took a deep breath,

He knew that once he got out of the dream disaster, the waves outside would surge.

Federation, Snow Country, Divine Core, Dream Demon Organization, etc...

They are all dead ceilings,

As for the ceiling-level powerhouses, as a country and the top combat power of an organization, there are people watching their vital signs all the time.

At the moment of death, the outside world obviously got the news.

Next, the Great Xia Kingdom needs to withstand great pressure and storms.

However, everything is worth it.

In this battle, Da Xia did not suffer much loss.

Even, Gong Chao broke through to the ceiling level because of the pressure,

It added a ceiling to the Great Xia Kingdom, and also received the approval of the Lord of Weirdness, and was able to enter the dream disaster to study the corpse of the Fallen Angel!

While adding the ceiling,

Hostile strength reduces the ceiling.

Doesn't this mean that the Great Xia Kingdom has added the advantage of two ceilings?

This advantage is too great!

When stepping out of the dream disaster,

Ye Zong almost couldn't close his mouth with laughter.

Outside of the dream disaster, Cao Kong sat on the ground dejectedly, his eyes were slightly absent-minded,

When he saw Ye Zong, Gong Chao and Li Lianhua coming out, he was shocked, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

Especially the Palace Dynasty,

Gong Chao is not dead!

However, soon, Cao Kong's expression froze.


There were only three people who came out.

And in the dream disaster, there is another Du Fang!

What about Du Fang?

This time, when I entered the dream disaster, it was not the spiritual will to enter, but the physical body to step into it together.

Therefore, Cao Kong had no idea what was going on inside, nor did he know who died and who lived.

However, now, he knows.

Those who can come out are bound to survive.

And didn't come out...


are all dead.

"Where's Du Fang?"

Cao Kong's lips were trembling.

Although he didn't have much contact with Du Fang, Cao Kong was very optimistic and fond of this talented young man and the future pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The existence of such a talented monster can definitely replace Ye Zong to support the future of the Great Xia Kingdom!

However, Du Fang did not come out...

Cao Kong's eyes dimmed for a moment, full of loss.

He even covered his mouth,

Don't let yourself cry.


Du Fang is gone.

Ye Zong, Gong Chao, and Li Lianhua looked at Cao Kong, who was covering his mouth, so sad that he could hardly breathe.

Ye Zong's mouth twitched,

He saw Cao Kong's thoughts at a glance and planned to explain.

However, he has not spoken yet,

He raised his head,

far away,

The sirens blared, the engines of military trucks roared,

The lights shone, and the sound of breaking the sky resounded one after another.

Cangyuan's Cangyuan Squad, and the members of the Heavenly Sword Squad arrived one after another, each with anxiety and fighting intent on their faces.

Yan Fei was covered in blood, carrying an iron spear as he walked step by step.

There are also troops in military uniforms, holding hot weapons, and rushing in densely.

Military tanks, military helicopters, and all kinds of artillery and firearms,

All are shipped.

Get ready for a fight.

Cang Yuan was carrying a long knife on his back, and his face was full of grief and grief.

Walking in front of Ye Zong, he clasped his fists and said sternly, "President!"

"We are slow to come to help, please forgive me, President!"

Ye Zong smiled, glanced at Cang Yuan, then glanced at the many raiding teams that came to help, and waved his hand gently: "Don't worry, the problem has been solved."

"However, since everyone has come, then all those with ulterior motives around the dream disaster will be arrested!"

"Don't let one go."

Ye Zong said.

Ye Zong knew very well that after tonight, Xiaolei Village's dream disaster would definitely escalate into an unsolvable dream disaster.

And in the dream disaster, the news that there are nine fallen angel corpses will definitely spread, attracting the whole world to watch.

Therefore, Ye Zong intends to take advantage of this opportunity to unplug all the powers of the surrounding countries and major organizations.

Anyway, the ceiling-level powerhouses stationed in various countries are dead.

There are basically no strong men who can stop Daxia.

And the death of these ceilings will inevitably cause countries and major forces to turn against the Great Xia Kingdom.

Since you have to turn your face,

Ye Zong simply strikes first and becomes stronger!

Ye Zong's order made Cang Yuan and many other raiding team leaders who came to help stunned.

The captains of these raiding squads are all national-level dreamers, and none of them are weak.

They naturally knew that around Xiaolei Village's dream disaster, there were hidden eyeliners and powerhouses from various forces.

However, due to the rules set by the World Dream Transmitter Association,

Daxia never expelled these powerhouses.

However, tonight, Ye Zong actually ordered them to do their best to arrest these eyeliners?

Everyone is not stupid.

Suddenly, I smelled something unusual.


Are you planning to declare war with the world? !


Cang Yuan didn't think too much. As Ye Zong's little fanboy, since Ye Zong ordered, he naturally obeyed.

The other squad leaders also accepted the order.


Just after they had just accepted the order.

In the dream disaster, gray fog surged.


In the eyes of everyone,

One after another, tattered corpses were thrown out...

It hit the ground like rotten meat.

For a moment,

Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became quiet!

The first to throw out...

It is the black axe of the new world,

The death is very tragic,

Afterwards, Kate, Bingji, Zipao and Judge Huangquan...

Waiting for the corpses of the ceiling-level existences to be thrown out by the dream disaster.

Everyone was stunned!

Cao Kong, who was still sad at first, suddenly opened his mouth wide.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, and he was horrified.


Are all dead? !

Five ceiling-level existences, plus the weakest ceiling of the Brahma Kingdom who was hacked to death by Gong Chao...

That is to say,

Tonight, outside Xiaolei Village,

Did four ceiling-level powerhouses die in battle? !

In the dream disaster, what happened?

Cao Kong is not stupid.

It is very clear that with Ye Zong alone, Gong Chao and Li Lianhua's strength, it is absolutely impossible to kill five powerful ceiling powerhouses.

The only explanation is that something happened in the dream disaster that they didn't know about!

"Don't worry, Du Fang is not dead, entering this dream disaster... He is just like going home."

Ye Zong said sourly.

Calm down Cao Kong's emotions.

Cang Yuan and the others took a deep look at Mengzai, and then glanced at the dead ceiling-level corpses on the ground in horror and excitement.

Then, one by one excitedly burst out,

With many raiding teams,

Ooao screamed and began to hunt and arrest the eyeliners and strong men of various forces hidden in the dense forest.

The horizon of the sky is white with fish belly.

in the jungle,

There are black crows chirping, and the birds are frightened.

In the dream disaster, Du Fang chatted happily with the nine aunties.

Although Du Fang could feel a touch of awe in the eyes of the aunties, it did not prevent him from having a pleasant chat with them.

Soon, the daughter-in-law also came back.

Nine-curved promenade, between carved railings and waterside pavilions.

The daughter-in-law, wearing a red cheongsam and stepping on red embroidered shoes, came gracefully.

Between the slits of the cheongsam, there is a touch of whiteness like plain snow looming.

When Du Fang saw his daughter-in-law come back, in fact, he already knew it.

It seems that the dream disaster in reality should have been resolved.

The previous daughter-in-law was not in the mansion, so maybe it was to solve these problems.

I don't know, what is the situation of President Yezong and the others?

Of course, Du Fang didn't think too much.

The daughter-in-law came to Du Fang's side and gently squeezed Du Fang's shoulders and massaged her.

When the aunties faced their daughter-in-law Yaya, they all became very respectful, as if they had turned into maids.

If the outsiders saw it, UU Reading would never have imagined that these nine maid-like aunts would actually be nine Fallen Angels!

They stood up and surrounded Yaya.

He gave up the position beside Du Fang to Yaya.

Yaya massaged Du Fang for a while,

Then, he raised his hand and beckoned to the nine aunties.

"My husband gave you a chance, how should you express it, do you understand?"

Although Yaya has no head for now,

But between the fluctuations of the dream spirit,

There was still a faint and cold voice resounding.

When Du Fang, who was enjoying a massage, heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

What did the daughter-in-law say?


He helped the aunties, where do you need any indication?

He Du Fang is not that kind of person!

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