This Dream is Funny

Chapter 195: Kidnapping and Fishing

The galloping car is galloping fast on the highway.

The sky gradually became brighter,

The night finally passed, and the day slowly came.

The little assistant Su Xiaoyu sat in the limousine, her brows furrowed as if they were twisted together. She sat in the car, but she was full of unease. M.bΙQμGètν.còM

When she received the news from Chen Xi, she panicked.

She would never have thought that her grandfather would be kidnapped.

Being able to kidnap Mr. Su is definitely not an ordinary person, because after what happened last time,

The old man Su spent a lot of money to increase the defensive capability of the villa, and hired many powerful dreamers.

The power of these dream-fighting masters, even in Gangneung City, is first-class.

Even a city-level dreamer would be difficult to kidnap and take away Mr. Su.

After all, Mr. Su has a special identity and keeps in touch with the Dreamers Association in Jiangling City at all times.

Once something happens, the Gangneung City Dreamers Association will go all out to support it.

And being able to kidnap the old man Su in such a short period of time shows that the strength of the person who shot it is absolutely outrageous, and it may even be... at the national level!

Thinking of this,

The worried look on the assistant's face became even more intense.

A heart is uneasy.

Sitting in the car, the whole person was a little restless.


The light dimmed.

The little assistant was stunned for a moment.

She looked at Gangneung City through the car window,

Seeing this, her eyes could not help shrinking.

Because, the entire Jiangling City seems to be shrouded in an extremely thick gray fog, as if the night has not yet passed, and the day is still coming!

It was as if the end of the world was looming over the entire Gangneung City.

This city seems to be completely isolated from the outside world!

become out of tune with the whole world.

The icy wind was blowing, as if it had a pungent **** smell...

The little assistant couldn't help but feel a chill all over his body.

The vehicle is moving fast,

Driving towards Gangneung City is like driving towards the city of doomsday.

The little assistant turned his eyes away, and the worry in his heart was even worse.

Not only was he worried about Mr. Su, but he was also worried about Jiangling City.

She opened her palm,

In the palm of the hand, there is the word "square".

This is the word that Du Fang left to the little assistant.

Looking at this word, the little assistant's restless heart gradually calmed down, as if he had the comfort of the backbone.


The car drove into Gangneung City.

Driving along the mountain road, I came to the villa where Mr. Su was.

The iron gate of the villa slowly opened,

However, the surrounding area of ​​the villa was cordoned off.

The assistant got out of the car and staggered for a few steps.

She had not slept all night, and rushed back to Jiangling City from the capital. At this moment, her whole state looked a little tired.

The members of the wildfire team rushed over immediately.

Zhang Changlin was smoking a cigarette, frowning tightly. When he saw the little assistant, he snuffed out the cigarette.

"came back?"

Zhang Changlin said.

The little assistant nodded, Chen Xi, Si Nan and other members who had a good relationship with the little assistant hurried over to help her.

"Your grandfather was kidnapped. Judging from the signs of the battle and the remaining dream spirits... the shooter is likely to be a national level."

The Li Ang couple walked out of the manor.

Li Ang's glasses flickered. He took off his gloves and looked at the assistant: "At the scene, we also found some body fragments."

"According to the comparison, this corpse... is your brother Su Hao."

Li Ang's words made the little assistant tremble.

Su Hao is dead?

This is something that the little assistant never imagined.

Although she and Su Hao didn't deal with each other, Su Hao was her relative, the grandson of the old man.

However, Su Hao died in the manor...

This made the little assistant's heart come up again, which shows that the kidnapping of Mr. Su's existence is definitely not a good thing.

The other party may tear up the ticket at any time!

Li Ang looked at Zhang Changlin: "Notify President Tang Nai that the whole city is blocked."

"It is suspected that a foreign national-level dreamer escaped into Gangneung City and committed a crime."

Li Ang's words caused Zhang Changlin's complexion to change slightly.

Foreign national level?

In fact, Li Ang didn't dare to confirm it before, but now he probably knows it.

The powerful aura I sensed at the airport before.

It should be a powerful dreamer from abroad.

Mixed with Su Hao and kidnapped Mr. Su again...

Li Ang could obviously feel that the other party was not kind.

And Li Ang's words made the little assistant completely confused.

A national-level dreamer kidnapped grandpa?

Isn't that grandfather bad luck?

"Why did he kidnap Grandpa?"

The little assistant bit her lip and asked worriedly.

Li Ang looked over, thought about it, and said slowly: "If I remember correctly, did Su Hao bring back a mysterious taboo device from the Federation some time ago?"

"Although that taboo device is not a sequence, but... maybe it has a value that we don't know, and the other party should come for this taboo device."

Li Ang's sharp analysis.

"A national-level a country's top combat power. Except for the ceiling-level powerhouse, the national-level dreamer is the strongest."

"Every national-level dreamer cherishes their feathers very much, and they won't shoot easily."

"And the only thing that can make a national-level dream master not hesitate to kidnap is something that is very attractive to the other party, such as taboo devices."

The assistant seemed to have thought of something when he heard the words.

She raised her hand subconsciously and saw the word "square" written in the palm of her hand.

And this word was written by Du Fang with a taboo pen.

The taboo device seems to have been obtained by Du Fang from the manor.

The last time, Su Hao rushed into the manor with those hired dream-transforming masters, and one of the dream-transforming masters aimed at this pen.

Perhaps, the other party's purpose this time is also for this pen?

For a while, the assistant's mood was a little confused.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Zhang Changlin called Tang Nai, president of the Gangneung City Dreamers Association.

Tang Nai was very serious about what happened this time, and immediately issued an order to block all means of transportation out of the city.

After doing all this, Li Ang still did not relax.

He raised his hand and tugged at his suit and tie, so that he could breathe easier.

His eyes looked outside Gangneung City,

As far as the eye can see, there is only a piece of gray, with a thick gray fog, constantly surging from the ground,

It was as if an open mouth of blood was about to swallow the entire city of Gangneung.

"It feels like something big is about to happen..."

"That moving dream disaster seems to be on the verge of erupting."

Sweat beaded slightly on Li Ang's forehead.

"Before this dream disaster broke out, the dreamer who was suspected of coming from the Federation in Gangneung City had to be resolved."

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Li Ang made a plan in his mind.

The next moment, the dream spirit between his eyebrows began to stir frantically.

In the depths of his eyes, there seemed to be a rolling grey mist.

Eyes of Gray Mist...

Search the whole city!



Gangneung City,

An abandoned engineering building.

The building only has concrete shelves, no walls, and it looks empty.

Under the gray fog-shrouded Gangneung City, it looked extremely gloomy.

Carl is burly, with blond hair spread out,

He was holding a wine bottle in his hand, the liquor exuded the pungent smell of alcohol,

However, Carl didn't care at all and kept pouring the wine into his mouth.

Behind Carl,

Old Master Su fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner.

He couldn't move at all, even if he didn't have any bindings on his body, but the powerful Mengling, the oppressed Old Master Su only had the strength to breathe.

It seems that as long as Carl exerts a little force, Mengling can completely crush the soul of Master Su.

This is the first time that Mr. Su has been so close to death.

It was also the first time that Mr. Su understood that power is terrifying!

Even before that, Mr. Su was already in awe of the power of the Dreamer Master.

However, when the truly powerful Dream Transcendent Master appeared in front of him, Mr. Su still felt his insignificance.

Carl drank the wine wildly, the wine flowing down the corner of his mouth.

He glanced at Mr. Su: "Old man, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me where the pen is, because I can already feel the breath of that pen."

"That breath is too unique and special, and it can't be concealed at all."

"It came from outside the city. It seems that the news that I kidnapped you is still useful."

The corners of Carl's mouth lifted.

"Although it's shameful to kidnap you as an old thing, as far as I am concerned, but for that pen, I have to do it."

"Besides, the Gangneung gold medal raiding team that killed my brother... is called Wildfire, right?"

"I can find out even if you don't tell me. Although my relationship with my brother is not very good, he is my brother and my relative after all."

"Wildfire Squad... The most powerful dreamer is the one called Zhang Changlin, right?"

"They are very concerned about you, you said... If I reveal your will they come?"

"Fishing, you need bait!"

Carl grinned, showing his cold teeth.

Then, with great effort,

The wine bottle burst in an instant.

Mr. Su, who fell to the ground, suddenly became cold around him.

On Mr. Su's body, a thick chain made entirely of ice crystals bound him.


The ice crystal chains trembled.


The bound old man Su felt that he was thrown out by a huge force.

A bang!

From an abandoned building more than 20 stories high, he flew out.

There was a clatter.

Suspended above 100 meters in the air!

Like a bait hanging on a hook in the water!

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